We don't know the truth about Shireen Abu Aqleh's death. We DO know that only one side cares about the truth.noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 11 May 04 | This morning, Al Jazeera reporter Shireen Abu Aqleh was killed by a bullet to her head during a firefight in Jenin between Israeli forces and Palestinian militants. That's all we know for sure. But the reactions to her death show a huge difference in how each side cares about the truth. From the Israeli side: "During the operation in Jenin refugee camp, suspects fired an enormous amount of gunfire at troops and hurled explosive devices. [Israeli] forces fired back" the Israeli army said in a statement. "Hits were identified," the military added, although there were no reports of Palestinian casualties beyond the two journalists. The army said it was "looking into the possibility that journalists were injured, potentially by Palestinian gunfire." In video from the scene, Palestinian gunmen can be seen firing off rounds; at one point, one Palestinian says that an Israeli soldier was hit by gunfire [and was on the ground, no IDF soldier was injured - EoZ]. Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said the government backed the soldiers' actions. "According to the information in our hands right now, there is a good chance that armed Palestinians, firing wildly, brought about the tragic death of the journalist," Bennett said in a statement. But on the Palestinian and pro-Palestinian side, even the idea that an errant bullet from their side might have accidentally hit the...Read More |
From Ian: Bret Stephens: Zionism Remains a Freedom Struggle Students of 20th-century decolonization agree on one thing: It was a mess. The partition that would divide India from Pakistan, the border drawn on five weeks' notice by an English civil servant named Cyril Radcliffe — a man who had never so much as visited the subcontinent — resulted in a death toll estimated at up to 2 million people, as well as the forced displacement of another 14 million. The European scramble out of Africa and Asia created a slew of nations whose new borders rarely corresponded to ethnic, sectarian, or tribal lines, leading to decades of oppression and violent conflict. Israel emerged from the same shambolic process. Promises were made in the Balfour Declaration of 1917 only to be withdrawn in the White Paper of 1939. Policies such as the wartime restrictions on Jewish immigration were capricious and cruel. The partition plan proposed for Mandatory Palestine was unworkable. The borders foisted on the proposed Jewish state were indefensible. Inevitably, the result was violent and chaotic. Whatever view one takes of the birth of Israel, its rights and wrongs, it was of a piece with the tragic circumstances of its era. Most postcolonial states have spent decades trying to work their way out of this kind of rubble. Just as Israel has never fully settled territorial claims with all of its neighbors, neither...Read More |
If anything debunks the apartheid charge... This is not a controversial story in Israel at all. Now, imagine the (unjustified) negative reaction in the US if a qualified Muslim was nominated to the Supreme Court. Or in France. And then tell me that Israel is practicing "apartheid." * * * * * * Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon! Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! ...Read More |
An interesting story in Palestinian media: The King of Bahrain received the son of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Yasser, on Monday at his palace in Manama. Bahraini media reported that King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa hosted Yasser Mahmoud Abbas, as the personal representative of President Mahmoud Abbas, President of the State of Palestine, in the presence of Ambassador Taha Muhammad Abdul Qader, the Ambassador of the State of Palestine to the Kingdom of Bahrain. ...The official Palestinian news agency did not publish the news of the appointment or the reception. Yasser Abbas is a corrupt, multi-millionaire businessman who controls a string of companies including Falcon Tobacco, the company that controls all American-made cigarette sales in Palestinian territories. Just a coincidence, I'm sure. The younger Abbas never seemed to be interested in politics, but Mahmoud Abbas has not been seen in public for nearly two weeks now, and appointing his son as his "personal representative" makes it appear like he is finally considering...Read More |
From Ian: Michael Doran: The Doctrine of American Unexceptionalism The doublespeak in Biden's World War III tweet now defines the lived reality of America's Middle Eastern allies. The Biden administration's zealous efforts to transform the Islamic Republic from pariah to partner are neither containing nor deterring Iran's leaders—quite the opposite. They are emboldened, as the ballistic missile attack on Erbil (not to mention the recent rise to the presidency of hardliner Ebrahim Raisi) indicates. In the meantime, thanks to the Biden team's steadfast intention to empower Iran, America's Gulf allies have become security orphans. They increasingly look for help from China, the great power with the most influence over Tehran. The list of hard power arenas in which China is now a major player is long and growing longer by the day: It manufactures military drones in partnership with both Saudi Arabia and the UAE; it builds ballistic missiles together with the Saudis, whom it is also helping to master nuclear technology; and it is selling jets to the UAE, where last year it was secretly building a military site at Khalifa Port near Abu Dhabi. Under pressure from the Americans, the Emiratis shut down the facility in the spring of 2021, but it won't be long before Abu Dhabi and Riyadh refuse to comply with any such demands from the United States. Deference to Washington rests on the understanding...Read More |
There have been a lot of articles in Palestinian and Iranian media over the past couple of days that say this: Former Israeli premier Ehud Barak has expressed concern that Israel will cease to exist before the 80th anniversary of its 1948 establishment, Israeli media reported on Saturday. In an interview with the Hebrew-language newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth, Barak predicted a doom-and-gloom scenario for Israel. "Throughout the Jewish history, the Jews did not rule for more than eighty years, except in the two kingdoms of David and the Hasmonean dynasty, and in both periods, their disintegration began in the eighth decade," Barak said. Barak noted that many regimes, including those in the United States, Italy, and Russia, have experienced the curse of the eighth decade, and that Israel is no exception, drawing an analogy between the Zionist regime and fascism, nazism and communism. Needless to say, this is not what Barak wrote in his YNet article. Barak warned that Israel's biggest threat is internal strife, saying that many major nations suffered internal crises in their eighth decade - the split of the Davidic monarchy into two kingdoms, internal strife in Hashmonean rule, the US Civil War, Italy embracing fascism and Germany embracing Nazism after eight decades of reunification, the disintegration...Read More |
Noor Dahri is a British-Pakistani writer and counter terrorism researcher. He is an executive director at Islamic Theology of Counter Terrorism (ITCT), which uses Islamic theology to counter Islamist extremism. I do not know how influential the ITCT is. It does not have a strong social media presence, and looking at its team, it seems to be very light on experts on Islam whose views would sway Muslims. Even so, any paper that shows how Islam does not approve of Palestinian terrorism is welcome, and any discussion on the topic in Islamic circles is welcome. Dahri just released a new research paper, "The Month of Ramadan, Al-Aqsa Riots and Mischief: Islamic or Un-Islamic?" It examines the recent behavior of Palestinians on the Temple Mount from an Islamic perspective and determines that the stone throwing, arson and other attacks are forbidden according to Islam. Dahri also says that Jews have the absolute right to live in Israel and Jerusalem according to the Koran. The conclusion of the paper says: Violence has no room in Islam whatsoever. One must understand that they cannot claim Islam is a religion of peace while committing a crime of violence and terrorism under the name of Islam. It is a great blasphemy to the religion and to the Lord when someone starts creating mischief on earth in their names. Israel is a...Read More |
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