Bibi's Bar Ilan speech (video) Posted: 06 Oct 2013 10:00 PM PDT It starts at about 51:00 of this video: JPost synopsizes: There will be no peace with the Palestinians until they recognize the Jewish right to a homeland in Israel, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Sunday night at Bar-Ilan University. "A necessary condition to getting a true solution [to the Israeli-Palestinian] conflict was and remains clear as the sun: ending the refusal to recognize the right of the Jews to a homeland of their own in the land of their fathers," he said. "That is the most important key to solving the conflict." Netanyahu's words came at the start of a conference marking 20 years since the founding of the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies, the site of Netanyahu's famous "Bar-Ilan speech" from four years ago where he stated his willingness for a two-state solution. Those who anticipated that he might use the same venue to again break new ground on the Palestinian issue were disappointed. Rather then present a "vision" speech of where he thought the negotiations with the Palestinians were headed, Netanyahu used the opportunity to emphasize that a Palestinian recognition of Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people was a necessary condition to any agreement. Since the first Arab attack on a home housing Jewish immigrants in Jaffa in 1921, the root of the conflict has not been the "occupation," the "territories" or the settlements, but rather an Arab refusal to recognize the Jews' right to a sovereign state in their historic homeland, he said. Netanyahu said that the Arab revolutions of the past two years – which he called the most significant events in the region in 20 years – have laid to rest the "sacred cow" that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was the heart of the instability in the Middle East. Today, he said, it is "tough to say this without sounding absurd." It is now also the time, he said, to kill the "sacred cow" that the "occupation" was the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Netanyahu spent a number of minutes during his address, which lasted some 30 minutes, discussing the links of the head of the Palestinian national movement in the pre-state days – Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini – with the Nazis. He reminded his listeners that the mufti visited Adolf Hitler in 1941 and promised his aid in getting Muslims to enlist in the SS in the Balkan states, and in the Nazi propaganda efforts. Husseini, he said, is still an admired figure among Palestinians. "That is what needs to be uprooted," he said. Netanyahu brought up the mufti, however, more to refute comments Iranian President Hassan Rouhani made in New York two weeks ago than to slam the current Palestinian leadership. During a television interview, Rouhani acknowledged Nazi crimes against Jews, though he would not use the word "Holocaust." Netanyahu pointed out that Rouhani then quickly pointed out that it was forbidden to let the Zionists exploit the Nazi crimes to oppress the Palestinians. "Despite what Iranian representatives and others say," the prime minister said, "Zionist leaders did not use the Holocaust to destroy the Palestinian national movement. The opposite is true. The leader of the Palestinian movement at that time, Mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini, is the one who preached and worked to carry out the Holocaust to destroy the Zionist movement. "And it almost worked," Netanyahu said. "European Jewry was destroyed, with the help of the mufti, but Zionism was not destroyed; Israel was established." The goal of Iran today was to control the Middle East and beyond, and to "destroy the State of Israel. That is not speculation, that is the goal," he said. Repeating arguments he made last week at the UN, Netanyahu dismissed the notion that Iran was merely seeking nuclear energy for peaceful means, saying that countries that want to harness nuclear energy for civilian needs do not insist on enriching uranium and building plutonium reactors, elements not needed for civilian nuclear purposes but only to build nuclear weapons. "The international community's position toward Iran needs to be: We are willing to come to a diplomatic solution – but only one that will dismantle from Iran its capabilities to develop nuclear weapons. That means no centrifuges for enriching uranium and no plutonium reactor," he said. (h/t Josh K)  |
