יום שני, 28 בפברואר 2022

Daily EoZ Digest

Where are the stories of Ukrainian civilians victims?noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 28 Feb 06:00 AM Whenever Israel is forced to defend itself from

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Where are the stories of Ukrainian civilians victims?
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 28 Feb 06:00 AM

Whenever Israel is forced to defend itself from Hamas rockets, the media falls over itself to show the "human face" of the "horrors of war" - with detailed descriptions of how Palestinian civilians have died.
Sometimes these civilians aren't really civilians.
Often they were used as human shields, with Palestinian terror groups hiding behind them in (and under) apartments. I've documented literally hundreds of cases of Israel targeting Hamas and Islamic Jihad leaders and the victims are either their relatives or people hosted in their houses.
Some of the victims are killed by terrorist rockets themselves, but the media blames Israel.
Occasionally, the victims appear indeed to have been the victims of a tragic mistake that occurs during war.
The media, pretending to care so much about the innocents, goes into detail on all of these victims. THe media always has a reason to give these details to their audience, and they always have a reason to avoid giving any context of how Hamas cynically makes it appear as if Israel was targeting children - a ludicrous and slanderous charge.
Yet here we are days into a war where over a hundred civilians have been killed in Ukraine. If you dig hard, you can find out details about how they were killed.

But there is none of the "victim porn" that Arab...Read More

Not Russia. Not Iran. Ilhan Omar only supports sanctions against - Israel.
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 27 Feb 03:00 PM

Representative Ilhan Omar issued a statement earlier this month where she said she was against sanctioning Russia over its aggressive moves towards Ukraine in a proposed Ukraine defense bill:

The proposed legislative solution to this crisis, escalates the conflict without deterring it effectively. With a very soft trigger, it vaults Ukraine overnight into the third highest recipient of U.S. security assistance and weapons sales in the world. The consequences of flooding Ukraine with half a billion dollars in American weapons, likely not limited to just military-specific equipment but also including small arms and ammo, are unpredictable and likely disastrous. It also threatens unbelievably broad and draconian sanctions that will utterly devastate the Russian economy, likely doing very little to deter Putin's aggression while causing immense suffering among ordinary Russian civilians who did not choose this.

When Turkey invaded Syria, she was against sanctions then as well, and included sanctions against Iran and Venezuela in her denunciation:

In the White House announcement on Oct. 14 of sanctions on Turkey, Trump said, "I am fully prepared to swiftly destroy Turkey's economy if Turkish leaders continue down this dangerous and destructive...Read More

02/27 Links: International law was supposed to protect Ukraine — it failed; What Israel Must Learn From Ukraine's War; Israel helped Lebanese, Syrian citizens reach Ukraine border
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 27 Feb 01:00 PM

From Ian:

Seth Frantzman: International law was supposed to protect Ukraine — it failed

The lessons of appeasement led to democracies being more forthright in their demands that countries adhere to these norms. The Cold War, however, brought with a litany of new abuses and because the world was divided it was hard for countries to agree on international norms and enforcement. The concepts laid down by US President George H.W Bush during the Gulf war were designed to resurrect the rules-based international order.

Although this international order has not been ideal, there have been attempts to make it work. That means the US intervened in the Balkans in the 1990s to stop ethnic cleansing. The US stumbled during the global war on terror, but the pretense of international law remained. In fact it is Russia that has often voices support for these norms in places like Syria, demanding the US leave Syria and claiming that it is Russia that stands by international norms, like soviergnn states and such concepts.

Now Russia has torn up that rule book in an unprovoked attack on Ukraine. Russia didn't set any kind of ultimatum or red line before the attack. The excuse that Russia was concerned about NATO expansion holds no water, because Russia didn't even try diplomacy with Ukraine. Russia simply started bombing without any warning or pretense of why it was launch an attack.

This shows that Russia didn't feel a need to...Read More

Arab media: Israel "exploiting" Ukraine to save Jews. But they won't report that Israel is helping Arabs from enemy countries escape, too.
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 27 Feb 11:00 AM

Arab media is now permeated with stories like this healine from Al Jazeera:

Adopting the employment of wars to promote settlement... An Israeli emergency plan aims to bring in 8,000 Jews from Ukraine.

