What do the Nazi-collaborating Grand Mufti and terrorist Ahlam Tamimi have in common?noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 19 May 04:47 AM Malki Roth, z"l |  |
Malki Roth, z"l Later today, there will be an extensive interview with Arnold Roth on this site by columnist Varda Epstein. Roth is the father of Malki Roth, a 15 year old girl with American citizenship who was one of 15 civilians killed, including six other children and a pregnant American woman, at the Sbarro Restaurant massacre of August 9, 2001. One of the terrorists who engineered the attack is Ahlam Tamimi, who was released from Israeli prison in 2011 in a prisoner swap and now lives as a celebrity in Jordan. Even though Jordan has an extradition treaty with the United States it has refused to honor that treaty to have Tamimi tried in the US and brought to justice. Arnold Roth, along with his wife Frimet, have been very frustrated these last few days. Last week, Jordan's King abdullah visited the US for the third time since Joe Biden became president. Yet not only was the topic of Ahlam Tamimi not brought up by any US government official, but not one mainstream media outlet even mentioned this ongoing travesty - no questions in any White House or State Department briefings about what the US is doing. I was reminded of this seeming conspiracy of silence as I read this book review of Jeffrey Herf's Israel's Moment: International Support for and Opposition to Establishing the Jewish State, 1945–1949 by Sol...Read More
From Ian: Denying Jewish Identity Is the Epitome of Anti-Semitism The far-right nationalist tells me I'm not white. The progressive liberal tells me I am. The former explicitly wants me dead; the latter wants me to strip away any allegiance to myself as a Jew in favor of claiming a privilege that goes only so far. So which is more sinister? In People Love Dead Jews, Dara Horn makes a distinction between two kinds of anti-Semitism, represented by two major Jewish holidays: Purim and Hanukkah. With Purim anti-Semitism, Horn explains, "the goal is openly stated and unambiguous: Kill all the Jews." This is the anti-Semitism you can see clearly. It's the anti-Semitism of Haman and is similar in content to what the Nazis advanced: "We want to kill you because you are Jewish." That kind of anti-Semitism is indeed terrifying, and it has led to millennia-long trauma, including the Holocaust and numerous pogroms. More recently, we see it among the white nationalists and in the sharp rise in anti-Semitic violence, including the 2018 mass shooting at the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh. But the other type of Jew-hatred—"Hanukkah anti-Semitism"—is less overt and harder to parse. "The goal is still to eliminate Jewish civilization," Horn writes. But it may be achieved "while leaving the warm, de-Jewed bodies of its former practitioners intact." Today, Hanukkah anti-Semitism is...Read More |
Interview with Richard Landes Shireen Abu Aqleh died in the performance of her job as a journalist. That is an undeniable fact. Just about everything else you've heard from the mainstream media, however, is a lie. The party responsible for Abu Aqleh's death could not be identified by the official PA coroner, yet the media (and Susan Sarandon) have unequivocally pointed a finger at Israel. None of this outrage and blame is about determining whether it was an Israeli or an Arab bullet that killed Abu Aqleh in a crossfire. The allegations are far worse: Israel is charged with the deliberate execution of Abu Aqleh, though there is no evidence to back this claim and no reason to believe it is true. All of which makes this a blood libel. What is a blood libel, really? It is a false allegation, a cynical use of dead people to smear and foment violence against the Jews. And the media would not serve it up to you on a plate unless the public were hungry for it—unless they themselves hated the Jews as a concept and a people. In that sense, the Abu Aqleh story is not a fresh news cycle, but an old story. The comparison to the Mohammed al Durah story, in which the shooting death of young boy was falsely pinned on Israel, is obvious. And there is no one better to weigh in on how these two news stories have been handled than Professor Richard Landes. Prof. Landes documented the blood libel...Read More |
