Is the US Holding Israel's Iron Dome Hostage to an Iran Nuke Deal? (Guest post by Dave Bender) (Unknown), 16 Jan 04:00 AM Is the | Is the US Holding Israel's Iron Dome Hostage to an Iran Nuke Deal? While President Biden, Senate, and Congress slow-walk and bicker over replenishing Jerusalem's dwindling defensive missile shield supplies, PM Bennett says his country won't be bound to any rickety renewed nuke deal - nor stand idly by to Iran's increasingly genocidal threats By Dave Bender, northern Israel Administration and Capitol political horse-traders and ideologues are holding hostage the lives of some two million Israelis -- specifically the Gaza Envelope and northern border areas. Their domestic foot-dragging endangers Jews, Muslims, Christians, Druze, and Bedouin citizens, alike. This, while P5+1 group (US, UK, China, France, Germany, Russia, and the EU) reps wrangle with Iran in Vienna through - so far - no less than eight contentious sessions over terms of restarting the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). But Jerusalem doesn't trust the Viennese diplomatic waltz nor Iranian double-crossing promises; they're preoccupied with Tehran's ruling and military leaders' incessant, bellicose threats to "turn Tel Aviv and Haifa into dust," "wipe Israel off the map," and taking note of videos of simulated strikes against Israel's cities, military targets, and reputed nuclear facilities. "...the Zionist regime has forgotten that Iran is more than capable of hitting them from anywhere," the Tehran Times histrionically boasted in a December 2021 front-page article, entitled...Read More |
From Ian: Gunman holds hostages at synagogue in Texas A rabbi and three others were taken hostage mid-Bar Mitzvah at the reform Beth Israel Synagogue in Colleyville, Texas on Saturday by a gunman who said he was the brother of Pakistani Aafia Siddiqui, who is serving an 86-year prison sentence for killing an FBI agent. The gunman demanded to meet with his sister in negotiations with the FBI as well as have her released. Colleyville Police first warned the public of the situation at 11:30 a.m. local time. Another tweet two hours later updated that the hostage situation was still in progress. Apparently Aafia, a known terrorist, has friends in CAIR and Linda Sarsour who have actively campaigned for her release. #colleyville — Emily Schrader - אמילי שריידר (@emilykschrader) January 15, 2022 And then there is of course #CAIR @CAIRNational, which openly incited violence against Jews and Jewish places of worship! #Colleyville...Read More |
In November, Zahra Billoo, executive-director of the San Francisco Bay Area branch of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-SFBA), gave a public speech at an American Muslims for Palestine conference where she said that every Jewish organization in America that is not overtly anti-Zionist is "the enemy." This includes any Jewish organization that supports peace with Palestinians. When CAIR had a chance to condemn this blatantly antisemitic speech and to banish Billoo as a hater, they instead chose to support her and to claim that since she mentioned that Jews who actively fight against Israel like IfNotNow are not enemies, then there was nothing antisemitic about her saying that every single synagogue in America is an enemy of Muslims. How does one treat an enemy? By attacking it! CAIR supports antisemitism. Aafia Siddiqui, the Pakistani terrorist who shot at FBI and Army personnel with an M4 carbine, and who the man who held Jews hostage in a synagogue in Colleyville, Texas calls his "sister," is an unrepentant antisemite. She refused to be defended by Jewish lawyers. She said the case against her was a Jewish conspiracy, and demanded that no Jews be allowed on the jury, and that all prospective jurors...Read More |
From Ian: Melanie Phillips: The emergence of Arab Zionism? While western liberals and the UN Human Rights Council double down in their determination to demonise, delegitimise and destroy Israel, support for that beleaguered country is coming from a surprising direction. In 2020, people were startled by the Abraham Accords between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. Hope was kindled that this unprecedented linkage might herald an end to the century-old Arab war against the Jewish state. Now there are signs of a new and related phenomenon: the emergence of Arab Zionists. In the Jewish Chronicle, Jonathan Sacerdoti has reported that a number of Arab influencers, with hundreds of thousands of followers on social media, have emerged to promote Israel and support the Jews. A Syrian blogger began a video begging the Israeli government to "occupy" the whole of Syria to save more lives. "The Golan Heights is the only area in Syria that hasn't been destroyed and had its people killed," he said. In another video, an Arab academic was moved to tears by visiting Jerusalem's Holocaust memorial Yad Vashem, promising: "Today, together, Muslims Jews and Christians, we promise you, it will never happen again." In Dubai, 39-year-old Loay Al-Shareef, who declares he is a Zionist, said: "It's very righteous for the Jews to have their ancestral homeland in the land of Israel." Making frequent references to...Read More |
From Ian: Obsessed with Israeli Settlements, Americans and Europeans Turn a Blind Eye to Palestinian Violence Dore Gold interviewed by Israel Kasnett The U.S and some European nations continue to demonstrate an obsession with Israeli "settlements" and isolated incidents by small groups of radical Israelis, mostly wayward youths, while completely ignoring the much larger issue of Palestinian violence, incitement and terrorism. This obsession was clear during a routine meeting several weeks ago at Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs between diplomats from 16 European countries and Aliza Bin Noun, the director of the European Affairs Department. Dore Gold, president of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, believes that "the obsession isn't with settlements; it's with Israel." Gold explained that the legal basis of European objections to settlement activity is the 1949 Fourth Geneva Convention, which forbids an occupying power from evicting the existing population or forcibly transferring its own population into the occupied territory. "The two dimensions of the convention do not apply to Israel," Gold said, "yet the international community misinterprets international law and accuses Israel of violating the convention" while ignoring actual violations in other countries. When Turkey occupied northern Cyprus, there was a massive sale of properties...Read More |
Here is the Palestinian population for every years since 1997, according to the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics. I added a column to show the increase in the population each year, and then a percentage increase. Notice that in 2018, the increase jumped from the roughly 101,000 of the previous 10 years to over 120,000. A steady decline in population increase suddenly spurted from 2.19% to 2.55%, and stay around there since then. Here you can see the jump in a chart: There was a census in 2017 which might account for this, but from this source it says that the census came out lower than PCBS estimates - which are not reflected in this table. Something strange is going on. * * * * * * ...Read More |
Palestine Today has an article by Islamic Jihad official Walid al-Qatati titled "The Philosophy of Resistance in the Thought of Islamic Jihad." The entire article is meant to justify terrorism until the Jews are gone. Resistance is jihad in the way of God in its religious dimension, as the Almighty said: "Go forth, light and heavy, and strive with your wealth and your selves in the cause of God." In the vision of Islamic Jihad, it is "the pinnacle of Islam, and God has imposed it to defend the sanctity of religion, sanctities, homelands, and human rights and dignity. Then it is upon all Muslims to ward off aggression and liberate Palestine so that Palestine returns to the possession of Muslims." Therefore, the movement considers abandoning jihad before the liberation of Palestine or making peace with the enemy not permissible according to Islamic law, because of what it involves in relinquishing land and rights....all of Palestine is still occupied from the sea to the river. The goal? The expel all the Jews from Muslim land. ...The political document of Islamic Jihad affirms this right "the right of the Palestinian people and the nation to wage...Read More |
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