יום שני, 3 בינואר 2022

Daily EoZ Digest

A Palestinian judge is assassinated amid recent "security chaos"noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 03 Jan 05:45 AM The body of Montaser Balawi, 51, a mi

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A Palestinian judge is assassinated amid recent "security chaos"
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 03 Jan 05:45 AM

The body of Montaser Balawi, 51, a military judge in the Palestinian Authority, was found at dawn Sunday with a bullet to his head.
His body was found inside his home in Tulkarm.
Palestinian media is calling this part of recent "security chaos" in the West Bank which has recently escalated. There have been several little-reported armed clashes.
Palestinians are upset at the police because they are perceived as protecting Israel instead of protecting them. The proof, to them, is that the police saved the lives of two Hasidic Israelis who accidentally drove into Ramallah. The crowd attacked them and torched their car but the police rescued them. According to Palestinian media now, Palestinians are angry that they weren't allowed to rip the two Jews apart.
Similarly, Hamas media also...Read More

Iranian cartoon obsession with Israel betrays official state antisemitism
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 02 Jan 03:30 PM

The Ahlul Bayt News Agency, an Iranian website geared towards a pro-Shiite agenda, publishes regular editorial cartoons.
Since May, it has published 57 editorial cartoons.
53 cartoons of them are anti-Israel, 3 are anti-US, and only one that is about the rest of the world.
And it is not like they have only one cartoonist. They choose cartoons from multiple sources - including Carlos Latuff in Mondoweiss - that are all fixated on hating Israel, and often with antisemitic motifs.

The editors don't want you to hate the Israelis because of their alleged actions. The reader's are supposed to increase their hate because the Israelis are Jews.

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01/02 Links: Col. Kemp: Is Biden's Legacy Really Going to Be the Dismantling of Democracies and the Free World?; Where's the afterglow from Gantz's meeting with Abbas?
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 02 Jan 01:00 PM

From Ian:

Dore Gold: The UN's Reinvention of Jerusalem's Past

The UN is at it again. On November 26, 2021, the General Assembly adopted a resolution referring to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, where the Temple of Solomon once stood, only by its Arabic name, the Haram al-Sharif. From the standpoint of the UN, Christian and Jewish connections to the area were non-existent.

For years now, the UN's Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has been systematically pushing false narratives about Jerusalem that deny the historic connection of the Jewish people to their holy city. In May 2016, UNESCO decided that the Western Wall Plaza should be designated with quotation marks after adopting the term Al-Buraq Plaza for the very same area with no qualification.

UNESCO reaffirmed this language in subsequent years. These distortions, which were blatant violations of its own statute, have penetrated the discourse about Jerusalem in the international media, in universities, and in world parliaments. What was axiomatic 200 years ago is now called into question.

So many people speak about Jerusalem but so few really understand it.

I've been a diplomat for over three decades, serving on the front lines of Israel's struggle over the Holy City. 30 years, and I'm still surprised by the scale of disinformation and by the depth of ignorance regarding the Holy City. The ignorance...Read More

Fistfight in Jordanian parliament over giving women equal rights
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 02 Jan 10:45 AM

Last week, a fight broke out in Jordan's parliament over discussions about a constitutional amendment.

What caused such a violent response?
Jordanian law does not say that women have equal rights. The discussion was about adding the word "women" to Article VI of the Jordanian constitution about rights, which now says, "Jordanians shall be equal before the law with no discrimination between them in rights and duties even if they differ in race, language or religion." Not gender.
Opponents of the amendment are concerned that it would then give women equal rights in inheritance as well as other areas.
There is also a Palestinian angle. Right now, only children of Jordanian men receive automatic citizenship. Jordanians are concerned that allowing children of Jordanian women to be citizens would affect the national character of Jordan - and most of the new citizens would be Palestinian.

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Before 1967, Arabs explicitly said ALL of Israel was occupied Palestinian territory at the UN
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 02 Jan 08:00 AM

It is easy for clueless Westerners to think that when anti-Zionist Arabs speak of "occupation" that they are only talking about the areas that Israel won in 1967.

However, UN documents show that the Palestinian Arabs and the Arab world as a whole considered all of Israel to be illegally occupied by Zionists.

Issa Nakhleh, a Palestinian Arab envoy of the Arab League who was invited to speak at the 367th meeting of the UN Special Political Committee, 12 December 1962, floated the idea that Israel illegally occupied all of Palestine:
If the situation in Palestine was the result of an armed conflict between the Jews and the Arabs, the occupation by the Jews of 80 per cent of the area was a belligerent occupation subject under international law to the law of war. It was clear from the Abandoned Areas Ordinance of June 1948 that the Jewish authorities based themselves on conquest and occupation. In that Ordinance an abandoned area was defined as any area or place which had been conquered by .Jewish armed forces, had surrendered to Jewish armed forces or had been deserted by its inhabitants. Thus the Jewish occupants would be entitled only to the rights attributable to a temporary belligerent occupation pending the settlement of the dispute by peaceful means and subject to the law of war regarding the belligerent occupation.This was echoed as definite international law a year later by...Read More

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