יום חמישי, 20 בינואר 2022

Daily EoZ Digest

"They are Judaizing the neighborhood!" says an Israeli Jewish woman who lived in Sheikh Jarrah since 1998noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 20 Jan 05:58

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"They are Judaizing the neighborhood!" says an Israeli Jewish woman who lived in Sheikh Jarrah since 1998
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 20 Jan 05:58 AM

There is a lot of hypocrisy around Sheikh Jarrah, and here is only one small example.The New York Times reports:

Israeli police evicted two Palestinian families from their homes on Wednesday to make way for a new school in Sheikh Jarrah...

Israeli officials said the expropriation and evictions were necessary to make way for building a school for Jewish and Arab students with learning difficulties.

But the Salhiye family and rights campaigners said the eviction was part of a more general attempt to force Palestinians from East Jerusalem, and questioned why the school could not have been built on nearby land designated for a Jewish seminary.

"They are definitely trying to Judaize the neighborhood," said Lital Salhiye, 43, an Israeli who married into the Salhiye family in 1998.

Yes, Lital is Jewish, born in Rishon LeTzion. She must have married Mahmoud when she was around 19.

So hasn't Lital been "Judaizing" Sheikh Jarrah for 24 years?

I cannot see any article saying she converted to Islam. Yet she covers her hair with what looks like a ski cap while obviously not being a religious Jew. Which means that she is the perfect dhimmi, submitting to the demands of her Muslim community who would be offended by the sight of her hair even though Jewish women have no obligation under Muslim law to cover their...Read More

Keeping the Land of Israel (Vic Rosenthal)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 19 Jan 11:30 PM

Weekly column by Vic Rosenthal

News Item:

The European Union has spent half-a-billion dollars over the last seven years to support a Palestinian Authority plan to control Area C of the West Bank, an Intelligence Ministry report publicly released Tuesday.

"Foreign assistance as a significant accelerator in the takeover processes," stated the report by the ministry's research division, which was authored in June and published this week for Tuesday's debate in the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee on the matter.

"The rough estimate is that from the period of 2014-2021, at least half-a-billion dollars were transferred to the Palestinians through various channels and it's possible that the sum was larger," the report stated.

An annual sum of some €20 million is earmarked for Palestinian legal battles against settlements and the security barrier, the report stated.

All the territories except Gaza were divided into Areas A, B, and C in 1995 by the Oslo II Agreement. Area A includes major Arab population centers, and is under complete PA security and civil control. That means that PA provides all needed services to the population, including counter-terrorism and law enforcement. The IDF only enters Area A when it is absolutely necessary, and coordinates with the PA to locate and apprehend terrorists (needless to say, this procedure can break down when a wanted terrorist is associated with the PA's ruling Fatah...Read More

01/19 Links Pt2: Following the law is not a disadvantage; Pfizer CEO awarded Genesis Prize for efforts to combat COVID-19; UN set to pass historic resolution against Holocaust denial Thursday
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 19 Jan 06:00 PM

From Ian:

Following the law is not a disadvantage

Upholding the laws of war in each and every case is a humane action that needs to be carried out anew each time, depending on the context. If there is any suspicion that the law was intentionally ignored, the instance must be investigated honestly. However, during war there can be mistakes and errors, some of which might cause unintentional harm to civilians on the other side. Sometimes mistakes are the result of combat requirements being underestimated and too much caution. For example, in the incident in which Border Police Staff Sgt. Barel Hadaria Shmueli was killed, it's possible that the orders did not correctly assess the demands of the situation.

In any case, there is nothing new in applying the laws of war to the war on terrorist organizations. Legal advisors have been taking part in Israel's war on terrorism for decades, and even if the nature of their involvement changes over time, ultimately they were and still should be part of the process, and advise. That is accepted practice in all western armies, and it should be. The final decision lies with the commanders, and it should take into account the legal counsel they receive.

Too easy
In this context, in recent years we have faced two massive challenges. One is the enemy's increasingly sophisticated methods. Among other things, this includes activating groups that portray...Read More

Melissa Landa: Fired for the Crime of Teaching While Jewish
noreply@blogger.com (Varda Meyers Epstein (Judean Rose)), 19 Jan 04:00 PM

Melissa Landa

Melissa Landa had been a popular teacher at the University of Maryland, College Park for ten years when it was decided that her contract would not be renewed. The reason? Landa had become too Jewish, too in-their-face about her Zionism and the immorality of BDS. She had organized her former classmates to fight against campus antisemitism and in particular against Professor Joy Karega, an antisemitic professor at her alma mater.

