G'mar Chatima Tovah 5782 -- גמר חתימה טובהnoreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 15 Sep 05:10 PM This is an update my Yom Kippur message of previous years. | This is an update my Yom Kippur message of previous years. I unconditionally forgive anyone who may have wronged me during this year, and I ask forgiveness for anyone I may have wronged as well. Specifically (expanded from the list from The Muqata a few years back): -If you sent me email and I didn't reply, or didn't get back to you in a timely fashion -- I apologize. -If you sent me a story and I decided not to publish it or worse, didn't give you a hat tip for the story -I'm sorry. I'm also sorry if I didn't acknowledge the tip. I cannot publish all the stories I am sent, although I try to place appropriate ones in the linkdumps, or tweet them. -If you requested help from me and I wasn't able to provide it -- I'm sorry. -I apologize if I posted without the proper attribution, with the wrong attribution, or without attribution at all. -I'm sorry that I usually don't give hat tips on things I tweet. -Subtweets are usually on purpose. Sorry. -If I didn't thank you for a donation, I'm very, very sorry. -I'm sorry if I didn't give the proper respect to my co-bloggers Ian, PreOccupied Territory, Vic, Varda, Daled Amos and the guest posters. Also to people who send me tons of tips and help like Tomer, Irene, and Ibn Boutros. -I'm sorry if any of my posts offended you personally. - For all the initiatives I started and didn't complete - I'm sorry. This happens way too much and I always hope that this year will be the one where I'll finally...Read More |
From Ian: The Advocate On any given day, you can find the State of Israel coming in for some rough treatment in the media. Detractors accuse it of being either an apartheid state, an occupying colonialist power, or both. The International Criminal Court (ICC) has gone so far as to initiate a probe into what it says are possible war crimes stemming from IDF actions in Gaza, Judea, and Samaria. For Professor Eugene Kontorovich, whenever the Jewish state's legal standing or international legitimacy as a sovereign nation is impugned, it is grist for his legal mill and fodder for his laser-focused analysis. His forceful and well-reasoned arguments often appear in the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, and the New York Times. Fox News and other channels frequently tap his expertise in international and constitutional law. Professor Kontorovich wears many professional hats. He heads the international law department at Jerusalem's Kohelet Forum, a think tank that many Knesset members draw on for policy ideas. Eugene spends one semester a year in Arlington, Virginia, teaching at the George Mason University's Antonin Scalia Law School, where he established the Center for the Middle East and International Law to train young scholars to take a deeper dive into the intricacies of the Middle East. Kontorovich is highly regarded in the halls of Congress. He has testified frequently on issues of foreign affairs and national security...Read More |
"Moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem." May 5, 2018
We've all heard or read about references in the Qur'an to Jews as monkeys and pigs and sometimes apes. Elder wrote only a few days ago about a Qur'anic verse comparing Jews to donkeys. The representation of Jews as animals is meant to dehumanizethem, making it acceptable to treat them cruelly, and even kill them, without guilt or compunction. The Nazis did this, depicting the Jews as rats and vermin in their political cartoons and pamphlets. Knowing that the Qur'an refers to Jews as monkeys, pigs, apes, and donkeys makes it difficult for most Jews to develop warm and fuzzy feelings about Islam. These verses sound like pure antisemitism—as pure a form of Jew-hatred as you will ever find. Add in Muslim terror and dang—it becomes real hard to like these people. They've killed too many of my friends and loved ones. They've sent my granddaughter running into the safe room to the tune of a siren, shaking and crying and frightened. As a result, I won't claim to have a lot of Muslim friends and particularly not Arab friends. But Robert Werdine was one such friend. He came out of nowhere, and stuck up for me at personal risk to himself...Read More |
Weekly column by Vic Rosenthal In my previous post I asked why Israel only "plays defense" in recent times. Why do we only bat the rockets away with Iron Dome, instead of ending our enemies' ability to launch them? Why do we bomb empty Hamas installations in Gaza in response to incendiary balloons and machine-gun fire that are intended to burn and kill? Why did we allow Hezbollah to rearm? Why do we allow Hamas to mount its human wave attacks against the Gaza border? Why do we always let our enemies strike first? When they score a goal, why do we give them back the ball and tell them to try again? I argued that this was not the case in the pre-state period or during the War of Independence, when our military and diplomatic policy was aggressive and creative, despite our relative military and economic weakness. I suggested that this was because in the past, the nation had a single overriding objective – the establishment of a sovereign state, and there was general agreement that there was no option other than success. Now the nation has no national objective, such as the one the Palestinian Arabs strive for (our disappearance), or the imperial ambitions of the Iranian, Russian, and Turkish regimes. Israel today wishes only for a quiet time in which its people can cultivate their own gardens. Just let us alone, please, we say...Read More |
From Ian: Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan and Yair Lapid: The Abraham Accords are a catalyst for wider change in the Middle East As two of the world's most dynamic and advanced countries, the UAE and Israel together can help turbocharge economic opportunity by pushing for deeper regional integration. One element should be new institutions and co-operation to facilitate trade and to co-operate on public health and development. Second, continued US and European involvement is critical. Republicans and Democrats don't agree on much, but normalisation has had enthusiastic backing from both the Trump and Biden Administrations and across the aisle in Congress. Throughout Europe too, the Accords have been warmly received. Active US and European political, financial, and technical support will help realise their full potential — as will the appointment of special envoys to co-ordinate these efforts. These moves will be welcomed as a clear signal of our friends' sustained commitment to the stability and security of the region. Third, the Accords underlined that even if a comprehensive peace agreement is still not in sight, better conditions for the Palestinians are a shared interest for us all. Normalisation must help facilitate increased investment, trade, and exchanges between Palestinians and the Arab world. Sceptics will remain cynical, but they should look at what's happened this past year, against all...Read More |
From 1912, an instrumental version done by famed American violinist and conductor Maximilian Pilzer, with the piano portions by "Miss D. Pilzer," presumably his sister. From 1913, by the legendary chazan Yossele Rosenblatt, accompanied by organ. Also from Rosenblatt, a "new" version in 1923, accompanied by an ensemble. His voice changed a lot in those ten years! He shows a greater vocal range and also sings with the instruments providing a counterpoint. * * * * * * ...Read More |
Right on the heels of Rabbi Eric Yoffie's dire warning about Jews worshipping in groups on the Temple Mount, Haaretz published another. Anshel Pfeffer's article is accurate when he sticks to the facts, perhaps the best one yet in secular media. There has been a gradual change over the past two years, under the auspices of the police. Jewish communal prayer, with a minyan of at least 10 men, has become a regular, twice-daily occurrence, during the four hours in the morning and one in the early afternoon, five times a week, when Jews are allowed onto the Mount. [It's been more than two years - EoZ.] I joined the pilgrims six times in the two weeks before Rosh Hashanah. Each time the groups entered on the same route, which takes about 45 minutes, without any noticeable friction with the Muslims there. In my visits with the pilgrims last month, I failed to meet many of the bitter fanatics I expected to find. Instead, I met a variety of Israelis with diverse reasons for making the pilgrimage. Some harbored political and nationalistic motives. Others dream of building a Third Temple in our lifetime. But many see Temple Mount in much more...Read More |
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