Peter Beinart's dishonesty on Ben Gurion and "transfer" (Unknown), 18 May 04:45 AM Peter Beinart tweeted on Sunday, "The Jewish s | Peter Beinart tweeted on Sunday, "The Jewish state in the UN plan would have been 40-50% Arab, which is why, according to Benny Morris, Ben-Gurion felt that "without some sort of massive displacement of Arabs from the area of the Jewish state-to-be there could be no viable 'Jewish' state." He is quoting from his own article last year on Nakba Day in his Jewish Currents magazine. If you read Benny Morris you can see that Beinart is wrong in ascribing this viewpoint to Ben Gurion. But worse than that, Morris discusses the issue in detail, with Zionist leaders swinging between opposition, support and pretending the issue will go away. Not only that, Beinart is quoting Morris discussing the 1930s, not 1948 - the displacement that some Jews envisioned meant the British moving Arabs elsewhere because Arab violence made it clear that Jews and Arabs would not live in peace together, which was the original Zionist idea according to most. Beinart is copying and pasting half-truths to make Jews look like bigots. Here is Morris from The Birth of the Palestinian Refugee Problem Revisited, with as much context as I can place here. I italicize Beinart's quote. The notion of transfer remained, in Zionist eyes — even as Zionist leaders trotted out these historical precedents — morally problematic. Almost all shared...Read More |
From Ian: Efraim Karsh: Why Israel's Arabs Are Its Biggest Threat An Existential Threat Ignored Reluctant to acknowledge the May 2021 riots for what they are and what they portend, the Israeli media, the academic and intellectual elite, and most of the political establishment attributed this volcanic eruption to the supposed discrimination and marginalization of the Arab minority, just as the Orr commission had done with regard to the October 2000 riots.[40] "Wild crops grow on a bedrock of frustration, discrimination and rage," lamented the newly-appointed minister of internal security Omer Barlev shortly after the riots took place. He continued, Since the establishment of the State of Israel, there existed an inbuilt inequality between the Jewish and the Arab sectors, and this inequality has increased over time due to the rapid development of the Jewish sector and the immobility of the Arab sector.[41] Evoking the age-old Zionist hope that the vast economic gains attending the Jewish national revival would reconcile the Palestinian Arabs to the idea of Jewish statehood, this self-incriminatory diagnosis is not only totally misconceived but the inverse of the truth. If poverty and marginalization were indeed the culprits, why had there never been anything remotely like the 2000 and 2021 riots among similarly situated segments of Jewish society in Israel (notably the ultra-Orthodox community...Read More |
With all of the talk of "Nakba Day" this week, I wanted to see how many times Jews had become refugees in history. A Wikipedia page lists no fewer than 70 different occasions when Jews became refugees. And it really doesn't list them all - it lumps all the Jews of Arab countries who were forced out from 1948-1972 as a single expulsion, for example. There are many that are not well known, such as the 1679 Mawza Exile, when nearly all Jews in Yemen were banished to a desert town (for a year until their Arab neighbors who depended on them begged the king to allow them to return.) So what do the many expulsions of Jews have in common with the so-called "Nakba?" They are all blamed on - Jews! A recurring motif in both Western and Arab antisemitic rhetoric is that Jews' behavior is responsible for their being kicked out of so many countries. Even Mahmoud Abbas said this in a public speech. Jews have the unique distinction of being responsible not only for every one of the world's ills and the persecution of others, but they are also responsible for their own persecution!
* * * * * * Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at...Read More |
For decades, Israel haters have been saying that Israeli goals are a state that stretches from the Nile to the Euphrates, based on Biblical verses. Sometimes they even draw this mythical state on the map: But as large as that is, it is a particle of dust compared to the actual, stated desire of at least one Palestinian cleric. Palestinian Islamic Scholar Mohammed Afeef Shadid said on May 11: "Palestine should be a center, a capital, and a starting point for conquering the world. Our sympathizers in the world, as well as our enemies should know, that the cause of our right of return does not pertain only to Palestine. The whole world is our battlefield. Our goal is not to liberate Palestine alone, but to liberate this sick world and deliver it from darkness to light." And besides saying that he wants Palestinians to take over the world, he also just justified terror attacks against Jews worldwide by saying "the whole world is our battlefield." * * * * * * Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon! Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! ...Read More |
From Ian: UN's fixed inquiry is exposed On May 27, 2021, following Operation Guardian of the Walls, the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) adopted a resolution that set the stage for the creation of what is potentially the most anti-Israel mechanism to date: "The United Nations Independent International Commission of Inquiry (COI) on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem and Israel." The resolution mandated the COI to "investigate all alleged violations and abuses of international human rights law leading up to and since April 13, 2021." The resolution further mandated the commission to "investigate all underlying root causes of recurrent tensions, instability, and protraction of conflict, including systematic discrimination and repression based on national, ethnic, racial, or religious identity." The following five elements are some of the examples that portend the result of the upcoming and undoubtedly biased "inquiry" and its anti-Israel nature: - The Committee of Inquiry is a UN entity: The UNHRC, much like most UN bodies, has been overrun with politically motivated agendas and bias. A review of the UNHRC's anti-Israel bias is enough to shatter any hopes of fairness and impartiality. - There is no mention of Hamas: Looking at it from the outside, one can easily think an internationally recognized terrorist organization was not a party to this armed conflict and did not fire thousands...Read More |
JNS reports: The European Union's 2022-24 UNRWA aid budget will be 40% lower than during the previous three-year period, the E.U. announced last week. The new budget will provide $82 million annually, compared to the previous average annual figure of $135 million, according to the Institute for Monitoring Peace and Cultural Tolerance in School Education (IMPACT-se), a Jerusalem-based nonprofit that monitors educational materials around the world for extremist content. An additional $15 million was granted through the E.U.'s Food and Resilience Facility for 2022 to help ensure food security following the impact of the Ukraine crisis, according to the report. I don't think these numbers are quite right. The EU budget is €82,000,000, which is $86,000,000. If you add the food programme (also in euros, not dollars) it comes out to over $102,000,000 budgeted this year. However, this is a reduction from EU funding in the past. In 2019, the EU pledged a total of $132 million, and $157 million in 2020 (including a large pledge for Syrian refugees.) In 2021 that was reduced to $118 million. So even $102 million in 2022 is a 13.5% reduction from 2021 and a 35% reduction...Read More |
UNRWA camp in the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem, 1953
The official Palestinian Wafa news agency writes, "74 years ago, about 950,000 Palestinians were forcibly displaced from their cities and villages, leaving behind their homes that they locked with their keys, which they still have in their possession, along with some old papers proving their ownership of their lands and properties. " Are we up to 950,000 now? Apparently that is the number being used this year. Taghrib News (Tehran) writes: 15th of May is the anniversary of Nakba Day (Day of Catastrophe) for the Palestinian nation, a day which ended with expulsion of 950,000 Palestinians out of 1,400,000 citizens across 1,300 cities and villages. Indian news site Siasat Daily says: Sunday, May 15, marks the 74th anniversary of the Palestinian people's catastrophe, which displaced about 950,000 Palestinians out of 1,400,000 Palestinians from their original cities and towns, who used to live in 1,300 villages and cities. This, as usual, is a completely made up number. The total number of Arabs in the Green Line as of the date of the UN Partition resolution...Read More |
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