יום שישי, 23 ביולי 2021

Daily EoZ Digest

The "Let's Talk Straight" videonoreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 23 Jul 04:45 AM From the NYT: BEIT YEHOSHUA, Israel — Uriya Rosenman grew up on Israe

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The "Let's Talk Straight" video
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 23 Jul 04:45 AM

From the NYT:

BEIT YEHOSHUA, Israel — Uriya Rosenman grew up on Israeli military bases and served as an officer in an elite unit of the army. His father was a combat pilot. His grandfather led the paratroopers who captured the Western Wall from Jordan in 1967.

Sameh Zakout, a Palestinian citizen of Israel, grew up in the mixed Arab-Jewish town of Ramla. His family was driven out of its home in the 1948 war of Israeli independence, known to Palestinians as the "Nakba," or catastrophe. Many of his relatives fled to Gaza.

Facing each other in a garage over a small plastic table, the two hurl ethnic insults and clichés at each other, tearing away the veneer of civility overlaying the seething resentments between the Jewish state and its Palestinian minority in a rap video that has gone viral in Israel.

The video, "Let's Talk Straight," which has garnered more than four million views on social media since May, couldn't have landed at a more apt time, after the eruption two months ago of Jewish-Arab violence that turned many mixed Israeli cities like Lod and Ramla into Jewish-Arab battlegrounds.

By shouting each side's prejudices at each other, at times seemingly on the verge of violence, Mr. Rosenman and Mr. Zakout have produced a work that dares listeners to move past stereotypes and discover their shared humanity.

It is a very powerful video.

Each monologue is filled with simplistic...Read More

07/22 Links Pt2: The world reacts to Israel with arrogance and hypocrisy; The Pitfalls of Palestinian Exceptionalism; Poway Synagogue Shooter Gets Life Without Parole
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 22 Jul 05:00 PM

From Ian:

Nitsana Darshan Leitner: The world reacts to Israel with arrogance and hypocrisy - opinion

How outrageous is the audacity of US President Joe Biden's administration that its response equates cold-blooded murder with punitive measures that have been used successfully for years, since the British Mandate, to punish those who perpetrate acts of terror murder and to deter those who might follow in their footsteps. In a landscape where terrorists care little about their own lives and blow up buses, take hostages and murder Jews, the demolition of a terrorist's house makes those who want to strap an explosive vest on their bodies or shoot up teenagers at a bus stop think twice before carrying out their homicidal actions. There are countless examples of Palestinian fathers bringing their sons to the attention of the Palestinian Authority security services because they feared that their boys were about to perpetrate an attack that would ultimately result in the family home being destroyed. The deterrence power is irrefutable and that deterrence saves lives. The State Department was angry about the loss of a building. Why were they not angry about the loss of life? A building can be repaired and rebuilt. Yehuda Guetta is dead, and Benaya Peretz will be paralyzed for the rest of his life. Their homes are destroyed for good. It needs to be pointed out that the homes...Read More

How Israel-haters think (infographic)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 22 Jul 03:00 PM

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Roberta, Where's The Anti-Jewish Angle In This NYT Art Show Review? (PreOccupied Territory)
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 22 Jul 01:30 PM

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.

Check out their Facebook page.

Roberta, Where's The Anti-Jewish Angle In This Art Show Review?
by Dean Baquet, Executive Editor, The New York Times

New York, July 25 - Roberta, this is a fine recap of the Met's upcoming exhibit - good job getting them to grant you an exclusive preview of the Pollock retrospective. It's a real coup. But I wanted to tell you in person, because I think it's important, that I'm putting the story on hold until you can find a convincing way to work in some subtle antisemitism. Otherwise I might have to kill it entirely.

You know our policy, Roberta. I can only assume the pressures of the impending deadline forced the anti-Jewish requirement from your consciousness. That's fine; it happens to everyone from time to time. And we only formalized it a few months ago, after years - decades, really, long before my time as EE - of it being a kind of 'oral law' that the staff passed from generation to generation. Perhaps that one meeting with the official announcement wasn't enough. You have to see the Slack channel, Roberta. What do you think will happen among our younger set if I green-light a piece that contains no Judaeophobia?

Remember what happened with Bari Weiss. We don't need another storm of that sort. And Bret Stephens had to leave Twitter - our token...Read More

07/22 Links Pt1: Kontorovich: Ben & Jerry's Israel Boycott Could Cost Unilever; 'Insider' links Ben & Jerry's to HRW activist kicked out of Israel; Texas looking into divestment from Unilever over Ben & Jerry's boycott
noreply@blogger.com (Ian), 22 Jul 11:00 AM

From Ian:

Eugene Kontorovich (WSJ, link via tweet): Ben & Jerry's Israel Boycott Could Cost Unilever

Ben & Jerry's knew this was an offer the licensee had to refuse. Parts of what the company calls "occupied Palestinian territory" Israel (as well as the U.S.) considers sovereign Israeli territory. Israeli law bars boycotts of Israeli citizens, Jewish or Arab, based on their location. So Unilever cancelled the Israeli Ben & Jerry's entirely because it wouldn't engage in a secondary boycott.

Because Ben & Jerry's is a wholly owned subsidiary of Unilever, the latter is responsible for its boycott. In the past eight years, 33 American states have passed laws that restrict government contracting or investing in companies that boycott Israeli people or businesses. These laws are modeled on similar restrictions on companies that discriminate on other grounds, such as sexual orientation.

This means that, in about a dozen states, state employees' pension funds will be barred from investment in Unilever. In many other states, government entities will be barred from buying goods or services from Unilever. Moreover, since the 1970s, federal law has banned U.S. companies from participating in foreign boycotts of any country. If it turns out that the Palestinian Authority contacted Ben & Jerry's or its officers and asked them to boycott, criminal penalties would be available against Unilever...Read More

Palestinian "human rights" group defends paying terrorists for killing Jews
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 22 Jul 09:15 AM

The Al Mezan Center for Human Rights issued a press release:

Al Mezan Center for Human Rights condemns Israel's decision to withhold 597 million shekels (ca. US$182 million) in tax revenue collected last year and owed to the Palestinian Authority (PA). The decision, approved by the Israeli cabinet on 11 July 2021, allows the Israeli government to withhold up to 50 million shekels (ca. US$15 million) per month as of August.

(from the Arabic version) Al Mezan Center for Human Rights condemns the Israeli decision. At the same time, it affirms that the Palestinian Authority's financial allocations for the families of martyrs, wounded and detainees...Read More

Why the US should NOT appoint an "Islamophobia envoy"
noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 22 Jul 07:03 AM

From The Hill:

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) and other Democratic lawmakers have signed onto a letter to Secretary of State Antony Blinken urging him to appoint a special envoy tasked with monitoring and combatting Islamophobia.

In the letter sent Tuesday, Omar and two dozen other lawmakers cited the spike in Islamophobia seen in recent years as well as the "persecution of Muslims manifesting itself around the world."

The lawmakers also pointed to a recent annual report released by the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF), in which the office identified multiple countries with "patterns of mistreatment and human rights violations against either their entire Muslim populations or particular sects of Muslims."

"In addition to state-sponsored policies of Islamophobia, we have seen a disturbing rise in incidents of Islamophobic violence committed by individuals connected to larger transnational white supremacist networks, including but by no means limited to the mosque shooting in Christchurch, New Zealand in 2019 and the recent murder of a Muslim Canadian family in London, Ontario," the lawmakers wrote.

The lawmakers went on to strongly urge Blinken to establish the new role dedicated to combatting Islamophobia, calling it "a genuinely global problem that the United States should tackle globally."

This would make worldwide bigotry...Read More

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