יום שישי, 6 במאי 2022

Daily EoZ Digest

Contemptible If Not Now antisemites justify the murder of Jewsnoreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 06 May 04:45 AM IfNotNow didn't ignore the terror attac

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Contemptible If Not Now antisemites justify the murder of Jews
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 06 May 04:45 AM

IfNotNow didn't ignore the terror attack that killed three Jews yesterday. They justified it, while pretending to "grieve."
They tweeted:

We are grieving the loss of life today from an attack in the city of Elad, where three Israelis were killed and four were injured.

Each of these lives is sacred, each one a whole world no longer with us.

And we grieve the power imbalance fueling this violence – Israel's apartheid system, where walls and weapons create a daily nightmare for all Palestinians.

Where Israeli gov. has nuclear arms and intl support, while Palestinians lack rights to self-defense + self-determination.

They pointedly don't condemn the murders. After their perfunctory "grief" at the loss of life, they then also "grieve" the circumstances that forced Palestinians to murder Jews. That would be the "power imbalance" where Jews have power so therefore Palestinians, having no sense of free will or morality according to INN logic, have little choice but to murder random Jews.

You see, the only reason Jews are dead is because of that Jews do. Palestinians, as always, have no agency. This was merely self defense, a right that Israel doesn't give them so they must take it.

Israel has nuclear arms. So, naturally, Palestinians have to kill Jews. This is the pathetic logic of rabid Israel haters who use their ostensible Judaism for the sole purpose of saying Jews are pure evil.

If Jews being powerful...Read More

05/05 Links Pt2: 3 dead, 4 injured in terror attack in Elad in central Israel; Israel is not a shtetl, Messrs. Putin and Lavrov; An American-illustrated declaration of the Zionist dream
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 05 May 05:00 PM

From Ian:

Israel is not a shtetl, Messrs. Putin and Lavrov

What happened?

Well, something happens to some people when things go wrong. They revert to old labels and libels. Many of us have had this experience on a personal level when a trusted friend, suffering a setback, goes, shockingly, to a dark place, and thus reveals a hidden, ugly truth about himself. Amazing how this happens to you and me and…throughout history.

Until the present day…a period in which Israel celebrates its Independence, won by a miracle or two and by the heroism of its sons and daughters.

Out of the ashes, Israel is a strong, vibrant country, world-class in science, technology, agriculture, medicine, literature, and certainly as a model in democracy.

All it took was 74 years, when other nations are still learning to tie their shoelaces.

Therefore, Israel is not a shtetl that can be pushed around, as it was in the good old days.

Enter Lavrov. It's tempting to signify his comments as beyond the pale…as we speak of any insinuation beyond reason.

Just as likely, we're talking about the Pale of Settlement, a region designated as places of confinement for Russia's Jews between the mid-1700s until 1917.

Thus it was under the tsars, and likewise under Stalin and his purges.

Somehow the instinct persists. Which has it that Jews are to be marked as separate and unequal and always to be subject to the whims of these or those tyrannical overlords...Read More

Elder Comix: Misdirection works
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 05 May 03:05 PM

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Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424.

Read all about it here!

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Boy Shocked To Learn He Becomes Bar Mitzva Even If Event Not On TikTok (PreOccupied Territory)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 05 May 01:30 PM

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

Check out their Facebook page.

Jerusalem, May 5 - A local tweenager whose family and community will mark his transition into Jewish adulthood on the Jewish Sabbath voiced his surprise and dismay that neither the ceremony nor the celebratory buffet to follow will enjoy preservation on video, and his further emotional upheaval at his discovery that despite the lack of uploaded content associated with the transition, his status as an adult Jew will nevertheless have the same validity as any other.

