Palestinians love dead Jews. Four examples from the past few (Unknown), 19 Mar 04:45 AM News item: The latest PCPSR survey | News item: The latest PCPSR survey of Palestinians shows that 71% supported the cold-blooded murder of the Yaniv brothers, executed in their car in Huwara with multiple gunshots. Only 21% opposed murdering random Jews. News item: German tourists who used a car share app drove to Nablus to get a coffee, and found themselves under attack because the car had an Israeli license plate. They were lightly injured and the car was heavily damaged. News item: An Israeli man in Colombia was kidnapped by a would-be "date" and had to be rescued by police. Arab media has been very interested in this story, saying this happened "coinciding with the occupation forces committing massacres against the Palestinian people" and that "he got what he deserved." News item: A cute Palestinian girl on was shown on TikTok saying that she wants to stab Jews to death, making the videographer very happy. (h/t Orli Sagi) * * * * * * Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon! Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it...Read More |
From Ian: Jonathan Tobin: Blame Biden for Iran's diplomatic triumph Following up on the Trump administration's success with the Abraham Accords would have been even smarter. Helping the Saudis to normalize relations with Israel—with whom it already had a tacit alliance against Iran—would have constrained Tehran's efforts to foment unrest throughout the region via its terrorist auxiliaries and made it easier for Washington to turn to Riyadh for more oil during an energy crunch. Instead, Biden's open contempt for the Saudi de facto ruler, Prince Mohammed bin Salman, prevailed. The willingness of Democrats to treat his autocratic regime as a unique threat to human rights, while seeking to enrich and empower a far more barbarous Islamist tyranny in Tehran, sent a clear message to MBS that doing the Americans' bidding when the war in Ukraine led to just such an energy shortage was not in his country's interests. MBS has come to the not-unreasonable conclusion that rather than depend on an administration that is uninterested in the survival of the House of Saud, he'd be better off hedging his bets by trying to cool down the conflict with the Iranians. Still, it would be a mistake to conclude that the Saudis have irrevocably linked their fate with Iran and China, or that there is no way for Washington to retrieve the situation. MBS understands how worthless Tehran's promises are. The prince isn't...Read More |
According to Palestinian media, there were 16 "acts of resistance" in the past 24 hours. These terror attacks included an attempted stabbing, 4 shooting attacks, the detonation of an explosive device and the throwing of a Molotov cocktail. The stabbing attempt was near Beit El, and the explosive device was detonated at Itamar. Here is the Palestinian tally of 193 attacks in the past week. The media is silent on all these attacks, and only when Israel responds does it make the news. * * * * * * Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon! Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! ...Read More |
From Ian: Dave Chappelle and 'the Jews' The Stylebook ended up retracting the term "the French," while maintaining the stance that such labels poorly reflect the diversity of such groups. Humor aside, there is something worth contemplating in the internet's response to the AP's gaffe. After all, can't we rightly say, "the French speak a romance language," "the French developed Haute Couture" or even "the French enjoy escargots as a traditional delicacy"? Perhaps this usage is vague and does not represent the diversity of perspectives within French society (some French people may not like escargots). But we all have a certain conception of French culture and life. Is it such a travesty to use a catch-all term for convenience? Such generalizations exist because, frankly, language is a practice in brevity, not accuracy. What is so wrong with trying to get a point across quickly? This incident led me to reflect on a story from earlier in the news cycle. In Nov. 2022, Dave Chappelle delivered a monologue on Saturday Night Live that was rightly received with concern and criticism. Chappelle's performance included his thoughts on the Kanye West antisemitism scandal. Among other antisemitic statements, West had tweeted that he would go "Death Con 3 on the Jews." During his routine, Chappelle whispered, "There are two words in the English language that you should never say together in sequence: 'The' and 'Jews...Read More |