Landa's brand of activism, in short, had U of Maryland administrators in a conjoined state of nightly bruxism. This just wasn't the right kind of activism. It wasn't Black Lives Matter popular or Free, Free Palestine popular. They needed to find a pretext to SHUT HER DOWN.

Then Landa traveled to Israel for Passover—just long enough that U of Maryland administrators could say she was forsaking her duties as a teacher—even though she'd received prior permission, and had arranged to fulfill her teaching obligations during the time she would be away. (Y'all have heard of Zoom, right?) That's when the U of Maryland administrators rubbed their hands together and uttered the silent collective equivalent of "Nyuh uh uh," and failed to renew Landa's contract.

In other words, Melissa Landa was fired. A popular, award-winning teacher cut from the faculty and from her livelihood for the crime of teaching while Jewish. Landa took the obvious next step and sued the university for...Read More

Modern antisemitism sounds a lot like Dark Ages antisemitism
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 19 Jan 02:00 PM

From the Chicago Tribune, October 6, 1899:

I was struck by by the examples that the 19th century writer used to describe the "old" antisemitism.
Jews commonly believed to murder infants?

Jews poisoning the wells?

Jews bewitching cattle?

Jews embracing witchcraft and sorcery?

And it isn't just Muslims. After all, "progressive" NGOs like Amnesty and Human Rights Watch as well as the UN routinely claim that Israel targets children, that Israel dumps chemicals on Palestinian lands, and that Israeli high tech - today's equivalent to magic - is used to oppress and kill Palestinians.
It is striking to look through the 19th century lens of how modernity should have banished antisemitism - and to realize that still nothing has changed by the 21st century.

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01/19 Links Pt1: Melanie Phillips: The real lesson of the Texas synagogue attack; Antisemitic tropes cited by the Texas synagogue hostage-taker have deep roots
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 19 Jan 12:00 PM

From Ian:

Melanie Phillips: The real lesson of the Texas synagogue attack

Akram told the hostages that he chose Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas because it was the closest synagogue to the prison where Siddiqui is being held. As for the reason he chose to target a synagogue at all, that's not hard to work out — once you know where to look.

According to a tweet by NBC News reporter Tom Winter:
The hostage-taker at the synagogue in Texas had the rabbi call a different rabbi in New York City. The purpose of the call was to again demand the release of Aafia Siddiqui.

That's because Akram believed that the Jews control American politics. It would therefore follow, in his mind, that rabbis would form a nexus of power over governments and can tell them what to do. So, force a rabbi to call a more influential rabbi, and hey presto — Siddiqui would be released.

He would believe that because the boilerplate antisemitic delusion that the Jews control the west is a commonplace throughout the Muslim world. Indeed, every antisemitic trope under the sun — demonising the apparently all-powerful Jews as an evil conspiracy to harm the rest of the world in their own interests — is generally believed as fact in Muslim societies. To them, the west dances on the strings of its Jewish puppet-masters.

The Muslim world is therefore in the grip of an obsessional and delusional paranoia about...Read More

Pallywood in Sheikh Jarrah (update)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 19 Jan 10:00 AM

This morning, Israel demolished two homes in Sheikh Jarrah that had been illegally built in the 1990s - to build a special needs school and kindergarten for Arab residents.

People started publishing a photo from the scene, showing a forlorn schoolbag and books.

A photo was found of Arab Jerusalem activist Muhammad Abu al-Hames - with the props.
You can see him with the schoolbag,a bulletin board and bags of other materials.

Here's a closeup of the bulletin board in the debris that you can see matches what al-Hames has in pristine, clean condition.

(h/t Abu Ali Express)
UPDATE: More of the bulletin board. Note how it was cleaner with al-Hames then when it was in the rubble, so he didn't "save" it.

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The EU has quietly restricted funding to some terror-linked Palestinian NGOs
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 19 Jan 08:03 AM

When Israel declared six PFLP-linked NGOs to be terrorist organizations, the media was uniformly dismissive that there was any evidence to the charges. It highlighted European skepticism about the accusation.
What hasn't been reported is that the EU has quietly restricted funding to two of the organizations while waiting for more information.
According to this December 17 European Parliament question by the Socialists & Democrats Group:

On 22 October 2021, the Israeli Ministry of Defence declared six Palestinian non‑governmental organisations (NGOs) – Al‑Haq, the Union of Palestinian Women's Committees, the Addameer Institute, the Bisan Center for Research and Development, Defence for Children International and the Union of Agricultural Works Committees – as terrorist organisations under the 2016 Counterterrorism Law, based on still unsubstantiated accusations of links with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.

The Commission has suspended EU funding to al‑Haq and has instructed Oxfam to cut funding to the Union of Agricultural Works Committees until the situation has been clarified.

It sounds like the EU has found Israel's preliminary...Read More

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