The other Abraham Accords benefit that the progressives won't talk about: Far less antisemitism in the Arab (Unknown), 14 Ju | On Wednesday, Morocco's King Mohammed VI chaired a meeting of the Council of Ministers. A remarkable thing occurred: At the end of the Council's proceedings, the Minister of Interior made before His Majesty the King, may God preserve Him, a presentation on the measures elaborated, pursuant to the High Royal Instructions on the organization of the Moroccan Jewish community. These measures are based on the supreme responsibility of His Majesty the King as Commander of the Faithful and guarantor of the free exercise of worship for all Moroccans, all religious confessions included, and come to enshrine the Hebrew tributary as a component of the Moroccan culture rich of its multiple tributaries. The scheme submitted to the High Appreciation of His Majesty the King, drawn up after extensive consultations with representatives of the Jewish community and personalities belonging to it, includes the following bodies: 1- The National Council of the Moroccan Jewish Community: It is responsible for managing the affairs of the community and safeguarding the cultural and religious heritage and influence of Judaism and its authentic Moroccan values. Regional committees of the Council will be responsible for managing the day-to-day issues and affairs of the community's members. 2- The Committee of Moroccan Jews living abroad: It works to consolidate the ties of Moroccan Jews living abroad...Read More |
I created these in April but cannot find that I posted them, so here is a series of graphics showing that Zionism is an integral part of Judaism. * * * * * * Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon! Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! ...Read More |
From Ian: Blinken invites Abu Akleh family to DC, will raise killing during Biden visit The Biden administration has invited Shireen Abu Akleh's family to Washington to "engage directly" with the slain Palestinian-American reporter's relatives, who have expressed outrage over the US determination that she was not intentionally killed by the IDF during a raid in the West Bank. US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan told reporters aboard Air Force One en route to Israel on Wednesday that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken spoke recently on the phone with members of the Abu Akleh family and extended the invitation. "The administration, at the president's direction, has been very much engaged in helping try to determine what exactly happened around the tragic circumstances of her death," Sullivan said, adding that "this subject will be one of the subjects at play in this visit." Abu Akleh was killed on May 11 while covering clashes between IDF soldiers and Palestinian gunmen. The Palestinian Authority said its investigation proved that the Al Jazeera journalist was intentionally targeted and killed by the IDF, while Israel insists there is not enough evidence to draw a definitive conclusion. After nearly two months, the PA agreed to hand over the bullet used to kill Abu Akleh to US authorities, who proceeded to conduct a forensic examination. On July...Read More |
President Biden, like it or not, is in Israel. Israelis on the left are thrilled. To prove it, Peace Now hung a massive PLO flag on the side of a Tel Aviv building to welcome the President. Israelis on the right, far from welcoming the President, are gritting their teeth at the anticipated challenges to Israel's sovereignty, and the concessions that are sure to be demanded of Israel, alone. The views of the Israeli left and right, in this regard, are in diametric opposition. One wing, the left, wants the American president to force Israel to give the Arabs everything they want. Money, land, a state. They want Biden to demand that Israel stop building Jewish homes. The Israeli right, on the other hand, wishes the American president would mind his own business and leave us alone. Don't patronize us. Don't tell us what we can and cannot do. The right is jealous for Israel's right to make its own decisions on matters of national importance like any other sovereign nation. We don't like being squeezed for concessions, we don't like being forced to give succor to despotic Arab regimes that incite their people to cut down Jews in the streets of the Jewish State. It sticks in our collective craw. The right, moreover, perceives a profound insult in the way these...Read More |
