New survey shows that Jews are harassed by antisemitic professors on (Unknown), 10 Sep 04:45 AM A survey by the group Alum | A survey by the group Alums for Campus Fairness (ACF) found that 95% of Jewish students recognize antisemitism as a problem on their campus, and three quarters of those respondents recognize it as a "very serious problem." It found that 46% of students personally heard offensive or threatening antisemitic commentsmade in person by another student. 17% of Jewish students were physically threatened for being Jewish, and 27% more knew someone it happened to. But what troubled me the most was that 27% of students said a faculty member or employee of their school made offensive or threatening antisemitic comments in person - and another 30% said they knew someone else who was the victim of those antisemitic comments. Specific examples given are horrifying: I had a professor make a horribly offensive analogy about the Holocaust. When I told her it was offensive, she gaslit me and said if I was so sensitive, I should find another career. A professor, when discussing the Jewish Diaspora in ancient Babylonia, said that "It seems that the Jewish version of this history may be distorted to make it seem worse than it was, as unsurprisingly many Jews were wealthy while in Babylon." Professors often made out of hand comments that supported antisemitic conspiracy theories against Israel, such as that Israelis harvest Palestinian organs or use Palestinian children as target practice. One time I asked my accounting...Read More |
From Ian: Give Sports Bigotry No Sanction Hamid Sajjadi, Iran's recently appointed minister of sports, warned Iranian athletes in August not to compete against counterparts from the "child-killing and occupying regime of Israel." With the 2022 Winter Olympic games commencing just five months from now, sporting authorities must condemn and punish this discrimination. At this year's Olympic games, the world watched Fethi Nourine from Algeria and Mohamed Abdalrasool from Sudan forfeit their judo matches rather than risk sharing the Olympic stage with an Israeli opponent. Supported by the Palestinian Olympic Committee, Nourine and Abdalrasool demonstrated that old hatreds die hard. Meanwhile, Olympians from presumably hostile countries welcomed their Israeli peers, embodying the Olympic values of sportsmanship and mutual understanding. The International Judo Federation (IJF) promptly suspended Nourine and his coach, and launched an investigation into the incident. In a press release, the IJF said, "Judo sport is based on a strong moral code, including respect and friendship, to foster solidarity and we will not tolerate any discrimination, as it goes against the core values and principles of our sport." Defiant, Nourine told the Algerian press, "My position is consistent on the Palestinian issue, and I reject normalisation, and if it cost me that absence from the Olympic Games, God will compensate...Read More |
I have not seen it in any Israeli media, but several Twitter accounts in Hebrew (and at least one in Arabic) are claiming that someone sneaked a shofar to the Temple Mount and managed to blow it. Avri Bloch, reporter for Channel 20, says "A Shofar was sounded on the Temple Mount in the Old City. The Israeli police detained a Jew who, during the Ascent to the Temple Mount on Rosh Hashanah, blew a kosher Shofar 12 times, the minimum amount of blasts needed to be valid." Tom Nisani, director of the "Temple Mount Is In Our Hands" organization, tweeted, Two of the pilgrims to the Temple Mount during the holiday made the Shofar sound heard. They have not been arrested or detained, because as long as we continue to act, the police understand that they have no legal basis. It is amazing that despite the attempts to suppress the rights of the Jews and hide this discrimination, the Jews do not give up and continue to do and act. Palestinian network Al Qastal has video that of Jews visiting that they claim was of the Jews who blew the shofar, followed by what might be police escorting two Jews away from the site. انتهاكات متكررة بحق المسجد الأقصى... قبل قليل المستوطنون نفخوا بالبوق خلال اقتحامهم لباحاته الطاهرة — AlQastal القسطل (@AlQastalps...Read More |
Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory. Check out their Facebook page. Jerusalem, September 9 - The Jewish holidays that bring legislative work in Israel to a standstill in late summer or early fall each year clear space in the parliament compound for other public-spirit activities and events, which in 2021 will see a large exhibition on environmentally-friendly means of conveyance and transportation, the pieces of which will require a massive output of diesel fumes and pollution from the vehicles that will deliver the equipment and remove it afterwards. The Knesset began its holiday recess before Rosh HaShanah, the Jewish new year festival that coincided this year with September 7-8, and will continue through Yom Kippur - the Day of Atonement - on the 16th, until after the eight-day Sukkot festival that runs from the 21st through the 28th. The hiatus in direct lawmaking activity has over the decades made the venue available for exhibits and public-awareness campaigns during this period; this year, organizers decided to stress the importance of ecological sensitivity, and invited both legislators and the public to attend a participatory event featuring bicycles and other non-motorized vehicles as alternatives to the fossil-fuel-run options that so many Israelis use to commute, run errands, or pursue leisure. The bicycles...Read More |
From Ian: Elan S. Carr: Enough of the Durban depravity Former U.S. Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism. He currently serves on the advisory council of the Combat Antisemitism Movement and ai a visiting fellow at the Heritage Foundation. The failure of the international community to condemn Durban I had very real consequences: Antisemitism was given a prestigious platform, and anti-Zionism and Israel hatred become accepted orthodoxy among certain academic schools and in large swaths of public discourse. The anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement was borne out of Durban, and the harassment and discrimination to which Jewish university students have been subjected in many parts of the United States and Europe owes its prevalence to the depravity of Durban. Remarkably, instead of condemning what Durban I became, the United Nations continues to celebrate the event by organizing successive commemorative conferences. Later this month, the UN plans to hold a high-level meeting in New York known as Durban IV, to honor the 20th anniversary of the original conference. This is a moral outrage, and it will surely compound the damage and further driving global antisemitic narratives. I applaud President Joe Biden for leading the United States to boycott this obscenity. Across four administrations, both Democrat and Republican, the United States has refused to participate...Read More |
The official Twitter account for the European Union Delegation to the Palestinians posted: Let's assume that parts of Jerusalem are "occupied" under international law. Is Israel violating that law when enforcing laws against illegal construction? Of course not. The Geneva Conventions are clear: Art. 64. The penal laws of the occupied territory shall remain in force, with the exception that they may be repealed or suspended by the Occupying Power in cases where they constitute a threat to its security or an obstacle to the application of the present Convention. Subject to the latter consideration and to the necessity for ensuring the effective administration of justice, the tribunals of the occupied territory shall continue to function in respect of all offences covered by the said laws. The Occupying Power may, however, subject the population of the occupied territory to provisions which are essential to enable the Occupying Power to fulfil its obligations under the present Convention, to maintain the orderly government of the territory, and to ensure the security of the Occupying Power, of the members and property of the occupying forces or administration, and likewise of the establishments and lines of communication used by them. Art. 65. The penal provisions enacted by the Occupying...Read More |
From Tufts Daily: An act of antisemitic vandalism occurred in one of Tufts' dorms on Saturday, according to an email sent to the Tufts community Wednesday night. The email was signed by University President Anthony Monaco. According to the email, a Jewish student had discovered his mezuzah — an important Jewish symbol traditionally affixed to the doorposts of Jewish homes — removed from his doorpost. "Regardless of intent, the removal of this important symbol of Jewish faith is antisemitic and has caused harm," Monaco wrote in the email. "This is a moment from which we can all learn. All members of our community should feel comfortable displaying and expressing their faith, and all members of our community should respect those displays and expressions." Monaco said that Tufts University Police Department had launched an investigation into the incident but has not yet been able to identify the people or person responsible for the mezuzah's removal. There have been other antisemitic incidents at Tufts, notably a swastika drawn on a Jewish student's dorm room door almost exactly two years ago. Also in 2019...Read More |
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