The New York Times denies basic Jewish (Unknown), 14 Sep 04:45 AM In an article about an Israeli animated drama about the | In an article about an Israeli animated drama about the destruction of the Second Temple, Isabel Kershner writes in the New York Times: Israeli leaders have increasingly drawn on the lessons from Jewish history, noting that the Jews enjoyed two previous periods of sovereignty in the land in ancient times, but both lasted only about 70 or 80 years — a poignant reminder for the modern state that, founded in 1948, has passed the 70-year mark. This quote was considered so important that it was tweeted by the New York Times as well. Israel's leaders have increasingly drawn on the lessons from Jewish history, noting that the Jews enjoyed two previous periods of sovereignty in the land in ancient times — but both lasted only about 70 or 80 years. — New York Times World (@nytimesworld) September 12, 2021 What? Jews had partial sovereignty over the land from the time of Joshua through the timeframe of the Judges which lasted about 410 years. The era of the kings (Saul, David and Solomon) ruling the united Jewish monarchy lasted about 117 years, and the Kingdom of Judah succeeded that for another 340 years. After the first exile...Read More |
From Ian: Saul Friedländer : A Fundamental Crime While anti-Semitism is rampant throughout the world, the Holocaust memory is increasingly interrogated in the name of post-colonial ideas. The latest attack is signed by the Australian historian Dirk Moses. He argues that distinguishing the Holocaust from other violent crimes in human history is nothing more than a matter of faith. And that it is time to abandon this faith in the singularity of the Holocaust and the obligations that derive from it and replace it with a new truth: the Holocaust is only one crime among others. The great historian of the Holocaust Saul Friedländer, in an article originally published in Die Zeit, counters: "'Auschwitz' was something completely different from the colonial atrocities of the West. And postcolonial thought is currently taking on the risk of disassociating itself from the struggle against anti-Semitism that can sometimes simmer in its ranks." There is one more element that Moses fails to mention, which is part of a long tradition: in 1985, forty years after the end of the war, President Richard von Weizsaecker declared German historical responsibility for the extermination. In fact, German responsibility to Jews and to Israel had already been accepted by Chancellor Konrad Adenauer when he signed the Reparations treaty with Israel and the Jewish Claims Conference in 1951. For Dirk Moses, it seems that these things...Read More |
The Gaza Reconstruction Mechanism has been a means for construction materials to be allowed to enter Gaza after the 2014 war, with Israeli approval, to ensure that the materials would not go to terror groups. It is administered by the UN and the Palestinian Authority together with Israel. Today, Palestinian news site Safa seems to claim that the GRM has been abolished. It quotes Vice President of the Palestinian Federation of Industries, Ali Al-Hayek, that this is a major achievement for Gaza, because Israeli oversight over building materials were too intrusive. I cannot find any corroboration for this. The GRM website still exists, and it includes projects as recent as last week. Israel approved construction materials to enter Gaza earlier this month using the GRM. Of course, it seems unlikely that Israel would agree for mass imports of construction material without the GRM, and Egypt is not likely to want to bypass GRM and send materials straight to the Hamas-run Gaza government. For now, I will assume that this article is wishful thinking...Read More |
I was struck by the first two paragraphs of this Haaretz article by Odeh Bisharat: Israel, an overly emotional, easily rattled military power Odeh Bisharat | Sep. 13, 2021 | 12:23 AM I'm very disappointed with Israeli Jewish society. How is it possible to run a country that is said to be the world's eighth-ranked military power if last week's escape of six Palestinian prisoners from Gilboa Prison rattles it so? For days now, from the time they get up until they go to sleep, the country's citizens have been living and breathing on whether the prisoners were still on the lam or have been caught. How can a military power that threatens every neighborhood with its lethal army be maintained when the killing of a single soldier drives people out of their minds? Where is the sense of self-confidence, and where are the nerves of steel? The answers to his two questions are the same and they do not require an advanced degree in sociology. Jewish Israelis consider each other to be family, and when any family member is in danger or dies, everyone is affected. What family would shrug off danger to their members because they have "nerves of steel" or supreme self-confidence? Israel's strength comes precisely from treating fellow Jews like family, and anguishing over the safety of each and every one. Bisharat's wonder at this shows far more about...Read More |
From Ian: Can the UN Finally Cease Its Relentless Anti-Israel Bias? few years ago, after the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) had just passed its usual litany of anti-Israel resolutions, an exasperated UN translator accidentally told the world the truth. Thinking only her colleagues could hear her speaking into the microphone, she caused laughter but no embarrassment among the diplomats as she exposed their farce: "When you a total of 10 resolutions on Israel and Palestine, that's a bit much, no?" Hundreds of parliamentarians from both sides of the Atlantic agree that this is way too much. In an unprecedented initiative, spearheaded by the Transatlantic Friends of Israel, 312 cross-party lawmakers from the European Parliament and national legislatures from EU member states, the U.K., Switzerland, Norway, the U.S., Canada and Israel have urged EU member states and fellow democracies to end the systematic discrimination against Israel at the UN. "Within the context of rising global antisemitism, the relentless, disproportionate and ritualistic condemnation of the world's only Jewish state at the UN is particularly dangerous and must finally end. Israel deserves attention and scrutiny, as does every other nation. But it also merits equal treatment—nothing more, nothing less," the declaration reads in part. Last year, for example, the UN General Assembly...Read More |
Graffiti on Canadian elementary school last December
Right on the heels of a new report about antisemitism in colleges, there have been multiple reports of antisemitic incidents in colleges and even high schools just this past weekend. At American University: Antisemitic graffiti was found in a men's bathroom stall in the Lower Level of Anderson Hall by an American University student on Sept. 7. Jason Churchfield, a senior in the School of International Service, found four symbols, three of them Nazi propaganda, carved into the stall. Churchfield promptly posted a picture to his Instagram story. The graffiti consists of two swastikas, Nazi SS (Schutzstaffel) bolts and a Star of David. At DePaul University: Jewish tradition holds that on Rosh HaShana our destiny for the coming year is written. For many Jewish DePaul students, who make up 4 percent of undergraduates, it has already been chosen for them – we are being written out of the community. This year, the first day of classes for DePaul students landed on this deeply important day. Somewhat ironically, Rosh HaShanah is also the day of the Involvement Fair that centers around religious and cultural...Read More |
Right before Rosh Hashanah, the American Federation of Teachers in San Diego, Local 1931, issued an anti-Israel statement. This statement is worth reading in full, because not only does it say that Jews have no right to self-determination, but it relies on lies in nearly every sentence to make that point. Teachers who teach bigotry and lies would appear to be supremely unqualified to be teachers. Here is the statement: WHEREAS, the AFT Guild condemns the forced removal of Palestinian residents in West Jerusalem, West Jerusalem? This must be talking about 1948, and Arabs in West Jerusalem were not forcibly removed from their homes. the bombing of civilian areas in the besieged Gaza Strip, Every target in the Gaza Strip, in every war, was pre-determined according to the laws of armed conflict to have been military targets. Every one. and the continued human rights violations committed by the Israeli government during its 73-year occupation of this land. By saying "73-year occupation" the statement says that all of Israel is "occupied." Even the UN doesn't make that claim. It is a statement not against occupation but against the very existence of a Jewish state and the concept of Jewish self-determination. It is pure antisemitism. It is unfortunate that civilians on both sides have suffered casualties, yet Israel's use of advanced...Read More |
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