The eternal Jewish attachment to the Land of Israel can be proven by a single (Unknown), 30 Mar 04:45 AM Anti-Zionists like |  |
Anti-Zionists like to claim that Jews have no right to Israel because they were absent from the land for so long, and therefore the rights have been extinguished over time. The proof they are wrong, of course, is that Jews have always maintained our emotional attachment to the Land of Israel. Our absence from the land was forced upon us and not a choice. The most famous example is the phrase at the end of the Passover seder and at the end of Yom Kippur services, "Next Year in Jerusalem!" And, of course, every day, Jews in their prayers ask God to restore us to the Land and rebuild the Temple. However, that argument has a flaw. Those examples may prove only that Jews want to Messiah to arrive and then return to the land of our forefathers. But what abut the ongoing attachment to the land in the two thousand years of diaspora? How can the ties that each Jew has in each generation, not a theoretical future, be proven? This attachment can be proven by a single Hebrew word, and that word is אַרְצֵֽנו. "Artzeinu" means "our land. " It is used about a half dozen times in the Hebrew scriptures, but the use of the word multiplied after our exile began. Almost invariably, the term "our land" in Jewish literature refers to the Land of Israel - and no other. The Sefaria database of Jewish...Read More |
From Ian: Uncanny Similarities Between America's Leftist Takedown of Trump and Israel's Leftist Attempted Takedown of Bibi It is a warning to conservatives everywhere: The rise of woke progressivism, amped by social media, threatens the future of democracy. The Israeli Left now is acting to circumvent free elections by trying to take down Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu's popularly chosen majority government, just as the American Left acted to take down Donald Trump's presidency. In a way, it is like seeing Hamilton or Les Mis on Broadway and then, two years later, seeing it again in Los Angeles, only with a different cast but the same songs, the same costumes and staging. In Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu plays Donald Trump. Yair Lapid, the dubious opposition leader, plays Nancy Pelosi. The Israeli Left plays Antifa, closing down airports, violently assaulting members of parliament at their homes. Israel's TV news channels 11, 12, and 13 play CNN, MSNBC, and another MSNBC. The Ha'aretz daily plays the New York Times (they wish). Maariv and Yediot Aharonot play the Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times (they wish). And both countries' productions are financed by George Soros and Friends. There are some differences. Instead of Hillary Clinton saying that Trump did not really win, Yair Lapid and his cohort say it of Bibi. Instead of Democrats...Read More |
The Queen Bee syndrome is getting in the way of Jewish unity. It does this by creating conflict between Jewish women, and in some cases, men as well. In Queen Bee syndrome, a woman, the "Queen," is mean to others, in particular to other women. The Queen may do so in order to establish a pecking order, or to get ahead in what she perceives to be a man's world offering only limited opportunities for women. But whatever the catalyst, Queen Bee behavior by nature results in alienation—the alienation of those who might otherwise have been allies. Queen Bee syndrome is far from the only obstacle standing in the way of Jewish unity. But it should be addressed, because it affects Jewish unity as a whole, rendering us weak and ineffective as a force for good in the world. Now, the vast majority of my own female colleagues, likeminded souls who fight on Israel's behalf in a hostile world, are lovely. We network and help each other. We chat on the phone and share good news. We critique each other's work with kindness and sensitivity and sit and schmooze together at press events, subtly rolling our eyes at each other whenever a speaker says something not in line with our political beliefs. Why not? We're on the same side. We are allies. Talking shop is fun. But for some reason, a small number of women in Israel advocacy and related...Read More |
Ramallah News and others are reporting: In an aggressive and unprecedented step, the so-called "Temple Organizations" called on the settlers and their supporters to bring their animal sacrifices and gather next Wednesday evening at the gates of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque, on the eve of what is called the Hebrew "Passover". Those extremist organizations published a central announcement to their audience to gather at the gates of Al-Aqsa Mosque on Wednesday evening, corresponding to the fifth of April, and set the gathering hour at 10:30 at night. According to what Ziyad Ibhais, a specialist in Jerusalem affairs, posted on his Facebook page, "The extremist groups demanded that their supporters bring sacrificial animals with the aim of trying to slaughter them at night inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque, while the Biblical time for the sacrament starts from sunset on Wednesday." I couldn't find this specific announcement but it could easily be true - there have been Temple groups that have attempted this in years past. I did find that this coming Sunday, other Temple groups will perform a...Read More |
From Ian: Eugene Kontorovich: Israel's protesters are enemies, not heroes, of democracy Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin "Bibi" Netanyahu announced Monday night he was temporarily pausing his government's judicial-reform efforts in the face of strikes by key industries, insubordination in some parts of the military and huge protests. While many within the international community, as well as on the Israeli left, will attempt to portray the announcement as a triumph of democracy, it is anything but. The reforms seek to introduce a modicum of checks and balances into Israel's political system, where the "court" sits as a de facto unelected supreme legislative chamber that can exercise veto power over every single government action. The assault on the proposals, apart from the telegenic protesters, was actually rooted in the state's bureaucracy, which remains highly sympathetic to the judiciary. For 25 years, Israel's Supreme Court has operated entirely without democratic constraints. Not only does the court remain unfettered by any written constitution when evaluating a law — it is guided by such nebulous principles as "human dignity" and "liberty" — it's also seized the ability to block any government act it deems "unreasonable." Perhaps most confounding, judges exercise veto power over the selection of their successors, resulting in an ideologically homogenous judiciary...Read More |
By Daled Amos Following the 9/11 terrorist attack, there were calls for "moderate Muslims" to speak out against radical Islamists. One problem was that it wasn't exactly clear how to define what a moderate Muslim was. Add to that the fear of being labeled an Islamaphobe. But this month, major criticism has been levied against radical Islamists. The radical Islamists are Hamas. The ones criticizing Hamas are The Islamic Fatwa Council. The criticism is in the form of a fatwa, condemning Hamas's exploitation and oppression of Palestinians. The ruling is more than just criticism -- it is a fatwa condemning Hamas The unprecedented religious edict condemned Hamas for being responsible for "its own reign of corruption and terror against Palestinian civilians within Gaza." It also ruled that it is "prohibited to pray for, join, support, finance or fight on behalf of Hamas." [emphasis added] And while the fatwa is non-binding, the Council itself is influential. According to the Foundation for Defense of Democracies: The Islamic Fatwa Council is a judicial body that specializes in Islamic law, represents both Sunnis and Shiites, and is chaired by Grand Ayatollah Shaikh Fadhil al-Budairi. Among several key mission objectives, the council says it strives to "reclaim the Islamic legal system from extremists, Islamists...Read More |
Abbas with members of the Supreme Constitutional Court that he appointed
During these tumultuous times of anger and angst over the future of Israel's judiciary, it is worth looking at recent changes to the judicial system under the Palestinian Authority that received next to no Western coverage. On October 28, Mahmoud Abbas issued a presidential decree creating the Supreme Council of Judicial Bodies and Authorities. This Council has full control over the the Palestinian Authority's judicial system - the Supreme Constitutional Court, the Supreme Judicial Council, the Court of Cassation, the Supreme Administrative Court, the judicial authority of the security forces, the Shariah Judicial Council, the ministry of justice and the attorney general. The head of this council? Mahmoud Abbas, himself! Abbas has complete and direct control over the entire Palestinian judiciary. A few years ago he created the Supreme Constitutional Court and handpicked all the members, he then used that court to dissolve the Palestinian Legislative Council so he could be the head of the legislative branch of the government as well as the executive. And he uses his power to create hundreds of laws by presidential decree using the excuse that there is no legislative...Read More |
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