Peter Thomas, known as BaronThomas of Gwydir, was a British Conservative politician. He was the first Welshman to become Chairman of the Conservative Party, serving from 1970 to 1972, and the first Conservative to serve as Secretary of State for Wales, holding that office from 1970 to 1974 This is the transcript of an address he made at the House of Lords on March 28, 1994: My Lords, the noble Lord, Lord Mayhew, says that the views of the noble Lord, Lord Haskel [that Israeli settlements do not violate Article 49 of the Geneva Conventions], are not widely shared. Listening to the noble Lord, Lord Mayhew, it is clear that his views are widely shared by those who have an aversion to the state of Israel. For many years he has demonstrated his views on that matter. I applaud what was said by the noble Lord, Lord Haskel. I thought his contribution important. However, I am somewhat anxious about the way in which the debate is going. I understand that the Question before the House is: "whether the Jewish settlements in the Occupied Territories violate Article 49 of the Fourth Geneva Convention". In anticipation of my noble friend Lord Gilmour giving the reasons why he was asking the Question, I obtained a copy of the Convention for the Protection of War Victims. I assume that my noble friend is referring to the last paragraph of Article 49. It states: The Occupying...Read More |
From Ian: Israel, US to declare 'strategic partnership' during Biden visit The Jerusalem Declaration of the US-Israel Strategic Partnership will be a centerpiece of US President Joe Biden's visit to Israel on Wednesday through Friday. The agreement includes a joint stance against Iran's nuclear program and regional aggression, with both countries saying they will use "all elements of national power" to ensure Iran never attains a nuclear weapon. In addition, President Biden will reaffirm his commitment to Israel's security, including its qualitative military edge and ability to defend itself by itself. Helping Israel defend itself The declaration states the US plans to follow up on the 10-year $38 billion Memorandum of Understanding on military aid signed with Israel, addressing emerging threats and new developments in the region. Iran is at the top of Israel's agenda for bilateral meetings with the Americans at all levels, including Prime Minister Yair Lapid's meeting with Biden, a senior Israeli official said. "Iran is continuing to violate its obligations and continues to deceive the international community," the official said. "Things published in recent weeks – and even just yesterday – statements by our American counterparts, reflected that," referring to a remark by US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan that Iran plans to provide Russia with hundreds of drones. When it comes to indirect negotiations...Read More |
By Daled Amos Abbas and the Palestinian Authority sometimes bend the truth. Take for instance in May 3, 2017, when Abbas came to the White House and told then-President Trump about their inculcation of peace: "Mr. President, I affirm to you that we are raising our children and our grandchildren on a culture of peace." Palestinian Media Watch captures the moment in a video, along with examples of what the PA is actually teaching Palestinian children to say: (The complete video is available at the above link) It just goes to show you that when it comes to brainwashing their children to hate, the PA can really give Hamas and their videos a run for their money. The dishonesty of Abbas and the PA goes further however, and extends to manipulating the law and distorting evidence. On May 19, 2020, Abbas -- who has a history of threatening to quit and to annul the Oslo Accords -- did it again, claiming that the PA no longer saw itself as being obligated by its agreements and accords that it had signed with Israel. Maurice Hirsch, Head of Legal Strategies at PMW, writes that on that day Abbas in fact proclaimed the end of the Oslo Accords: The Palestine Liberation Organization and the State of Palestine are absolved, as of today, of all the agreements and understandings with the American and Israeli governments and of all the obligations based on these understandings and agreements, including...Read More |
Many Islamists criticized Saudi Arabia for appointing Muhammad bin Abdul-Karim al-Issa to perform the sermon and prayer on the Day of Arafa at the Namirah Mosque in Mecca for Hajj. Al-Issa had visited Auschwitz, met with rabbis, visited Yeshiva University in New York and in general has been outspoken in pushing for coexistence with other religions. This was a significant, public move that showed that the Saudi leadership is liberalizing and encouraging its people to no longer consider Israel as an enemy. Saudi Arabia's Basic Law says that the constitution itself is defined as"The Holy Qur'an and the Prophet's Sunnah (traditions)." Before normalization with Israel is possible, there needs to be rulings based on the Quran that would allow such a relationship. MEMRI reports that this is already happening: An unusual and recent article on the religious legitimacy of diplomatic relations with Israel, which may promote the rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and this country, appeared in the Saudi state daily Al-Jazirah on June 20, 2022...Read More |
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