יום רביעי, 13 ביולי 2022

Daily EoZ Digest

Canada includes Israel-haters with potential "ideologically motivated violent extremists"noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 13 Jul 04:45 AM The Canadian

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Canada includes Israel-haters with potential "ideologically motivated violent extremists"
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 13 Jul 04:45 AM

The Canadian Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security issued a 54-page report on "The Rise of Ideologically Motivated Violent Extremism in Canada."
The report includes 33 recommendations to combat violent extremism - and Israel haters were very upset at one of them:
That the Government of Canada thoroughly reject the demonization and delegitimization of the State of Israel, and condemn all attempts by Canadian organizations, groups, or individuals, including university campus associations, to promote these views, both at home and abroad. The Canadian government recognizes, correctly, that demonization and delegitimization of Israel aren't legitimate criticism but manifestations of hate - and that hate can easily turn into violence when left unchecked.
Naturally, the Israel haters condemned it - by misstating it:

A report from the federal government's Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security recommends the Canadian government "thoroughly reject" harsh criticism of Israel and denounce anyone who engages in it.

There is a huge difference between criticism and saying a nation has no right to exist. The tweeter knows this which is exactly why he misrepresents it.

In 2020, Jews were by far the most victims of anti-religious hate crime in Canada. 13% of all hate...Read More

07/12 Links Pt2: Will CEOs Finally Learn Their Lesson on Boycotting Israel?; New Jewish Group Slams 'Progressive Assault' on Israel; Shocking videos of CUNY antisemitism hearing
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 12 Jul 05:00 PM

From Ian:

Richard Goldberg: Will CEOs Finally Learn Their Lesson on Boycotting Israel?

The Ben & Jerry's news parallels Airbnb's ill-conceived 2018 boycott of Israel that ended with a similar reversal after the company faced state blacklisting threats and litigation.

Given the difficulties faced by Airbnb and Unilever, you'd think the CEOs and chief counsels of large corporations would have learned their lesson. Apparently not. The next potential target for state anti-BDS laws, congressional investigations, and litigation? Chicago-based financial research giant Morningstar, whose ESG research subsidiary Sustainalytics appears to use the BDS playbook to produce negative ratings of companies connected to Israel despite full knowledge such ratings may drive divestment.

Before its acquisition by Morningstar, Sustainalytics had a long track record of promoting boycotts of Israel. It produced an "Occupied Territories Involvement Report" that encouraged investors to avoid territories controlled by Israel. When numerous companies and churches boycotted Israel, Sustainalytics was there providing research support.

In January 2021, the investment group JLens placed Morningstar on its "Do Not Invest" list because of Sustainalytics' ties to anti-Israel boycotts. Though Morningstar initially brushed off the criticism, it eventually hired an outside law firm to address the allegation...Read More

"Experts" who have NEVER been correct upset at being ignored
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 12 Jul 03:00 PM

This tweet from Matt Duss, Bernie Sanders' foreign policy advisor and president of the Foundation for Middle East Peace, is really amusing:

A good question for reporters to be asking this week about the Abraham Accords is why this regional "peace deal" doesn't seem to be supported by actual regional peace and human rights activists. The "experts" on the Middle East have been proven to be completely and totally wrong in their analysis, which incidentally has not changed at all since 1995.
In their universe, Palestinians who are dedicated to destroying Israel should have veto power over anything Israel does with any Arab state.
And for the years of the Obama administration, that is exactly how things were.
Then, Gulf states realized that their slavish dedication to supporting Palestinians who couldn't even solve their own internal split was counterproductive - and that partnering with Israel would bring great benefits.
So then the largest sea change in the Israeli-Arab conflict since Camp David happened - the Abraham Accords.
These "experts" were really upset that their formula didn't work, and they keep trying to shoehorn a radically changed Middle East into their old thinking, since they really have no imagination beyond "Israel bad, Palestinians good."
Hilariously, Duss resorts to saying that the "experts" - human rights activists who spend a large percentage of their time demonizing Israel - don't support...Read More

Report: US pressured Israel to not complain to UN about Hezbollah drone
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 12 Jul 01:00 PM

From Naharnet:

Israel was mulling the possibility of filing a U.N. complaint against Lebanon over the drones that Hezbollah sent towards the Karish gas field, but it later shelved the idea at Washington's request, al-Akhbar newspaper reported on Tuesday.

Israel refrained from filing the complaint "after the pressures of U.S. Ambassador Dorothy Shea on the Lebanese premier managed to secure a stance shirking responsibility in an official (Lebanese) statement," al-Akhbar added, noting that the U.S. pressures were also aimed at avoiding any impact on U.S. President Joe Biden's visit to the region.