The latest Zio-Bio-weapon: Settler Feces! Posted: 06 Oct 2013 05:00 PM PDT Hilarity from Palestine National News: Israel Uses Settler Feces as Bio-Warfare ISRAELI SOLDIERS USE FECES TO ATTACK HUNDREDS OF VILLAGERS AND PEACEFUL PROTESTERS OUTSIDE THE WEST BANK VILLAGE OF NABI SALEH. Muki Najaer / PNN Exclusive Israeli Occupation Force (IOF) uses feces of Israeli residents and settlers as a form of bio-warfare against Palestinian farmers in the villages of Wadi Fuqeen and Nahaleen. Additionally, the Israeli army has developed a large vehicle for spraying sewage waste and feces at Palestinian protestors and homes, reportedly, in the towns of Abu Dis, Aizariah, Bil'in and Nabi Saleh. Spraying sewage waste has become so common a weapon used by the Israeli Army that the combination of sewage water, feces, and human urine has been named "skunk". B'Tselem reports that 'skunk' and the vehicle used to disperse it, have been added to Israel's armory for crowd control. On 3 June of this year, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported that the wild poliovirus type 1 (WPV1) js present in sewage samples collected from Israel. Additionally, human feces contain endless forms of bacterial and biological contaminants. Given this information, the intentional use of sewage waste against Palestinians qualifies as bio-warfare. ...Locals in the village of Abu Dis reported on September 25 that Israeli Occupation Force officials drove a large vehicle containing feces around main streets, and sprayed the sewage water 'everywhere' and on everything. Locals reported, "It entered the houses and the kids' rooms – and it didn't clear like teargas does. It hung around in the fabric inside houses and made everyone fear for their health." They added, "Rumors of possible viruses are going around." A similar story of intentional sewage spraying is reported to have occurred in the nearby town of Aizariah on September 20. In March of this year, Middle East Monitor reported that Israeli forces sprayed Palestinian homes in the village of Nabi Saleh as a punishment for organizing weekly protests against the Apartheid Wall. The IOF is increasing its use of feces as a weapon of bio-warfare, annexation, and occupation. The only true fact here is that the IDF uses a foul-smelling, but completely safe, liquid called "skunk" for riot control. Of course, it contains no feces, "settler" or otherwise. Details here. (h/t Aryeh M)  |
Bibi's speech was great, but just imagine... Posted: 06 Oct 2013 02:00 PM PDT ...if Bibi had taken out an iPad and shown the General Assembly this video: From Times of Israel: In a video clip now gaining fresh attention as the international community seeks to assess his credibility, Iran's President Hassan Rouhani bragged on Iranian state television just four months ago that he and the regime utterly flouted a 2003 agreement with the IAEA in which it promised to suspend all uranium enrichment and certain other nuclear activities. Rouhani, who was being interviewed by Iran's state IRIB TV (Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting) on May 27, less than three weeks before he won the June 14 presidential elections, was provoked by the interviewer's assertion that, as Iran's chief nuclear negotiator in 2003-5, "everything was suspended" on the nuclear program under his watch. Smiling but evidently highly irritated by the suggestion, Rouhani called it "a lie" that only "the illiterate" would believe, and said that "whoever is talking to you in your earpiece" was feeding false information. He proceeded to detail how Iran, in fact, had flagrantly breached the October 2003 "Tehran Declaration," which he said "was supposed to outline how everything should be suspended." Although Iran issued a joint statement with visiting EU ministers in October 2003 setting out its pledged obligations under the Tehran Declaration, in practice, Rouhani said in the interview, "We did not let that happen!" The interview, conducted by Hassan Abedini, was one in a series of shows in which the presidential candidates were questioned by the widely watched channel. The TV station is closely controlled by loyalists of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, and Rouhani clearly felt the imperative to underline that he was no Western pushover. Far from honoring the commitment, in which Iran said "it has decided voluntarily to suspend all uranium enrichment and reprocessing activities," Rouhani told the interviewer that all Iran did was merely suspend "ten centrifuges" in the Natanz enrichment facility. "And not a total suspension. Just reduced the yield." Unimpressed, interviewer Abedini asserted that work had been suspended at the UCF — the Uranium Enrichment Facility at Isfahan. Quite the contrary, Rouhani countered, detailing the completion of various phases of work at Isfahan under his watch in 2004 and 2005. He went on to state proudly that the Iranian heavy water reactor at Arak was also developed under his watch, in 2004. "Do you know when we developed yellowcake? Winter 2004," Rouhani went on. "Do you know when the number of centrifuges reached 3,000? Winter 2004." Incredulous at the notion that Iran had bowed to international pressure and halted nuclear activities in that period, Rouhani asked the interviewer, "We halted the nuclear program? We were the ones to complete it! We completed the technology."  |
