יום שישי, 22 ביולי 2022

Daily EoZ Digest

The Jewish Agency's history destroys the "Palestine was an Arab state" narrativenoreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 22 Jul 06:00 AM The Jewish Agency is

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The Jewish Agency's history destroys the "Palestine was an Arab state" narrative
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 22 Jul 06:00 AM

The Jewish Agency is in the news:

Russia is threatening to ban a major Jewish nonprofit agency that helps people emigrate to Israel from operating in the country, a sign of the Kremlin's deteriorating relationship with Israel and of the far-reaching fallout from the war in Ukraine.

Russia's Justice Ministry is seeking to liquidate the Russian branch of the nonprofit, the Jewish Agency for Israel, which operates in coordination with the Israeli government, according to a notice from a Moscow court.

The article notes:

The Jewish Agency, founded nearly a century ago as the Jewish Agency for Palestine, was instrumental in helping establish Israel in 1948, and has facilitated the emigration of millions of Jews from around the globe. This is not true. It was originally founded in 1908 as the Palestine Office, part of the Zionist Organization - in Hebrew, המשרד הארץ-ישראלי, HaMisrad HaEretz Yisraeli, "Office for the Land of Israel."

In 1921, the name was changed to the Jewish Agency for Palestine, in Hebrew "הסוכנות היהודית לארץ ישראל", HaSochnut HaYehudit L'Eretz Yisra'el, literally the Jewish Agency for the Land of Israel."

Here is a pin that the Jewish Agency used to distribute:

Apparently, the original name in Hebrew stuck for a while though, as this 1936 letterhead from Berlin shows:

Here is an immigration certificate for a lucky Jew from Poland in 1938 that uses both the "Jewish...Read More

US envoy: Biden told Abbas that his demands could only be fulfilled by Jesus Christ
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 21 Jul 09:29 PM

On Thursday, the highest ranking US liaison to the Palestinians Arabs gave a wide ranging interview to Palestinian media in Ramallah.

On Thursday, a high-ranking US official spoke about the meeting between US President Joe Biden and his Palestinian counterpart, Mahmoud Abbas, in Bethlehem, during his visit to the region on the thirteenth of this month.

During his meeting with a number of journalists in the city of Ramallah, the head of the American office for Palestinian affairs, George Noll, confirmed that President Abbas presented Biden with his demands, which he aspires to achieve, for the Palestinian people.

Noel said: "President Biden responded to his Palestinian counterpart that these demands need the Lord Jesus Christ, the miracle maker, to fulfill them."

Noll made no secret that President Biden had felt great sympathy for the Palestinians, indicating that there were limits to what America could do to put pressure on Israel to end the occupation.

The US official added: "America is against the occupation and against settlements, but there are those who believe that the United...Read More

07/21 Links Pt2: Ben Shapiro: Those who oppose US exceptionalism oppose Israel; Israel Exports to Grow 15% to Record $165 Billion in 2022
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 21 Jul 05:00 PM

From Ian:

Ben Shapiro: Those who oppose US exceptionalism oppose Israel

It's an honor to be here at the inaugural CPAC Israel or, as I like to call it, my bar mitzvah. I want to thank those who are working so hard to spread intellectual conversation about conservative values in the Jewish state, and all the organizations involved with this event tonight: Shibolet Press, publishing the very best English-language conservative thought in Hebrew; Sella Meir Publishing, bringing solid political literature to Israel; CPAC, with whom I've worked for years; and Tel Aviv International Salon, Israel's largest speakers' forum.

Our countries have something profound and vital in common: They are both gifts from God, blessed by Him, founded in liberty and consecrated to the idea that He is present in history, and that He guides history toward His ends.

As George Washington said in his first inaugural address, "No people can be bound to acknowledge and adore the Invisible Hand which conducts the affairs of men more than those of the United States."

And as Menachem Begin told Jimmy Carter: "What you have just heard about the Jewish people's inherent rights to the Land of Israel may seem academic to you, theoretical, even moot. But not to my generation. To my generation of Jews, these eternal bonds are indisputable and incontrovertible truths, as old as recorded time. They touch upon the...Read More

Elder Comix: Ask the experts!
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 21 Jul 03:00 PM

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Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424.

Read all about it here!