Since the emergence of the Zionist movement, the Israelis have exploited wars and conflicts in Europe, Africa and various parts of the world to recruit hundreds of thousands of Jews to replace the Palestinians.

Because saving Jewish refugees is a war crime, or something.

But they won't report on this:

Israeli diplomats have been assisting Lebanese, Syrian and Egyptian citizens to evacuate from Ukraine, transporting them from the war-torn nation alongside Israeli refugees, the Foreign Ministry confirmed on Sunday.

A spokesman for the ministry stated that citizens of several regional states, including those currently in a state of war with Israel had boarded a bus organized by Israeli diplomats on the Polish side of the border and that the embassy is also ready to "help Israeli residents from East Jerusalem."

Israeli Ambassador Michael Brodsky said that there were no conditions on Israeli aid to residents of Arab states, telling Haaretz by phone from Poland on Sunday afternoon that any assistance rendered was "purely humanitarian."

Another Haaretz...Read More

Kuwaiti columnist suspended for friendly tweets to an Israeli
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 27 Feb 08:12 AM

Kuwaiti newspaper Al Qabas announced yesterday that it had fired one of its opinion columnists for his support of treating Israelis as normal people.

The newspaper tweeted, "Al-Qabas affirms its firm and steadfast stance towards the crimes of the miserable Zionist enemy, and its full support for the valiant Palestinian resistance. And it announces the suspension of one of the opinion writers who called for normalization with the Zionist enemy, on his social media accounts."

The person suspended was Jassim al-Juraid.

On February 20, Israeli journalist and Arab expert Edy Cohen tweeted that the self-declared "chief rabbi" of Saudi Arabia, Yaakov Herzog, invited Jews worldwide to spend Passover in the Kingdom, and that matzoh would be available. Cohen said that he hoped Jews worldwide would come and get to know Saudi Arabia, "the kingdom of peace and coexistence," and said,"God willing, my family and I will try to join."

In response, Kuwaiti writer Jassim al-Juraid...Read More

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יום ראשון, 27 בפברואר 2022

Daily EoZ Digest

It had to happen: Arabs blaming Jews for Ukraine warnoreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 27 Feb 05:45 AM It was only a matter of time before a conspiracy

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It had to happen: Arabs blaming Jews for Ukraine war
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 27 Feb 05:45 AM

It was only a matter of time before a conspiracy theory blaming Jews for the situation in Ukraine would pop up.

This one was published in Al Wafd, an Egyptian newspaper, anbd written by Gamal Roshdy.
It is a little hard to follow the logic, but here's how it begins:

All the wars, conflicts and epidemics in the world, since before the First World War until now, are arranged and manufactured by global Zionism: the fall of the British Empire on which the sun did not set, and the emergence of America as a superpower, all of this is in a great Zionist arrangement.

The goal is the alleged dream of the "Greater Kingdom of Israel from the Euphrates to the Gulf," and that kingdom, according to its plan, is a unified government that rules the world under the umbrella of a new religion called "Abrahamic" within an economic globalization with one currency and one military with one army.

Now the dream is approaching, for that Zionist goal does not require a culture of freedom and democracy in which the West lives, because that culture contradicts the approach of the goal of the unified government that requires the dictatorship of decision-making, and since it aims at a unified religion, army and economy within a unified political administration, here several steps must be taken.

First, elimination of the Christian West by igniting a major war between them, to destroy everything, so that the theory of freedoms and democracy with all their military...Read More

02/26 Links: As Russians assail Kyiv, Zelensky says Ukraine has 'derailed their plan'; Delegitimization links UN Anti-Israel Commission, Vladimir Putin, Ken Roth
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 26 Feb 09:00 PM

From Ian:

As Russians assail Kyiv, Zelensky says Ukraine has 'derailed their plan'

Russian troops closed in on Ukraine's capital Saturday after a night of explosions and street fighting sent Kyiv residents seeking shelter or fleeing the city. The country's leader claimed Ukraine's forces had repulsed the assault and vowed to keep up the struggle.

