Hate crimes against Jews soar in Los Angeles noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 13 Jul 04:45 AM From Crosstown: In the first six months of 2021, there | From Crosstown: In the first six months of 2021, there were 43 hate crimes targeting Jewish people, according to Los Angeles Police Department data. That is a 59.2% increase from the same timeframe last year, and more than double the number of incidents in a comparable period in 2018. "What's been especially troubling is the frequency, intensity and brazenness of the anti-Semitic hate crimes recently," said Sam Yebri, an attorney who is active in the local Jewish community. Yebri, who is running for the open District 5 City Council seat in 2022, added, "There has been an explosion of hate of all kinds, especially anti-Semitism, on social media over the last two years that has generated a focus, whether it's on the far left or the far right, on Jews." The LAPD defines a hate crime as "any criminal act or attempted criminal act directed against a person or persons based on the victim's actual or perceived race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, disability or gender." Anti-Jewish attacks made up 14.6% of the 295 hate crimes reported in Los Angeles in the first half of 2021. Jewish people were the third most-targeted population; 25.5% of the reports were listed as "anti-Black or African American," and the LAPD classified 16.3% of the hate crimes as "anti-Hispanic or Latino." I cannot parse out these statistics from the...Read More |
From Ian: Clubhouse of Antisemites As a Jewish educator and rabbi who could speak authoritatively on the historical roots and applications of Jew-hatred, I began to get pinged or invited to join such rooms by other Jews who wanted a defense of our community. One afternoon, I was called into a room discussing Israel and her struggles against Hamas and other terrorist organizations. One person in the discussion suggested that if Israel ever had the upper hand militarily, they would kill all Arabs in the region. I gently pointed out that since the late 1960s, Israel has had—as policymakers call it—a qualitative military edge, but despite that advantage, Israel instead pursued peace with its Arab neighbors in the region. A pointed exchange, but a purely political one. Then a young man who was known for frequent antisemitic outbursts joined the virtual stage, and not only condemned my view, but equated my acknowledgement of Israel's military might with a call for genocide. Despite everyone present pointing out that this was not what I said, the young man went on a tirade against Jews in general and their innate desire for blood and vengeance. That night, a room began, hosted by several anti-Israel voices on Clubhouse including the fellow I met earlier that day. The room suggested that all Jews sought to murder Arabs living in Israel or the territories, and then the topic turned...Read More |
Islamic Jihad's Palestine Today has released a slideshow/video called "How did Israeli propaganda start?" It starts off with this picture of a page from the Talmud (not the tractate named, oddly) with the caption "The Israeli propaganda began to exploit the falsified religious tenets by resorting to the Talmud and the Torah": It goes on to claim that the Zionists somehow managed to fool the Jews about what their own religion says and convinced them that they had roots in Israel, making up the phrase "a land of milk and honey." The insidious propaganda continued as the Jews then even convinced the Western world that Jews came from Israel! Then the Mossad used its own propaganda methods to somehow convince the world that Arab terrorists wanted to kill Israelis! I don't quite understand how a terror organization that literally brags about shooting rockets at civilians and about past suicide bombings at discos and buses claims that Israeli claims that they attack civilians is Zionist propaganda, but there you go. (h/t Ibn Boutros) * * * * * * ...Read More |
From Ian: Arab Demography Westernizes as Jewish Demography Thrives In defiance of Israel's critics and conventional wisdom, the highest-ever Arab population growth rate in Judea and Samaria (West Bank) occurred during Israel's full control of the area (1967-1992). Thus, from the end of 1967 (586,000 people) until the end of 1992 (1,050,000 people), the Arab population of Judea and Samaria expanded by 79%, compared to a mere 0.9% growth during the 1950-1967 Jordanian rule. The unprecedented Arab population growth rate was the outcome of the unprecedented Israeli development of health, medical, transportation, education and employment infrastructure in Judea and Samaria, following the stagnation during the Jordanian occupation of the area. In addition, Israel offered employment opportunities, in its pre-1967 core, to Judea and Samaria Arabs, who preferred working in Israel to the far away Arab Gulf states, West Africa or Latin America. As a result of the enhanced infrastructure (especially health and medical), Arab infant mortality was drastically reduced – and life expectancy surged – almost to the Israeli level. Furthermore, emigration was substantially curtailed due to new opportunities of employment and higher education. Hence, while net-emigration during the 17 years of Jordan's control (1950-1967) was 28,000 annually, it subsided to 7,000 annually during the 25 years...Read More |
Palestinian prime minister Muhammad Shtayyeh opened up his weekly cabinet session with his usual roundup of important items. For example, after Israel announced the discovery of a giant Second Temple-era dining hall and possibly city hall, he called on UNESCO to review the issue, knowing that according to UNESCO, all the archaeological digs in Jerusalem are illegal. But one of his statements was even more interesting. Before he tackled the topic of Covid-19, Shtayyeh "warned of the dangerous repercussions of repeatedly allowing the so-called 'Women for the Temple' to hold Talmudic rituals in the courtyards of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque." This is a more specific concern than the usual condemnations of "settlers" - meaning Jews - visiting the Temple Mount. The Women for the Mikdash is a group of women who study the laws of the Temple as preparation for its rebuilding. They study how to properly bake the showbreads, how to create the dye for the various Temple curtains and coverings, and other topics. Like other Jews, they visit the Temple Mount regularly. Somehow, this group of women preparing for the messianic age - who do not give a hint of violence - is frightening Palestinian leaders. It isn't Israelis they are afraid of. It is religious Jews. Because they know...Read More |
At the Blog of the European Journal of International Law there was an online symposium on whether Israel is guilty of the crime of apartheid as claimed by Human Rights Watch. Some of the articles are technical, suggesting that HRW conflated international law with human rights law which have two different intentions and definitions, or that apartheid itself may not be a crime against humanity under customary international law. Eugene Kontorovich offers a number of reasons why the HRW report is fatally flawed and agenda driven, and HRW's response ignores most of his points, instead arguing that it never said that Israel was an "apartheid state" but rather a state that practices apartheid as policy - as if that distinction refutes his solid criticisms. I looked again at HRW's April report making the claim of apartheid, and saw another reason to prove...Read More |
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