After Khamenei says Iranians shouldn't compete with Israelis, it is time to ban Iran from all international (Unknown | Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei told Iranian athletes that they must never compete against Israelis, even if they are disciplined by international bodies for it. "Any Iranian athlete worthy of the name cannot shake hands with a representative of the criminal regime in order to win a medal," Khamenei told a group of Iranian Olympics and Paralympics athletes on Saturday. "The genocidal, illegal Zionist regime attempts to gain some legitimacy by appearing in international athletic competitions. The world's arrogant powers and their cohorts [the West] assist and support them in this," he added. He added they Iranian athletes must not even shake hands with Israelis. As far as I know, this was never official policy for Iran beforehand, although athletes were broadly expected to withdraw from competing against Israelis using flimsy excuses. Now that it is clearly official Iranian policy, it is time for all international sports federations to pro-actively ban Iranian athletes from all competitions unless Iran says explicitly...Read More |
From Ian: Islamic terrorism and the Age of the Holocaust The Islamist genocidal agenda is promoted by PA/PLO/Hamas media and textbooks, and by UN organizations, such as UNRWA. Not only is the Holocaust denied, it is portrayed as an attempt to "steal Palestinian land" and deprive Arab Palestinians of their goal to wipe out Israel. Enshrined in proposals for a "two-state-solution," it's the core of what the Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas, an acronym for "The Islamic Resistance Movement," and others represent. It's also promoted by Fatah and the PLO. The Muslim Brotherhood's totalitarian ideology has become dominant in Islam and among Muslims. Centered in Egypt, where the highest Islamic authorities convene, the Brotherhood asserts its gospel of hatred of Jews and Israel via mosques throughout the world and their media. In North and Latin America and Europe, it supports hundreds of student and political organizations. In Israel, it is represented by the largest Arab-Israeli political party, the Joint List, which is part of the current governing coalition. The Muslim Brotherhood supported the Nazis and after the war it helped thousands of war criminals find refuge in Arab countries. Brotherhood apologists argue that this activity was in the past, but it's not – documented by Palestinian Media Watch and NGO Monitor. Attacking Jews in Israel happens daily and is promoted by all...Read More |
From Ian: Interview'People Love Dead Jews,' says Dara Horn, but the living ones don't fare as well Author Dara Horn surprised herself by choosing "People Love Dead Jews" as the title of her new collection of essays. She was even more amazed that her publisher agreed to let her keep it. Horn's testing the limits of good taste is not gratuitous. It's a justified provocation that draws readers into the incisive analysis that she weaves through the book's 12 individual but thematically-linked pieces. To be clear, Horn isn't talking about dead Jews in the literal sense… at least not entirely. "It's not dead Jews, as in people wanting to see Jews die," Horn explained in a recent interview with The Times of Israel from her home in New Jersey. Rather, she said, it's about the insidious ways in which non-Jewish societies — including contemporary America — pressure or gaslight Jews into modifying, glossing over, or erasing their own identity altogether. Horn noticed this particularly with regard to how the general public uses dead Jews — from Anne Frank, to Hasidic Jews killed in a terror attack on a kosher market in Jersey City in December 2019, to fictional Jewish characters — to accomplish this. "The role dead Jews play in non-Jewish civilization is not the same as the one that they play in Jewish civilization," Horn said. A scholar of Jewish history and literature...Read More |
The new Lebanese government has been working on a statement to describe its policies. The statement has not been released yet, as the government plans to iron out some final points today. But according to Hezbollah media, the statement will include the "right of resistance and the liberation of the Lebanese territories occupied by 'Israel.' " Yes, even though Lebanon is suffering its worst economic crisis in a century, it still wants to prioritize the right to attack Israel. Meaning, the right for Hezbollah to make unilateral decisions to attack Israel under the pretense of "liberating" territory that the UN certified as being part of Israel. It turns out that this phrase has been part of Lebanese government policy for a while. The short-lived government of September 2020...Read More |