Iranian news site IQNA writes: TEHRAN (IQNA) – The leader of an extremist Israeli group has called on illegal settlers to demolish the Dome of the Rock in the upcoming so-called "flag march". Bentzi Gopstein, head of extremist group Lehava invited the illegal settlers to take part in the event which will be held later this month and mark it by demolishing the Dome of the Rock in the occupied East Jerusalem al-Quds. He shared a photo on social media that showed a bulldozer beside the Dome of Rock which is situated in the Al-Aqsa Mosque Compound. "We will come to demolish the Dome of the Rock," read the photo's caption. The march is due to take place on 28 May. It shows part of a poster that they claim Gopstein posted: First of all, May 28 is a Saturday. There is no march set up for a Shabbat. It turns out that this picture is a detail of a poster posted by Gaza Now, and maybe other places: Look at the logos on the bottom of the poster. Peace Now? Breaking the Silence? These are all left-wing Israeli organizations - not exactly the people who one would expect would want to demolish the Dome of the Rock! It turns out that the poster is completely fake. Someone Photoshopped a real poster published by left-wing Israeli groups where they...Read More |
From Ian: MEMRI: Hamas-Affiliated Gazan Journalist In Article On Occasion Of Nakba Day: Palestine Was Lost Because Palestinians Heeded Advice Of Arab Regimes To Leave Their Homes On Nakba Day this year (May 15, 2022), Ibrahim Al-Madhoun, a Gazan journalist affiliated with Hamas, published an article on the Hamas website palinfo.com discussing the reasons for the Nakba and for the situation of the Palestinians today. Titled "The Nakba from a Different Perspective," the article claims that the Palestinians left their homes and villages in 1948 in compliance with the advice of the Arab armies, who promised to fight on their behalf but failed to deliver on this promise. This, he says, is what caused the Palestinians to lose their homeland. He adds that, today, the Arab regimes are pressuring the Palestinians to surrender to Israel, but they have learned their lesson and are ignoring this advice and defending themselves by manufacturing rockets and building tunnels. Al-Madhoun concludes that, 74 years after the Nakba, the Palestinians are on the verge of regaining all of Palestine, from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. The following are translated excerpts from his article:[1] "We are now marking 74 years since the loss of Palestine and the dispersal of its people across the world in what is known as the Nakba [literally, the catastrophe...Read More |
By Daled Amos The corruption of the media and its bias against Israel continued, as expected, following the death of Shireen Abu Akleh. Credit: @EretzIsrael Today, a week later, where do we stand? Israel took a beating in the media, which gets more brazen with each opportunity to attack Israel with fabricated, twisted accounts describing outbreaks of violence. Taking their cue from the media, politicians join in the free-for-all: How bad is the damage? Arial Kahana, Israel Hayom's diplomatic correspondent, contrasts Israel's official response in the death of Abu Akleh with the response to the al-Durrah incident in September 2000. Israel was slow and clumsy to respond to the death of the Arab Palestinian boy, which became a huge propaganda victory that resonates to till today. This time was different. At 8 a.m., just one hour after her death, the IDF Spokesperson had already issued a statement whereby, apparently, the Palestinians themselves murdered her in the midst of the gunfight. By 9 a.m. his words had been translated to Arabic and English and sent to international news outlets and foreign reporters. At the same time, a video was released intended to support the Israeli claim. While making clear that a definitive conclusion could not be made without...Read More |
From Middle East Monitor: Algerian lawmakers, on Tuesday, submitted a Bill criminalising normalisation with Israel, including articles prohibiting travel or any direct or indirect contact with Tel Aviv, Anadolu News Agency reports. Youssef Ajesa, a lawmaker from the Movement of Society for Peace, told Anadolu Agency that he "lodged on behalf of his party's group of deputies (65 out of 462) the Bill to the Parliament." The Movement of Society for Peace is an Islamic party that forms the largest opposition bloc in the Algerian Parliament. The party's leadership, however, has constantly confirmed its support for the country's foreign policy. Ajesa said "his parliamentary bloc tried to include other groups to contribute to the Bill, but it did not receive a response, so I took the initiative to present it in its name." The Bill includes seven articles that aim to "criminalise normalisation with the Zionist entity (Israel)" as well as forbidding any contacts with Israel or travelling to and from Israel. What is not mentioned is that Algerian parties have submitted similar bills in the past and they (surprisingly) failed. Apparently, this bill is meant to copy...Read More |
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