Arabs are finding Jews everywhere! Posted: 06 Oct 2013 12:00 PM PDT An activist in Qena is calling for the Egyptian army to release records of how many Jewish converts to Islam joined the Egyptian army in the 1950s. According to Zidane Alguenaúa, many Jews converted to Islam to join the army while the rest of Egypt's Jews were fleeing in the 1950s. Jews hadn't been allowed into the army even under King Farouk. Alguenua argues that a significant number of Egyptian military leaders are actually secret Jews and Zionist, who are attempting to fulfill Biblical prophecy by expanding Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates. This is hardly the only rumor going around of ties from Egyptians to Jews. Recently, the rumor that General Al Sisi is Jewish has expanded to indicate a whole bunch of connections between Sisi and a host of Zionists. The rumors were concentrated in the Arabic press (and were briefly mentioned in Wikipedia!) but the best English version comes from the fevered imagination of Kevin Barrett, a favorite columnist in Iran's PressTV, writing in Veterans Today: Al-Sisi is almost certainly a Mossad agent. That means al-Sisi's Egypt is not just a brutal, banana-republic-style dictatorship. It is Israeli-occupied territory: The newest and largest province of ever-expanding Greater Israel. Al-Sisi's uncle, Uri Sibagh (sometimes spelled as Sabbagh) served in the Jewish Defense League (Hamagein) from 1948 to 1950, made his aliyah to Israel, and became a bigwig in Ben Gurion's political party, serving as the secretary of the Israeli Labor Party in Beersheba from 1968 to 1981. Uri's sister – al-Sisi's mother – presumably emigrated to Egypt on a mission from the Mossad. That mission culminated when the Mossad overthrew President Morsi and installed its agent al-Sisi in the coup d'état of July 3rd, 2013. The implication: Al-Sisi has been a lifelong Mossad agent. His mission: infiltrate the highest levels of power in an Arab Muslim country. Barrett somehow missed that Uri Sebag was also a Knesset member! Lest you think that only Egyptian army bigwigs are Zionist stooges, Egyptians are noticing that the Muslim Brotherhood is expecting to riot during the Yom Kippur War celebrations tomorrow - which means, they say, the the Brotherhood is also on the Jews' side! Now, that's the way to take over a country - take over both the government and the opposition! There's a yiddishe kop for you. (h/t Matan)  |
10/06 Links: 9 Year Old Girl Shot By Terrorist, US Special Forces Raid Libya and Somalia Posted: 06 Oct 2013 10:00 AM PDT From Ian: Nine-Year-Old Girl Shot in Terror Attack A nine-year-old girl was seriously wounded in the neck Saturday evening in a shooting attack by one or more terrorists at Psagot, in the Binyamin region. Magen David Adom paramedics were giving the girl first aid as IDF forces began combing the area. She was then evacuated to Shaarei Tzedek hospital with what was initially described as "a serious injury to her upper body." She was reportedly conscious. Yoni Hacohen, a paramedic, told Arutz Sheva that she had been hit by a bullet that went clear through her neck. Netanyahu: Palestinian incitement responsible for Psagot shooting In remarks made at the start of the weekly cabinet meeting, the premier called the incident "a heinous attack." "This past year has been the quietest in over a decade, but lately we have noticed an increase in the number of terrorist attacks," Netanyahu said, pointing an accusatory finger at the Palestinian Authority. "I must say that the Palestinian Authority cannot shirk its responsibility for these kinds of incidents as long as incitement there continues," the premier said. "The murderers must understand that this won't help them." MKs: Abbas Talking Peace,but Allowing Terror Speaking at the weekly cabinet meeting, Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz warned that the attack does not bode well for diplomatic talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. "There's an anomalous situation here where on the one hand, Abu Mazen [Abbas] talks about the diplomatic process, and on the other hand, groups that are affiliated with Fatah carry out terrorist attacks in Israel and Abu Mazen does nothing to prevent it," he said. US captures al-Qaida leader in Libya wanted for '98 US embassy bombings US forces launched raids in Libya and Somalia on Saturday following the deadly attack on a Nairobi shopping mall last month, capturing a top al-Qaida figure wanted for the 1998 US embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, a US official said. Senior al-Qaida figure Anas al Liby was seized in the raid in Libya, but no militant