יום חמישי, 2 בספטמבר 2021

Daily EoZ Digest

Iranian diesel "for Lebanon" is a money-making scam for Hezbollahnoreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 02 Sep 04:45 AM Two weeks ago, Hezbollah leader Hass

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Iranian diesel "for Lebanon" is a money-making scam for Hezbollah
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 02 Sep 04:45 AM

Two weeks ago, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah said that Iran was sending a ship of fuel to Lebanon in order to help that country's massive fuel shortages.

The Lebanese government had already said last year they would not accept shipments of any kind from Iran, fearful that the US would extend sanctions on them. Nasrallah's bright idea - first broached in June - was a direct challenge to the Lebanese government, as he said then, "Shipments of fuel will arrive at Beirut's port, and let the state prevent their access to Lebanon."

Now, Iran has announced that the ship has reached the territorial waters of its destination - Syria!
The first Iranian oil tanker that carries fuel for Lebanon has arrived in Syrian waters, Lebanese newspaper reported.

According to Al-Akhbar, the tanker has entered the Syrian waters on Wednesday and will discharge the shipment in one of the Syrian ports, and then the fuel will be transferred to Lebanon by tanker trucks.

The report said the shipment of the second and third tankers will also be delivered to Lebanon through the same mechanism.Hezbollah will transfer fuel from Syria into Lebanon?
That's funny, because part of the reason for the fuel crisis to begin with was because...Read More

09/01 Links Pt2: Dara Horn on a world that only teaches about 'dead Jews'; Squad Member Was Guest of Honor at Pro-Erdogan Fundraiser; Israeli scientists discover how to reverse cell aging
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 01 Sep 05:00 PM

From Ian:

Dara Horn on a world that only teaches about 'dead Jews'

Horn's new essay collection 'People Love Dead Jews' looks at pervasive, modern-day antisemitism

She describes this scene in People Love Dead Jews: Reports From a Haunted Present, her new essay collection that comes out on September 7. It's her first nonfiction book, following five works of fiction that very much feature living Jews with interesting lives and story lines. The cheeky title is meant to be provocative, but it gets at Horn's concern with how non-Jews around the world usually learn about Jews — not by interacting with them or learning about Jewish life, but by learning about "dead Jews," through topics like the Holocaust or the Spanish Inquisition or Harbin's story.

"I had mistaken the enormous public interest in past Jewish suffering for a sign of respect for living Jews," Horn writes. "I was very wrong."

Horn's essays, several of which were previously published in other publications, address the dissonance between people's fascination with dead Jews and rising levels of antisemitism in the U.S. (The FBI released figures yesterday showing that 58% of reported religiously motivated hate crimes in 2020 targeted Jews.) "Think about your social studies textbook when you're in sixth grade or something. There's something about the Israelites in the ancient history section. And then there's a chapter about the Holocaust...Read More

Fight, damn it! (Vic Rosenthal)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 01 Sep 03:00 PM

Weekly column by Vic Rosenthal

Losses are part of war. There's no escaping it. The tragedy is immense. A person has precisely one chance at life, to love, to have children, to learn, to have a profession, to do all the things that a person aspires to do, and to have it all taken away when it has barely begun is catastrophic.
Whenever a life is lost, especially a young life, families and friends grieve painfully. In Israel, which has been at war without a break since her establishment in 1948, there is a phenomenon of national grief, which I haven't seen elsewhere. Funerals of soldiers, police, and terror victims are sometimes attended by thousands of people, many of whom did not know the deceased. The media devote much time and space to each case. Memorial day in Israel is full of ceremonies, all across the country, to remember and honor the fallen.
Jewish Israelis (with some exceptions) understand that they have an obligation to pay a price for the existence of the state, and that part of that price is that some of our children will lose their lives. Nothing demonstrates more conclusively how important the state is to the Jewish people.
So you can imagine the anger when a young life ends because somebody in authority was incompetent or lazy. War is war and soldiers die, but one of the things a good military organization does is analyze its defeats and failures, learn lessons from them, and make changes so that future outcomes will be better. When a preventable casualty occurs...Read More

@CNN's story on FBI Hate Crimes report doesn't mention that Jews were the most attacked religious group
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 01 Sep 01:00 PM

CNN filed a story on the 2020 FBI Hate Crimes report.

