Used to be, Palestinian terror leaders could get automatic throngs for demonstrations.No (Unknown), 15 Jul 04:45 AM Not too | Not too long ago, whenever Hamas or Islamic Jihad or Fatah wanted to fire up their people, they would put together a massive rally where tens of thousands could be summoned at seemingly the snap of a finger. Here's a Hamas rally from 2017: An Islamic Jihad rally from 2016: But on Thursday, The Palestinian Authority and Islamic Jihad held a rally to protest President Biden's visit to Israel. And the turnout was pathetic. Here was Islamic Jihad's rally: And here is another demonstration in Ramallah: In Gaza, with a captive audience, a couple hundred people came to a rally organized by several socialist groups. It looks like it is not only other Arab nations who are sick of Palestinian leadership. Palestinians are, too. * * * * * * Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon! Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! ...Read More |
From Ian: David Collier: The antisemites and their defenders Whilst there is no doubt that much of the activism against Israel is driven by antisemites – these people feed from the lies being spread through the mainstream. Pushed mainly by Journalists who have long ago removed the mask of impartiality. This includes those at Sky News, the BBC, the Guardian, CNN and the NYT – whose networks rely on Palestinian support – and mostly produce pieces that bolster the disinformation campaign. Just as they have always done, lies about Jews create the atmosphere for antisemitism to thrive. And Jews are now not only the targets of antisemitic attack – they are even being attacked for complaining about being attacked. Just recently, Amnesty's general secretary Agnese Callamard said critics of their 'Israel apartheid' report 'weaponise antisemitism'. Callamard runs an organisation that spread libels about Israel – driven by the Islamist extremists and antisemites in her own camp – and then attacks the Jewish people who stand up against her organisation's racist falsehoods. Jews 'weaponising antisemitism' is the latest of the anti-Jewish libels. Events on the subject are held globally and academics provide the neccessary 'science' to 'prove' the accusation is real. Websites are created about 'bogus antisemitism' and those called out for their anti-Jewish hatred receive applause as they claim they are victims of a 'Zionist witch...Read More |
Some reactions to the Jerusalem Declaration from terror groups: The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine called it "an open invitation to ignite regional wars in the region...[it brings] destruction and scourge, under the pretext of Israel's defense of itself.
"It aspires to fully control our region's energy wealth, and drag it into alliances and regional and continental wars. It serves only the imperialist interests of the United States. "It will drown our region in seas of blood, with many problems such as impoverishment, starvation, waste of wealth and mass destruction." They forgot to mention the locusts. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine said "it is a continuation of the aggression against the Palestinian people and their national rights and the release of the Zionist entity's hand in expanding and deepening its colonial project in Palestine, and extending outwards." The Palestinian...Read More |
Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory. Check out their Facebook page. Jerusalem, July 14 - A stalwart supporter of this city's Premier League team, known for the jingoistic, often-racist, and sometimes-violent passion of its core demographic, plans to return from this evening's match too late to catch evening services at his synagogue, forcing him to look for nine other men who can take time away from their customary after-hours vandalism to form the necessary quorum for communal devotionals. Shimon Abutbul, 30, told reporters on his way to the Beitar Jerusalem game against B'nei Sakhnin that he hopes to catch Ma'ariv, the evening liturgy, after the match, while acknowledging that doing so will require assembling a minyan, the ten necessary men over the age of thirteen, while hundreds, perhaps thousands, of fans express either their jubilation at a victory over the mostly-Arab opposing team, or their frustration at losing to them, by smashing windows, beating up people wearing anything other than yellow-and-black Beitar colors, strewing trash, spray-painting nationalist slogans, and harassing passers-by. "I'm still saying Kaddish for my mother," explained Abutbul, a produce-stall proprietor by day. "She was always supportive of the things that kept our family connected to our community and heritage, and support for Beitar...Read More |
From Ian: Biden needs to share intel, get out of the way and let Israel end Iran nuclear threat It is the credible threat of force that allows economic and diplomatic pressure to advance with success. And it is the lack of such a threat that gives way to deeply flawed agreements that provide Iran pathways to nuclear weapons. Biden yesterday reaffirmed his commitment to returning to the 2015 nuclear deal — an agreement that offers more policy challenges than solutions. Under the deal, Iran gets a financial package worth up to $275 billion in the first year and as much as $800 billion over the next five. With a trillion dollars available by 2030 for Iran's missile program, sponsorship of terrorism and Revolutionary Guard, the agreement enables Tehran to set a dozen more fires around the Middle East that force a US response to defend American citizens, embassies and allies. And in the end, without demanding a full accounting of Iran's nuclear activities or destroying a single centrifuge, the deal's expiration dates all but guarantee Iran will still cross the nuclear threshold at a future time of its choosing. To be sure, Russia and China would like nothing more than to see an America bogged down by never-ending Iranian nuclear extortion and escalation. That is why they are the strongest proponents of a nuclear deal with Iran. They know that the more...Read More |
Jewish Voice for "Peace" Political Director Beth Miller reveals that the organization supports dead Jews. In a bizarre attempt at far-Leftist humor, she writes: Israel bringing Iron Dome batteries to the tarmac for Biden is like wearing the sweater your aunt gave you whenever she comes over. If your aunt was an imperial military power and you'd begged her for the sweater in order to maintain military control over the people you occupy. Usually people don't want to wear their aunts' sweaters, but Israel definitely loves Iron Dome. Notwithstanding Millers lack of understanding how jokes work, she is calling Iron Dome - a purely defensive system meant to save Israeli lives, that has never hurt a single Palestinian - as something meant "to maintain military control over the people you occupy." Meaning, according to Miller and JVP, Iron Dome should never have been built. Hamas and Islamic Jihad has every right to shoot rockets aimed specifically at Israeli civilians in Israeli population centers, under this sickening concept of morality. Iron Dome allows Israel to brush off rocket attacks that otherwise would require a major military response. It saves at least as many Palestinian lives as it saves Israeli lives. But JVP doesn't care about the Palestinians in Gaza or elsewhere; their entire purpose is to oppose Jewish rights and Jews living in security. Never has the both the "Jewish" and "peace" part of their...Read More |
The Palestinian Authority has signed numerous international conventions, without any reservations. It never intended to adhere to any of them. The only reason it signed them, as admitted by Palestinians themselves, is to make it appear to be a legitimate state so it can bring charges against Israel at the ICC. However, these conventions do have requirements, so the Palestinian leaders must then submit to the UN a sheaf of lies to cover for the fact that they never did anything substantial to take on their obligations under international law. One of the many international conventions the PA signed was the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment in 2014. (It also signed the Optional Protocol to the Convention in 2017. ) One of the provisions in the Convention is the issue a report within one year of signing the Comvention and then an additional one every four years afterwards on how it has implemented the Convention. The PA has finally issued its initial report that should have been published in 2015. The 67-page report is a joke. It brags about passing laws and says nothing about actual efforts on the ground to stop torture. It is a whitewash that even Palestinian NGOs are upset about...Read More |
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