Whenever someone posts a photo of Palestinian kids with guns, like these: Israel haters like to respond with photos like these of Israeli kids with guns. The message they try to convey is that there is no difference. That couldn't be further from the truth. As far as I can tell, all the photos they show of Israeli kids are at military museums. The guns aren't loaded, there is plenty of adult supervision, and there is no difference between these kids and kids worldwide who visit their own countries' military museums. The Palestinians kids are playing with or shooting real (or realistic) guns, without supervision. In Israel, there is a specific place and circumstance for guns, which are necessary for defending the nation. Killing Arabs does not make one into a hero (unless that Arab was in the middle of a terror attack and killing him saved lives.) There are very strict gun control laws. For Palestinians, terrorist weapons are meant to be everywhere. Guns are shot in the air all the time. They are shot without aiming. People are encouraged to buy and own their own weapons. There are no rules. There are no Arabic-language manuals on gun safety. There is no NGOs to teach responsible gun ownership or that combat gun proliferation. (But there are such organizations for Arabs in Israel.) Palestinians who shoot Jews are heroes. You can see kids with guns emulating them in their own homes, streets and even mosques. We've seen...Read More |
From Ian: Melaine Phillips: Israel's two-faced allies America and Britain claim to be allies of Israel. There is no gainsaying the deep links between them of military assistance, intelligence and trade. Israel is the invaluable strategic asset for America and Britain in the Middle East, a crucial bulwark in the defense of the West. And yet, both America and Britain undermine Israel's security and defense against existential attack by sanitizing, promoting and funding Palestinian Arabs, whose active cause remains the destruction of the Jewish state. A recent event illustrated this particularly sharply when British diplomatic officials in Jerusalem effectively endorsed the Palestinian Authority's agenda to eradicate Israel. Palestinian Media Watch has revealed that at last Friday's annual "Palestine Marathon" held by the PA, seven British officials taking part as "#TeamUK" wore marathon T-shirts displaying the PA's map that erases Israel and represents the whole country as Palestine. The Jewish Chronicle reports that the team consisted of the UK's Deputy Consul General Alison McEwen and Foreign Office colleagues. A picture of the team was tweeted from the official account of the British Consulate in Jerusalem, hailing "the incredible Palestine Marathon to support #FREEDOMOFMOVEMENT for all Palestinians." Palestinian Media Watch observes that this hashtag was conceived to support the PA's demand that...Read More |
The homes of Palestinians in Lebanese "refugee camps" are literally falling apart. The Union of Palestinian Right of Return Committees in Lebanon issued a statement this week holding the UNRWA Administration and the Engineering Department responsible for the collapse of houses on its residents in the Palestinian camps. The real problem is that Lebanon severely restricts building materials into the camps, which are overcrowded and getting worse. Apparently the committee doesn't want to upset the Lebanese authorities so they prefer to blame UNRWA. A report by a Palestinian human rights group in Lebanon last December says that hundreds of Palestinian families have seen their ceilings collapse. The report prepared by the Palestinian Association for Human Rights noted the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon still live in camps that cannot be expanded despite being there for seven decades. They note the imposition of strict restrictions by the Lebanese authorities on the entry of building materials in the camps. "Anxiety has become part of the lives of refugees and their daily bread for their children, for...Read More |
Kan News reports that the Dizengoff terrorist was previously convicted twice of security offenses, and promised the court: "There will not be a third time." Moataz Al-Khawaja, a 23 year old from Ni'lin, was a Hamas terrorist. He did not have a residence permit and crossed the separation fence illegally in the Maccabim area. Last Thursday he illegally crossed into Israel, arrived at the Gotcha restaurant on Dizengoff Street, and shot three patrons in the area, seriously injuring two before he was killed. Khawaja was first arrested about six years ago, when he was 17 years old. He was convicted of shooting at a military force, firing ten bullets fired from a distance of about 80 meters, and the Israeli forces returned fire. The child terrorist asked for a lighter sentence so that he could return to school, and was sentenced to a year and ten months in prison. He was also sentenced to a year of probation, with the condition that he not commit any weapons-related offenses in the next three years. But less than three years later, the terrorist was again convicted - this time for buying a "Carlo" type weapon, for 4,000 NIS. This time the terrorist made a commitment to the court: "There will not be a third time. I intend to start studying at university. I'm engaged and intend to get married." The military judge who convicted the terrorist warned: "Arms trafficking creates a great danger to the public. A significant concern in the region is the transfer of weapons to hostile hands...Read More |
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