יום חמישי, 30 בספטמבר 2021

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Daily EoZ Digest

Jerusalem terrorist was a troubled young mother from a terrorist familynoreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 30 Sep 04:45 AM Early Thursday morning, a Pale

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Jerusalem terrorist was a troubled young mother from a terrorist family
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 30 Sep 04:45 AM

Early Thursday morning, a Palestinian woman from Jenin was shot dead as she tried to stab police officers in Jerusalem's Old City.

Her name was Israa Khuzaymah, and she was the mother of three.
Her Facebook page had not been updated since last November, but she seems like she was a troubled woman - the type of person who would be attracted to being killed as a "martyr" to erase whatever demons she had.
She posted many times about Kamal Abu Waar, a Palestinian terrorist who died in Israeli custody of cancer last year. She even superimposed Abu Waar's image over her photo of herself with her three kids.

Her own family seems to have had a number of terrorist members, as this poster of her "clan" indicates:

On November 5, she posted this poem:

Wrong leads us to the right path...
And wrong people make you know the value of right people...
And wrong choices make you more conscious next time...
And the blow that hurts you wakes you up...
And weakness makes you more solid...
And distraction makes you hold on to yourself more...
Darkness shows you the light...Read More

VP Harris Tells Antisemitic Student "Your Truth" Has a Right to Be Heard (Judean Rose)
noreply@blogger.com (Varda Meyers Epstein (Judean Rose)), 29 Sep 10:55 PM

Vice President Kamala Harris broke with several decades' worth of bipartisan support for the Jewish State on Tuesday when she said she "was glad" that a student had brought up concerns about funding Israel's "ethnic genocide" and "displacement of people."

WATCH: Kamala Harris nods as student accuses Israel of "ethnic genocide": "your truth cannot be suppressed" pic.twitter.com/FcqCyT7Uo8

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) September 28, 2021

The student was referring, of course, to the standalone bill approving $1b to replenish Iron Dome after terrorists in Gaza shot more than 4,000 missiles at Israeli civilians earlier this year, and this is important to state: noncombatants. The Jewish men, women, and children targeted by these missiles are not soldiers. And no one gets to call them that for just living in a city that has belonged to their people for thousands of years. They are simply just Jewish people, living their lives.

Iron Dome is purely defensive; it intercepts and destroys the rockets and shells before they can strike and kill Jews, targets by dint of the fact that they are Jewish, irrespective of where they live. The progressive wing of the Democratic Party, led by The Squad, did everything it could to block the funding of Iron...Read More

09/29 Links: VP Harris to student who accused Israel of 'genocide': Your truth must be heard; Abbas' UN speech explains why he is no partner for peace; Labour is still overrun with anti-Israel cranks
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 29 Sep 09:00 PM

From Ian:

VP Harris to student who accused Israel of 'genocide': Your truth must be heard

During a discussion with students about National Voter Registration Day on Tuesday, US Vice President Kamala Harris did not challenge a comment by a student at George Mason University in Virginia who accused Israel of "ethnic genocide" and defended her right to say it.

The student, who identified herself as part-Yemeni, part-Iranian and "not an American," also expressed outrage at US funding of the Iron Dome. She said America affects her life "every day" due to military funding it gives to Saudi Arabia and Israel.

"You brought up how the power of the people and demonstrations and organizing is very valuable in America," she said. "But I see that over the summer there have been protests and demonstrations in astronomical numbers standing with Palestine. But then just a few days ago, there were funds allocated to continue backing Israel, which hurts my heart because it's ethnic genocide and displacement of people, the same that happened in America, and I'm sure you're aware of this."

The student questioned why money was going to Israel and Saudi Arabia instead of to social issues in America.

"The people have spoken very often of what they do need, and I feel like there's a lack of listening, and I just feel like I need to bring this up because it affects...Read More

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יום שלישי, 28 בספטמבר 2021

Daily EoZ Digest

Chag sameach!noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 27 Sep 05:15 PM Have a chag sameach! I will be back iy"h Wednesday night or Thursday. \* \* \* \* \* \

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Chag sameach!
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 27 Sep 05:15 PM

Have a chag sameach! I will be back iy"h Wednesday night or Thursday.

* * *

* * *
...Read More

09/27 Links Pt2: The Left's embrace of violence against Jews; On visible and invisible Jews; David Collier: The Labour Party conference; The Holocaust That Never Happened
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 27 Sep 05:00 PM

From Ian:

Stop Enabling the Antisemites Who Live Closest to Our Homes

We should reflect deeply on our withdrawal from Afghanistan. The lesson of Afghanistan for the Jews—a lesson we should have learned a thousand times—is that if you want to survive, you need to rely on yourself. You cannot subcontract your defense and protection to anyone, least of all to faux human rights activists and their deluded supporters who sit in ivory towers: intellectuals who write and think all day, who preen with academic arrogance, but are incapable of understanding what is really going on in people's hearts. Preoccupied with their shallow self-righteousness, they ignore even basic human emotions, motivations, and drives; bleeding hearts who have no heart for bleeding Jews. It is all academic for them. We should have the courage, the decency, the honesty to say that our side, the liberal side, is wrong. We, too, are writing and supporting untruths—vicious, malicious, fallacious, audacious lies.

