יום שישי, 24 בספטמבר 2021

Daily EoZ Digest

To the @NYTimes, Israel haters have "principles" while the Israel lobby has "power."noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 24 Sep 05:22 AM The New York Time

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To the @NYTimes, Israel haters have "principles" while the Israel lobby has "power."
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 24 Sep 05:22 AM

The New York Times reported on the drama on the House floor yesterday this way:
Minutes before the vote closed, Ocasio-Cortez tearfully huddled with her allies before switching her vote to "present." The tableau underscored how wrenching the vote was for even outspoken progressives, who have been caught between their principles and the still powerful pro-Israel voices in their party, such as influential lobbyists and rabbis. (A spokesman for Ocasio-Cortez declined to comment on her change of position.)The phrase "such as influential lobbyists and rabbis" was later excised. It can still be seen as of this writing in the wire service version of the story here (archived).

According to the newspaper of record, the progressives wanting to strip Israelis of defense against Hamas rockets and who falsely single out Israel as the world's only "apartheid state" have "principles" - while those who are appalled at their immorality and their pandering to terrorists are in the service of an all-powerful Jewish lobby.

This same bias can be seen throughout the article, although not as explicitly:

The back and forth was the latest flare-up in a long-simmering feud between an energized new generation of progressive Democrats — many of them people of color...Read More

09/23 Links Pt2: UN should bar future Durban debacles; US House Approves $1 Bil to Replenish Israel's Iron Dome; The Troubling Prevalence of Antisemitic Attacks in Brooklyn; Hannah Senesh at 100
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 23 Sep 05:00 PM

From Ian:

UN should bar future Durban debacles

Durban IV, held this year on Sept. 22 and marking the 20th anniversary of the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance turned out to be a debacle. This was expected.

But the lies that it propagated, like those of its predecessors, did not begin in 2001, with the first such gathering in South Africa. The world should have seen what was coming back in 1975 when the "Zionism is racism" mantra was introduced with the passage of UN General Assembly Resolution 3379.

Indeed, Durban was and remains a most regrettable creation of the United Nations.

It is high time for the United Nations to reject useless distractions from its mission of promoting humanity and peace. It must simply prohibit this hateful commemorative event from happening again.

If member countries want to hold a festival of hate, they should do so without the blessing or the name of the United Nations. To go through this dishonest exercise of announcing something in the name of fighting racism, which prompts at least 20 Western countries correctly to boycott it, while others attend under political pressure, is ridiculous.

The United Nations should just save itself the embarrassment of having its name attached to this fiasco. The countries firmly committed to Durban are those that have called for Israel's destruction. Many of...Read More

"Two State Solution Act" is an anti-Jewish bill that only demands concessions from Israel
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 23 Sep 01:00 PM

From Politico:

Rep. ANDY LEVIN (D-Mich.) wants a two-state solution to be official U.S. policy, and new legislation he'll propose tomorrow sets out a pathway to make that arrangement a reality.

If Congress passes and President JOE BIDEN signs the "Two-State Solution Act," American policy on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict will formally state…

— "[that] only the outcome of a two-state solution can both ensure the state of Israel's survival as a democratic state and a national home for the Jewish people and fulfill the legitimate aspirations of the Palestinian people for a state of their own."
— "that the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza are occupied territories and should be referred to as such consistently in official United States policies, communications, and documents."
— "that the establishment of Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories is inconsistent with international law."
— "that settlement expansion, demolitions of Palestinian homes, revocations of residency permits, and forced evictions of Palestinian civilians by Israel impede the establishment of a Palestinian state and violate the human rights of the Palestinian people."

So the Western Wall and the Jewish Quarter are "occupied territories" and any Jews who decide on their own live in any part of Jerusalem across the Green Line are violating...Read More

09/23 Links Pt1: The Palestinian assault on Jewish history and heritage; The Squalid "Squad" Is Trying to Destroy Bipartisan Support for Israel; Has the PA lost control over Hebron?
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 23 Sep 11:00 AM

From Ian:

The Palestinian assault on Jewish history and heritage

If anyone still has doubts about the Palestinian Authority's determination to erase all traces of Israel's ancient Jewish heritage, an important new report should lay to rest any such uncertainties.

The 65-page document, entitled "National Heritage Survey" and published by the Shilo Forum and the Shomrim al HaNetzach ("Preserving the Eternal") organization, examined a selection of 365 of the most important national and cultural Jewish archaeological and historical sites in Judea and Samaria.

The findings are nothing less than shocking and infuriating and require immediate attention from Israel's government.

Simply put, hundreds of cherished Jewish sites in the Land of Israel which survived 2,000 years of Roman, Byzantine, Arab, Crusader, Mameluke and Ottoman occupation are being systematically destroyed right under our noses by the Palestinians.

The report, which has not received the widespread attention it deserves in the Israeli and international press, found that 289 sites, representing a whopping 80% of those surveyed, have been damaged or destroyed.

These include sites dating back to biblical times, as well as those from the Second Temple, Herodian and Hasmonean periods.Alan M. Dershowitz...Read More

Burlington, VT council debate on BDS started with an hour of anti-Israel chants
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 23 Sep 09:15 AM

On Monday night, September 13, Burlinton VT's City Council and residents debated whether the town should pass a BDS resolution.

The 5 hour video of the meeting is interesting.

The entire first hour of the video was nothing but anti-Israel chants by the pro-BDS side.

It is sort of insane that the city council was so cowed by the haters that they allowed a full hour delay of the meeting before calling it to order.

The first few speakers were against BDS, and that seemed to be the theme - the mindless protesters were pro-BDS while most of the (seemingly all Jewish) residents who spoke at the meeting on the topic were against it.

Seven Days VT noted:

Councilor Karen Paul (D-Ward 6)....wanted the matter settled Monday night, noting that she'd received 2,000 emails about the resolution, only 10 of which she said supported the measure.

As is often the case, the anti-Israel contingent tries to bully politicians, and to bring this to a vote during Jewish holidays. The Jewish community fought back and the resolution was tabled, but they are always playing defense while the modern antisemites can just keep introducing these resolutions every year.

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Palestinians mourning a vicious terrorist
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 23 Sep 07:06 AM

Palestinian media is filled with the news of the "martyrdom" and funeral for Hussein Masalma.
Masalma, 39, was arrested on November 22, 2002, and sentenced to 20 years in prison. He was release this past February after he was diagnosed with leukemia and he remained in Israel's Hadassah Hospital under treatment by some of the world's best doctors until September 13, when he was transferred to Istishari Hospital in Ramallah. He died yesterday.
Palestinian media is saying that Israel is responsible for his death, with many articles implying that somehow Israel's interrogation of Masalma caused his leukemia. Some even called his death of cancer an "assassination."
Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah movement called a general strike in Bethlehem today in mourning. Unions joined in, and schools are closed in Bethlehem today. He was given a full military funeral by Fatah.

Only a few articles mention that Masalma was a terrorist.

Wattan writes, "With the outbreak of the Al-Aqsa Intifada in 2000, the prisoner Masalma became involved in the struggle and resistance to the occupation, until he was arrested on November 22, 2002."

Why was Masalma arrested in 2002?

Almost certainly, he was involved in planning a suicide bombing against Jewish civilians...Read More

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