Iranian media: Threatening Jews with violence works! (Unknown), 27 May 04:45 AM Al-Alam of Iran starts off an article in a notabl | Al-Alam of Iran starts off an article in a notable way: The occupation yields to threats and prevents Jews from performing their rituals in Al-Aqsa The threats made by the Palestinians not to allow the Jews to perform their rituals in Al-Aqsa Mosque have paid off. In addition, the US embassy warned its citizens not to reach the Old City of Jerusalem on Sunday, in conjunction with the flag march, according to the Hebrew channel Kan. The channel said that the US embassy in Israel decided to prevent US government officials, diplomats and their families from visiting the Old City of Jerusalem, starting from this evening until next Monday, due to the holding of the flags march next Sunday. The message is clear: When Palestinians threaten violence, the weak Israelis cave. The secondary message they are trying to tell all Palestinians: Not only is threats of violence effective, but you can win as long as you keep hammering away at the insecure, spineless Jews. The article ends off with another threat: It is noteworthy that the Islamic Jihad and Hamas have threatened the "Israeli" occupation of the consequences of allowing...Read More |
From Ian: Prof. Eugene Kontorovich: "Israel Apartheid" Is the New "Zionism=Racism" The coordinated reports by European government-funded NGOs accusing Israel of the crime of apartheid are an example of a "Big Lie." The Amnesty International apartheid report claimed that Israel since its founding was an apartheid state. Thus, it is not any policies of Israel's but the idea of a Jewish state that is apartheid. The reports treat the Palestinians as silent objects, rather than political actors who have shaped their own destiny. In particular, the reports ignore the reality of Palestinian self-government and systematic Palestinian efforts to murder Israeli Jews. Since 1993 the Palestinians have had their own government, which regulates almost every aspect of their lives. Unlike South African Bantustans, the PA government is recognized by most countries of the world and functions outside of Israeli control. Under the Oslo Agreements, the PA government and Israel agreed on a framework for dividing authority and jurisdiction in areas where their governments and populations are intertwined. The Human Rights Watch (HRW) report cites those very features as evidence of apartheid - in effect saying that the internationally-backed Oslo Accords, for which several Nobel Peace Prizes were awarded, is equivalent to apartheid. All of the movement restrictions and the separation wall were established not as...Read More |
Today, construction started on an elevator at the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron. It took years any many court cases. The Jewish community offered to work with the Hebron municipality on the design, only to be refused. The elevator will be available to Jews and Muslims. Up until today, people who are wheelchair bound had to be literally carried up in order to see the holy site. In other words, this is a no-brainer. Except - anything Jews do is automatically awful. Palestine Today describes it this way: The attempts of the " Israeli " occupation to Judaize in the Ibrahimi Mosque in the city of Khalil al-Rahman never stops. The installation of the metal structure of the electric elevator comes within the framework of strengthening the comprehensive Jewish grip on the city, including the Ibrahimi Mosque , and transforming the Islamic aspect into a Jewish one. The...Read More |
Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory. Check out their Facebook page. Tartarus, May 26 - A Greek demigod sentenced to have the objects of his fondest desires always eluding his grasp took solace today upon realizing that the fate of Israel's current Alternative Prime Minister outstrips his own in intensity: whereas the demigod suffers the constant deprivation of the delicious fruit above and the refreshing water below him always moving away when he reaches for them, the head of the Yesh Atid Party suffers even more, by having the helm of the Jewish State within his reach twice already, only to have the government collapse once and on the verge of doing so again - when the coalition agreement calls for him to assume the office of prime minister late next year. Tantalus, the forever-tormented son of the god Zeus and the nymph Plouto, conceded Thursday that he does not envy Yair Lapid, who will, it appears, be denied his long-coveted opportunity to become Prime Minister of Israel because the current government of Naftali Bennett hangs by a thread that weakens each day. "Oh, I wouldn't want to be in his shoes," remarked the mythological figure whose name gave English the word "tantalizing." "That level of seeing something you've been working toward for years and years, only to watch, helplessly, as it slips away from you not...Read More |
From Ian: Israel Confronts Iranian Aggression and Renewed Palestinian Terror The most important and most dangerous challenge for Israel is the progress in the Iranian nuclear military program. There has been a sharp increase in the pace in which the Iranians are developing their program and the pace in which they are enriching uranium. The Iranians are moving very fast towards having the capability to have enough fissile material for several bombs within a very short period of time. This means Iran is deep into the area where it can be called a threshold nuclear country. There is a big debate among the experts about how much time it is going to take before the Iranians have the weapon itself. Some think it's going to take two years. I'm much more pessimistic because I think that the Iranians don't work in a linear way to first produce the enriched uranium and then start worrying about how to turn it into a bomb. While Israel doesn't see eye-to-eye with the Americans on returning to the Iran nuclear deal, it does cooperate with the Americans on trying to convince the Iranians that moving forward is going to be dangerous. We are in the midst of a big military exercise in which Israel cooperates with the Americans in the modeling of an attack on the Iranian nuclear facilities. Israel has been facing an increase in the number of Palestinian terror attacks in the last couple...Read More |
Hezbollah's mouthpiece Al Manar has a bizarre analysis of Israeli psyche: 22 years after Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah delivered the victory speech in Bint Jbeil town, Southern Lebanon, during which his eminence described 'Israel' as weaker than the spider web, 'Israel' is suffering from the repercussions of those words. The Zionist analysts considered that the "Spider Web" Speech has imposed itself on the collective mind of the Israelis and pushed the experts to study it thoroughly. The Israeli analysts added that Sayyed Nasrallah's words have been pounding the pillars of the Zionist entity since 2000, noting that they psychologically influenced the Israeli mind. It is a shame that Al Manar didn't name these "Zionist analysts" who claim Israel is suffering from psychotic fear of Lebanese might. Nasrallah has made the spider web analogy many times since 2000, and in a Hezbollah museum the centerpiece exhibit is called the Spider's Web with photos and models of damaged Israeli weapons and dead IDF soldiers. By an incredible coincidence, Nasrallah made a speech Wednesday night, where he parroted what this article said! Sayyed Nasrallah labelled the "Spider's Web" speech as a one that has engraved a deep scar among the leaders of the 'Israeli' entity and its army...Read More |
As the world mourns the young victims of the mass shooting in Uvalde, it is worth looking at how Palestinians and Jordanians regard another shooting at a school in Israel 48 years ago this month. On May 15, 1974 - what is now celebrated as "Nakba Day" - three Palestinian Arab DFLP terrorists went on a shooting spree in Ma'alot, Israel, where they killed many - including shooting a 4 year old boy and his pregnant mother dead. The attack culminated in them taking 105 hostages at the Netiv Meir Elementary School, their target, where high school students from Tzfat (Safed) were staying during a field trip. They placed explosive charges between the students forced to the floor at gunpoint. During a rescue operation, the terrorists sprayed the students with machine gun fire and tossed grenades at another group of girls. A total of 31 people were killed, including 22 students. Palestinian websites recall this attack fondly. The Palestinian Encyclopedia calls it the Tarshiha Operation and calls the three terrorists "martyrs," proudly noting that they made it through Israeli security. One of the terrorists, Muhammad Muslih Salim Dardour...Read More |
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