Al Aqsa preacher again pretends that there is no archaeological proof of Jews in (Unknown), 31 Jul 04:45 AM From Al Wat | From Al Watan Voice: Sheikh Ikrima Sabri, the preacher of Al-Aqsa Mosque, confirmed that the occupation has been excavating and digging in Al-Aqsa Mosque since 1967, but he did not find a single stone related to the ancient Hebrew Jewish history. In press statements, Sabri stressed that what the occupation found are Roman and Islamic monuments from the Umayyad, Abbasid, Mamluk and Turkish eras. This is a constant theme in Palestinian media. The absurdity is almost beyond belief. The entire Marwani Mosque, the underground mosque on the Temple Mount that was excavated by the Waqf, is built in the area of what is known as "Solomon's Stables" but were built during the Herodian era. The retaining walls of the Temple have been dug to the their foundations and are well-dated. The entire City of David archaeological park, the numerous ritual baths that are right outside the Temple Mount, the bullae that have been found...the list is endless. This stone, discovered next to the Temple Mount after 1967 by archaeologist Benjamin Mazar, says - in Hebrew - "To the Place of Trumpeting:' This stone was a Greek-language warning to non-Jews not to enter the Temple grounds: No stranger is to enter within the balustrade around...Read More |
From Ian: The Holocaust was not just another genocide It is the ideological diversity of modern antisemitism that makes identifying and countering it exceedingly difficult. Its home in the far left has added to its mainstreaming, making tackling some manifestations politically unfashionable. Assaults on Jews have come from all directions. In 2018, in the largest attack on the Jewish community in US history, neo-Nazi Robert Bowers killed 11 people in the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh. Meanwhile, pro-Palestine marches in London saw the Israeli flag burned and dragged behind a car to loud cheers, not to mention the abuse shouted at Jews through megaphones. And this year, British citizen Malik Faisal Akram held four hostages inside a Texan synagogue for 10 hours demanding the release of Islamist terrorist Aafia Siddiqui, who is suspected of having ties to al-Qaeda and was convicted of trying to kill US officers while in prison in Afghanistan. Three antisemitic attacks, three differing ideologies. For me, it was the experience of leading classes in schools about conspiracy theories and, in particular, 9/11, that opened my eyes to how all these strains of antisemitism have infected British education. In 2016, after I had delivered training to sixth-form students, a teacher let me know his concerns about the session. He felt we should be more open to "evidence...Read More |
From Ian: As the Holocaust raged, US newspapers buried reports on Hitler's Final Solution On June 29, 1942, the Chicago Daily Tribune devoted one paragraph to Germany's "Final Solution" in Europe: "The British section of the World Jewish Congress estimated today that more than 1,000,000 Jews have been killed or have died as the result of ill treatment in countries dominated by Germany," read an Associated Press brief on page six. Like other US newspapers that summer, the Daily Tribune allocated a bare minimum of inches to reporting on the annihilation of Europe's Jews. Literally burying the story, dailies placed news of the slaughter away from their front pages — and usually mixed in among other news briefs. "If the news in June 1942 about 1 million Jews being slaughtered was considered sufficiently credible to publish, then according to conventional editorial standards, it should have been treated as front-page news or something close to it," said Rafael Medoff, author of the book "America and the Holocaust: A Documentary History," published this year. Like the Chicago Daily Tribune, The Los Angeles Times published the "1 million killed" Associated Press brief at the end of June. However, the milestone in Germany's "Final Solution" was placed on page three, underneath a story about British soldiers taken captive by Germany: "Nazis Kill Million Jews...Read More |
From their website: Operation Benjamin is devoted to preserving the memories of American-Jewish soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice while defending the cause of freedom during World War II. Our aim is to locate Jewish personnel at American military cemeteries all over the world who, for various reasons, were buried under markers incorrectly representing their religion and heritage. Our mission is to correct these mistakes and provide, these many decades later, comfort to the families of the fallen. We work quietly and with dignity, without any cost to the families involved. 100 years ago, some wanted the graves of all World War I fallen soldiers to have a consistent marker - a cross. The Jewish Welfare Board jumped into action to keep the Stars of David that were being used for known Jewish soldiers. In 1923, JTA reported that Jewish graves were still marked with Stars of David, at least in France: Graves of American soldiers of the Jewish faith in the national American cemeteries in France are being photographed for the fallen soldiers' relatives in the United States to see where their dead have been laid to rest. The work is carried on under the auspices of the Jewish Welfare Board in the United States. The Jewish graves are distinctive, the headstones being surmounted by the Shield of David. * * * * * * Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS...Read More |
