יום רביעי, 30 באוקטובר 2013

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Belgian Minister of Culture defends antisemitism on Facebook page

Posted: 29 Oct 2013 06:19 PM PDT

A Belgian professor wrote an opinion piece on the website of RTBF, Radio Télévision Belge Francophone, saying that Israel is a racist state. (He based this mostly from reading Ha'aretz.)

RTBF has a Facebook page as well, and this article was linked there as well.

Some of the comments, predictably, are insanely antisemitic.

You know, having killed Christ is not enough for them...the Jews in France are also racist! :)

Every Jew is racist to another human because for Jews they are like dogs ... they can kill a non-Jew and will not be condemned ...

Goldstein refused to do anything to save the life of a Gentile - this was not a personal quirk, but simply an command of the Talmud on which it is based.
These comments remain up on the page after moderation.

The Philosemitism blog reports that the person in charge of the page, Ms. Françoise De Their, answered that "Comments are moderated as soon as possible by the editorial departments concerned, in accordance with professional, legal and ethical requirements."

The French Community of Brussels Minister of Culture and Media, Fadila Laanan, responded that "I was assured that the comments are still on RTBF page of this social network are within the limits of the debate and are acceptable."

Incidentally, Laanan's parents were born in Morocco.

(h/t Rudi)

10/29 Links Pt2: Levy Report Campaign, Straw canard, Erdogan is an autocratic Islamist bigot

Posted: 29 Oct 2013 03:30 PM PDT

From Ian:

