J-Street refuses to defend Israel from slanderous and false "apartheid" accusation. It is not pro-Israel by any definition.noreply@blogger.com (Unkno |  |
This year it has become fashionable to accuse Israel of the crime of apartheid. First B'Tselem, and then Human Right Watch, have opened the floodgates to give the Israel haters something to point at as they use Israel as the first, last and only example of apartheid in the world. As we and others have documented extensively, the charge is baseless - unless you completely redefine the word to apply to pretty much any nation that has some level of racism or has a preference for citizenship to people who were originally from that country, which is literally every nation on the planet. I wondered whether J-Street agreed with Human Rights Watch that Israel was guilty of apartheid, or if it defended Israel from the defamatory and false charge. After all, J-Street keeps telling everyone that it is pro-Israel - even though one would be hard pressed to find a single example where J-Street actually publicly defended Israel against obsessed haters like Richard Falk, Roger Waters, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar or Mark Lamont Hill. Not surprisingly, J-Street defended Human Rights Watch's calling Israel guilty of apartheid.
We are deeply dismayed by the vitriolic response...Read More |
From Ian: Settler colonialism backfires With its hegemonic status secured, settler colonialism has swept away the older paradigm of Israel as an outpost of colonialism. Calling Israel a byproduct of the thoroughly discredited colonialist international order lost its currency because it failed to explain not only why the Jewish state did not follow the expected arc of decline, but also why the country forged close ties with increasing numbers of post-colonial states. Moreover, before it was discarded, the colonialism paradigm raised uncomfortable questions about the myriad failures of Palestinians to plant their national flag in any part of the land they claimed despite repeated opportunities offered to them to chart their own path to independence. Settler colonialism takes the Palestinian cause much further than the discarded colonialism argument. It shows why Palestinians are still victims of a terrible historical wrong even as it removes the imprint of shame from Palestinians for not having stood their ground. Most importantly, a settler-colonial positing an Israel possessed of such overwhelming power that Palestinians are left with no choice but abject surrender is really a call to arms. People of goodwill everywhere are asked to serve as tribunes for Palestinians and assume responsibility for restoring their rights, however ambiguously they are put forward or however improbable their implementation...Read More |
Silwanic reports that Fawzia Bader Zahran sold her apartment in the Wadi Hilweh (City of David) neighborhood in Silwan to the Elad Jewish settlement organization. She was the wife of the late Ahmad Jum'a al-Qaq put the property in her name in 1993. Zahran herself fled to Jordan. Family members have distanced themselves from her, saying that they did not approve the sale and that they are trying to get it annulled. Fawzia Bader Zahran leaked an apartment in the Wadi Hilweh neighborhood in Silwan, to the Elad settlement association. Today, Jews moved in to the house. This is the third sale from Arabs to Jews in this neighborhood, known to Jews as Kfar Hashiloach, in the past month. In each case the family flees after selling the house to save their lives, because selling a house to a Jew can mean death. Which is perfectly OK to "human rights" leaders who seem to agree that the worst war crime possible is Jews owning and building houses on the east side of an arbitrary line drawn in 1949 that was never a border. Certainly threatening to kill someone for selling a house to a Jew is acceptable behavior - if not laudatory. * * * * * * ...Read More |
Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory. Check out their Facebook page. Hinnom Valley, July 29 - A scientific effort to alter history to conform to a narrative under which Palestinians constitute the ancient indigenous people of the Holy Land hit a snag today when operatives returning from a mission to fourteenth-century-BCE Palestine reported that the population of the time, which kills babies and young children to appease the gods, considers Palestinians uncivilized, uncultured brutes deserving only of disdain and possibly abuse. A delegation of Al-Quds University researchers and Palestine Liberation Organization security and diplomacy agents came back from their trip to pre-Israelite Palestine Thursday morning with the disappointing and frustrating news that the ancient Canaanites rejected in no uncertain terms their overtures to collaborate against the Jews. The time-travelers bore a harrying tale of miscommunication, disastrous assumptions, and a characterization by Moloch-worshipers of twenty-first-century-CE Palestinians as far too barbaric for any alliance. "We barely got out of there with our lives," admitted Noura Erekat, whose role in the mission involved liaising with the ancient natives in Arabic, which in Palestinian sensibilities has always been the native language of the Levant. "They couldn't understand us...Read More |
From Ian: Richard Kemp: Fighting the Blight of Durban Hamas started this war [in May] as part of its power struggle with Fatah... But its... acts of aggression — seen repeatedly since Israel withdrew from Gaza in 2005 — were also intended to engender an Israeli reaction that would unavoidably lead to the deaths of Palestinian civilians, and in turn provoke vilification against the Jewish state and its isolation from the international community. All of this takes place and is legitimised within a wider international political web with the United Nations, spider-like, at its centre. Under the instigation of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation... at the end of the Gaza conflict the obedient UN Human Rights Council resolved to create a permanent "Commission of Inquiry" into Israel's treatment of Palestinians, the only open-ended inquisition of its kind against any country in the world. Its findings are sickeningly certain even before they are written. [The UN's upcoming Durban IV conference] marks the anniversary of the Durban Declaration made at the 2001 UN World Conference Against Racism, Discrimination, Xenophobia and Intolerance. Shocking even for this corrupt ... world body, the conference was itself characterised by racism, discrimination, xenophobia and intolerance — the direct opposite of its declared purpose. In one hate-filled speech after another, Israel was falsely accused of racism, ethnic...Read More |
Al Arabiya reports: Dubai-headquartered transport startup Swvl will list on the Nasdaq stock exchange, claiming to be the first $1.5 billion unicorn from the Middle East to list on the exchange.Unicorns, companies that are valued at over $1 billion while still privately held, are old hat to Israel. 16 Israeli companies reached that status in 2020 alone, with ten more in the first quarter of this year alone. Three more companies became unicorns only this week. Israel's biggest unicorn monday.com, was valued at $6.8 billion in its IPO last month.A couple of others are expected to become "decahorns" - worth over $10 billion - in coming months. Even Israel's friends like the UAE still use the phrase "Middle East" to refer to the Arab world, not the region. One big reason is because they compete with other Arab nations and want to be the first, best, most important. Israel's existence ruins that...Read More |
In Human Rights Watch's report on the May fighting in Gaza, by far the most absurd statement is this one: "Human Rights Watch did not find any evidence of a military target at or near the site of the airstrikes, including tunnels or an underground command center under al-Wahda street or buildings nearby." Wow. Well, here's some evidence that the "experts" at HRW seem to have missed. Here is what a tunnel strike looks like, from a different street in Gaza - Aqsa Street. You see three small craters from the Israeli munitions penetrating the street surface. They exploded underground and collapsed the walls of the tunnel, causing the larger craters corresponding to the small ones closer to the camera. The larger craters are exactly what a crater on top of a collapsed tunnel section looks like.Notice there is no shrapnel, no debris - just a collapse. According to Abir Khatib, here are photos from the road that leads to a hospital in Gaza. That is indeed al-Wahda Street, which leads right to the Shifa Hospital where Hamas has had a military headquarters. This is what a collapsed tunnel looks like from Al-Wahda Street level - just like the ones on Aqsa Street. If Human Rights Watch doesn't know that this shows that there were tunnels on Al-Wahda Street, then they are grossly incompetent. They cannot be believed about any military matter. There is more evidence that there were tunnels beneath Al Wahda that eluded...Read More |
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