Not sure how reliable Al Akhbar is, since Israel did write a letter of complaint today. So the question is - was there US pressure?

"The Americans are exerting pressures on a group of Lebanese politicians to avoid any negative development that might affect the U.S. mediator's tour, and they are also requesting the announcement of positive news about an imminent solution for the demarcation file in order to make use of that in the pacification efforts," informed sources told the daily.

If true, does Israel get anything in return for acquiescing to US demands? It doesn't seem so.

The article goes on to say that there may be a horse trade in the works to help the negotiations over the maritime demarcation...Read More

07/12 Links Pt1: Why Biden's 'Gestures' to the Palestinians Will Not Bring Peace or Stability; Trump was a gift, Biden is the punishment; U.N. to review reports of torture carried out by the Palestinian government
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 12 Jul 11:00 AM

From Ian:

Bassam Tawil: Why Biden's 'Gestures' to the Palestinians Will Not Bring Peace or Stability

The Biden administration might do itself a favor if it understood that previous "gestures" made by Israel did not contribute to peace and stability in the region, and did not advance any peace process between the Israel and the Palestinians.

There is much that the Palestinian Authority can do to ease tensions and help create a suitable atmosphere for the resumption of the peace process with Israel. The PA could, for example, stop the incitement against Israel, halt payments to families of terrorists, condemn terrorism and crack down on terror groups operating under its control.

It is this unresponsive governance by the Palestinian Authority to everything except killing Jews -- not the absence of "gestures" -- that strengthens the support for Hamas.

The Palestinians correctly spot these fig-leaf public relations "gestures" as just political plumage for Abbas that does not require him to change how he mistreats them. So why not try Hamas?

It was hard, in fact, to find anyone in the Gaza Strip who saw Israel's withdrawal as a positive development or as a sign that Israel wanted peace and calm. Instead, it was seen as a validation of terrorism: We shoot, they run. Great! It's working! So, let's keep on doing that!

Until today, Hamas, the Palestinian Islamist group controlling the Gaza Strip...Read More

Algeria media upset "Zionists" attended a mass Muslim circumcision ceremony in Morocco
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 12 Jul 09:00 AM

Algerian news site Echorouk Online claims that there was a major normalization crime in rival nation Morocco:

[The Moroccan kingdom] focused on its provocative activities, the latest of which was the organization of a circumcision ceremony for children of poor and needy Moroccan families under the supervision of a Zionist delegation consisting of hardened criminals, in order to create a propaganda scene that serves the Zionist agenda and the Zionist subversive penetration into the depths of Moroccan society, according to the

The Moroccan Observatory for Anti-Normalization stated that "in a very dangerous step, and considered a crime with full descriptions, some agents of normalization in the city of Fez organized a circumcision ceremony for more than 500 children and a medical examination for more than 200 women free of charge, in order to receive, honor and highlight the faces of Zionist terrorism, represented by a delegation from the officers of the Zionist war army, for whom everything was arranged," in Kharja bearing "a lot of very dangerous symbols."

In the context, the observatory said that Moroccan women were lured from the poorest neighborhoods in Fez, "with the aim of making the scene of propaganda a servant of the Zionist agenda and the Zionist subversive penetration into the depth of Moroccan society and beautifying the faces of Zionist terrorism in the eyes of Moroccans." According to the observatory, what happened in Fez is "a major crime by all standards, and...Read More

Poll: More East Jerusalem Arabs would prefer Israeli citizenship than Palestinian. 22% of WB Arabs support killing Jews worldwide.
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 12 Jul 07:00 AM

One of the best polls of Palestinians has been that of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, where they ask Palestinians questions that Palestinian pollsters tend to avoid.

The most recent poll finds that East Jerusalem Arabs have become far more moderate in the past two years.

Today, half (48%) of the city's Palestinian residents say that, if they had to make a choice, they would prefer to become citizens of Israel, rather than of a Palestinian state. From 2017 to early 2020, that figure hovered around just 20%. Today, only a minority (43%) of East Jerusalemites say they would pick Palestine; while the remainder (9%) would opt for Jordanian citizenship. Among West Bankers, the comparable figures are Israel, 25%; Palestine, 65%; Jordan, 10%.

Significantly, this sharp contrast is now evident on other, related questions as well. For instance, in East Jerusalem, 63% agree at least "somewhat" with this purposely provocative statement: "It would be better for us if we were part of Israel, rather than in Palestinian Authority or Hamas ruled lands." In the West Bank, the corresponding figure is less than half that proportion (28%).
Interestingly, the "Jordanian option" which had not even been a consideration at all in previous polls has become significant.
Another major divergence between Jerusalem Arabs and West Bank Arabs was the question...Read More

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