Restoring Israel's Rights: The Levy Report
In modern times there are legal precedents for establishing the Jewish claim to Israel: This is with reference to the San Remo Conference, the Mandate for a Jewish Homeland in Palestine, confirmed in international law, and more.
These Jewish rights have certainly not diminished over the years. Yet there is a prevailing perception that this is the case – that there has been a rethinking of what properly accrues to the Jewish State of Israel. A revisionist perception, we might say.
And now, at long last, the Levy Report Campaign is kicking off.
The Campaign Committee is operating with the assistance of Regavim, a fine Israeli organization that works "to ensure responsible, legal & accountable use of Israel's national lands and the return of the rule of law to all…aspects of the land."
The campaign is envisioned in two stages – first within the Knesset and then more broadly within the public domain.
Jpost Editorial: Straw canard
Now, apparently, it is Straw's turn to fight back using the same ammunition. Straw's attack on AIPAC follows in the footsteps of John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt who in 2007 published The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy.
Indeed, Straw, responding Monday in an e-mail to The Jerusalem Post's Henry Rome, noted that his comments about AIPAC 's influence on US policy are essentially based on Mearsheimer's and Walt's book. Straw also notes that in his 2012 memoir Last Man Standing he quotes in pages 445- 447 from these two men's "critical study of AIPAC ."
I'm not remotely anti-Semitic, says ex-British FM Straw
"I am not remotely anti-Semitic. Quite the reverse. I have all my life strongly supported the state of Israel, and its right to live in peace and security," Straw wrote in an email.
The veteran Labor politician reportedly said during a debate in the British parliament last week that the greatest obstacles to peace between Israel and the Palestinians and her Arab neighbors are the "unlimited" funds available to Jewish organizations and AIPAC in the US, as well as Germany's "obsession" with defending Israel.
Meet the Founder of Sabeel. He's an "Ecumenical" Zion-Loather
Ateek is the Anglican founder of the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Centre in Jerusalem and a leading exponent of campaigns of boycott, divestment and sanctions aimed at Israel. He has called the establishment of Israel in 1948 "a relapse to the most primitive concepts of an exclusive, tribal God." He has accused the Israeli government of crucifying Palestinians in the occupied territories, writing that "the Israeli government crucifixion system is operating daily." He has compared Israel to the Nazis and accused Israel of committing a Holocaust against Palestinians. He sent out a Christmas message that likened Israel to Herod and the occupation to the slaughter of the innocents.
The New York Times: Telling Readers How to Think About Israel
"Shrill." "Strident." "Stubborn." "Abrasive." "Derisive." "Cynical." These are adjectives used by New York Times journalists this month to describe Israel's prime minister or cabinet ministers.
And that was just in news articles. New York Times editorialists added a few additional descriptors to that list – "aggressive," "combative," "sarcastic," "eager for a fight," and "sabotaging diplomacy."
In fact, the only Israeli political party that merited a positive characterization by the Times was the far-left Meretz party, which was described in a news article as "peace-seeking." The Meretz party with six seats of 120 in the Knesset is hardly representative of the mainstream. And while nearly all other Knesset members, including those in power, claim to be seeking peace, The New York Times is not having any of that. Nor do they want their readers to.
Peace Talks Will Fail Because Palestinians Don't Want Peace
In short, the PA has a long-established policy of duplicity about its anti-peace intentions. In these circumstances, not only are the Israeli-Palestinian conflict negotiations convened under American auspices foredoomed, but in pursuing them, the Obama Administration has embarked on a fool's errand. Furthermore, by pressuring Israel to make further concessions––like the freeing of jailed Palestinian terrorists, merely to get the PA to the negotiating table––it is endangering an ally.
This is a moment for the Congress to act. It can produce a detailed list of Palestinian bad faith statements (of which we have provided here only a fraction) and call upon the PA to explicitly retract each statement to its own public. It can make further aid to the PA conditional on verifiable Palestinian reforms, like outlawing terrorist groups, arresting terrorists and ending the incitement to hatred and murder that feeds the conflict. And it can withhold aid until these prerequisites for a genuine peace are forthcoming.
Abbas said to soften stance on interim peace agreement
Abbas is no longer completely opposed to such a deal, which would create a framework for two states but likely postpone the resolution of the toughest issues such as final borders, shared sovereignty over Jerusalem and the fate of Palestinian refugees, according to a Tuesday Israel Radio report, which gave no further details.
Palestinian Authority officials, and Abbas himself, have repeatedly said they were strongly against an interim peace agreement with Israel. In September, speaking at the UN General Assembly in New York, Abbas said the current round of negotiations were "the last chance" to achieve peace between Israel and the Palestinians but rejected "the dizzying exhilaration of interim agreements" in lieu of a permanent resolution.
Isi Leibler: Candidly Speaking: Turkey's Erdogan - An autocratic Islamist bigot
The reality is that while the inveterate anti-Semite Erdogan has his way, he will veto any efforts to improve relationships with Israel, despite the major strategic and economic benefits that would accrue to both countries.
