יום ראשון, 5 במרץ 2023

Daily EoZ Digest

Iran isn't only violating the IAEA rules - it is flouting themnoreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 05 Mar 05:45 AM The Institute for Science and Internati

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Iran isn't only violating the IAEA rules - it is flouting them
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 05 Mar 05:45 AM

The Institute for Science and International Security wrote an article summarizing Iran's violations of nuclear agreements with the IAEA.
It's even worse than the media are reporting. There is little doubt that Iran is actively hiding its nuclear enrichment program, and there is no non-military reason to do what Iran has now been proven to do.

Iran can now break out and produce enough weapon-grade enriched uranium for a nuclear weapon in 12 days, using only three advanced centrifuge cascades and half of its existing stock of 60 percent enriched uranium. This breakout could be difficult for inspectors to detect promptly, if Iran took steps to delay inspectors' access.

Using its remaining stock of 60 percent enriched uranium and its stock of near 20 percent enriched uranium, Iran could produce enough weapon-grade uranium for an additional four nuclear weapons in a month. During the next two months, Iran could produce two more weapons' worth of weapon-grade uranium from its stock of less than five percent enriched uranium, meaning that Iran could produce enough weapon-grade uranium for five nuclear weapons in one month and seven in three months.

The IAEA detected uranium particles enriched to 83.7 percent from environmental sampling taken during a monthly interim verification (IIV) at the Fordow Fuel Enrichment Plant (FFEP) on January 22...Read More

03/04 Links: Gil Troy: The Huwara Riot Was No 'Pogrom'; Thirty years on, Schindler's List should never have been made; When is journalism antisemitic?
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 04 Mar 09:00 PM

From Ian:

Gil Troy: The Huwara Riot Was No 'Pogrom'

Anti-Palestinian violence comes from the margins of Israeli society. Anti-Jewish violence comes from the Palestinian mainstream.

As a Russian correspondent for the Times of London explained on Dec. 7, 1903, pogrom "is a national institution" and is "not a massacre in the ordinary sense of the term." Rather, pogroms are "directed against Jews." Local and national authorities "encouraged" the thunderous destruction. The Times emphasized: "from the very first pebble thrown by a small boy to the last murder committed, all is absolutely under the control of the Government."

By contrast, pictures from Huwara showed Israeli soldiers saving Palestinians from the flames. Mainstream Israeli leaders condemned the violence. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said: "Don't take the law into your own hands." Israel's army is trying to find the rioters, with 14 suspects already arrested.

Pogroms came from the center of Eastern European society, while the anti-Palestinian violence came from the margins of Israeli society. Meanwhile, anti-Jewish violence comes from the Palestinian mainstream. Palestinian leaders openly call for the destruction of the Jewish state and sponsor "martyr's funds" to pay the families of those that carry out attacks against Israel. Palestinians celebrated the murder of...Read More

03/03 Links Pt2: Meet the brilliant barrister battling lies about Israel; Filmmaker Steven Spielberg Says Global Antisemitism is 'Standing Proud,' 'No Longer Lurking'
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 03 Mar 04:00 PM

From Ian:

A Second Purim Story

The application of age-old archetypes hasn't disappeared: Many people consider Hitler to have been of an Amalekite strain. But even if we draw metaphorical language from the canon, we are not imagining ourselves within it the way medieval Jewry did.

When Haman slandered the Jewish people to King Ahasuerus, he described them as "a certain people scattered and separate among the nations." Medieval Jewry may have been geographically scattered and forcibly separated from interacting with the gentile world due to antisemitic laws, but within their own locales, they were not separated from one another. Today, we are more universalized than ever before—constantly updated on every news event happening halfway across the globe—but we are mentally scattered, emotionally removed, superficially scrolling. While human instinct demands that we bond briefly over tragedies, our Jewish community requires much deeper coalitions to celebrate averted ones.

The original Purim story famously makes no mention of God, which many interpret as a sign that diasporic Jews must pull themselves up by their bootstraps to find the divine in the darkness. In Megillat Saragossa, however, God's name appears multiple times. The text insists that the Jews of Saragossa are God-fearing and God-following. More importantly, these mentions of a divine presence assure its audience—Jews of...Read More

"Remember, say Zionists, not Jews"
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 03 Mar 02:15 PM

From Times of Israel:

A pro-Palestinian activist who committed a series of attacks on Jews in New York City in 2021 and 2022 discussed bringing firebombs to a pro-Israel rally, bragged about antisemitic assaults and plotted how to evade law enforcement, according to federal prosecutors.

Saadah Masoud pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit hate crimes in federal court in November as part of a plea agreement. His sentencing for separate attacks on three Jews will be held on Friday in the Southern District Court of New York. He faces up to two years in prison.

