Cairo Book Fair (again) features antisemitic (Unknown), 27 Jan 05:45 AM The Cairo International Book Fair is starting. And | The Cairo International Book Fair is starting. And as it has in the past, it is pushing antisemitic themes. One of its featured books on the website is a translation of an 1889 work by Gustave Le Bon, his chapters on Jewish civilization in his "Les premières civilisations." For the most part, Le Bon is not impressed with Jewish civilization, and his first paragraph is translated in this Arabic article: The Jews possessed neither arts, nor sciences, nor industry, nor anything that constitutes a civilization. They have never made the smallest contribution to the building of human knowledge. They never went beyond this state of semi-barbarism of peoples who have no history. If they ended by possessing towns, it was because the conditions of existence, in the midst of neighbors arrived at a higher stage of evolution, made it a necessity for them; but their cities, their temples, their palaces, the Jews were profoundly incapable of raising...Read More |
From Ian: Majority of Israelis see bleak future for Europe's Jews, poll shows A survey by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem revealed Tuesday that a majority of Israelis (53%) think life for Jews in Europe will get worse in the near future, while 25% say it will stay the same. The survey was conducted among 1,000 Jewish and Arab adults and reveals that France is the European country perceived as being the most antisemitic, with 39% of those questioned describing it as such. Next come Poland (33%) and Germany (15%). Germany, however, is considered the most antisemitic country according to ultra-Orthodox Israelis. Israeli Arabs rank Poland and Germany first. A third of Jewish Israelis surveyed believe that criticism of Israel is intrinsically linked to antisemitism, while a majority argue that there is "sometimes" a connection between the two. When asked if European Union policies are motivated by antisemitism, 27% of Jews say they are and an equal share rejects the notion outright, with 40% saying some are and others no.It's not complicated. It's antisemitismWhile there are still unanswered questions, to argue the terrorist's actions were not a gross act of antisemitism would constitute willful disregard of all available circumstantial evidence. Yet this is exactly what the President of United...Read More |
Praying for rain in Israel is something that happens all over the world, wherever there is a Jew who prays. When a Jew in Boise, Idaho prays for rain, he is praying for rain in Israel. You can puzzle out the spiritual, philosophical, or practical reasons for this yourself. Suffice it to say that when it rains in Israel, we are very, very happy, and especially the women, who tend to see rain as a spiritual blessing, and talk about it girlfriend to girlfriend, perhaps on Whatsapp (emojis not included here): Girlfriend 1: I am so happy it's raining. Girlfriend 2: Yes! Beautiful, beautiful rain. It's not only girlfriends who talk about the rain. It may just as well be women of slight or even no acquaintance. A few years ago, I went to get my wig (pe'ah) done at a little shop in Geula. It's the place I've gone to ever since I bought my first wig: the wig for my wedding. It was raining outside and while I was waiting (you don't make appointments here, you sit and wait and take whatever hairdresser becomes available first), the Chassidishe proprietor's daughter and I had a little chat about the wonderful water falling from the sky. The winter night had come early, and with it, the rain. "This is "gishmei bracha," she said to me. "When it rains at night and doesn't cause us any inconvenience." It's exactly the kind what we pray for the skies to rain down on Israel. Rains of blessing."Gishmei bracha," because there's rain and there's rain. There's rain that comes at the right time...Read More |
Weekly column by Vic Rosenthal Do human stupidity and wickedness have any bounds? After reading the comprehensive Wikipedia article about The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, I have to answer a resounding "no." The Protocols, from its its first publication in Russia in 1903 by Pavel Krushevan, an antisemitic activist, publisher, and politician whose newspaper articles instigated the notorious Kishinev Pogrom, to its employment by Henry Ford, the Nazis, and Hamas, has been one of the most effective tools for spreading Jew-hatred throughout the world. Supposedly a transcript of secret meetings of Jewish conspirators, it is not clear who the authors were. Much of it was plagiarized from various sources, including large chunks of dialogue from an 1864 (non-antisemitic) work called Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu, by Maurice Joly, with anti-Jewish material interpolated. The work was translated into numerous languages, including of course English, German, and Arabic. It appears in various versions on the internet, and is a best-seller in print as well. The Jerusalem Post reports that "Walmart, Book Depository, Thrift Books, Hudson Books, and Barnes...Read More |
From Ian: Congress members call for defunding of UN Commission of Inquiry into Israel A bipartisan group of legislators in the House of Representatives is calling for the United States to defund the U.N. Committee of Inquiry (COI) on Israel. Led by Reps. Josh Gottheimer (D-N.J.) and Vicky Hartzler (R-Mo.), the 42 members sent a letter to U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken, according to a news release on Tuesday, calling the COI, which was recently approved in the United Nations, "outrageous and unjust." "We urge the U.S. to lead an effort to end the outrageous and unjust permanent Commission of Inquiry (COI) on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which was created by the UNHRC in May 2021," the members wrote in the letter. "This commission will not only focus on the actions Israel took in Gaza as it sought to defend its citizens from unprovoked rocket attacks. It will also have a carte blanche mandate—in perpetuity—to investigate any allegations against Israel in the past or in the future; whether in the West Bank or Gaza or in all of Jerusalem and even within the recognized pre-1967 borders of the State of Israel." The letter recalled the administration's stance against the COI when it controversially announced last year that the United States will return to the U.N. Human Rights Council (UNHRC), despite having withdrawn from it under former President Donald Trump...Read More |
The Palestinian Authority negotiated with Israel this week agreements to help Palestinian workers in Israel. Senior Palestinian Authority official and close Abbas aide Hussein al-Sheikh met Sunday with Israel's Foreign Minister Yair Lapid. At the time, he didn't describe the subjects of the meeting. But today, it was revealed that at least one of the topics dealt with Palestinian workers in Israel. One was to have Israel pay Palestinian workers through Palestinian banks, which would ensure that deductions that are meant for social security benefits and insurance payments end up going to Palestinians. Palestinians claim that money that these salary deductions have accumulated since the 1970s to over 60 billion shekels. It is unclear whether Israel intends to pay that much. Will it go towards "pay for slay?" Hopefully there will be transparency mechanisms in place. Another topic was for the 20,000 Gazans who have permits to enter Israel. Right now they have commercial permits for vendors, but some of them are workers, and they should have worker's permits so that they can be paid at least the Israeli minimum wage. "This ensures that the Palestinian worker receives the minimum wage (6000 shekels), and various insurances such as health insurance, work injuries, and other rights," a PA official said. Israel's minimum monthly wage is actually...Read More |
Israel's Channel 12 news reports that the Biden administration has offered the Palestinian Authority a deal: if they stop paying salaries to prisoners and former prisoners then the US would allow the PA to appoint a legal advisor to represent the PLO in Washington, a step in the direction of reopening the PLO office that was closed by Donald Trump's administration. But the details of the proposal, according to PA sources, show that this plan is just smoke and mirrors, and terrorists would continue to receive their payments. The PA doesn't just pay prisoners and their families. It calls the payments "salaries" - everyone in Israeli prisons are automatically hired as "workers" and they continue to have their "jobs" after they are released. Jobs that they never have to actually do. According to the report, the plan is that all prisoners aged 60 and over will be declared retired from the PA and receive benefits. Prisoners aged 60 and under will continue to receive a salary as officials in the Palestinian Authority. Instead of being paid out of a special fund, they will be paid as any other employee or retiree of the PA. But the problem is that they are "hired" because they tried to kill Jews! This plan appears to make that scheme official...Read More |
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