יום רביעי, 27 ביולי 2022

Daily EoZ Digest

UN COI "expert" really said that social media is controlled by the Jewish lobby and pro-Israel NGOsnoreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 27 Jul 04:45 AM We

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UN COI "expert" really said that social media is controlled by the Jewish lobby and pro-Israel NGOs
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 27 Jul 04:45 AM

We've written previously about the kangaroo court, open ended "commission of inquiry" of the UN Human Rights Council designed to declare Israel a violator of every law known to man plus a few that they will make up themselves.
One of the members of the commission, Miloon Kothari, gave an podcast interview with Mondoweiss (naturally) that was so absurd that it is beyond parody. He spouted explicit antisemitism. He spread lies about international law.
It is something to hear.
The goal of this commission is to gather evidence to take Israel to the International Criminal Court and possibly expel it from the UN.
Kothari complained about how the US was working against the obvious bias of the commission, saying that it was very disrespectful for the US to point it out.

You might know at this session of the Council when we presented our report, the United States, which is you know, become a member of the Council again, circulated a statement signed by 22 countries objecting to our mandate and that actually shows great disrespect for the body that the United States is a member of. Because once you're a member of a body...Read More

07/26 Links Pt2: Ben Shapiro at Temple Mount: Jews face apartheid there; Is the Russian threat to the Jewish Agency a return to Soviet oppression?; Anne Frank diary-burning communist cult head arrested
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 26 Jul 05:00 PM

From Ian:

Kassy Dillon: Ben Shapiro at Temple Mount: Jews face apartheid there

On Sunday afternoon, Ben Shapiro, the editor emeritus of The Daily Wire, ascended to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem to pray with his parents and a group of followers.

Shapiro's first visit to the Temple Mount was during the holiday of Sukkot back in October 2019. That visit was cut short after someone in his group was found to be carrying a willow branch in his pocket as a mitzvah for the last day of Sukkot, leading to the group's removal from the holy site.

While waiting for security to clear the group to enter the complex this time around, Shapiro told JNS that he hoped to be permitted to complete the tour this time.

"Hopefully, we actually make it all the way around the outside of the compound this time," he said. "I wish we could all daven ('pray') openly there—the freest thing to do. The only place that Israel is an apartheid state is only on Har HaBayit [the Temple Mount]. That's the only place."

While on the complex, Shapiro and his group recited afternoon prayers, and his father said Kaddish for his grandmother, who passed away less than a year ago. During prayers, the group was repeatedly interrupted by Israeli police, who rushed them through their visit.

Shapiro's group was escorted by five Israeli police officers with one Jordanian Waqf guard watching at a distance.

According to Melissa Jane Kronfeld...Read More

Seraph: The most Jewish superhero
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 26 Jul 03:00 PM

Even though I have been re-titling old public domain comics, I am not a big fan of the genre. Just today I learned about a truly Jewish superhero, Seraph, from the DC universe.

Here he says hi to Superman.

Seraph was introduced in Super Friends #38, see the bottom of the cover:

His real name is Chaim Levon, a schoolteacher in Israel.
His list of superpowers is based on Biblical stories:

The Ring of Solomon gives him wisdom and allows him to teleport short distances.
The Mantle of Elijah protects him from harm.
The Staff of Moses can extend to whatever length he needed, and can transform into a serpent, create earthquakes, and manipulate water and energy.

His long-hair grants him the superhuman strength of Samson.

But most interesting superpower is a direct line to God. Seraph can request spectacular miracles from "a higher power" as he needs them.

Even more interesting is his weakness, which is what makes him so Jewish: "All his powers and artifacts will be rendered unusable if Seraph commit sins or abuses his powers. It won't return until the next Yom Kippur."

He has to repent on Yom Kippur!

There is a Marvel superhero, Sabra, who was also born in Israel and her real name is Ruth bat-Seraph. Clearly there is no relation between her and Seraph, but perhaps her name is an homage to this superhero who was created a few years earlier.

