About that poll saying Democrats favor Palestinians over Israelis - it doesn't.noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 24 Mar 04:45 AM Israel haters are abso | Israel haters are absolutely gloating over a recent Gallup poll. As NBC reports: More Democrats have sympathy for Palestinians than for Israelis amid their ongoing conflict, according to recent polling from Gallup. The shift marks the first time since Gallup began collecting this data in 2001 that members of either party have been more sympathetic to the Palestinians. The survey finds 49% of Democrats saying they're more sympathetic to Palestinians, while 38% say they're more sympathetic to the Israelis. Now, it is true that this is the first time that the question garnered more sympathy for Palestinian than for Israelis. But there is another part of the poll that, for some reason, the Israel haters and mainstream media are ignoring. The poll had one other question: "I'd like your overall opinion of some foreign countries. What is your overall opinion of [country]? Is it very favorable, mostly favorable, mostly unfavorable or very unfavorable?" For that question, 56% of Democrats answered that their opinion of Israel was favorable, while only 36% felt favorably towards the Palestinian entity. In fact, the "favorable" question has shown a large preference for Israel that has been fairly consistent of more that 40 percentage points over time. And...Read More |
From Ian: 'I am one of those liberals who got mugged by reality': An Interview with Gadi Taub Introduction by Gabriel Noah Brahm Senior Lecturer in the School of Public Policy and the Department of Communications at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Dr. Gadi Taub is an Israeli historian, novelist, screenwriter, political commentator and influencer of wide repute, ubiquitous on television, social media, podcasts and in print. Once a man of the left, Taub says he is 'one of those liberals who got mugged by reality' and is now a prominent intellectual on the Israeli right and host of Israel's leading conservative podcast, Gatekeeper (שומר סף). He recently conducted an exclusive hour-long interview with Justice Minister, Yariv Levin, who laid out the details of his proposed reform. (The interview is now available with English subtitles on the Gatekeeper channel.) Moreover, some on the left have come to consider Taub so dangerous that his long-running column in Haaretz was terminated by its publisher, Amos Schocken, who justified the decision on the grounds that Taub's columns were, he claimed, giving a 'tailwind' to a 'coup'. The following is a transcript, lightly edited for readability, of a recent conversation conducted at Taub's home in the heart of Tel Aviv, not far from Allenby Street, which gave its name to the hit Israeli TV show, based on his novel...Read More |
The University of Cambridge has a small but impressive collection of digitized Hebrew manuscripts. I mentioned their 15th century complete Mishna yesterday. They have two illuminated siddurim (prayer books), both of which include Passover Haggadot. Since they are not standalone, they seem to be more obscure than some of the more famous illuminated Haggadot. The more interesting one, from the 14th or 15th century CE, doesn't even have a name - it is an incomplete siddur, missing many pages, and its drawings are a bit faded - but it is a very impressive work, especially since the entire siddur is illuminated. Some of the creatures drawn remind me of Dr. Seuss. But as the page above shows, the scribe had no problem with drawing human figures. The word "אומר" in this section seems to use a concatenation of the "mem" and "resh" as a single letter, a ligature I had never seen before (you can see on the last line the more well-known "aleph-lamed" ligature, while rarely used today it is part of the Unicode font set.) I just did a brief search and I cannot find any mention of a mem-resh ligature, so maybe I (and jamie t) made a real discovery. That's the sort of thing that can launch entire academic...Read More |
Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory. Check out their Facebook page. Ramallah, March 23 - Staff at an institution dedicated to displaying indigenous artifacts of the Arab people of this part of the Levant struggled again today to articulate the difference in tone the exhibits take toward two different periods in which a colonizing foreign entity swept through the land and imposed hegemony on its inhabitants, with periods prior to the seventh century and after the nineteenth portrayed in frightful terms, while those in between are characterized in neutral, benign, or glorious terms, a discrepancy that curators and docents have grappled with unsuccessfully since the venue opened to guests several years ago. The Palestinian History Museum in the de facto Palestinian capital has long faced an uphill campaign to collect and present artifacts consistent with the premise of Palestinian Arab indigeneity. Spokesmen for the institution have at various times accused Zionists of destroying or fabricating evidence, only to become stymied in the face of Arab pronouncements from previous ages that assume as a matter of fact, for example, that Jews were sovereign here long before Arabs imposing Islam arrived in the first half of the eighth century CE. A prominent instance of the phenomenon involves a guide to the Haram al-Sharif - the compound housing the Dome of Rock...Read More |
From Ian: Caroline Glick: America, Israel and the era of false messiahs Obama hated Israel because, to him, the Jewish state is a microcosm of the America he believed was responsible for the wars of the region. He turned against America's Sunni allies in the Persian Gulf and against Egypt because they viewed the United States as a positive rather than a negative force in the region. For failing to hate American power as he did, Obama determined that the Sunni regimes weren't "authentic" and he worked to destabilize them by supporting the Iranian mullahs and their allies in the Muslim Brotherhood. Since jihad was a reasoned response to American aggression, so the thinking went and still goes, by empowering jihadists at the expense of Israel and the Sunni regimes, America could convince them to leave America alone or provide it with moral exculpation. America's spurned Sunni allies responded to Washington's betrayal by casting about for other options. First, they turned to Israel. Then they turned to Russia and China. China's mediation of the Saudi-Iranian dispute is a testament to the Sunnis' conviction that the United States can no longer be trusted. The report this week that the UAE is considering downgrading its relations with Israel is a testament to the growing sense among the Arabs that Israel is going down with America. The Biden administration's open support for the revolt of...Read More |
As I've been reporting, ever since the Abraham Accords were announced, some Arab commentators have sounded the alarm, saying that this is the beginning of a new "Abrahamic" religion meant by Jews to destroy Islam. Those fears were multiplied by the opening of the multifaith Abrahamic Family House in Dubai. Now the head of the Egyptian Islamist Nour party is putting all the pieces together: Sameh Bassiouni, head of the Supreme Committee of the Nour Party, said that the world order is now promoting the model of the so-called "Abrahamic House." It is not a call for peaceful coexistence, as the supporters claim, or the deceived repeat. It is a tactical phased step to domesticate future generations through multiple and disparate devotional rituals in one complex under the deception of the unified Abrahamic creed. In an article published by Al-Fath on its website, Bassiouni stressed that the deception of the Abrahamic religion is a prelude to dissolving the concept of Islamic faith and identity in Arab-Islamic countries, and then pushing for a federation of the alleged Abrahamic states in the region. This will dissolve the concepts of the unity and cohesion of the homeland. Then the door opens wide to achieve the fixed strategic Zionist plans to implement the Talmudic dream of a Jewish...Read More |
Earlier this month I reported on an antisemitic Arabic article published on MSN, Microsoft's news network. It said that Israel is inflicting a "Holocaust" on Palestinians. It is hardly the only example. Just today, MSN published one article saying that modern Jews have no relationship with the Jews of Biblical times (while accusing modern Jews of racism, naturally), and another from a Jordanian who writes Israel is "an entire entity of murderous terrorists, who have pursued policies of apartheid and genocide against Palestinians and Arabs for nearly a century" and then concludes that Palestine is all Jordanian. MSN gets many of its Arabic articles from a company called SyndiGate, which strikes deals with Arab and other international media companies to syndicate their content. SyndiGate is owned by the...Read More |
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