Arab hospital in Jerusalem might close because PA prefers to pay terrorists to paying hospital (Unknown), 02 May 04:45 AM A |  |
Al-Makassed has been Jerusalem's largest Arab hospital for many years. And in recent years, it has been under severe financial strain. Doctors went on strike last year after not being paid for months. Now they are ready to do it again, and the hospital might not survive. Most of its patients - about 70% - come from referrals by the Palestinian Authority, who are supposed to pay their medical expenses. But it hasn't been doing that. Doctors have not been paid at all during Ramadan. Jerusalem Arabs can go to Israeli hospitals and generally prefer the Jewish-run hospitals, so the funding al-Makassed gets from Israeli HMOs is limited. The hospital is described as in danger of collapse. As of last year, the hospital had about $49 million in debts. Now compare that to the "pay for slay" program of Palestinian Authority paying terrorists salaried and their families a stipend. That expense is well above $300 million a year. If the PA would stop its immoral policy of paying murderers and their families. it could easily afford to pay its debts to al-Makassed. But paying...Read More |
NPR's All Things Considered has a worshipful interview with Reem Assil about her new cookbook, "Arabiyya: Recipes from the Life of an Arab in Diaspora." During the interview, Assil laughingly says that Israel stole Palestinian culture and cuisine and land: Well, you know, hummus existed long before the state of Israel was created in 1948, and so there is an intentional omission of Palestinian (laughter). And that invisibilizes me - you know? - the fact not just that Israeli hummus is the Trader Joe's hummus, the, you know, the Americanized versions of hummus... And it feels - yeah. That sort of, you know, whether intentional or not intentional, devoiding food from its - cutting it off from its lineage and negating a whole people that enjoyed and subsisted off of that food for generations is really dangerous. You know, for Palestinians, we don't have much left. You know, we - you know, a lot of our lands have been taken from us. Our - you know, we've been cut off from our foodways. So our food is like the last frontier of, you know, marking our identity. And so it's really important for me as a chef here in this country to be able to talk about that food and have people question where the food comes from.... It's inherently political. And that is the entire reason NPR devotes a segment to a first time cookbook author. Not because her food is...Read More |
From Ian: Can the United Nations Survive the War in Ukraine? As well as empathizing with the Ukrainians' plight, Guterres also spoke plainly when in Moscow. "Russia's invasion of Ukraine is a violation of its territorial integrity and against the Charter of the United Nations," he said, a rare example of a UN statement with no ambiguities at all. Standing alongside a frowning Sergey Lavrov, the Russian foreign minister, Guterres offered another pithily worded summary of the problem: "We have not Ukrainian troops in the territory of the Russian Federation, but we have Russian troops in the territory of [Ukraine]." As Guterres acknowledged in an interview with CNN, the United Nations is not in a position to bring peace to Ukraine; only Russia can do that, by withdrawing its troops. Encouragingly, neither did Guterres advocate endless rounds of meetings as hostilities become more entrenched on the ground, suggesting that the United Nations would only be able to play a peace-building role after the war had definitively ended. He said he had told Putin "the same things I say in New York … which means that the Russian invasion is against the charter of the United Nations, is a violation of the territorial integrity of Ukraine and that this war must end as quickly as possible." Yet it is hard to see where Guterres's honest appraisal of Russia's invasion and its impact on Ukraine...Read More |
On Saturday, Ali Velshi of MSNBC narrated a segment about the evils of annexation. He started off by describing Russia's annexation of Crimea, and then went on to the US annexation of Hawaii, Saddam Hussein's attempted annexation of Kuwait and Morocco's annexation of Western Sahara. But according to Velshi, the worst case of occupation and annexation in the world is clearly Israel. In a screed that shows how superficial the "experts" on MSNBC are, Velshi selectively recounts history, and when necessary, he makes it up.
Which brings us, arguably, to the leading occupying force in the world. Israel. The map of the Palestinian Authority, sometimes described as Swiss cheese, has been carved up by Israel over the past century. Israel is the "leading occupying force in the world?" Turkey's occupation of northern Syria is much larger than the West Bank, and it also occupied Northern Cyprus. Crimea is much larger. Nagorno-Karabakh, Sofulu, Barxudarlı, Yukhari Askipara, and Karki, and Artsvashen are all occupied by Armenia none of which Velshihas probably ever heard of. Then he says Israel has been carving up Palestinian Authority land for a century? Given that the PA was created in the 1990s, that's a neat trick. What Velshi is really saying is that the Jewish claim on the land is completely illegitimate and it is all...Read More |
Hamas' Gaza leader Yahya Sinwar delivered an hour-long speech yesterday in which he threatened to attack thousands of synagogues worldwide. Referring to a large photo of Israeli police responding to riots and attacks in Al Aqsa Mosque staged behind him, Sinwar said, "Whoever makes the decision to allow this photo to be repeated, the violation of Al-Aqsa — he has decided to allow the violation of thousands of synagogues all across the world." He warned that this could happen if Israelis set foot in the Temple Mount on Israel's Independence Day or Jerusalem Day. This year, Yom Ha'Atzmaut is celebrated this coming Thursday, May 5. Jerusalem Day is May 29. So far, no human rights group has shown the slightest concern over the threat. Neither have so-called "experts" on antisemitism Linda Sarsour or Rashida Tlaib or Marc Lamont Hill or Peter Beinart, all who have participated in panels on the topic of antisemitism. Absurdly, Sinwar also claimed that Hamas is not interested in making this into a religious war. That's really amusing from an organization whose founding documents are steeped in calls for jihad, who praise "martyrdom operations" and whose many obituaries are laced...Read More |
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