The lone anti-Zionist synagogue isn't even a (Unknown), 13 Jan 05:00 AM In yesterday's article on CAIR I wrote that the | In yesterday's article on CAIR I wrote that the organization "recently defended one of its officials who labeled virtually every organized synagogue in America 'enemies.'" The reason I said "virtually" was because of the one anti-Zionist synagogue I'm aware of Tzedek Chicago, whose rabbi is Brant Rosen. Tzedek Chicago used to call itself "non-Zionist" but just this week it decided to make anti-Zionism one of its "core values." Only the Left can make hate a "core value" while pretending to be righteous. Their anti-Israel "Jewish" position is absurd: At Tzedek Chicago we seek to develop and celebrate a diasporic consciousness that joyfully views the entire world as our homeland. Moving away from a Judaism that looks to Israel as its fully realized home releases us into rich imaginings of what the World to Come might look like, where it might be, and how we might go about inhabiting it now. This creative windfall can infuse our communal practices, rituals, and liturgy. Oh, and look at their liturgy: they erase Jerusalem and Israel from הַפּורֵש סֻכַּת שלום עָלֵינוּ וְעַל כָּל עַמּו יִשרָאֵל וְעַל יְרוּשלָיִם, they erase Israel from the paragraph of שלום רָב עַל יִשרָאֵל עַמְּךָ . (They...Read More |
From Ian: Clifford D. May: The U.N.'s final solution to the Israel question The endless drumbeat of anti-Israeli vilification by the UN Commission of Inquiry (COI) is sure to energize the economic campaign against Israel (echoing the 1933 Nazi "Don't buy from the Jews" campaign) and perhaps lead to prosecutions of Israelis by the International Criminal Court, a politicized entity whose authority is recognized by neither Israel nor the U.S. More concerning: The "findings" of the COI "inquiry" will be used to justify the genocidal threats frequently made by the Islamic Republic of Iran, its Lebanese-based proxy, Hezbollah, and of course Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad. I could fill this column with examples of such threats, but two should suffice. Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has called on Muslims "to remove the Zionist black stain from human society," adding that there is a religious "justification to kill all the Jews and annihilate Israel, and Iran must take the helm." When Nikki Haley was ambassador to the U.N., the Trump administration withdrew from the UNHRC, having concluded that significant reforms were unachievable. The Biden administration returned to that body this month, asserting that it can make a difference through diplomatic engagement. We shall see. The U.N. campaign will make settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict impossible for...Read More |
Sandra Orman was already my friend, someone in the neighborhood who volunteered for things, and did my makeup in local summer stock productions, when I noticed that she had begun advertising chicken soup in our local Efrat email list. The Maryland native wasn't selling the soup—she was offering it to anyone who needed it for any reason. Sick, lonely, whatever. You didn't have to explain. If you wanted it, the soup was there. As this unique free loan initiative took off, Sandra went a bit further and suggested that people contribute to her stores of chicken soup, as the need was greater than even she had suspected. And of course, as in any other nice Jewish community in Israel, the women responded, and sent over containers of chicken soup for Sandra's freezer. When anyone—including this author—had surgery or illness, there Sandra was, offering help, and of course, some soup. She didn't push it on you but offered it with kindness. Accept it or not, that was up to you. But the offer of soup was there. Being shy about accepting help, I always thanked Sandra and declined, and she was always graceful, and let me know that if I needed anything (even NOT soup), to please let her know. Until one day it happened: I actually needed the soup. Within 15 minutes, Sandra was at my doorstep with a container of chicken soup in hand. (Truth be told, she lives only a block away, but still, not only providing chicken soup, but bringing it door-to-door! It blew me away that she did that. Sandra...Read More |
Weekly column by Vic Rosenthal Bedouin citizens of Israel formerly embraced a nomadic lifestyle, drifting between Arabia and the Sinai; but since 1948 many have permanently settled in the southern part of Israel. They established their settlements on any convenient unoccupied land, where they grazed their flocks and planted crops. Israeli authorities have established several towns and even a large city, Rahat, for Bedouin occupation, and in recent years have legalized numerous unrecognized settlements; but many Bedouin still live in the "dispersion," a collection of hundreds of illegal favelas built on state land that resemble garbage dumps with scattered satellite dishes. Throughout the years there have been various programs in which the state offered plots of land or homes in or near the recognized towns, along with agricultural land to replace state land on which Bedouins were squatting. Success of these programs was mixed. About 3/4 of the roughly 200,000 Negev Bedouin live in recognized towns. The Negev Bedouin are virtually all Muslims. The population is significantly younger and is growing faster than either the Jewish or non-Bedouin Arab sectors, with (as of 2009) a fertility rate of 5.7, compared to Jewish and other Arab rates that are close to 3. Some 30% (as of 2002) of married Bedouin men have more than one wife. Their political loyalties are primarily...Read More |