"The real fighting for Kyiv is ongoing," Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said in a video message, accusing Russia of hitting infrastructure and civilian targets.

"We will win," he said.

Zelensky urged Russians to pressure Russian leader Vladimir Putin to stop the invasion. He accused Moscow of seeking to overthrow him and establish a puppet state in Ukraine.

"We've derailed their plan," the 44-year-old leader said, stressing that the Ukrainian army was in control of the capital Kyiv and main cities around it.

A US defense official told Reuters there was growing frustration among the Russians "that they have not made the progress that they have wanted to make, particularly in the north."

The unnamed official added: "They have been frustrated by what they have seen is a very determined resistance. It has slowed them down."

Zelensky said Russians have deployed "missiles, fighters, drones, artillery, armored vehicles, saboteurs, and airborne forces" against Ukraine and have hit "residential areas."

Zelensky said...Read More

Palestinians fume after France's Prime Minister says "Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish people."
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 26 Feb 07:22 PM

On Thursday night, French Prime Minister Jean Castex reaffirmed that Jerusalem was the capital of the Jewish people.
At the annual dinner of the Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France (CRIF), Castex said to a long ovation:

This fight is international. Like you, I am concerned about the United Nations resolution on Jerusalem which continues to deliberately and against all evidence discard the Jewish terminology of "Temple Mount". You know my attachment to Jerusalem. Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish people. I never stopped saying it. This in no way precludes recognizing and respecting the attachment of other religions to this city, and it is in this spirit that I myself walked through the old city in 2020 and visited each of the holy places Jew, Christian and Muslim. But erasing Jewishness from Jerusalem is not acceptable.He then added a slam at Amnesty, Human Rights Watch and other demonizers of Israel:
As it is not acceptable that in the name of a just fight for freedom, associations misuse terms historically laden with shame as to qualify the State of Israel. How dare we talk about apartheid in a state where Arab citizens are represented in government, in parliament, hold leadership positions and positions of responsibility, where all citizens, regardless of their religion, have understood that...Read More

02/25 Links Pt2: Will reverberations of Russia's Ukraine invasion reach the Vienna nuclear talks?; Malaysian Propaganda and Fundraising Network Enables Hamas Plots Targeting Jews
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 25 Feb 04:00 PM

From Ian:

Will reverberations of Russia's Ukraine invasion reach the Vienna nuclear talks?

The Israeli government has made clear through its tepid and seemingly contradictory responses to Russia's invasion of Ukraine that this is a war it desperately would rather avoid, as it pits two allies and the interests they represent against one other.

But a deeper reason behind the Israeli preference for a swift diplomatic solution to end the Russia-Ukraine conflict is that it would allow for global attention to return to Vienna where world powers are believed to be on the verge of signing another diplomatic agreement in a deal seen as far more consequential to Jerusalem's interests — a joint US-Iran return to compliance with the nuclear accord known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

Foreign Minister Yair Lapid said as much earlier this month in an interview with the Walla news site when asked about the then still-brewing tensions between Moscow and Kyiv.

"It disturbs us significantly as it draws the focus away from the nuclear talks in Vienna where we would like to have much more American attention to prevent dangerous things from happening there," he said.

At the time, Lapid was optimistic that a military conflict could be avoided. But now that Russia has chosen the path of war, Jerusalem may be forced to recalculate whether an emboldened Moscow...Read More

No, Ukraine is not like Gaza, and only Israel-hating morons think it is
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 25 Feb 02:00 PM

Thousands of people who have no ability to distinguish between completely dissimilar situations are retweeting this AP Fact Check where people passed off a photo of Gaza last May as Ukraine today.

