יום שישי, 9 ביולי 2021

Daily EoZ Digest

Palestinians complaining about football match between Beitar Jerusalem and Barcelona, falsely claiming that it will be played in "occupied" east Jerus

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Palestinians complaining about football match between Beitar Jerusalem and Barcelona, falsely claiming that it will be played in "occupied" east Jerusalem
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 09 Jul 04:45 AM

The Beitar Jerusalem football club is scheduled to play a friendly match against Barcelona on August 4.

A lot of Palestinians are Barcelona fans, and they are upset. The main complaint is by Jibril Rajoub, president of the Palestinian Football Association and someone who has dedicated the past few years to using sports to attack Israel.
He wrote to the president of the Barcelona team:

I would have liked to send you happy news, but the fact that FC Barcelona - which enjoys the encouragement of millions of Palestinians - has unfortunately decided to disappoint millions of its fans by choosing to play the match against Beitar Club in East Jerusalem, to have a heavy impact on my heart and the heart of the millions who grew up respecting Barcelona for being more than just a club.

The Palestinian Football Association respects, as stipulated in the FIFA Statutes, your right as a club to hold friendly matches against any team of your choice.

However, this statute requires at the same time respect for the rights of other national associations. Jerusalem, according to international legitimacy, is a divided city, and its eastern...Read More

07/08 Links Pt2: Kontorovich: The Apartheid Accusation Against Israel Lacks is Baseless – and Agenda-Driven; Suspect Arrested in Firework Attack That Burned Jewish Woman at Manhattan Rally
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 08 Jul 05:00 PM

From Ian:

Eugene Kontorovich: The Apartheid Accusation Against Israel Lacks is Baseless – and Agenda-Driven

Blacks in South Africa were deprived of their political rights. Israel Arabs have full voting rights for the Knesset, while Palestinians in the territories have voting rights for the Palestinian Legislative Council. Israeli citizens do not have voting rights in the Palestinian government, because it is a different and independent government. By the same token, Palestinians do not vote in the Knesset – not because it is apartheid, but because since the 1993 Oslo Accords, they have had their own government. The international community recognizes the independence of the Palestinian government, and there can be no denying that its decision-making is independent of, and antagonistic to, that of Israel. It would be hard to imagine the ICC admitting a Bantustan as a state party.

Unlike non-white South Africans, the Palestinians have been offered full statehood by Israel in numerous times – in internationally-backed and legitimized diplomatic processes. They have turned it down as many times. The repeated offers of full independence to the Palestinians themselves negate any intent of "maintaining domination" over them as required by the legal definitions of apartheid. The PA viewed the proposed diplomatic deals, which offered more than 97% of the West Bank as inadequate...Read More

Why Has The New York Times Deliberately Started Hiding News Of Antisemitic Attacks From Its Readers? (Daled Amos)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 08 Jul 03:00 PM

Some in the Mainstream Media are trying to figure out how to deal with the growing issue of violent antisemitic attacks against Jews.
Not that they are necessarily working on how to help bring such incidents to light and help fight antisemitism.
Instead, there are those in the media trying to figure out how best to frame these attacks, or to omit altogether.
On July 5, The Guardian reported, 'Torrent of abuse': Jewish man targeted twice in an hour in London:
A Jewish man subjected to antisemitic abuse twice in an hour in central London was physically threatened because of his appearance, his family have said.

The man, named only as Yosef, was on his way home when he was subjected to a "torrent of abuse", with threats made to his life.

Footage showed the researcher from north London travelling on a bus to Oxford Street just before midnight on 3 July when another passenger got up and began to verbally assault him.

Later the same evening while walking down an escalator at Oxford Circus tube station, he was subjected to further antisemitic abuse by another male. The article goes on to note that according to the brother, Yosef received "ugly racist remarks and death threats" and that there British Jewish groups reported a "horrific surge" in antisemitic attacks:

The Community Security Trust (CST) recorded 351 antisemitic incidents between 8 and...Read More

Bennett Fails To Win Ra'am Approval To Turn Up A/C (PreOccupied Territory)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 08 Jul 01:30 PM

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

Check out their Facebook page.

Jerusalem, July 11 - Israel's prime minister suffered another political setback today when a chief partner in his governing coalition refused to support efforts to decrease the interior temperature in his workplace.

