Nasrallah's worst case scenario: Disarming Hezbollah, peace with Israel, solving the Palestinian refugee issue. Awful, isn't it? ( | On Monday, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah gavc another of his long speeches via video to election rallies in Tyre and Nabatieh. At one point, he railed against those who want to disarm Hezbollah to ingratiate themselves with the United States and get some badly needed financial help. Nasrallah mocked those people, saying that it is a slippery slope from disarming Hezbollah to the worst possible things imaginable. That list of awful things tells you a great deal about Hezbollah, its supporters and those who vote for it in Lebanon.
Those who demand the disarmament of the resistance, they want to sell this position to the Americans and the West in order to obtain political and financial protection. This is not a popular demand, all opinion polls said that, however. I want to address them. Suppose for the sake of argument that you have reached this conclusion. Do you expect that the American will be satisfied with that? Take the experiences of all the Arab countries surrounding us. After the issue of the resistance, they will tell you that Lebanon must recognize the State of Israel. They will ask you for Lebanon to officially recognize Israel in the Lebanese government and Parliament. They will ask you not only for recognition. They will ask you for normalization with Israel. They will ask you to settle the Palestinians in Lebanon. You advocate disarming the resistance. Do you support the settlement of Palestinians in Lebanon...Read More |
From Ian: Dara Horn: At Harvard, Facts Are For Losers The BDS movement, as it's known, is old news on college campuses and elsewhere; it's been around long enough that it no longer bothers to hide its goal of eliminating the world's only Jewish state. But I had to hand it to The Crimson for timing, given that the editorial followed several weeks of terror attacks in Israel during which 15 people were stabbed, shot and car-rammed to death while engaging in such provocative behaviors as drinking at a bar or walking down the street. One victim was an Arab Israeli police officer rushing to the crime scene. Even Palestinian Authority president Mahmoud Abbas, not known for his Zionism, condemned these attacks. Two of the attackers were apparently connected with Islamic State, a medieval-cosplay sex-slavery outfit whose genocidal goals are entirely unrelated to Palestinian national aspirations. Why after these events, one might ask, would these Harvard students change their position now? Well, one might ask that if one knew nothing about how college students think. The editorial made clear that the editors were inspired less by events overseas than by events in front of students' noses—specifically, a billboard-sized mural created by Harvard's Palestine Solidarity Committee. Its prominent placement in Harvard Yard meant that its contents were forced onto the eyeballs of every undergraduate on campus for...Read More |
Dan's Deals has an amazing, and well researched, story of antisemitism in the skies. A condensed version: Last week, thousands of Jews made an annual pilgrimage to visit the grave of Rabbi Yeshaya Steiner of Kerestir, known as Reb Shayala Kerestirer, on the 3 Iyar yahrtzeit (date of his passing) in 1925. Lufthansa flights from JFK and Newark to Frankfurt on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday, were filled with Jews, mostly Hasidic. [Many Jews booked through agencies.] Dozens of other Jews on the flight booked their own travel not as part of any group, some with cash and others using miles. It would seem that somewhere between 135-170 Jews were on the flights in total, [about 80% of the flight.] [H]alfway through the flight, a pilot made an announcement that the flight attendants were frustrated with people blocking the galleys in prayer, and for having to repeat themselves about needing to wear a mask. He warned that people not obeying orders would have a problem with their connecting flight. From talking to several passengers in economy, it seems like there were a couple of isolated masking issues in economy class, both among some visibly Hasidic Jews as well as non-Jews. It's a shame that they flouted the rules, but it's unclear why those few passengers weren't singled out for punishment...Read More |