All of us, especially young adults, teenagers, and university students—you need to feel antisemitism in your kishkes. Learn to appreciate subtlety, nuance, and context. Develop the capacity to distinguish between legitimate critique and the new mutated form of antisemitism dressed up in the garments of pathological anti-Zionism. If you oppose Israeli policies, say so. Be active. Try to influence and make a difference...Read More

Naftali Bennett's speech to the UN (video and transcript)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 27 Sep 01:40 PM

Israel is a lighthouse in a stormy sea.
A beacon of democracy, diverse by design, innovative by nature and eager to contribute to the world — despite being in the toughest neighborhood on earth.
We are an ancient nation, returned to our ancient homeland, revived our ancient language, restored our ancient sovereignty.
Israel is a miracle of Jewish revival. Am Yisrael Chai — the nation of Israel is alive, and the State of Israel is its beating heart.
For way too long, Israel was defined by wars with our neighbors. But this is not what Israel is about. This is not what the people of Israel are about.
Israelis don't wake up in the morning thinking about the conflict. Israelis want to lead a good life, take care of our families, and build a better world for our children.
Which means that from time to time, we might need to leave our jobs, say goodbye to our families, and rush to the battlefield to defend our country — just like my friends and I have had to do ourselves. They should not be judged for it.
Israelis remember the dark horrors of our past, but remain determined to look ahead, to build a brighter future.
Distinguished delegates,
There are two plagues that are challenging the very fabric of society at this moment: One is the coronavirus, which has killed over 5 million people around the globe; the other has also shaken the world as we know it — it's the disease of political polarization.
Both coronavirus and polarization can erode public trust in our institutions, both can...Read More

09/27 Links Pt1: Dershowitz: Mainstream Democrats Introduce Bill Endangering Israel; A Foul Play by Progressives over Israel's Iron Dome; Bennett at the UN: Hating Israel doesn't make you 'woke'
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 27 Sep 11:00 AM

From Ian:

Alan M. Dershowitz: Mainstream Democrats Introduce Bill Endangering Israel

This is not an "occupation." It is legitimate and entirely lawful self-defense. It would be a lie — a blood libel — for the United States to declare Gaza to be occupied territory.

Under international law, a military occupation may continue as long as there is belligerence, as there certainly continues to be.

Had Israeli troops remained, Israel would be criticized. Now that they have left, there is still criticism. For some, Israel can do no right.

Jerusalem is more complicated... These are not occupied territories. Nor is the rest of East Jerusalem which is part of a united city.

Israel twice offered to end its presence in more than 90% of the West Bank in exchange for peace. The Palestinian leadership refused these offers and are thus responsible for the current situation.

The bill proposed by Levin and his fellow Democrats encourages the refusal of Palestinian leaders to negotiate painful compromises that are essential to achieving peace. It also rewards the pay-to-slay and terrorist policies... It sends a dangerous message to Palestinian naysayers: you do not have to negotiate or compromise; the United States will compel Israel to give in to your demands without requiring the Palestinians to negotiate, compromise or give up terrorism.

A far better bill would be one that conditioned reopening the...Read More

NPR falsely claims Arafat slowed down the intifada after 9/11 and Israel forced him to restart it
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 27 Sep 09:00 AM

NPR reported ahead of September 11:

On Sept. 11, 2001, American TV viewers saw scenes of cheering Palestinians, jubilant to see Israel's ally attacked. Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat had his security services quash the scattered celebrations, and issued a statement.

"We want to send a message to the world: we are not with Al Qaeda and its activities," said Nabil Amr, then Palestinian minister of information, who helped draft the condemnation.

At the time, the Palestinian Intifada, or uprising — with militant bombings and shootings, and attacks by Israeli troops — had been going on for one year. The 9/11 attacks made Arafat worried that Palestinians, who considered themselves freedom fighters, would be seen by the West as terrorists.

"At this stage, I think Yasser Arafat knew very well that the Intifada must stop," said Nasser Jumaa, a former Palestinian combatant leader of the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades. Jumaa said Arafat's emissaries delivered that message to Palestinian armed groups like his.

Violence decreased, but only for a short while.

"Yasser Arafat ... wanted to distance himself from this axis of evil, and the only way to do it was to stop the Intifada," said retired Israeli Brig. Gen. Shlomo Brom. "But it didn't stop, and not because of Yasser Arafat. Because of the Israeli side. We missed this opportunity."

In January 2002, Israel killed...Read More

Jews represented Palestine at the 1896 Berlin Expo
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 27 Sep 07:00 AM

The (delayed) 2020 Dubai World's Fair is starting this week, and Israel will be represented there.

Even though the modern State of Israel is 73 years old, Jews represented Palestine in World's Fairs way before 1948. In fact, the first time was 125 years ago.
This Jewish New Year's postcard is from the Great Industrial Exposition of Berlin of 1896 - and the story behind it is remarkable.

Portrayed in the photograph are Heinrich Loewe, Moshe David Șuv and others at the entrance to a building bearing the sign "Exposition of Sons of Israel in the Holy Land" (In Hebrew and German), with palm trees and a mosque A Colonial Exhibition was held as part of the Great Industrial Exposition of Berlin in 1896, with grand displays replicating towns and villages in Africa, New Guinea and other places (for which purpose the organizers brought natives from these places, dressed them in traditional costumes and presented them to the public, in sets portraying indigenous life). The town of Cairo was "built" in one of the exhibition compounds where a Palestinian booth was erected (under the name "Exhibition of Sons of Israel Colonies in the Holy Land"). The pavilion offered for sale products from Palestine: "Carmel" wines, olive wood artefacts, books and booklets printed in Palestine, and more. The person in charge of organizing the Palestinian pavilion was Moshe David Șuv (one of...Read More

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