Hamas mouthpiece Felesteen has a series of articles on the Palestinian Authority misuse of its funds. The source is biased, but some of the numbers seem to be legitimate. According to the articles, the public debt owed by the Palestinian Auhority in Ramallah is now at $3.702 billion, a jump of $905 million in just one year, and 53% of its GDP. They quoted some economists about how the PA steals money from Gaza. Dr. Osama Nofal blames Gaza's economic woes on the PA, not Israel. He says that the PA will raise cash from international donors to fund Gaza reconstruction but never gives any of the money to Gaza. He said the PA's continued imposition of economic sanctions on Gaza caused a decline in the gross domestic product from 40 to 18%, and an increase in unemployment from 22 to 50%. Accordintg to Nofal, Gaza's share of international aid annually has been slashed from $400 million to $20 million. Economist Dr. Samir Al-Daqran that the Ministry of Finance in Ramallah seizes...Read More |
From Ian: Crushing Palestinian hopes of destroying Israel should be our only strategy This might make some sense for the short term, but clearly it's not going to dissuade or deter violent Palestinian rejectionist and terrorist groups. Each time that Israel climbs down from its tree, they believe that they're facing a paper tiger and have renewed hope for ultimate victory. This sadly brings to mind what Winston Churchill famously and presciently said to Neville Chamberlain after the latter thought that he had made a deal to stave off war with Hitler and the Nazis in 1938: "You were given the choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor, and you will have war." Israel has many choices and options in its relations with the Palestinians. The history of these relations over the last three decades has amply demonstrated that seeking agreements, offering compromises or trying to stave off conflict merely feeds the beast of violent Palestinian rejectionism. It is time for a different strategy—one that involves pushing back against Palestinian demands and threats. Every opportunity should be utilized to express to the Palestinians that their rejectionism will be defeated, and that Israel will ultimately emerge victorious. As things stand at the moment, however, the Palestinians harbor hopes of victory. These must be crushed. Doing this doesn't necessarily...Read More |
This article in Jordan's Ammon News by Dr. Monther al-Hiwarat betrays an interesting fatalism about how Israel won over the Western world, bea the Arab world militarily and now is infiltrating the Arab world psychologically. Arab media rarely betrays insecurity in English, and even in Arabic articles like this are rare because it is a source of shame. It is not surprising that the United States and Western countries support Israel, as convictions there were established over centuries by the common root of religious texts.The biblical narrative that completely erased the history of Palestine to put the Jewish history in its place is present in the primary school and secondary school through the Jewish teachers, and we do not forget the huge number of academics, writers, historians and philosophers who filled the American and European world length and breadth, and they created the public mentality there in accordance with the Israeli vision. This led to the formation of this sympathetic and supportive position without borders with the occupying state. This is with regard to the West and the United States. What could the matter be with the Arabs? The occupying state succeeded, during its first years of inception, in perpetuating their conviction that it is a war state and an indomitable power. Arab defeats rolled in front of it, so it implanted in the depths of Arab minds a sense of helplessness, and this logic became the...Read More |
The Council on American-Islamic Relations, which recently defended one of its officials who labeled virtually every organized synagogue in America "enemies," just issued a report on "Islamophobia in the mainstream." The main point of the report is identifying "26 Islamophobia Network groups (that) spread misinformation and conspiracy theories about Muslims and Islam." The members of this supposed "Islamophobia network" include Americans for Peace and Tolerance, CAMERA, Foundation for Defense of Democracies, Gatestone Institute, Investigative Project on Terrorism, Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) and The Lawfare Project. The idea that this is an "Islamophobia Network" is insane. But then they go into actual antisemitism. They identify some of the funders of these supposedly Islamophobic groups, and - surprise, surprise - they find Jews! The Adelson Family Foundation, Arie and Ida Crown Memorial, Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston, Hochberg Family Foundation, Irving I Moskowitz Foundation, Jewish Communal Fund, Jewish Community Federation of SF, the Peninsula, Marin and Sonoma Counties, Jewish Community Foundation of the Jewish Fed. Council of Greater L.A., Kovner Foundation, Mirowski Family Foundation, Mitzi and Warren Eisenberg Family Foundation, and the The Jewish...Read More |
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