Palestinian security arrests Islamic Jihad leader. Is the PA finally taking Islamist terror seriously? (Unknown), 29 Mar 04:45 AM | Israel has slowed down its raids in Palestinian towns recently. It may be because of Ramadan - or it may be because the PA agreed to do its job and assert control. The Palestinian security forces arrested a number of fugitives wanted by Israel, including a leader in the Al-Quds Brigades of Islamic Jihad. Members of terror groups fired heavily towards the police district headquarters in Jenin and young men targeted the building with Molotov cocktails in response Video clips on social media documented showed heavy shooting. While the PA has claimed that they have stopped security coordination with Israel, it looks like they realized they have no choice but to assert authority in the West Bank or lose it. Then again, we haven't seen them arrest any members of the Al Aqsa Brigades, which is linked to the ruling Fatah party. If we see that, then we'll know that the PA is somewhat serious about fighting terror, and not just trying to ensure that armed militias don't take over. * * * * * * Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon! Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! ...Read More |
This week, EoZ reached another milestone - 50,000 Twitter followers! This is just one way that my message of cutting straight to the truth about Israel and the Jewish world has been spreading around the world. It is not unusual for my tweets to get hundreds of responses. They receive well over a million views every month. And the responses show that the haters are frustrated when they see my memes, cartoons, infographics and regular text tweets go viral. EoZ isn't only tweets, though. I write long form articles with perspectives and research that you cannot find anywhere else. I am honored that so many of my readers are well-known professors, authors, and intellectuals who come to EoZ to learn things they didn't know. This year I have also been featuring many posts showing what happened in Israel 75 years ago, in the months before Israel was reborn. My book PROTOCOLS continues to sell, which is very cool considering I cannot easily promote it while maintaining my anonymity. It has a perfect five star rating! I also released the audiobook version this year. More is planned! My Instagram page, where I have been saving my graphics, has been steadily growing as well. I also have my stalwart writers Daled Amos, Varda Epstein and PreOccupied Territory. Not to mention Ian, who always does an amazing job with his twice-daily linkdumps...Read More |
From Ian: Lauder to Biden: 'This is Not Germany in 1938; This is the United States in 2023' Back in 2016, Ronald S. Lauder, president of the World Jewish Congress, presented the Theodor Herzl Award—the organization's highest honor—to then-Vice President Joe Biden. On March 26, he penned a letter to the now US president, whom he called "a friend of the Jewish people," about the need to curb rising antisemitism. "Today, America is witnessing the most frightening increase in antisemitism since the end of World War II," Lauder wrote in the letter appearing as an ad in the New York Post. "Jews make up just 2% of the US population, but are the target of more than half of all religious hate crimes." "Jews have been murdered, beaten and spat upon—especially Orthodox Jews—with almost complete silence from political leaders and the media," added Lauder. He noted that it is common for celebrities, athletes and even members of Congress to say "the most outrageous anti-Jewish slurs," and Jewish students are "singled out" on campuses for their Jewish names or defense of Israel's right to exist. "Jewish enrollment at elite schools has plummeted. Jewish students are excluded from clubs and denied positions," he wrote. "This is not Germany in 1938; this is the United States in 2023. Mr. President, only you can stop this rising tide of hatred against the Jewish...Read More |
I have been quite disturbed by the partisanship and division happening in Israel, and while I have some opinions, I have been mostly reluctant to discuss them because I try to be more about what every Zionist can agree upon, not division. So I enjoyed this 1974 poster from the Joint Israel Appeal. (I had tweeted it and Ian put it in the earlier linkdump.) Apparently I'm not the only one who likes it. It was the cover of a 2013 book. Here's another on the same theme from 1975. * * * * * * Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon! Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! ...Read More |
Today, a new law is on the Palestinian books. The General Intelligence Law No. 17 of 2005 said said that the head of Palestinian general intelligence must be less than 60 years old and can only remain in the job for three years, perhaps extending to four. (Oh, and he also is not allowed to be married to a non-Arab woman.) But Mahmoud Abbas likes his loyal intelligence chief, "Major General" Majed Faraj, who has been in office for well over three year now, so Abbas changed the law as an early 60th birthday present to him. Faraj now...Read More |
From Ian: Jonathan Tobin: A 'resistance' coup just defeated Israeli democracy Implications for the future Will that happen every time the right wins an election from now on? Probably. That means not only will the juristocracy defend its power, but its supporters are permanently committed to thwarting the will of voters who may continue to outnumber them in the future. And how will a theoretical government of the left—assuming, as many now do, that Lapid and his allies can win the next election—react if large numbers of right-wing opponents try to play the same game? If the debate over the disastrous Oslo Accords and the 2005 Gaza withdrawal are any gauge of their behavior, they will crack down on their opponents in ways that Netanyahu hesitated to do this year with widespread jailing of dissidents. Dismissals from the army of those who refuse orders rather than the gentle lectures the anti-Bibi refuseniks got will also be likely. While the left threatened violence against their opponents and even civil war if they didn't get their way about judicial reform, who really believes they will hesitate to initiate one if they are in power and the right rises up in the streets the way we've just witnessed? Similarly, the implications for Israel's foreign relations are equally ominous. The opposition has essentially legitimized American involvement in Israel's domestic politics even on an...Read More |
Journalist Rula Jebreal tweeted about the large rallies in Tel Aviv, "This reminds me of the 1st intifada/popular uprising of 1987... Palestinians gathered under the banner: "End the occupation, No annexation...yes to PEACE." Then she added that "I was 15 during the First Intifada. We protested daily & peacefully in Jerusalem." This has been a theme among Israel haters, that the first intifada was peaceful. They never mention that about 200 Israelis were killed in these "peaceful" times. Middle East Monitor, an anti-Israel English language publication, says, "It involved many forms of civil disobedience, including: massive demonstrations, general strikes, refusal to pay taxes, boycotts of Israeli products, graffiti and underground 'freedom schools', as well as unarmed forms of resistance such as stone-throwing and Molotov cocktails." Not exactly what one would call "peaceful." What about the slogans Jebreal claims they chanted? It seems unlikely that they chanted "no to annexation," since that wasn't a talking point then. But did they say "yes to PEACE"? I found a fairly comprehensive list of slogans chanted by Arabs in the first intifada. The very few that mentioned peace were veiled threats, such as "before we touch the trigger, we raise the call of...Read More |
From AP: New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft faced the camera during a video call, pointing to a small, sky-blue lapel pin on his blazer. The pin is the symbol of a $25 million "Stand Up to Jewish Hate" campaign launched Monday by the 81-year-old billionaire through his Foundation to Combat Antisemitism, aiming to raise awareness nationwide about soaring incidents of antisemitism online and in person. The campaign will feature emotive ads to be introduced by stars of top television shows such as NBC's "The Voice," and the "Kelly Clarkson Show," and Bravo's "Watch What Happens Live with Andy Cohen." "This little blue square represents the Jewish population in the United States – 2.4%," said Kraft, who was raised in Brookline, Massachusetts, in an observant Orthodox Jewish family. "But we're the victims of 55% of the hate crimes in this country." "Jewish hate"??? That sounds like a campaign against Jewish bigots! It is not a synonym for antisemitism - it is a phrase antisemites would say! The American Jewish Committee, which has joined this campaign, talks about "combating anti-Jewish hate" on its own webpage. So which is it - are we fighting Jewish hate or anti-Jewish hate? Why couldn't the slogan be "stand up...Read More |
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