Palestinian heroes: Mass murderers and two bit (Unknown), 14 Jan 03:00 AM On January 9. Palestinian prime minister Mohame | On January 9. Palestinian prime minister Mohamed Shtayyeh went on TV to celebrate "Martyrs Day."
He specifically mentioned three "martyrs" executed by the British in 1930: Muhammad Jamjum, Atta Al-Zir, and Fuad Hijazi. They were sentenced for their roles in the anti-Jewish pogroms of 1929 in Safed and Hebron. 133 Jews were killed throughout the land, with most of the murdered in Hebron, Jerusalem and Safed. Originally, 25 Arabs were sentenced to death for murder. Most of those sentences were commuted. Only three remained to be executed. (Palestine Bulletin, June 1, 1930) This article published on June 18, 1930 - the day after the executions - shows that the depraved Palestinian Arabs had declared the 17th to be "Martyrs Day," proving that their bloodlust was there decades before Israel. This proclamation sounds identical to similar declarations that happen today in Palestinian Arab areas. But who were these heroes? They were the ones who were guilty of multiple murders, who killed women and children, who attacked Jews - not Zionists - in communities that have been there for centuries. And their main motive wasn't "Palestine." It was to steal loot from the Jews. Two of them confessed to murdering 8 Jews between them before execution. These disgusting pieces of trash are Palestinian heroes today. These murderers are people to be admired. These people who...Read More |
From Ian: Rereading | The Idea of the Jewish State by Ben Halpern Yet, as much as Ben Halpern was right about Zionism's success in forging strong Jewish backing for Israel's establishment, he may have been too Panglossian about what he called the mantle of the Jewish consensus. The current rekindling of the Diaspora as the site for a Jewish identity that could be forged in a tolerance and justice presumably unavailable in a Jewish state seems jarringly at odds with Halpern's assertion that, 'since the rise of Israel, outright opposition to the existence of a Jewish state is no longer recognized by the consensus of the Jewish community as a legitimate attitude.' [210] Israel's very successes have triggered seismic debates among Diaspora Jews not only about the country's policies but also about its foundational principles. Many now argue that the need for a Jewish state has been transcended by a global consciousness rededicated to social justice and equity. What might an assiduous reader of The Idea of the Jewish State conclude from all of this? Of course, it is impossible to know exactly what Ben Halpern would have said in response to the rebirth of 'Diasporism', but he would surely start by noting what happened to this idea when it was initially proclaimed by a once powerful organisation—the Bund—now largely forgotten because it was essentially killed off by the Nazis. Even the charge...Read More |
"Rabbi Shabsi Bulman" is a prolific author who is only being published and sold in Indonesia. His titles include "Yahudi Infotainment" about how Jews control the media, and "Jewish Secret Business Success" which seems to be filled with Talmud quotes about business. Also "The Secret Power of Jews," "Obama is the Black Hitler," "The Secret Agreement between Palestine and Jews," "Sayeret Special Force," "Krav Maga: Israeli Self Defense," "Marketing hypnosis for world dictators" and"Fuhrer File: A Story About The Fourth Reich." He is described in one blurb this way: Bulman is the founder of the New Historians, a group of Israeli scholars who have challenged long-held perceptions of the origins of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Their research documents the crimes and atrocities committed by the Israeli armed forces, including rape, torture, and ethnic cleansing. He is obviously not one of Israel's New Historians, let alone their leader. I can't find anything about him in Israel or America. His books are not in Amazon or really anywhere outside Indonesian booksellers. I even saw one of his books mentioned in a school curriculum! Maybe he is Neturei Karta, but I cannot imagine an NK guy writing about Krav Maga or Sayeret. It just may be that "Rabbi Bulman" is just someone who found a niche to make money writing what...Read More |
Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory. Check out their Facebook page. Kiryat Sh'monah, January 13 - NGOs decried Israel's downing of an unmanned aircraft today that penetrated the country's northern border, claiming that the IDF should have ascertained the device's intentions before opening fire, and not assume malice amid some likelihood that the quadcopter fled its economically-beleaguered homeland in search of employment and a brighter future. A surface-to-air missile downed a drone this morning that had crossed from Lebanon near Israel's northernmost city, the latest in a string of such infiltrations by Hezbollah-operated craft - the Iran-backed Shiite militia that exerts de facto control over Lebanon and an existential foe of the Jewish State. Activists from Btselem, Human Rights Watch, and other groups demanded an investigation into the incident, charging that the military personnel responsible for the order to fire failed to ascertain that the drone in fact aimed to accomplish anything beyond finding a stable source of income, given the collapse of Lebanon's economy, currency, public services, and supply situation. "We have come to expect this kind of prejudgment and prejudice from Israel's security forces," lamented Btselem's Anna Thropomorova. "Shoot first, ask questions later, if at all. In fact I believe they...Read More |
From Ian: It's time for Biden to keep his promises on Israel and the UN The Biden administration should use its seat on the UNHRC to defend the legality of Israeli operations. After all, combatting the council's anti-Israel bias is part of how the administration justified rejoining the flawed body after President Trump withdrew from it. During a hearing with the House Foreign Affairs Committee last June, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations Linda Thomas-Greenfield argued that the United States has more leverage as a member of the council. And yet, in a response to a Rep. Ted Deutch's (D-Fla.) question on what reforms the United States is pursuing, Thomas-Greenfield offered none, except that the United States would work with its closest partners and allies to push back when the council moves in the "wrong direction." These are the same allies and partners that voted in favor of funding the perpetual commission of inquiry. With its biased witch hunt against Israel, the UNHRC has clearly moved in the "wrong direction." It is past time for the Biden administration to do something about it. The administration can begin by forcefully defending Israel's compliance with LOAC in international fora, just as it would for similar lawful U.S. military actions. It should then publicly present its plan for UNHCR reform. Congress should hold the administration...Read More |
Jewish Insider/Circuit News has a really great profile of U.S. Army General Miguel Correa, a Catholic Puerto Rican who worked on and coined the term "Abraham Accords." It is a must-read. Correa has had a most interesting life. When he was a teen his family lived in Kuwait where he learned Arabic and made friends with the Kuwaitis. His understanding of the Arab world helped a great deal when the US was brokering the agreements between Israel and the UAE. Here, he describes what he learned about Israel at his high school: Correa completed eighth and ninth grades at the American School of Kuwait, which catered to the kids of diplomats and wealthy Kuwaitis. It was there that Correa learned Arabic and studied Islam, and it was also the first time he learned about Israel. Sort of. "You spent the first three or four days of every single semester taking your textbook, and you'd have a teacher at the front, and there was a Ministry of Education [directive] that would mandate what parts of your book you had to take out," Correa recalled. Armed with a pair of scissors and a marker, he went through his textbooks, looking for offensive language and imagery. Any depictions of the Prophet Muhammad were cut out. Maps that showed the State of Israel were colored over in dark permanent marker. "Anything to do with Israel...Read More |
A news site I had not seen before, Al Khanadeq, showed up on my Google News feed. It may be Houthi - it is certainly pro-Iran and pro-Hezbollah and its readership is mostly in Yemen. Here's the beginning of one article and the accompanying photo: The Jews saw that the most successful way to beautify the image of the Jew in the eyes of the world is to control the international media. In 1869, the Jewish Rabbi "Rashoron" expressed in his speech in the city of Prague the intensity of the Jews' interest in the media, saying, "If gold is our first power to control the world, then the press should be our second strength." In 1897, the first Zionist Congress in the Swiss city of Basel was a dangerous turning point. The participants said that their plan to establish an Israeli state would not succeed if they did not have complete control over the media, especially the press. Today, statistics indicate that 224 newspapers and bulletins are issued by Jewish organizations in America, in addition to forty secret bulletins circulated by Jews only, as well as their complete control over the major media. I have no idea where this "Rabbi Rasharon" came from. I found that MEMRI had once translated an article from the most popular Palestinian newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadida that had these same paragraphs verbatim, but MEMRI translated the name as "Rabbi Yeshurun" which...Read More |
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