Ken Roth's obsession continues - TEN tweets about Israel and Jews in 24 (Unknown), 21 Jul 04:45 AM Between Monday and Tuesd |  |
Between Monday and Tuesday evenings HRW head Ken Roth posted no fewer than ten tweets blaming Israel or Jews for something or another. This is clearly in response to the criticism he weathered when he essentially blamed antisemitism on Jews on Sunday, showing that in the face of adversity he will redouble his public campaign against Israel and Jews. He deleted that tweet but didn't apologize - in fact, he instead said that his critics are all idiots for not understanding what he meant, rather they reacted to what he actually wrote. Really. He originally wrote, "Antisemitism is always wrong, and it long preceded the creation of Israel, but the surge in UK antisemitic incidents during the recent Gaza conflict gives the lie to those who pretend that the Israeli government's conduct doesn't affect antisemitism. " On Tuesday, he wrote, "I deleted an earlier tweet because people misinterpreted its wording. " Not "I worded it wrong" but "I'm right, everyone else doesn't understand my English." He also wrote no less than six tweets about the NSO Group, which makes spyware purchased by many governments, and which was reportedly used for spying on journalists and political opponents. There are many companies that provide tools that governments (and others) can use to illegally spy on citizens, and there is no evidence that the government of Israel...Read More |
From Ian: What are the real threats of modern antisemitism? - opinion Jews gathered this week to fight antisemitism in two locations, and the very different results are telling. In Jerusalem, several hundred NGO representatives convened for the tenth Global Forum for Combating Antisemitism, under the auspices this year of the Israeli ministries of foreign and diaspora affairs. The discussion of strategies to turn back the current tsunami of blended antisemitic and anti-Zionist expression were deep and fruitful. In Washington, one hundred American Jewish organizations cooperated to organize a rally near the Capitol against the same tsunami, with meager results. Only 3,000 people participated in the "No Fear" demonstration, which amounts to about 30 Jews (and non-Jews) per organization. Some hard-Left American Jewish groups refused to participate all-together, because they reject the overriding message that Jewish identity and support for Israel are inseparable. Alas, partisanship, "progressive" politics, legal pretexts, anti-Israel sentiment, and community divisions hamper the effort to combat surging Jew hatred. Worst of all, the surging Jew-hatred seems to have sapped the confidence of American Jews, which is, perhaps, the greatest threat of all. These disturbing trends have been analyzed in a series of recent, important intellectual articles, as follows: • False...Read More |
At the daily State Department briefings, a so-called journalist for Palestinian newspaper Al Quds named Said Arikat always harangues the spokesperson with questions that are really meant to get anti-Israel propaganda into the official record. In yesterday's briefing, he sad something interesting: QUESTION: Real quick. Thank you, Ned. Last week, while Mr. Hady Amr was visiting the West Bank and Israel, the Israeli occupation authorities razed 50 structures – 50 structures – while he was there. Are you not offended by that? Why is there no statement on these things? Why can't you say you have to cut this out, stop it, just stop it? MR PRICE: Said, we have spoken very clearly in public and in private. We have made the point that we believe it is critical to refrain from unilateral steps that increase or exacerbate tensions and then make it more difficult to, over the longer term, achieve that two-state, negotiated solution. This certainly includes demolitions. We've certainly made that point. You've heard me make that point before. We have made that privately as well. QUESTION: Yeah, I mean, I hear you all the time. But apparently, they are not hearing you. They are not listening to you. So, what is the use of saying what you're saying without having – without putting some teeth or some oomph behind your statements? MR PRICE: Well, Said, we certainly have, and you've seen that in any number...Read More |
Ben and Jerry memes (Unknown), 20 Jul 01:00 PM Here are some memes I made about the Ben and Jerry's kerfuffle. I have news for @BenandJerrys: The Jews are indigenous to the land. Unlike, say, the headquarters of an ice cream company in Vermont. — Elder of Ziyon (@elderofziyon) July 19, 2021 (tweet) Let's be clear: In the Old City of Jerusalem, @benandjerrys wants only Arab owned shops to sell their ice cream and the Jewish owned shops a few meters away would be boycotted. There's a name for that.... — Elder of Ziyon (@elderofziyon) July 19, 2021 (tweet) * * * * * * ...Read More |
From Ian: Jonathan S. Tobin: Why Is Support For 'Freedom of Worship for Jews' on the Temple Mount So Controversial? This dispute is dismissed by some as an unnecessary conflict that is harming Israel's security merely to satisfy the wishes of extremists. But the Palestinian claim that Jews have no rights on the Temple Mount is inextricably linked to their unwillingness to recognize the legitimacy of the Jewish presence and sovereignty anywhere in the country. That Abbas and his "moderates" claim there were no Temples on the Mount or the historical nature of the Jewish claims to this land isn't merely rhetoric that enables them to compete with Hamas. It goes to the heart of their long war against Zionism that they still refuse to renounce. A Jewish state that would officially renounce Jewish rights on the Mount would be sending a message to the Palestinian street that the extremist belief that Israel will disappear isn't a pipe dream that they must abandon if they want a peaceful future. Those who are still trying to pressure Israel to accept a two-state solution that the Palestinian Authority has repeatedly made clear it has no interest in pursuing need to understand that peace can't be built on the denial of Jewish rights, especially in Jerusalem. Israel has no desire to interfere with the mosques on the Temple Mount or stop Muslim (or any) worship...Read More |
As I have previously reported, Arabs sold two properties to Jews in the past few weeks. Now one of the sellers is in danger. Palestinian Media Watch reports: The PA has publicly exposed, shamed, and literally endangered the life of an Arab who sold land to Jews in Jerusalem. According to the PA, Palestinians who sell land to Jews are considered "traitors" and criminals. In fact, the PA has forbidden selling land to Jews by law. Anyone who tries to sell land to Jews will be sentenced to 5 years of hard labor, and someone who actually sells land to Jews will be sentenced to life in prison with hard labor, as documented by Palestinian Media Watch. Moreover, the religious establishment of the PA has declared it "a sin" against Islam to relinquish any part of "Palestine" to Israelis - the "enemies." "Palestine" is said to include all of the State of Israel - "a pure right of its Muslim owners," as one Shari'ah judge has put it. Accordingly, an Arab named Walid Ahmed Atout has now been publicly exposed by Abbas' Fatah Movement for having sold his property in the Silwan neighborhood in East Jerusalem to Jews as well as having "sold his morals." Reporting on this, Fatah's TV station Awdah even broadcast footage of Atout "fleeing" and a photo of him "because these images and this information are important for our people so that they will see...Read More |
Over 100,000 Muslims filled the Temple Mount today, Judaism's holiest place, for Eid al Adha prayers today. Thousands more filled the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron, Judaism's second holiest spot. Imagine if the situation was reversed and there was Muslim control over these places. Would they allow Jews to enter on their holy days? We don't have to imagine. When Muslims controlled them before 1967, Jews were banned from entering both. Muslims would not allow Jews to go beyond the seventh step at the Cave of the Patriarchs, and they would gather to pray at that step. Even today, even though Jewish holy spots are listed in the Oslo agreements as places that Jews should be able to freely and safely visit, the Jewish sites under Palestinian Authority rule can only be visited sporadically and when protected by the Israeli army. And Muslims insist, today, that these holy spots are exclusively Muslim and Jews should be banned altogether from them. The international community, which wants to give control of these places back to Muslims, will never insist on Jewish rights to visit and worship at Jewish holy places. It is up to Israel to enforce that. Only under Jewish rule is there respect for all religions in the Land of Israel. * * * * * * ...Read More |
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