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Millions Of Happy Arab-Israelis Are A Token Minority, But The Antizionist 5% Of US Jews Are The Authentic Ones (PreOccupied Territory)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 21 Jul 01:15 PM

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

Check out their Facebook page.

Millions Of Happy Arab-Israelis Are A Token Minority, But The Antizionist 5% Of US Jews Are The Authentic Ones

By Rafael Shimunov, Jews For Racial and Economic Justice

Brooklyn, July 21 - The familiar, cynical tactic of taking an unrepresentative slice of a group and holding them up as representative of the larger demographic features in the hasbara efforts of Zionist propagandists. They would have you believe that most of the non-Jewish population of Israel, who accept the Jewish State and hope for integration with the majority, somehow represent the entire corpus of that population. We progressives, however, understand and call out the dishonesty of that rhetorical move. We also tout the approximately one-twentieth of American Jewry who oppose Israel, as the only position worth adopting as truly representative of American Jewry.

The Nazis had their token Jews; the Southern plantation owners had their token Negros; radical Republicans have their token homosexuals; and Zionists have their token Arabs. The goal is the same: pretend that tiny minority of the minority represents the much larger group that in reality feels very differently about the system, the majority, and what path to choose in the larger society. At JFREJ, as at If Not Now in my previous...Read More

07/21 Links Pt1: Russia requests closure of Jewish Agency for Israel; Europeans still playing double game against Israel; Iran's fabricated 'fatwa' excuse
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 21 Jul 11:00 AM

From Ian:

Clifford D May: From Jerusalem to Jeddah

If Iran's rulers were to accept this deal, they would be provided with hundreds of billions of dollars to spend on whatever nefarious projects they choose.

So why do they resist? Largely because they despise Americans. They refuse even to sit at the same table with American diplomats, insisting that all negotiations be conducted through intermediaries – Russians heading the list.

They've also been demanding additional concessions, such as the removal of their Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps from the American terrorist blacklist. To his credit, Biden has not conceded, cognizant of the fact that the IRGC is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Americans.

Given this context, the Emiratis and the Saudis are practicing realpolitik. Their aim is to end up on the winning side. That won't be the United States if the United States is seen as being in retreat and decline, unwilling and perhaps unable to defend its own interests, much less those of allies.

Biden powerfully reinforced this perception when he chaotically and dishonorably abandoned Afghanistan one year ago next month. Of course, it was President Trump who laid the diplomatic groundwork for America's ignominious capitulation to the Taliban.

Trump also did nothing serious in response to Tehran's attacks on Saudi oil facilities in 2019 – a breach of a long-standing if implicit agreement...Read More

Palestinians angry at obvious nepotism in Palestinian Authority
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 21 Jul 09:00 AM

Recently, a position as Palestinian "Minister of Local Government" was given to the daughter of another minister, causing Palestinian social media to erupt with anger and jeering for a history of nepotism and favored appointments to friends.

There's a history here. Last year several envoys to foreign countries were given to relatives of senior Fatah officials.
Palestinian officials defended the recent appointment, saying that the women was well qualified. Palestinians are responding with skepticism, to say the least, especially since unemployment is high and good jobs are perceived to be going to favored individuals.
On Twitter, the hashtag #عظام_الرقبة - an Palestinian euphemism for nepotism that literally means "neck bones" - is getting many posts, as people complain that in the West, you need a resume for a job, but for Palestinians you need to be related to someone.
Everyone knows about Palestinian Authority corruption - except, apparently, the hundreds of Western journalists whose jobs are to cover Palestinian topics.

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Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller...Read More

Antisemitism by omission: Amnesty-UK only opposes trade agreements with one country
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 21 Jul 07:00 AM

Amnesty-UK issued a press release linked to a 19-page paper on Wednesday warning the UK to ensure that a proposed expansion of its free trade agreement with Israel doesn't include any business in the territories nor include any dealings with companies that they claim are violating human rights.
Has Amnesty-UK ever gone through a similar amount of effort to sabotage a UK trade agreement with any other country?
You know the answer.
I found some blog posts questioning trade with Colombia in 2009 and one blog post from 2013 questioning trade with Mexico because of human rights issues. That's it.
Amnesty-UK has no campaigns, no reports, no press releases warning about UK (or, pre-Brexit, EU) free trade agreements with any nations besides Israel.
Yet the UK has an extensive free trade agreement with Turkey that was updated only last year. The...Read More

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