יום רביעי, 22 במרץ 2023

Daily EoZ Digest

75 years ago: Jewish heroes saving lives - and getting killed for itnoreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 22 Mar 04:45 AM Heroes Haim Graf and Mordechai Ko

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75 years ago: Jewish heroes saving lives - and getting killed for it
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 22 Mar 04:45 AM

Heroes Haim Graf and Mordechai Komornik

There were two interesting and related articles in the Palestine Post of March 22, 1948, on events that happened 75 years ago today, that were both about Jewish heroes.
The first real heroes were two guards, Haim Graf and Mordechai Komornik, who saw smoke coming out of the abandoned vehicle outside the Solel Boneh building in Haifa. They warned scores of people about a truck bomb - and who were killed by that very bomb as they were pushing the truck away from the crowded building.

Unfortunately, four were killed besides the guards, including a father and his five year old son.
The other heroic story was of a different type:

The Jews rushed to save the lives of their armed enemies - and Zichron Mizrahi paid with his life.
Why did the Arab Legionnaires assume that the Jews who were trying to rescue them were attacking them?
Because that is how Arabs would act!
Palestinian Arabs have a different idea of what being a "hero" means. They have used the word "heroic" consistently with every single murder of a Jew this year (and every other year) by an Arab.
If you want to know a people, know who they consider their heroes.

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03/21 Links Pt2: Phyllis Chesler: Israeli protesters, I can no longer keep silent; Ben & Jerry's sued over child labor, after attempted Israel boycott; Thomas Friedman's fury
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 21 Mar 05:00 PM

From Ian:

Bernard Henri Levy: Israel's Genius, and Its Bad Shepherds

I love Israel.

I've loved it since day one, just after the 1967 war, when I discovered this unknown land where everything spoke to me in secret.

I love the miracle of this country, born of a publicist's passion for a history that he knew very little about; baptized with a name from psalmists and poets who knew nothing of what makes a nation; built by practical dreamers who, while resuscitating Hebrew, realized this other miracle, which was the invention of one of the only true social contracts in history ("we decide to be a republic, therefore we are one"—who else dared, except maybe America?).

I love Israel when I feel it's a refuge for persecuted Jews, and I love it when it's being menaced, stigmatized or demonized by adversaries who, by arms or words, intend to weaken or destroy it.

And, unlike France, which after six years of war with Algeria suspended some of its fundamental liberties, or the United States, which needed only six weeks after September 11 to pass their Patriot Act, I love that Israel, even at war, not after six years or six weeks, but since the very day of its birth, i.e., for 75 years, has never removed its freedoms or ceased to be a democracy.Phyllis Chesler...Read More

The EU is allergic to the historical word "Samaria"
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 21 Mar 03:00 PM

The European Union issued a press release:

Today's decision in the Knesset to repeal some articles of the 2005 Disengagement law concerning the Northern West Bank is counter-productive to de-escalation efforts, and hampers the possibility to pursue confidence building measures and create a political horizon for dialogue.

Israel has reaffirmed its commitment to efforts to reduce tensions just very recently, with the joint communiques of Aqaba (26 February) and Sharm al-Sheikh (19 March).

The EU considers settlements as illegal under international law. They constitute a major obstacle to peace and threaten the viability of the two-state solution. The Gaza Disengagement law of 2005, and its articles concerning Northern West Bank, was an important step towards a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The decision of the Knesset is a clear step back.

We call on Israel to revoke this law and take actions that contribute to de-escalation of an already very tense situation.

The term "West Bank" wasn't capitalized until the 1970s, thousands of years after the area was named Judea and Samaria.

Now the EU has publicized a brand new place name: "Northern West Bank." I can only find one other place where it is capitalized as a place name - by the...Read More

Palestinians defending the right to play soccer on the Temple Mount
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 21 Mar 01:15 PM

This video from Palestine Times is upset at an Israeli Knesset member suggested that playing soccer on the Temple Mount be prohibited, and defends the right of Muslims to desecrate the holiest place in Judaism.