Social media users are sharing a photo of a fiery explosion with false claims it shows Russia's 2022 attack on Ukraine. It actually shows Israeli air strikes in Gaza in 2021. Here are the facts. https://t.co/yp8JjFNJzI

— AP Fact Check (@APFactCheck) February 24, 2022 Many people are saying that this is proof that Israel is as contemptuous of international law as Russia. Others are trying to create their own bizarre analogies.
I tweeted a response for these idiots, not that it matters. A slightly updated version:

For the idiots comparing Russian invasion of Ukraine to Israel's occasional forays into Gaza:

1) Israel has no territorial designs on Gaza.
2) Hamas starts every war.
3) Hamas attacks Israeli civilians.
4) ...And brags about it.
5) Israel never targets civilians. And it spends millions of dollars to minimize their deaths or injuries. Because it has nothing to gain by attacking civilians.
6) Although not often...Read More

02/25 Links Pt1: Melanie Phillips: How America has empowered evil in Russia and Iran; Russia's invasion of Ukraine is the death of international law
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 25 Feb 12:00 PM

From Ian:

Melanie Phillips: How America has empowered evil in Russia and Iran

Western countries believed that buying Russian gas would cement the ties that created peace. Instead, they merely handed Putin the means to blackmail them.

The doctrine of interdependence similarly created the fantasy that empowering Iran would turn it from the west's most lethal terrorist foe into a civilised partner in mutually profitable endeavour.

Above all, the west has told itself that war is unconscionable — even in self-defence — and can always be avoided by diplomacy. This doctrine has reached its nadir in the Iran negotiations, where American diplomacy has become a euphemism for abject surrender.

The Iranian regime's perception that Biden would never take military action, despite repeated attacks by its proxies against the US and its allies, emboldened it to dig in its heels in the nuclear talks. Ramping up its aggression resulted in more American concessions and the conviction in Tehran that America would give it whatever it demanded.

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said this week that he would not allow Putin's pretence of diplomacy to obscure his aggressive acts. Yet that's precisely what he's been doing with Iran — as Putin will have noted.

For the Russian leader, sanctions are but a minor irritant. Serious intent against him by the west would entail putting its military boots on the ground...Read More

Jews purchase another building in Silwan
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 25 Feb 10:00 AM

From the Safa news agency:

The Ateret Cohanim settlement association seized a new house in the Ras al-Amud neighborhood of Silwan, occupied Jerusalem, after it was leaked through Arab mediators.

Sources told "Safa" agency that they were surprised this morning by settlers entering the building belonging to Ibrahim Awad through the main door, and seizing it after its leakage.

She indicated that it is the second building that leaked to settlers from the Awad family through intermediaries, one was leaked about two and a half months ago, another building next to it that belonged to the same family.

The building consists of two floors and includes 5 apartments. It is located in an elevated position and overlooks all the neighborhoods of Silwan, opposite the southern side of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque.

The Awad family is now quite wealthy - and probably running for their lives.

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Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!...Read More

Forensic Architecture and Al Haq team up to lie that Israel targets cultural heritage in Gaza
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 25 Feb 07:30 AM

Al-Haq has teamed up with Forensic Architecture, a notoriously biased anti-Israel organization that uses cutting edge research techniques to "prove" whatever it wants to prove. From the Al Haq press release:

On 23 February 2022, Al-Haq launched its report titled "Cultural Apartheid, Israel's Erasure of Palestinian Heritage in Gaza". The report builds from an investigation by the London-based research agency Forensic Architecture using advanced technologies and 'open-source' techniques to reconstruct one of the most significant archaeological sites in the occupied Gaza Strip. The report draws on Israel's strategic bombing of the Gaza coastline to exemplify the erasure of Palestinian cultural heritage and the denial of the relevant human rights. Israel's bombardments not only breach the principle of military necessity in violation of the laws of armed conflict, but also aim at gradually erasing Palestinian cultural heritage to deny the Palestinian people of their right to self-determination over their cultural resources, and by extension threatens their existence as a people. Such bombings are a gross violation of the Rome Statute, constituting war crimes, and crimes against humanity.

In the report, Al-Haq outlines that the bombing of the site may amount to a war crime and contributes to the crime against humanity of apartheid...Read More

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