Juan Manuel Santos, a former president of Colombia and member of "The Elders," writes an anti-Israel screed as a "friend of Israel," which ends with his hope that Israel is hauled in front of the International Criminal Court. And he, like Palestinians, compares Israel to Russia in his "friendly"article: The world has been horrified by Putin's invasion of Ukraine and that reaction is correct. Political leaders are turning to a rules-based international order to counter this unwarranted act of aggression. However, we must not forget that the neglect of these global rules and norms around the world has long since undermined peace and security and made impunity possible, for example, in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. To reverse this dangerous trend, leaders must uphold these rules everywhere and at all times. The double standard could weaken the grounds for taking justified action. For decades, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has worsened because the international community has not denounced the systematic violation of international law. Currently, there is considerable evidence that the Israeli Government is blatantly flouting it with its rule over the occupied Palestinian lands and its oppressive practices on the Palestinian people. As a friend of Israel, I feel compelled to speak out. Really? The international community has not denounced Israel? Has the esteemed ex-president...Read More |
From Ian: David Collier: The Palestinian death cult – worshipping the murder of Jews Endless hate None of this would exist without support from the west. UNWRA's schools, Palestinian textbooks – all paid for with our tax money. Palestinian children are openly taught lies – a twisted version of history that strips from Jewish history any ethical justification. It renders Israelis as sub-human and worthy only of death. Last night I watched a Hamas propaganda film '11 days in May' at a picture house in London. The decontextualised narrative suggests Israelis are 'homocidal maniacs'. It is raw Gazan propaganda spreading freely on our streets. The movie – which does nothing but spread hate – has UNICEF's stamp of approval on it. While governments of third world countries cannot afford to dig wells or place solar panels – Hamas channels its money into rockets and tunnels. Why is a place that is not even a fraction as desperate as others – given so much funding – if all it does is use it to try to kill Jews? How is it possible that the money continues to flow towards them? You'll have to ask the myriad of NGOs who persistently set up campaigns to get people to divert their charity money towards Gaza. There are more NGOs helping Hamas build rockets than there are NGOs helping fund new wells in Niger (see Israel – Niger). And perversely, periods of Hamas-driven violence always sees more money flow into the Gaza strip...Read More |
Anti-Israel media continues to castigate Israel for crowd control measures during the Holy Fire ceremony at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre last month. From Turkey's Anadolu News Agency: [Video] Israel prevents some Christians from attending 'Holy Fire' ceremony at Jerusalem's Holy Sepulchre Orthodox Christians seeking to attend the ceremony were blocked by police in the narrow alleys leading to the church — ANADOLU AGENCY (@anadoluagency) May 1, 2021 I already showed that British police in 1932 also engaged in crowd control to limit the number of people in the area and allowed in the church. What about how things were under Jordanian control - the sacred "status quo" where 19 years of illegal annexation and ethnically cleansing Jews is supposed to be the model on how to deal with Jerusalem today? I just found this footage from a 1960 Christian children's documentary about Jerusalem, that shows a very similar scene to what is shown above, with Jordanian police forming a cordon preventing crowds from entering the church. The dangers are obvious, especially with the fire being transferred in areas packed with pilgrims. But only when Israel tries to make things...Read More |
I became very angry on Friday when I saw yet another anti-Israel article written by a Jew. The article was not impressive. Its lies and arguments echoed thousands of similar articles written over the years by similarly uninformed Jews. Its logic was flawed, it can't get basic definitions correct, it twists and ignored history, just like articles I read every day in Arab media as well as in Western Leftist media. Why did this bother me so much? Upon reflection, I realized why I am disgusted by anti-Zionist Jews: They claim to be acting under rules of Jewish morality at the very same time they are ripping apart the actual rules of Jewish morality. In this case, the author writes that, to her, being Jewish means "always speaking the truth and following my heart in the search for justice." This is not at all true. Justice in Judaism is based entirely on facts and not at all on what is in ones' "heart." One's heart may be an excellent source of mercy and kindness, but it is an extremely poor arbiter of justice. Jewish law goes to great lengths to ensure that those brought before a judge are treated strictly according to the facts of the case, and the judge cannot favor one side for any external reason. Invariably, the Jewish concepts that anti-Zionists rely on are not particularly Jewish at all. They are general social justice principles that have been...Read More |
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