(h/t Yoel...Read More

One of the earliest uses of "Israeli apartheid" was a book that defended suicide bombings of Jews
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 26 Jul 01:00 PM

During the height of the second intifada, this book was published:

Yes, it was positioning the terror war against Israeli civilians as "resisting Israel's aprtheid."
This was published shortly before the infamous antisemitic Durban conference where the 'apartheid" slur gained currency.
From the forward:

You get that? A demand to stop violence is a recipe for more violence.
Because today's anti-Israel bigots pretend to be against violence, it is easy to forget that during the suicide bombing spree, these same people justified the most heinous war crimes by Palestinians. This book was part of that tradition.
It includes chapters written by Edward Said, Alison Weir, Omar Barghouti, Ali Abunimah, Hussein Ibish and more (the last two complaining that US media was sympathetic to Jews being attacked.)

The "Apartheid" libel is not a response to Israeli actions. It is a justification for Palestinian atrocities.

* * *

* * *

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424.

Read all about it here!

...Read More

07/26 Links Pt1: Palestinian leaders are waging a war on Palestinians; Arabs: 'US President Decided to Tamper with ME Security for No Reason'; Nasrallah: Hezbollah has all of Israel in its missile range
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 26 Jul 11:00 AM

From Ian:

US should stop funding UNRWA - opinion

UNRWA's anti-Israel bias is systemic and manifests well beyond its definition of refugee status. In 2021, UNRWA removed its Gaza director, Matthias Schmale, after he commented Israel's airstrikes were very precise in its 2021 operation. UNRWA's textbooks continue to glorify terrorism and depict Jews as "impure," and "inherently treacherous, and hostile to Islam and Muslims," according to curriculum watchdog IMPACT-se.

UNRWA's bias says a lot about the bad faith character of those in leadership positions on behalf of the Palestinians and why further US funding will fail to propel a solution unless there are serious reforms. Palestinian leaders have realized that though they are not powerful enough to destroy Israel – an aspiration stated in Hamas and the PLO's charters – they continue to reject peace proposals, perpetuate conflict and steal foreign aid.

Despite Palestinian leadership having received 25 times more aid per capita than that which Europe received under the Marshall Plan to rebuild following World War II – all inflation considered – the Palestinian people have still yet to achieve European-style development. This is largely because Palestinian leaders waste hundreds of millions of dollars on initiatives designed to incite violence, such as its pay-for-slay fund, which provides stipends to terrorists and their families in proportion with the severity of their...Read More

Arab antisemitism: The hate that cannot be named
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 26 Jul 09:00 AM

I came across an online copy of Arab-Israeli Conflict: The Essential Reference Guide, a 2014 volume that attempts to distill the conflict to less than 400 pages, including source materials.
Written and edited by southeast Asia-based academic Priscilla Roberts, it attempts to be even-handed and there is little that is offensive or too inaccurate (it certainly has mistakes.)
But when I searched the book for "antisemitism," it mentions only the European version. It says nothing about Arab antisemitism. It doesn't have a separate entry on the Mufti of Jerusalem and his virulent hate nor anything about his Nazi collaboration. It mentions the Hebron pogrom of 1929 only as an aside in the article on United Kingdom Middle East policy: "Sporadic armed conflict between the two communities simmered until, in August 1929, 67 Jews were murdered by rioters in Hebron. This shocking event eroded what little confidence Jewish leaders had in a binational compromise future for the region and led to the rapid expansion of the paramilitary Jewish self-defense force known as the Haganah."
Throughout the book, Arab antipathy towards Jews is framed as a logical response to Zionism and the history of Islamic and Arab antisemitism is simply not there.
This is what we see in the media as well as academia. Jew-hatred is fundamentally...Read More

Hamas closes Gaza beach resort because a promotional video showed a family, including young girls, swimming (update)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 26 Jul 06:15 AM

Gazans have been furiously downloading this video of the Bianco Resort which was originally uploaded to Facebook a year ago. Apparently it was re-uploaded to Instagram about a week ago.

Gazans were scandalized by video showing a family wearing swimming suits.
Palestinian media are eagerly reporting the story about how scandalous the video is - while publishing the video itself to allow everyone to see these pre-pubescent girls splashing in the pool and hot tub. (The shirtless father is receiving some attention, too.)

The hotel issued a statement explaining that the family shown were Christians, not Muslims, and that the video was publicizing that the resort offers private chalets and pools for families to be able to swim together.

That wasn't good enough.

Today, the Gaza Ministry of Tourism closed the Bianco Resort.

On Tuesday, the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities in Gaza decided to close a chalet in the Bianco resort in the northern Gaza Strip until further notice; "For...Read More

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