It appears that the Palestinian prime minister's family originated in Egypt - like many other (Unknown), 03 Mar 05:45 | I looked up the history of the Shtayyeh family. There wasn't as much online as there is from other famous Palestinian families who proudly trace their histories to companions of Mohammed in Arabia. But about ten years ago, one member of the family seemed to go through social media to see all the the Shtayyehs he could find, and he made a slide show showing dozens of them and a very short bio on each. While a few live now in Nablus, where Mohammed Shtayyeh was born, the home town of most of them is Damietta, Egypt. And the Egyptian origin of the family seems likely. A monograph by the JCPA reminds us that Hamas leader Fathi Hammad once said: Who are the Palestinians? We have many families called al-Masri, whose roots are Egyptian! They may be from Alexandria, from Cairo, from Damietta, from the north, from Aswan, from Upper Egypt. We are Egyptians; we are Arabs. We are Muslims. We are part of you [in mainland Egypt]. Egyptians! Personally, half my family is Egyptian – and the other half are Saudis. The paper goes on to say that it is well known that Egyptians settled in major cities in Palestine in the 19th century, including Nablus. One of their footnotes says that an Israeli researcher checked the Nablus phone book in 1980 and found 70 entries for the name "al-Masri," "The Egyptian," alone...Read More |
From Ian: Howard Jacobson: Is it time for Jews to do less yearning and more living? This week, one of our greatest living authors delivered Jewish Book Week's keynote speech. Howard Jacobson's address argues for a new positivity towards Jewishness and Israel. Today, the JC publishes it in full. If asked to name what Jews were best at, I used always to say "argument". Disputatiousness is our element, I insisted, but I don't expect you to agree with me. Today, less glibly, I'd say something different. Today I'd say that what defines Jews essentially is disappointment. Disappointment, the non-fulfilment of expectation, is the mournful poetry of the Jewish soul. Not only what we're good at, but what explains — what helps explain, at least — how it is, to the disappointment of others, that we are still here. I am not a scholar of Jewish thought, unless being an old Jew makes me one. I am a novelist: I read a bit, listen a bit, and make the rest up. The late Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks once told me he thought I'd make a great rabbi. I told him I thought he'd make a great novelist. We were only half-joking. Jews only ever half-joke. Which is a subject for another lecture. So I'll add "rabbinic potential" to the list of what qualifies me to give this one. The subject of my novel this evening is the story of ourselves we've been telling since we let God down...Read More |
(Based on a Twitter thread.) Amnesty International tweeted: "Human rights" organization Amnesty International is openly advocating the forcible removal and ethnic cleansing of 670,000 Jews from their homes. Normally, that's a war crime. They have never insisted on that in Western Sahara or Northern Cyprus or anywhere else. Only for Jews. The Encyclopedia of Human Rights says settlers have human rights and ethnically cleansing them wholesale is clearly a violation of those rights. It was talking about Northern Cyprus. "Human rights" groups are saying, of course, Turkish settlers have human rights and compelling reasons to stay where they are - but Jews don't. And remember, there are thousands of Arab "settlers" - Israeli Arabs who have moved over the Green Line in Beit Safafa, Beit Hanina, French Hill and elsewhere. Amnesty never calls them "settlers." No, the only people in the WORLD they want to ethnically cleanse are Jews! . When Jews have a different set of rules than everyone else, that is the definition of antisemitism. And Amnesty is guilty. There is another proof of Amnesty's antisemitism in Amnesty's tweet...Read More |
Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory. Check out their Facebook page. Jerusalem, February 23 - Since time immemorial, the indigenous people of Palestine have lived in their native land, bound on the west by the Mediterranean Sea and to the north, east, and south by frontiers established by the British and French in the waning days of the First World War, beyond which Palestine never existed. Ancient texts and modern lore speak of a bucolic Palestine that saw conquest after conquest, its native population anchored to the land through thick and thin and defining themselves as the children of it, so thoroughly that the term "Palestine" never passed their lips. From the Biblical era to the premodern, as empires and administrative boundaries shifted, and as populations migrated, never did a parcel of land beyond the lines drawn by Sykes and Picot answer to the term "Palestine," except for the eastern two thirds of the British Mandate for Palestine that became the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and thus retroactively disqualified from the descriptor "Palestine" back into history. The cultural, demographic, and ethnic spectrum that characterizes modern-day Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, and Jordan seldom shifted in any appreciable way upon traversing the 1916 borders of Palestine; the Levantine cuisine, religions, mores, and customs of Palestine have defied, for millennia...Read More |