In a sentencing submission last week, prosecutors laid out discussions Masoud held with his associates around the time of the crimes that indicated the attacks were planned and targeted people they believed to be Jewish or Israeli.

In May of 2021, around the time of a conflict between Israel and the Hamas terror group, Masoud discussed disrupting a pro-Israel rally in Manhattan in a group chat on the Signal messaging app.

The group discussed bringing weapons to the pro-Israel rally, including Molotov cocktails, prosecutors said.

One of the participants said, "Remember, don't chant out Jews, it's the Zionists," apparently to evade allegations of antisemitism. Another participant in the group chat said, "Fuck all Jews."

In a separate exchange, Masoud celebrated violence against Jews, saying, "I...Read More

03/03 Links Pt1: Israel's democracy is not in peril; Where's the anguish over Jews continuously murdered by Palestinian terrorists?; Hungary to Move Israel Embassy to Jerusalem
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 03 Mar 12:00 PM

From Ian:

Lee Smith: Biden Sets Israel on Fire

Obama's button men have made the "Get Bibi" machinery a permanent part of the Israeli political landscape: It's how they dress their never-ending Iran deal campaigns in the garb of domestic Israeli politics. After Obama's second term ended, his ambassador to Israel, Dan Shapiro, stayed in country to service the anti-Bibi infrastructure while warning Israelis that no matter how good Trump was for Israel—crashing the nuclear deal, moving the embassy to Jerusalem, etc.—they better not get too close to the Republican president, for there would be a price to pay once the Democrats returned to power. And now they have.

Netanyahu brought some of this punishment on himself. His March 2015 speech before a joint session of Congress warning against the Iran nuclear deal was celebrated by Republicans at the time as a bold gesture of defiance. They likened Netanyahu to Winston Churchill, with Obama scripted as the grand appeaser, Neville Chamberlain.

In retrospect Bibi's speech was a mistake. First, it was an announcement to the world that having gone all out—short of taking out Iran's nuclear facilities—Bibi lost. Second, it signaled that the crucial decisions about Israel's future were made not in Jerusalem but in Washington. This is what galvanized Bibi's domestic opposition.

Israel's anti-Bibi establishment was pleased to do Obama's...Read More

He wrote an op-ed supporting judicial reform. So Haaretz fired him.
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 03 Mar 10:15 AM

Earlier this week, Daled Amos wrote about how Haaretz has dropped all pretense of journalism and objectivity, based on my tweet of a letter from Haaretz's publisher Amos Schocken:

Dear Haaretz reader,

Despite the hopes – and votes – of nearly half of Israel's electorate, Benjamin Netanyahu won Israel's last election and, since taking office as prime minister, he has spun into action together with his far-right partners, to implement a swathe of radical policies that threaten to change the nature of Israel's democracy, perhaps irrevocably.

Israel's newly empowered right wing, discarding its liberal right heritage, has swung towards nationalism, illiberalism and authoritarianism. We now have a serving prime minister who is simultaneously the subject of an ongoing criminal trial, and hoping to evade justice. We have a government pushing to undermine the rule of law in Israel, to end the separation of powers, the independence of the courts and judges, and to crush freedom of expression.

It is incumbent upon us to fight these policies and even worse proposals taking shape among members of the governing coalition. This fight must be informed by the unparalleled, and unafraid, reporting and analysis that has been our mission for over a century.

At Haaretz, our dedicated journalists are on the ground every day...Read More

Palestinian media enthusiastically catalogues terror attacks - far more than even Israeli media
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 03 Mar 08:00 AM

The Western media is filled with images of the IDF "invading" Palestinian cities and with statistics about how high the Palestinian casualty count in the West Bank is this year compared to previous years. The impression from the media is an inversion of the truth, where the IDF is portrayed as acting out of blind revenge while the Palestinians are helpless.

Palestinian media has a different narrative. Instead of being victims, they are the heroic instigators of these battles.
Of course, every dead Jew is celebrated, but they go way beyond that - counting every shooting attack, firebomb, Molotov cocktail, al in the context of "heroic resistance."
A Palestinian group named Maati has been keeping these statistics since January 2022. Last month they counted:
1,117 total "acts of resistance"8 Israelis killed144 "shooting operations"4 "stabbing operations"34 explosive devices26 firebombsHundreds of "stone throwing" operations
January was even worse, with 1,448 total "acts of resistance" and 159 shooting attacks. 15 Israelis have been killed this year.
The number of Palestinian shooting attacks has increased dramatically over the past year, according to Maati:

This is an average of five shooting attacks a day this year - and hardly any are reported!
The Western media has their narrative, and there is no room there for the pride that Palestinians have in their "heroes" to the extent that every bullet and stone is a cause for celebration.
When you report only half the story, you aren...Read More

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