It is remarkable that the very people who insist that everyone else respect their customs to the extent that all must follow their own laws (e.g., no one can draw cartoons of Mohammed) and who threaten those who don't adhere to their standards, have so little respect for the feelings of others.

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Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424.

Read all about it here!

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03/21 Links Pt1: Knesset repeals 2005 act on West Bank settlement pullout; Biden Administration Pushing Arabs Towards Iran; Shin Bet busts Palestinian terror cell planning attack in Jerusalem
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 21 Mar 11:00 AM

From Ian:

FDD: Israel and Palestinians Make Peace Commitments in Sharm el-Sheikh

"The good news is that there is an effort underway between Israelis and Palestinians to curb unrest during Ramadan. The bad news is that violent groups have been preparing to unleash terror attacks for some time now. And it's difficult to say if any concrete commitments were made at the summit. Outside actors could have an outsized role in keeping a lid on the violence. Jordan's rhetoric in particular could be a bellwether."— Jonathan Schanzer, FDD Senior Vice President for Research Efforts to Calm Tension as Violence Soars

The meeting is the second round of talks that began in Aqaba, Jordan, on February 26. The conference aimed to agree on a viable solution to deescalate violence. Recent terror attacks inside Israel — including a March 6 roadside bombing — have exacerbated concerns by Israeli and American officials that terrorist groups will exploit Ramadan to carry out further attacks.

While the talks in Sharm el-Sheikh were proceeding, a Palestinian terrorist shot and injured a U.S.-Israeli citizen who was traveling in the West Bank city of Hawara. Israeli security forces apprehended the shooter, who had used a makeshift weapon during the terror attack. The attack occurred in the same city where a Palestinian terrorist shot and killed two Israelis three weeks ago, provoking retaliation by Israelis...Read More

Gaza's economy improves when they don't try to kill Jews
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 21 Mar 09:15 AM

A Hamas media spokesperson said today that Gaza's economy is rebounding now that there is relative calm in the sector.

Governmental data in the Gaza Strip released today "showed a remarkable improvement in the economic situation," especially in the manufacturing and export sectors, according to a report in Sama News.

The article says that the current state of calm, combined with Israel allowing an increasing number of vetted Gaza workers to commute to jobs in Israel, has helped the Gaza economy a great deal.

The head of the Hamas government media office, Salama Marouf, said that since last August, work has resumed in more than 220 textile factories, which led to the recovery of that sector after many years.

Speaking to Hamas' Al-Aqsa Radio, Marouf pointed out that during the past week, the products of some textile factories were exported and marketed abroad for the first time in years.

Last week, the Gaza government announced that there will be no problems of food shortages through Ramadan.

While there has been sporadic rocket fire over the past year, it has been very limited.

Who would have thought...Read More

Study indicates antisemites took advantage of Twitter's tumult after Elon Musk took over
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 21 Mar 07:00 AM

A new study by the Institute for Strategic Dialogue looks at the amount of antisemitic tweets before and after Elon Musk took over the company - and found that the amount of Jew-hate more than doubled:

New research from CASM Technology and ISD has found a major and sustained spike in antisemitic posts on Twitter since the company's takeover by Elon Musk on October 27, 2022. Powered by the award-winning digital analysis technology Beam– and based on a powerful hate speech detection methodology combining over twenty leading machine-learning models– researchers found that the volume of English-language antisemitic Tweets more than doubled in the period following Musk's takeover. In total, analysts detected 325,739 English-language antisemitic Tweets in the 9 months from June 2022 to February 2023, with the weekly average number of antisemitic Tweets increasing by 106% (from 6,204 to 12,762), when comparing the period before and after Musk's acquisition.There is a lot in the 32-page report, and its methodology appears to be largely sound. (I think if they would use my definition of antisemitism rather than the IHRA Working Definition, they might find it to be more accurate.)
But one statistic stood out to me: Antisemites were eager to take advantage of the apparent...Read More

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