was captured in the raid on the Somali town of Barawe, the official said, speaking on condition of anonymity. Alleged Iranian spy indicted by Israeli prosecutors The indictment stated that over the course of 2012, Mansouri, 55 and with dual Iranian and Belgian citizenship, was recruited by Iran with the purpose of carrying out terror operations in Israel. Mansouri had visited Israel three times in order to establish fictitious corporations in Israel to serve as cover for creating a terrorist infrastructure, which would include at least one more Iranian agent who was expected to come to Israel in the future, said the indictment. MEMRI: Hamas Official Calls To Launch Rockets On Jerusalem In Response To Jews Praying In Al-Aqsa Courtyard Following recent visits by Jews to the Temple Mount, especially during the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, the head of the Hamas Refugee Affairs Department, Dr. 'Issam 'Adwan, published an article on a Hamas-affiliated website in which he urged his movement to launch rockets at Jewish targets in Jerusalem. He wrote that Jews praying in the courtyard of Al-Aqsa was an even worse act than their conquering or demolishing it, and therefore the response must be harsh. He urged Palestinians to prepare themselves and the Islamic nation for a victory battle over Al-Aqsa. Police Bust Israeli-Arab Weapons Ring, 18 Arrests Sixteen of those arrested are men in their 20s, and an additional two are minors, police said. Additional arrests are expected. The suspects are accused of having smuggled weapons into Israel from Palestinian Authority-controlled territories in Judea and Samaria (Shomron). Kfar Kassem is a short distance from several PA-controlled Arab towns in Samaria. 155,312 Tons of Goods were Transferred from Israel to Gaza in September 5,549 trucks carrying 155,312 tons of goods entered Gaza through the Kerem Shalom Crossing in September. Among the goods were construction materials, medical equipment, food and livestock. Egypt Releases 2 Canadians Detained Amid Cairo Clashes Canada's Foreign Affairs department said late Saturday that two Canadians held without charges for the past several weeks in Egypt have been released from prison, the Associated Press reports. Lynne Yelich, a Canadian minister of consular affairs, said Canada welcomes the decision to release John Greyson, a filmmaker and professor, and Dr. Tarek Loubani, a physician. Egypt remembers Yom Kippur 1973 "Egypt braces to cross 'October 6,'" reads the headline of independent Egyptian daily Al-Masry Al-Youm, in an apparent allusion to the army's October 6, 1973, crossing of the Suez Canal that marked the start of the war. "The army vowed to continue sacrificing for the nation, while the outlawed Muslim Brotherhood planned to spoil the joy of Egyptians in their victory by taking to Tahrir Square and organizing processions against the armed forces in Cairo and the provinces," reads the report. PM to cabinet: Israel not opposed to diplomacy with Iran Israel is not against diplomacy with Iran, but rather wants to ensure that negotiations with Iran will lead it to a halt of uranium enrichment, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu told the cabinet Sunday. Netanyahu, in his first meeting with his cabinet since meting US President Barack Obama in Washington and saying a day later at the UN General Assembly last week that Israel would "stand alone" against Iran if need be, said he had a long, in-depth conversation with Obama about Iran and that they agree to the need to halt Iran's uranium enrichment. New York Times Indicts Israeli Leader For Speech Exposing Iran The New York Times editorial on the subject once again revealed the editors' consistently negative stance toward the Jewish state and its leader. The Israeli leader's speech was labeled "aggressive," "combative," and "sarcastic." Netanyahu, they wrote, "seems eager for a fight." The editorial warned the Israeli leader "and his supporters in Congress" that being "blinded by excessive distrust," "exaggerat[ing] the threat" posed by Iran, trying to "block President Obama" and "sabotag[ing] the best chance to establish a new relationship" with Iran "could be disastrous." Obama: Iran still at least a year from a bomb Obama, in an interview with The Associated Press, acknowledged that American estimates are "more conservative" than those of the Israelis. Obama also said the world must "test" whether Iranian President Hassan Rouhani is serious about resolving its nuclear dispute diplomatically. Obama Insulted the Iranian People, Says Iran's Foreign Minister Speaking to CNN, Mohammad Javad Zarif said that Obama should not have told Netanyahu that the military option to deal with Iran's nuclear program remains on the table. "I was rather disappointed that President Obama used language that was insulting to the Iranian people," Zarif said in the interview, which will air Sunday and parts of which were released Saturday. Iran arrests four men accused of trying to sabotage nuclear production site The head of Iran's Atomic Energy Organization, Ali Akbar Salehi, said officials had monitored and then arrested a "number of saboteurs" before they could carry out their plan. "Four of these individuals were caught red-handed and their interrogations are ongoing," he said, according to the Mehr news agency on Sunday. He did not identify which nuclear site they were planning to damage or when those detained were arrested. 