Attempt to #BlockTheBoat in Elizabeth, NJ a miserable (Unknown), 26 Jul 04:45 AM From The New Arab: Thousands of US acti | From The New Arab: Thousands of US activists in New York City and New Jersey are planning to block an Israeli-operated cargo ship from docking at the Port of New York on Sunday morning in support of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement. Activists seek to stop the ZIM Qingdao cargo ship, which is operated by the Israeli international shipping company ZIM, from unloading. It is expected to arrive at 6 a.m. EST at the Maher Terminal in Elizabeth, New Jersey. The Palestine Chronicle, Gaza Post, and Wafa News Agency all reported on the expected arrival of "thousands" of activists. Here is what the pathetic turnout looked like: And the equally pathetic chants, with about as little enthusiasm as possible: This demonstration was heavily promoted, meaning that it missed its goal of thousands of protesters by about 99%. Even the activists had to admit that the number that showed up was in the "tens." Any way you look at it, this was a huge fail. * * * * * * ...Read More |
Ben and Jerry's controls the Ben and Jerry's Foundation which supports various social justice causes. In 2017, the Foundation gave some $80,000 to the Oakland Institute, a think tank whose executive director is Anuradha Mittal, the head of Ben and Jerry's Board of Directors who has shown her antipathy towards Israel and sympathy towards terror groups on multiple occasions. Of that amount, thousands were earmarked for the BADIL Resource Center for Palestinian Residency and Refugee Rights, which is dedicated to destroying Israel through the "right of return." But BADIL is much worse than that. In December of 2016, before this grant, BADIL issued a report that justified Palestinian terror - and said that Israel doesn't have the right to defend itself from rockets and terrorists. The right to resist of people under foreign and colonial domination, including armed struggle, and the applicability of these provisions to the Palestinian people has been reaffirmed by many other UNGA resolutions...In its suppression of resistance, Israel has made use of excessive force to stop armed struggle....Equating all forms of resistance with terrorism as a justification...Read More |
This is something you don't often see - an Arab at a major Arab newspaper debunking an antisemitic rumor that has become an accepted part of the narrative.For decades, Arabs have been taught that the Jewish men and women of the IDF, upon conquering the Old City of Jerusalem, went through the Al Aqsa Mosque in a drunken and half-naked state, chanting, "Mohammed is dead, and he left only daughters!" Even though this story is absurd to begin with, Ali al-Ameem, a Saudi journalist, traces the rumor back to its origin and debunks it thoroughly. The first mention of the story comes from Iraqi Islamic writer Mahmoud Sheet Khattab in his 1969 book "Arab Military Unity." He wrote, "When the Jews entered the city of Jerusalem on June 6, 1967, they were chanting in Al-Aqsa Mosque in Hebrew, with the meaning: Muhammad died, he died... He left daughters, and I listened to the silly joking, broadcasting a text from an Arab radio station, and commenting on it by the announcer, translating it to Arabic. Perhaps many Arabs and Muslims listened as I listened to that radio, and felt as I felt that a poisoned arrow hit my liver, which is bleeding blood, bitterness, sadness and pain." The story morphed. In a 1970 book by the same author...Read More |
From Ian: Yes, BDS is a terrorist group This is not about semantics, and it's a shame the State of Israel needed an ice-cream crisis in the summer to be reminded of the existence and effectiveness of the BDS campaign. One need only visit a European, Canadian, or American college campus during Israeli Apartheid Week to see why to understand that, to put it mildly, you wouldn't want to make your Jewishness overly obvious to others. If there is one challenge Herzog can tackle head-on, in direct continuation of his previous role as Jewish Agency chief, it is to make Israelis aware of this shocking terrorism. For some reason, here in the Jewish state, the issue has been downplayed. It's not spoken about or taught. Television studios don't bring in Jewish or Israeli students studying overseas to share their stories. In Israel, there is complete ignorance of the issue. The utter silence in response to a number of lecturers from Haifa University, Bar-Ilan University, and the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev calling on Berlin not to recognize the BDS movement as antisemitism is absolutely stunning. Through their letter, these lecturers not only lent a hand to antisemitism, but they also lent a letter to violence, meaning actual terrorism, against Jews, Israelis, and their supporters in Germany. Those unfamiliar with the overseas campus experience could be forgiven for being naïve enough...Read More |
Last week, in the heavily trafficked Al-Zawiya market in Gaza City, there was a massive building explosion. You can hear many smaller explosions before the huge blast at the 45 second mark. It was apparently an Islamic Jihad weapons depot, and the initial blasts were probably mortars or small rockets exploding before the fire reached a much larger cache of explosives. In the past, Hamas weapons have also been known to explode in crowded markets, as the Jerusalem Post notes: Palestinian writer Fadel Al-Manasfeh said it was clear that Hamas chooses popular markets as a safe place for its ammunition warehouses because it knows that Israel does not target such places. He also pointed out that a similar explosion took place in an open market in the Nuseirat refugee camp last year, killing more than 10 Palestinians and injuring dozens others. It is another clear case of using human shields to protect rockets, a clear war crime. Outside some Palestinian NGOs, no human rights organizations mentioned this explosion - despite popular anger from Gazans at being used as pawns to shield weapons. Arnold Roth noted bitterly that we are not likely to see photos of...Read More |
Over the past week, Amnesty International together with an advocacy group called Forbidden Stories have released a bombshell story to dozens of media outlets claiming that Israel's NSO Group has provided its commercial Pegasus spyware to many regimes who then turned around and used them for surveillance on thousands of people, including prominent reporters, whistleblowers and politicians. The NSO Group insists that it only sells its software to governments to use to combat terrorism and major crime, and that they sign agreements to that effect. The entire story hinges around a "leaked" list of 50,000 phone numbers that is supposedly a list of potential targets for the spyware. All the reporting from 80 reporters from 17 newspapers who have investigated this story for months is based on this list. As of today, there is no evidence that this list has anything to do with NSO Group or Pegasus. Amnesty, Forbidden Stories and the dozens of reports of the story have been remarkably vague about the origins of this list. The entire investigation makes the assumption that the list is linked to the NSO Group - something that the company strenuously denies, and which makes no sense if you actually think about it. Why would the NSO Group keep a list of the targets used by the countries? Wouldn't they want to keep that list as secret as possible? Even more incredibly, why would...Read More |
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