The Ra'am Party told Naftali Bennett they will vote against turning up the air conditioner in the Prime Minister's Office for the hotter summer months, dealing a blow to Mr. Bennett's ambitions to effect change after twelve years of Binyamin Netanyahu's controversial leadership. Observers believe the failure will harm the premier in his efforts to both keep the diverse, but fragile, coalition, together, and to prove to voters that the recent successful machinations to remove Netanyahu from office will provide any improvement in the country's political deadlock, economic prospects, or diplomatic fortunes.

Analysts called the opposition by Ra'am - the first Arab political party to join a governing coalition - a case of it flexing its muscles, secure in the knowledge that Bennett and other more conservative coalition members see greater danger in collapse of the delicate alliance than in forfeiting advancement of a conservative agenda - or even of agreeing to legislation or policies at odds with the right-wing electorate that constitutes a majority...Read More

07/08 Links Pt1: Netherlands boycotting Durban IV conference; Israel, UAE economic ties falter as US freezes Abraham Fund; The Palestinian Vaccine Fiasco
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 08 Jul 11:00 AM

From Ian:

The Palestinian Vaccine Fiasco

The July batch, as noted above, went to South Korea. The remaining doses, which reportedly expire in August, are still available. This means there is still a chance to get them to Palestinians in need should the Palestinian Authority—currently wracked by its own scandals—decide to reengage on the subject.

But that political failure is unlikely to be rectified anytime soon due to the failures of two other entities that might have pressured the Palestinian Authority to change course: the media and the human rights community.

In June, rather than rebuke the Palestinian Authority for caving to extremists, several prominent NGOs ranging from Human Rights Watch to Physicians for Human Rights went to bat for the vaccine rejection, credulously echoing the false claim that the doses were essentially expired and unusable. These organizations had the contacts and the expertise to understand that this was not the case, but chose not to employ them, instead reflexively putting forward partisan talking points. Had they instead called out the Palestinian Authority for placing politics ahead of public health, its leaders might have altered course.

Meanwhile, the international media did not do much better. Of all people, journalists should reasonably be expected to get to the bottom of whether Israel or the Palestinian Authority was telling...Read More

Liar @RashidaTlaib claims Israel has facial-recognition technology on "every block in Gaza."
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 08 Jul 09:00 AM

Rashida Tlaib - a member of Congress - publicly shows her ignorance and hatred yet again.
Besides calling Israel an "apartheid regime" (lie #1), which is now a standard part of all Israel-haters' vocabulary thanks to Human Rights Watch, she makes this bizarre claim:
"Palestinians are some of the most surveilled people in the world living under Israel's government, which I believe is an apartheid regime. You know, facial recognition technology is found in every block in Gaza. "

Israel has magically installed cameras in every block in Gaza, without any Palestinians noticing or removing them! (lie #2) (And, they live under Israel's government lie #3!)

The lies in a 20 second clip don't end there. Her allegations that Israel uses Microsoft facial recognition technology seems to also be false, as she is probably referring to Microsoft's investment in an Israeli firm, AnyVision, which Microsoft then stopped even though its own investigation showed that Israel did not use AnyVision technology for face recognition of Palestinians.

That's a lot of lies in a short clip.

Palestinian leaders and officials lie all the time. But when Palestinians become politicians in America, one would expect that their lies wouldn't be as tolerated as they are in the Middle East.

Apparently, that expectation...Read More

Magnificent Second Temple-era building upsets critics of Israel
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 08 Jul 07:00 AM

The Israel Antiquities Authority unveiled a hugely impressive building that seems to have been a place for important pilgrims to Jerusalem to dine and meet city officials 2000 years ago.

"This is, without doubt, one of the most magnificent public buildings from the Second Temple period that has ever been uncovered outside the Temple Mount walls in Jerusalem," said excavation director Dr. Shlomit Weksler-Bdolach in an IAA press release on Thursday.

Built circa 20 CE, the Roman-era structure stood off a main drag leading to the Temple Mount and was used as a triclinium, or dining room, for notable members of society on their way to worship, according to the IAA release. Originally constructed with an ornate water fountain and decorative Corinthian capitals, the striking edifice underwent a series of structural changes in its 50 years of use prior to the 70 CE destruction of the Second Temple, Weksler-Bdolach told The Times of Israel.

The massive structure will soon be open to the public as part of the Western Wall Tunnels Tour, which has been rejigged to create different paths and experiences, based on several new routes that cut through thousands of years of history, through today's modern use of part of the tunnels as prayer and event halls.

What archaeologists do know is that during its 50 years of occupation, said Weksler-Bdolach, the large public structure was separated...Read More

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