'Iran Forced Hezbollah to Fight in Syria' Sheikh Subhi Al-Tufaili, a former secretary-general of Hezbollah, told the Lebanese TV channel Al-Mustaqbal, "Generally speaking, Hezbollah is firmly opposed to the war, but a decisive Iranian decision [forced] it to participate in it." Tufaili's revelation was included in a report by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) on growing criticism of Hezbollah from within. 'Hezbollah's long-range missiles can carry chemical weapons' Hezbollah is in possession of long-range missiles capable of carrying a chemical warhead, a Lebanese parliamentarian said according to a report Sunday. Khaled Zaher, from the anti-Hezbollah al-Mustaqbal party, told the Saudi al-Watan newspaper that Syrian President Bashar Assad had transferred significant amounts of weaponry to Hezbollah, including the missiles. The Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps supervised the transfer of the weapons and helped build and design the launching pads in Lebanon, he said. Report: Germany gave Syria ingredients for deadly gas in 2011 The chemicals involved – sodium fluoride, hydrofluoric acid and ammonium hydrogen fluoride – can be used to manufacture sarin, the deadly nerve gas used during the August 21 attack on the edge of Damascus, which killed more than 1,400 people, according to the US government. Arid State of Nevada Seeks Help From Israeli Agricultural Experts In a campaign to revitalize its barren terrain, Nevada is hoping to share best practices on water and crops with Israel. The desert-heavy U.S. state's governor, Brian Sandoval, is planning a trip to Israel's Negev in October to learn more about indoor farming, and how using Israeli technology could rejuvenate Nevada's lackluster farming industry. From Uganda to Iron Dome: A Soldier's Motivation to Protect Her Country It was a historical night for the 150 soldiers who stood under the stars in the Old City of Jerusalem. Standing at the Kotel — called the Western Wall in English — the soldiers were swearing their allegiance to protect the people and the State of Israel. Many of the new IDF recruits, who serve as soldiers in the Air Defense Command, protect Israel's civilians against attacks by operating the Iron Dome missile defense system. One soldier in the unit, Pvt. Or Meidan, stands out amongst the new recruits. In 2011, Pvt. Meidan immigrated to Israel from Uganda with her family. "We were living at a kibbutz, Yad Mordechi, during operation Pillar of Defense," she recalls of her first days in the country. "Rockets were flying near us every day from the Hamas controlled Gaza Strip."  |
75 years ago: 19 Jews, including 10 children, murdered in Tiberias Posted: 06 Oct 2013 08:00 AM PDT There was a terror attack yesterday in Psagot, where a nine year old girl was stabbed by an infiltator - and it looks like her scream might have saved her entire family. But slaughtering entire families is not that unusual for Arabs. From AP, October 3, 1938: Here are details on the victims from the Palestine Post: This is what an Arab-majority single state solution would look like. (Except in the case the Arab police would probably join in.)  |
Egyptian media celebrating 1973 "victory" over "the Jews." Not Israel - "the Jews." Posted: 06 Oct 2013 06:00 AM PDT Today is the 40th anniversary of Egypt's surprise attack on Yom Kippur, 1973, and Egypt is celebrating. But if you look at Egyptian media in Arabic, very often it says that this "victory" was over "the Jews" - not over Israel, or over Zionists. While many of the articles only talk about the "glorious victory," without naming over whom, when the enemy is named, more often than not, they are called "the Jews." This interview with an Egyptian general in El Balad is peppered with referencs to "the Jews." Vetogate, while discussing Muslim Brotherhood threats against the celebrations, notes that it is a happy day because "this is a black day in the history of the Jews." This interview with Sadat's sister at Al Mogaz mostly refers merely to "the enemy" but has a reference to the victory over "the Jews." Nothing about Zionists or Israel. Al Masry al Youm incidentally talks bout the "victory over the Jews." By the way, here is how Time