יום חמישי, 23 בספטמבר 2021

Daily EoZ Digest

Rashida Tlaib supports Hamas murdering Jewsnoreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 23 Sep 04:30 AM Over the past two days, "progressive" Democrats took $1 bi

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Rashida Tlaib supports Hamas murdering Jews
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 23 Sep 04:30 AM

Over the past two days, "progressive" Democrats took $1 billion out of an appropriations bill that was earmarked for Israel's Iron Dome system.

In response, House leadership proposed a separate bill that would restore the Iron Dome funding.

The "progressives" are incensed.

Rashida Tlaib tweeted: "I plan on casting a no vote. We must stop enabling Israel's human rights abuses and apartheid government."

Iron Dome saves Israeli lives from Hamas rockets - rockets that are deliberately aimed at Jewish communities. Not at IDF installations - but at Jewish kindergartens, Jewish apartments and synagogues.

The anti-rocket system is purely defensive.

Tlaib knows this. And yet she still positions Iron Dome as somehow enabling human rights abuses.

The only way this makes sense is if Tlaib believes that Hamas has the human right to kill Jews.

She literally supports Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorism. This tweet is all the proof you need.


Some opponents of the bill are claiming that the language of the bill supports Israeli offensive operations against Gaza, using a tortured logic.

The bill says:

In addition...Read More

American Liberal Judaism Saws off the Mimetic Branch it's Sitting On (Vic Rosenthal)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 23 Sep 01:00 AM

Weekly column by Vic Rosenthal
Islam is on track to become the world's most widespread religious faith and will probably surpass Christianity in number of believers by 2070.

There are many reasons for this. One way to explain the growth or decline of a religious population is to look at the religion as a set of memes, mental entities that spread from one mind to another. These memes reproduce and change like life-forms, struggling with the forces of natural selection in their environment, the 7.9 billion human minds on planet Earth.

For example, here is a somewhat unfriendly answer to the question "why is Islam growing so rapidly?" in mimetic terms. The pseudonymous author cites Islam's built-in features that protect the memes that are part of Islam from changes that might weaken them, and facilitate its spread. Some of these features are common to other religions, but some seem to be unique to Islam. For example,

Islam commands its followers to create a government that supports it. … Other groups of religious people have had political aspirations, but no other major religious group orders its followers — as a religious duty — to create a government that follows its own system of law.

There is also the duty to take part in jihad...Read More

09/22 Links: Elie Wiesel: Durban: A Circus of Calumny; 34 countries boycott Durban IV Conference; Progressives Hand Democrats Another Embarrassment
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 22 Sep 10:00 PM

From Ian:

Elie Wiesel (Sep 8, 2001): Durban: A Circus of Calumny

Hatred is like a cancer. It spreads from cell to cell, from organ to organ, from person to person, from group to group. We saw it in action in Durban. Even a man of the stature of Kofi Annan somehow lost his way and said things that were inappropriate for him.

With the scandal of Durban in the backdrop, how can the world expect of Israel to trust the United Nations? And how can good people, idealists, have faith in the UN's mission to unite countries in an atmosphere of respect?

The conference in Durban will be remembered as a forum that was governed not by anti-Israelites but by anti-Semites. The fact that militant Palestinians hate Jews -- that is known already. One needs only hear the various Islamic leaders and read the books printed by the Palestinian Authority: They preach hatred and violence, not against Zionists but against Jews. Their slogan, naked and brutal and identical everywhere, was keenly felt and even heard in Durban: "Kill the Jews."

What is painful is not that the Palestinians and the Arabs voiced their hatred, but the fact that so few delegates had the courage to combat them. It is as if in a strange and frightening moment of collective catharsis, everyone removed their masks and revealed their true faces.

By means of the disgraceful conference in Durban, history has given us, the Jews, a sign. And we had better learn how to decipher...Read More

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