Arutz-7 reports: President Isaac Herzog called former US President Jimmy Carter on Friday to mark the occasion of the 48th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War and the one-year anniversary of the Abraham Accords. President Herzog told President Carter: "You did something really holy. This was the first peace agreement between Israel and an Arab state, which led all the way to the agreements we had last year with the Gulf states." Has Jimmy Carter ever praised the Abraham Accords? While the Carter Center has issued plenty of articles about Israel, most of them critical, the term "Abraham Accords" is not mentioned. I couldn't find a thing about the peace agreements between Israel and Morocco, Sudan, Bahrain or the UAE. This seems odd since Carter positions himself as the godfather of Middle East peace. It isn't hard to guess why. The Abraham Accords violated the primary rule of wannabe peacemakers since Oslo - that no Arab nation would make peace with Israel until the Palestinian issue is resolved. They were brokered by a president that the traditional "peacemakers" abhorred. They were accepted and promoted by an Israeli leader that the same traditional "peacemakers" abhorred as well. All of the arguments about why the Abraham Accords were useless have been proven wrong in the year since they were signed. Which makes Jimmy Carter's silence on the biggest breakthrough in Middle East peace since his own Camp...Read More |
From Ian: Caroline Glick: Why Oslo still rules Faisal Husseini, who held the Palestinian Authority's Jerusalem portfolio, gave an interview shortly before his death in the summer of 2001 in which exposed the fraud at the heart of the Oslo process. Speaking with Al Araby newspaper, Husseini said that Yasser Arafat, his deputies and henchmen never saw the "peace process" as a way of achieving peace with Israel. Oslo for them was a means to advance their goal of destroying Israel, "from the river to the sea." Husseini described the Oslo process as a "Trojan Horse." Arafat and his people were the hostile army that infiltrated the city "in the belly of the wooden horse." When Arafat rejected Palestinian statehood and peace at the Camp David summit in July 2000 and initiated the Palestinian terror war two months later, it was as if he and his men exited the horse and began the fight. "This is the beginning of the real work," Husseini explained. The PLO used the seven years that preceded the Palestinian terror war to build up their power. Arafat held "peace" talks and Israel paid through the nose for the privilege of sitting across the table from him and his apparatchiks. Israel gave them the Gaza Strip. Israel gave them the Palestinian cities and villages in Judea and Samaria. Israel gave them weapons and ammunition. Israel gave them international legitimacy. Israel – and with Israel's permission, the nations...Read More |
2014 press conference of major Gaza terror groups
From Middle East Monitor: The Palestinian resistance factions announced yesterday the formation of "a joint operations room" in the Jenin refugee camp in the occupied West Bank, Anadolu has reported. The military wings of Fatah, Hamas and Islamic Jihad are all involved, the first time that the three movements have joined forces in such joint action. The agency quoted a resistance fighter from Al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, a group affiliated with Fatah. "There is no room to talk [with Israel] except with bullets," he said. "We are ready to fight and we will not retreat." The agency pointed out that armed masked men wearing the insignia of the Izz Al-Din Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, were also present. According to a fighter with Islamic Jihad's Al-Quds Brigades, "A general mobilisation has been announced in the camp and all factions are ready to fight. The Israeli army will see what it does not expect if it even thinks to enter the camp." He explained that resistance fighters from different parts of the West Bank have arrived in Jenin camp "in preparation for any battle." The joint operations room appears to be a response to the fact that two of the escapees from Gilboa Prison in Israel are believed to be trying to get to Jenin refugee camp. The Israeli Chief of Staff, Aviv Kochavi, said on Wednesday...Read More |
Media outlets like Haaretz and the New York Times warn about how dangerous it is for Jews to pray in the holist Jewish site, the Temple Mount, that was claimed as an Islamic holy sites over a millennium later. Their argument is that such prayer is lighting a fuse for a global jihad by Muslims. Jewish religious rights, according to these "experts," are not nearly as important as appeasing Muslims who usurped the site. By that logic, Jews should not be allowed to pray in the second holiest Jewish site either - the Ma'arat HaMachpela, the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron, from which Jews were banned for centuries by intolerant Muslims. Just like the Temple Mount. From reading the NYT and Haaretz, one would think that Muslims have accepted Jews worshipping in the Hebron site so it is not an issue any more. After all, there was a signed agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority dividing up the site into sections where Jews and Muslims can worship, and on ten days a year Jews can use the whole site while on ten other days Muslims take over the whole site. But while the PA may have accepted this agreement, the Muslims have not. Just this morning, Shehab News tweeted the scandalous video of Jews praying in the holy site - something done every day but the video is still meant...Read More |
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