It mentioned that there was an increase in hate crimes against Blacks and Asians.
And those were the only groups mentioned.
Here is the list of hate crime incidents by number of victims per defined groups:

Anti-Black or African American






Anti-Gay (Male)


Anti-Hispanic or Latino


Anti-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Transgender (Mixed Group)






Anti-Islamic (Muslim)


Certainly the anti-Asian attacks deserve to be mentioned because they increased so dramatically. But there were six paragraphs about that topic in the CNN report - and not even one mention of anti-Jewish hate crimes, which outnumbered anti-Asian hate crimes by 246%!
It seems like antisemitism is not mentioned because it is not news - the number of incidents was slightly lower than the previous year. But the decision to say that 274 incidents against Asians was worth highlighting while incidents against Jews is not worth mentioning, when anti-Jewish attacks are the lions' share of anti-religious attacks, was made by reporters and editors.
It is hard to shake the idea that the media has a pre-conceived notion- in this case that Jews are privileged and therefore cannot be characterized as victims.

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...Read More

09/01 Links Pt1: Melanie Phillips: Biden's contemptible speech; Will the West Bank Become the New Afghanistan?; Wildfires: 'If I can't have it, neither can you'
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 01 Sep 11:00 AM

From Ian:

Melanie Phillips: Biden's contemptible speech

The claim that the killing of bin Laden neutralised Afghanistan as a potential danger to the west is beyond ridiculous. What Biden has done is negate the gains made through investing blood and treasure in Afghanistan for two decades in order to protect the west — however muddled the implementation of that goal may have been — and he has thus dishonoured the sacrifice of all those who gave their lives in that process.

Whether this speech consisted of Biden's own words, or whether someone else wrote them and he merely read them out, they are shocking. For the damage his administration has done is unforgivable and incalculable.

Consider how the Taliban have been galvanised by what's happened. Anthony Lloyd of The Times reports from the Bagram airbase:
Maulawi Hafiz Mohibullah Muktaz, a religious leader and fighter from Kandahar aged 35, leaned back in his seat laughing, twiddled some dials on a control console, stared out across the multibillion-dollar base the size of a small city and picked up a phone to summon an imaginary jet.

"Never in our wildest dreams could we have believed we could beat a superpower like America with just our Kalashnikovs," he beamed, staring across the two runways beneath him.

…"When you do jihad all doors open," he added, unable to stop smiling. "Our lesson is that we defeated America with our faith and our guns...Read More

UPDATE: This was a fraud WAS: Sassoon Family Trust earmarks $50 billion (!) for helping Israel's economy
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 01 Sep 09:00 AM

This story is a fraud, see the end.

This is mind-boggling. From Calcalist:

The Sassoon Family Continuation Trust, established in 1485 during the Spanish Inquisition, has recently announced that it will commit $50 billion across three funds to "fulfill a mandate to ensure the economic growth and market impact for Israel."

"There's a vacuum here, and someone needs to fill it," David Sassoon told CTech. As a direct descendant of Sassoon trust and its sole beneficiary, he is now the executive chairman of J. Sassoon Group, a Washington, DC-based private equity and investment banking firm and oversees its ventures across the world. Ahead of making 'Aliyah' (moving to Israel) later this year, he shared the plans for the trust and its hopes for investment that can help support the longevity of the country.

Over the next 15 years, the Trust will invest $50 billion dollars into three funds. The first, The Israel Hellenic Fund, will focus on the relationship between Israel and Greece, ensuring it goes beyond a military and security collaboration to an economic, tech, life science, and real estate partnership between the nations. The second fund, called The Patriot Fund, will be joint between the U.S and Israel and concentrate on technology pertaining to the national security sector. The final fund is called the Zion Fund and will focus on Israel's startup scene, with an emphasis on renewable energy, telecommunication...Read More

Did Biden tell Bennett to loosen up restrictions on Gaza?
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 01 Sep 07:00 AM

Throughout his political career, Joe Biden has said that the US should not publicly disparage Israel. But behind the scenes, things could be different.
We don't know for sure what was discussed in the private meeting between Joe Biden and Natali Bennett. We do know that White House Senior Director for the Middle East and North Africa Barbara Leaf gave an off-the-record briefing to Jewish leaders after the meeting, where she confirmed that Biden did say he was opposed to evictions in Sheikh Jarrah and said he wants to open a Palestinian consulate in Jerusalem.

There is no reason to think that other topics were not brought up.

Over the past week, including the last three nights, Hamas has orchestrated violent riots at the Gaza border, with an increase in incendiary balloons and IEDs launched towards Israel.

Yet even so, Israel has loosened up restrictions on Gaza this morning:

- Expanding the Gaza Strip's fishing zone to 15 nautical miles — the most since 2007.

- Additional goods and construction materials imported into Gaza via the Kerem Shalom Crossing.

- An additional 5 million...Read More

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