Asaf Ganz, 12, will become a bar mitzva - literally, "subject to commandment" - on the ninth of the Jewish month of Iyar, which this year coincides with Tuesday, May 10. Among other changes, he will then count as one of the ten adult Jewish men who constitute the minimum number for a minyan, or ceremonial quorum that represents the community in spiritual matters. His customary reading from the Torah will take place that Saturday, when Jewish law prohibits the wielding of electronic devices. That prospect frightened the social-media-addicted youth into believing the entire affair might not count, since no one on Tiktok, Instagram, or other networks will get to see it. His devastation gave way to horror when his mother informed him that the validity of his thirteenth birthday, and thus of his passage...Read More

05/05 Links Pt1: Hippocratic Israel Magnifies Kevod Shamayim in a Hypocritical World; It Is NOT Israel Independence Day But Israel REESTABLISHMENT Day
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 05 May 11:00 AM

From Ian:

Israel Rings in 74th Independence Day With Jerusalem Torch-Lighting Ceremony

After a mournful day commemorating its fallen soldiers and victims of terror, Israel kicked off its 74th Independence Day celebrations on Wednesday evening, with a festive ceremony on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem attended by government leaders, military brass, and representatives of swaths of Israeli society.

The festivities included performances from military flag-bearers, as well as star singers Raviv Kaner, Sarit Hadded, Idan Amedi, and Valerie Hamati, before thousands of audience members, among them Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi, Knesset Speaker Mickey Levy, and government ministers.

In line with annual tradition, the event featured a ceremonial torch-lighting honoring citizens who hail from various segments of Israeli society. This year's torchbearers included activists focused on disability rights, sexual violence, and troubled youth, as well as a masked, unnamed commander of the Israeli police's counter-terrorism unit.

One of the selected torchbearers — Elizabetha Sherstock, head of the Jewish community in the Ukrainian city of Sumy — dedicated her lighting to Jewish organizations worldwide. Asael Shabo, who was injured in a Palestinian terrorist attack that killed his mother and three siblings in 2002, and who later competed on...Read More

Palestinian Authority may pass a law blocking any negative coverage by the media
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 05 May 09:00 AM

Khaled Abu Toameh reports in Gatestone that the Palestinian Authority is considering a new law that not only restricts what local Palestinian media can report, but is meant to stop even foreign media from reporting anything critical about the PA or Palestinians altogether.The law would grant the Minister of Information the right to block any Palestinian or foreign media from operating in territory administered by the PA if they don't "respect Palestinian identity and history:" or if they produce "any material that would prejudice the Palestinian identity or prejudice the Palestinian narrative."

Which means that the PA would be able to take away the media licenses of anyone who is even mildly critical of the corrupt PA and its fake narratives.

Abu Toameh notes:

The timing of the proposed bill is not coincidental.

It comes on the eve of the meeting in a few weeks of the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee, a committee consisting of donor countries that serves as the main policy-level coordination mechanism for development assistance to the Palestinian people.

The PA leadership is hoping that the committee will approve additional and unconditional funding for the Palestinians.

That is why it is critical for PA leader Mahmoud Abbas and his senior officials in Ramallah, the de facto capital of the Palestinians, to ensure that the media...Read More

Even though Jews displayed Israeli flags and sang Hatikva on Temple Mount, Palestinians declared victory (videos)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 05 May 06:37 AM

This week's events on the Temple Mount were significantly different from what has been the pattern lately.

In the run up to Israeli police allowing Jews to resume visiting the holy site, one Temple Mount group called on visitors to unfurl the Israeli flag and sing songs during their visit. This caused huge headlines in the Palestinian and Jordanian media, with Hamas and Fatah threatening major repercussions - including a religious war - if something like that was allowed.
The Israeli police issued a statement saying that the status quo will be respected.
In the April riots, violence was instigated by the Palestinians against the police, Israeli police responded, and the response was used as an excuse for inciting the Arab world.
Today, the opposite occurred.
There were some incidents of Palestinians attacking the police and some response. It did not escalate.
Muslims jeered the Jews, chanting, "With our souls and our blood, we will redeem you, Al Aqsa" and "Allah hu Abkar" as police kept them away.

But more than that, the Temple groups did exactly what they said they would. At least two Israeli flags were unfurled, both apparently immediately confiscated by police. The Israeli national anthem Hatikva was sung.

This video shows the young man escorted out of the Mount as those with him sing Hatikva.

In a second incident, this video shows a man taking out a small flag and displaying it. The group then sings Hatikva without apparent police interference as they tour.

These are...Read More

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