From Ian: UN Official Running Investigation Into Israel Defends Colleague Who Said Jewish Lobby Controls Social Media The United Nations official in charge of an investigation into Israel is standing by a colleague who came under fire this week for claiming social media platforms are controlled by a "Jewish lobby." Navi Pillay, chairwoman of the U.N. investigation into alleged Israeli human rights crimes, says her colleague, Miloon Kothari, is being unfairly accused of anti-Semitism after he stated in an interview this week that social media are controlled by an all-powerful "Jewish lobby" that throws around "a lot of money." Pillay defended the remarks, saying in a letter sent Thursday to the president of the U.N. Human Rights Council (UNHRC), which helms the Israel investigation, that Kothari was "deliberately misquoted." A copy of the letter, which was written after the UNHRC's president raised concerns about the comments, was provided to the Washington Free Beacon by U.N. officials. Kothari was "deliberately misquoted to imply that 'social media' was controlled by the Jewish lobby," Pillay says in the letter, though she does not specify how Kothari was misquoted. Pillay also said that those critical of Kothari's comments are attempting to discredit the U.N. investigation into Israel, which has been dogged by accusations it is biased and fueled by animosity...Read More |
The newspapers in Brooklyn in 1922, when reporting on all of the court cases, listed quite a few violations of the "Sabbath Laws," where it was forbidden to keep businesses open on Sunday. And a large percentage of the people fined were Jews. This happened throughout the decade; here's an article from 1925. Like some speed traps today, it looks like this was used as a revenue generator. Jews at the time would close their shops on Saturday, and Sunday was the most lucrative day available for them, and their customers were mostly Jewish as well, so it seems that many of them took the chance and paid the fine if caught. One Jew in 1922 tried to fight back by claiming that he indeed closed his shop on the Sabbath, but the judge ruled that the Sabbath of the Bible wasn't the Sabbath of America: One Jewish newspaper responded to this story with a joke considered old at the time: The Sabbath laws, later known as Blue Laws, remain in force even today in many states although most have been repealed. The US Supreme Court has ruled that they are not religious and merely enforce a day of rest for the social good. The fact that Jews (and Seventh Day Adventists) are economically hurt by this was not enough to say that storeowners should be allowed to decide which day of the week to close. * * * * * * Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at...Read More |
Yesterday, the relatives of Shireen Abu Akleh held a press conference along with several anti-Israel members of Congress. The levels of hypocrisy and lies of these politicians is off the charts. Even if you discount all the evidence that Abu Akleh was killed by Palestinian terrorists, they have no compunction about lying and exhibiting hypocrisy. The first politician to speak was Representative Andre Carson of Indiana. He said, "I believe that this was an attack on the Fourth Estate, the Free Press, which is vitally important to our society. You know we need answers to hold the perpetrators fully accountable. From day one, the Israeli Government has denied Shireen's murder. There is no reason for them to be conducting an investigation. You may not like that. But that's the truth. It makes it more important for our government to conduct our own investigation." So at the outset, without any evidence, he says that Israel murdered Abu Akleh. Without any evidence, he is accusing the Israelis of being liars. Without any evidence, he is accusing Israel of not being able to conduct an impartial investigation. Just this one statement proves that Israel is more trustworthy than Andre Carson. He goes on: "Shireen needs justice. Every American killed abroad is entitled to our protection. Every human killed American or not, deserves...Read More |
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