From Ian: Melanie Phillips: The real threat to Israeli democracy Universalism deems the nation to be inherently exclusive, bigoted and oppressive. National laws therefore need to be subordinate to universal principles. When universal human rights law was created, some lawyers warned that such laws, not being anchored in any national jurisdiction, could pose a potential risk to justice. The warning was ignored. But that is precisely why human rights law has been weaponized against Israel. It's why human rights NGOs have been able to position themselves as the conscience of the world, even while they maliciously defame Israelis as human rights offenders and excuse the Palestinian Arabs' genocidal attacks. It's why the U.N. Human Rights Council disproportionately and unjustly targets Israel while sanitizing tyrannical regimes—some of which are even members of the council. It's why the Palestinian Arabs can foment vexatious actions against Israel in the International Court of Justice or the International Criminal Court. Human rights culture has created "lawfare" against Israel, against justice and against democracy. It has transformed judges from custodians of the rule of law into perpetrators of rule by lawyers. The threat to democracy in Israel isn't coming from the Netanyahu government, but from the thousands in the streets. Ultimately, it's an attack on the very idea of a nation state governed...Read More |
We've discussed the transparent hate that "UN Special Rapporteur on Occupied Palestinian Territories" Francesca Albanese has towards Israel many times, yet she somehow continues to outdo herself. UN Watch published a well-researched article that showed that Craig Mokhiber, head of the New York office of the UN Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights, has a history of anti-Israel bias to the extent of accusing Israel of "genocide," "large-scale atrocities" and"right-wing white ethno-nationalist terrorism." Albanese responded with something that really goes beyond her previous anti-Israel statements: Shooting the messenger is the only card left to those whose sole purpose is to shelter Israel from accountability. Unfortunately for them - and for Palestinians- Israel's brutal occupation has grown out of control. It can no longer be whitewashed by smearing human rights voices.How, exactly, is quoting Moktuber's own words "smearing" him and "shooting the messenger"? If Albanese considers him the "messenger" that means that she agrees that Israel is engaging in "genocide," a truly sickening and antisemitic position. Genocide is the deliberate...Read More |
The official Palestinian Wafa news agency describes a new book written by the Palestinian Liberation Organization Research Center. The Palestine Liberation Organization-Research Center has issued a new book, entitled: "Zionism, Israel and Anti-Semitism: Exploiting the Suffering of the Jews to Persecute the Palestinians," by the researcher and journalist specializing in Israeli affairs, Khaldoun Barghouti. In the book, Barghouti discusses the motives and stages of developing the definition of antisemitism from "racism against Jews on an ethnic and religious basis" to new definitions, mainly targeting those who adopt anti-Zionist positions as a colonial-settler idea, and those who criticize Israel as a country that practices military occupation and apartheid against the Palestinians. They are accusing them of being racist against Jews, "that is, antisemites," with the aim of suppressing and silencing these voices. The book focuses on the IHRA's Working Definition of Anti-Semitism, which was adopted by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA in 2016, after it was issued in 2005 by a European organization that cooperated with Israeli and Western academics and Zionist organizations, with the aim of suppressing critics of Israel's policies against the Palestinians during the Al-Aqsa Intifada, which began in 2000. The book also reviews the most prominent areas in which this definition is used by Zionist organizations...Read More |
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