magazine reported the end of the war that the Egyptians are wildly celebrating: From a purely military viewpoint it was already clear that the Israelis had come breathtakingly close to a victory that would have matched their swift triumph in the Six-Day War. Despite the important advantages possessed this time by the refurbished Arab armies—the element of surprise, the early losses they inflicted, their easy penetration of the Bar-Lev Line along the east bank of the Suez Canal and Israeli bastions in the Golan Heights—the Israelis managed in scarcely more than two weeks to reverse the tide of battle and push the battlefronts into Syria and Egypt. At week's end the Israelis claimed that they had captured most of the city of Suez; their armies had fought to within 30 miles of Damascus and about 45 miles of Cairo. Although the details were still obscured by censorship, the bridgehead made by an Israeli armored force across the southern sector of the canal may rank as the most brilliant military feat in the country's short but tempestuous history. In the end, Egypt may well have agreed to a ceasefire because it realized that to continue fighting would lead to another disaster. Enlarging their bridgehead on the west bank of the Suez Canal (TIME, Oct. 29), Israeli forces last week proceeded to neutralize, both militarily and politically, the dug-in Egyptian forces on the east bank. With at least 20,000 men and 500 tanks at their disposal on the southern portion of the west bank, the Israelis cut the vital highway between Suez and Cairo, encircled and later captured most of the city of Suez and pushed on to the port of Adabiya. In the process, they trapped the Egyptian Third Army, which was still in position on the east bank of the canal. The Egyptian public hardly realized what had happened. At the week's beginning, a mood of euphoria still persisted in Cairo. Many Egyptians initially resented the declaration of a ceasefire because they believed that it was cheating Egypt out of a clear-cut victory. In any case, full-scale fighting broke out again almost immediately. In the 24 hours that followed the ceasefire, the Israelis drastically improved their position on the west bank. They destroyed large numbers of missile and artillery sites and, most important, they isolated the Third Army, cutting it off from food for its 20,000 men and fuel for its 400 tanks. Time after time, the Egyptians fought ferociously to free themselves but failed. By [Wednesday morning,] the Egyptian government fully realized to what extent it had blundered in underestimating the seriousness of the Israeli bridgehead on the west bank. But it was too late to change the course of battle; the Egyptian Third Army was, as Moshe Dayan put it, "technically blocked." In a particularly stinging gesture to the Egyptians, the Israelis announced that they would supply blood plasma to the Third Army, since the Egyptian government was incapable of doing so. The Israelis added that the encircled Arabs were in no immediate danger of dying from thirst or hunger. ... But already, hundreds of thirsty and hungry Egyptian soldiers were walking out of the harsh, blazing desert with their hands up and handkerchiefs waving. From their east-bank positions, the nearest fresh water was 100 miles away; the water conduit from the west was held by the Israelis, who seemed determined to supply them with water only in exchange for surrender. At best, the ones who held out could probably expect to go through what Gamal Abdel Nasser, as a young major, was forced to do in 1949: to await an armistice, after which, by joint agreement, they can walk through Israeli lines to safety.  |
PalArabs again claim religious Jews cut down olive trees - on Shabbat Posted: 06 Oct 2013 03:00 AM PDT From Ma'an: Extremist Jewish settlers chopped down more than 100 olive trees Saturday morning in Deir Sharaf village south of Nablus, a Palestinian official said. Ghassan Daghlas, who monitors settler activities in the northern West Bank, told Ma'an that settlers from Shave Shomron settlement stormed olive fields in the al-Ghazan neighborhood of Deir Sharaf and destroyed more than 100 trees. He highlighted that the attack came a few days before the olive harvest. Shavei Shomron is a religious Zionist community, and the idea that they would cut down olive trees on Shabbat is ludicrous. In these times when essentially everyone has a camera and even video camera on their mobile phones, why do we never see video of these olive trees being chopped down? It takes quite a while to cut down a single tree, let alone a hundred - Mr. Daghlas could have gotten thirty reporters there before they were done. Then again, when the media uncritically parrots obvious lies, what incentive does any Arab have to tell the truth?  |
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