BDSers love to twist massive BDS fails into victories. The media often helps (Unknown), 03 May 04:45 AM On April 6, Jewish |  |
On April 6, Jewish Voice for Peace sent out a letter asking students to "boycott" Google and Amazon for working on a cloud project for the Israeli government. But asking students to actually boycott Google and Amazon is crazy talk, so instead, they asked students to refuse to take internships or jobs with those companies "until they drop Project Nimbus." You already see the issue. Google and Amazon are giant, but they have far more applicants than they have jobs. College students pledging to not apply for jobs would literally not be noticed by these tech giants. And no student is going to apply to a job or internship only to refuse it afterwards. It is a totally meaningless gesture. But it is a gesture that JVP assumed would attract thousands of students, especially non-tech students, because they figured they would want to virtue signal not to accept jobs that they wouldn't be qualified for and would never apply to anyway. Sure enough, a few days after this email, the articles started coming about how "hundreds" of students - 550, to be exact - had signed this meaningless pledge. And it was painted as a great victory. On Monday, a month later, JVP...Read More |
From Ian: An Open Letter to Anti-Zionists from a Veteran of the Left Over one year on, the leading lights of the British far left are men and women who have been repeatedly accused and often disciplined for antisemitism. On social media and in activist groups, they rail against the 'witch hunt' they darkly suggest is being orchestrated by the Israeli government. Flinging the ubiquitous hashtag #ItWasAScam, Corbyn's defenders dismiss in toto the mountains of evidence of Labour Party antisemitism. Meanwhile, in Facebook groups such as the plaintively named 'Jeremy Corbyn should have been Prime Minister,' commenters vie for the most vitriolic denunciations of Israel and fervid adoration of Corbyn. I am disgusted by their antisemitism, stubborn disregard of facts and messianic fervour, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't understand it. Here's a story. When I was in that Trotskyist group, I was for a time on its newspaper's editorial board. An opponent organisation that we hated, with zeal rivaling that towards 'the Zionistsss,' accused our Great Leader of having made a blatantly racist remark years earlier, and he was furious at us for failing to sufficiently defend him against this slander. Yet even as I joined the other malefactors in sincerely groveling for forgiveness, in a repudiated pocket of my brain I knew, and I knew my fellow accused also knew: the Great Leader did make...Read More |
I need to do a deeper dive into the psychological benefits of antisemitism. People hate Jews because they get something out of it, and in the case of the radical Left, a lot of that is indicated by this cartoon - it enhances their sense of self-righteousness that is behind many of their other activities. * * * * * * Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon! Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! ...Read More |
In the wake of the Harvard Crimson's editorial page saying that they support the BDS movement, it is worthwhile to review exactly what BDS calls to boycott. The answer is - it is arbitrary. In their "know what to boycott" page, they say, "The BDS movement calls for a boycott of all the products of all Israeli -- and international -- companies that are involved in Israel's violations of Palestinian rights. Virtually all Israeli companies are complicit to some degree in Israel's system of occupation and apartheid." Except that they also say, on the same page, "We focus our boycotts on a small number of companies and products for maximum impact. " OK, so that means that they call for everyone to boycott all products, but they only publicize a small percentage of them. But do they actually call to boycott them, as they claim? They might call for it, but they sure don't do it themselves! Here's a partial list of companies that have R&D or other ties to Israel, from Deloitte and Touche: Facebook, Google, Apple, Microsoft,Visa, PayPal, Snapchat, eBay, Samsung, Lenovo, GE - you know that not one of the BDSers telling you to boycott all these companies are doing it themselves! None of them choose their airlines, their cellphones, their social media, their email service or their credit cards based on whether those companies do business in Israel...Read More |
From Ian: JCPA: How Muslims Changed the Status Quo on the Temple Mount The status quo on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, as formulated by Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Dayan in 1967, no longer exists. In the 55 years since the Six-Day War, changes in the status quo have greatly improved the Muslims' hold on the Temple Mount. Muslims have inaugurated four new mosques on the Temple Mount since 1967: the Dome of the Rock, which originally was not built as a mosque; the El-Marwani Mosque, located underground in Solomon's Stables; the "Ancient Al-Aqsa" Mosque, established in 1998 under the existing upper mosque; and the Gate of Mercy prayer area, set up and turned into a mosque in 2019. The establishment of additional mosques on the mount stemmed from a new definition of the Temple Mount compound by the Muslims, who began to refer to all of the area as "Al-Aqsa" and to regard the entire mount as one great mosque. Until the Six-Day War, the compound as a whole was called "Al-Haram al-Sharif" (the Holy and Noble Place), and was defined differently from the Al-Aqsa Mosque. In the first decade after the Six-Day War, Jews were allowed to enter the mount through the Chain Gate and the Cotton Merchants' Gate, but today can only enter through the Mughrabi Gate. For two decades, Jews were allowed to visit for more hours of the day and at all parts of the mount, even the interior...Read More |
There has been lots of justified criticism of the Anti-Defamation League under Jonathan Greenblatt, and how it has apparently embraced the woke ideology and de-emphasized leftist antisemitism. (One of the most pointed and trenchant critiques came from Seth Mandel in this Commentary piece last month - it is worth reading.) Perhaps in response, Greenblatt gave a speech at the ADL Virtual National Leadership Summit yesterday. (Video here.) While it only partially addresses the critics, he was emphatic that anti-Zionism is antisemitism, and his arguments are as good as one can find. He did not pull any punches. To those who still cling to the idea that antizionism is not antisemitism – let me clarify this for you as clearly as I can – antizionism is antisemitism. I will repeat: antizionism is antisemitism. Antizionism as an ideology is rooted in rage. It is predicated on one concept: the negation of another people, a concept as alien to the modern discourse as white supremacy. It requires a willful denial of even a superficial history of Judaism and the vast history of the Jewish people. And, when an idea is born out of such shocking intolerance, it leads to, well, shocking acts. I'm sorry, but...Read More |
The official Palestinian Wafa news agency writes about today's holiday of Eid al-FItr in Jerusalem: Eid in Jerusalem.. Insistence on making joy despite suffering Jerusalemite activist Osama Barham told Wafa: "The occupation restrictions, the closure of streets and checkpoints, and the deprivation of our people from outside Jerusalem to come, added an aura of sadness, but the Jerusalemites insisted on creating joy and happiness. It is noteworthy that more than 200,000 worshipers performed the Eid al-Fitr prayer, in the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, where the takbeers were raised in its premises, amid large crowds of worshipers who exchanged congratulations, and others distributed sweets at its doors . The agency bravely decided to show only a photo of the joy and not the suffering. And here was the scene this morning when 200,000 Muslims somehow managed to evade oppressive Israeli restrictions and pray on Judaism's holiest site despite obvious Zionist/Jewish Islamophobia: But, as every article emphasizes, this happiness is tempered by the extreme Israeli restrictions on who can enter the sacred site there isn't a square centimeter to spare. What is the tool of oppression that the "Israeli Occupation Forces" use to restrict unlimited Muslim access to a limited space? After much research, I found a photo of this torture tool: Here's an exclusive photo of it being prepared to torture Muslims: This vile instrument has been responsible...Read More |
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