Thus, even if the US clings to the fantasy that Turkey represents a moderate, democratically influenced form of Islam, we should not delude ourselves. Erdogan is running an anti-Semitic, anti-Israeli regime that supports Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. As long as he remains in power, Israel-Turkish relations will remain cold at best.
Anti-Israel ads placed on Denver buses during JNF conference
Advertisements accusing Israel of "ethnic cleansing" are appearing on Denver-area buses while the Jewish National Fund holds its national conference in the city.
The ads, which include the slogan "Want peace? Stop ethnic cleansing in Palestine," are sponsored by the website Notaxdollarstoisrael.com and the Colorado BDS Campaign, the Intermountain Jewish News reports.
BDSers Target Charles Azvanour
On 23 November his audience will be in Tel Aviv, at the Nokia Arena.
But not if Omar Barghouti's Palestine Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) and its eager accomplices in the West have their way. They want Monsieur Aznavour to cancel his plans.
That's despite the fact that, as the Jerusalem Post reported on 1 October, as soon as the French singer's impending visit was announced: "Aznavour will dedicate his trip to promoting the peace process and increasing public support for it."
Simon Wiesenthal Center Calls on Daily Show Host to 'Give the Jon Stewart Treatment' to Roger Waters
Calling on The Daily Show host Jon Stewart, who is Jewish, to similarly voice objection of the former Pink Floyd bassist's attitude towards Israel Cooper said, "Come on Jon– give the Jon Stewart treatment to Waters and his pig, he's earned it…"
In January of this year Waters appeared as a guest on The Daily Show. Although Waters' activism was discussed, Stewart was roundly criticized for not bringing up his anti-Israel views. "Stewart asked specifically about Waters's political activities, but failed to bring up Waters's most controversial political cause: his radical campaign against Israel," wrote Joel Pollak at Breitbart.com.
Jews bashed allegedly by Pacific Islanders
I thought it suspicious that police and the press gave no description of the youths wanted for bashing five Jews in Bondi (Australia). That already suggested an ethnic dimension. Sure enough:
The two boys were part of a group of eight mainly Pacific Islander youths charged with attacking the family, including a 66-year-old father and a 62-year-old mother, and friends walking home from a Sabbath dinner.
Racist Attacker Assaults Israelis - For Speaking Spanish
A 23 year-old man has been arrested over a racially-motivated assault in which he punched two Israeli men - because he thought they were speaking Spanish.
Dylan T. Grall of Janesville, Wisconsin attacked the two men, who were conversing in Hebrew, on Madison street on Saturday morning.
Analysis: Druse state in Syria could be Israeli ally
Whether one wishes it or not, Syria may be on the way to partition or some kind of de facto break-up along the lines of ethnic division, regardless of what locals or the West want.
Would such a break-up work in Israel's favor?
According to some analysts, weak Arab states with internal strife and divisions, as well as the break-up of the existing Arab state order, plays to Israel's strategic advantage.
Druze Families Remember Loved Ones Who Fought for Israel
Originally known as the IDF Minorities Unit, the 'Herev' Battalion was formed by Druze and Jewish leaders in 1948 during Israel's War of Independence. Recently, the Herev Battalion invited the bereaved families of the unit to come together on the eve of Eid il-Adha, the religious Muslim festival known as Feast of Sacrifice, which was celebrated this year in mid-October.
These Druze families gather together every year to remember loved ones that they have lost in operations and wars to defend Israel, numbering in the hundreds.
'Seraphim Sense' Creates 'Guardian Angel' Wristband To Monitor Health
Trust Israelis to transform an ancient religious belief into a bio-medical reality that can be worn around the wrist. The Angel Health Monitor is a biofeedback wristband that senses motion and acceleration, skin temperature, blood oxygen saturation and heart rate. Just like the mythical guardian angel, it monitors your every move to make sure that you are in good health. The health band is synced to a user's smartphone and laptop via Bluetooth to provide real-time updates on their body's internal workings.
Report: Simon Cowell, Lauren Silverman Agree on Jewish Wedding; Cowell Taking Israeli Dance Lessons
"Simon and Lauren have spoken very openly about marriage and he's told pals he may even propose by the end of the year," Heat's source said.
The source added that Cowell "agreed they could be blessed by a rabbi and partake in Jewish traditions, including the bedecking ceremony [where the groom identifies the bride in a room just before the wedding]. He's even said he'll have some Israeli dancing lessons for the party afterwards." (h/t Yoel)
Munich launches virtual stumbling blocks memorial app
Visitors to the Bavarian capital can now see the biographies of hundreds of Jewish victims of the Holocaust as they pass by their former homes, thanks to a new app launched last week called Stolpersteine Muenchen, or Munich Stumbling Blocks.
Martina Bachmann, who is not Jewish, launched the app with business partner Sacha Bertram, who has a Jewish father. Bachmann told JTA that the aim is to create a digital memorial to all Munich victims of the Nazi regime, using 8,000 biographies. "Every person who was victimized and for whom we can find the biographical information," Bachmann said.

90 years ago

Posted: 29 Oct 2013 02:00 PM PDT

From the JTA archives, less than a century ago:

VIENNA (May. 29, 1923)
The formation of an international anti-Semitic body which will unite the Hakenkreuzler and Fascisti societies of many European countries, in contemplated in a resolution adopted at the party council of the Austrian Hakenkreuzler.

Declaring the present anti-Semitic activities as "inadequate", the Council decided to create a "united anti-Semitic front", one of whose purposes will be to prevent the election to the parliaments of the various countries of Jewish candidates of such as are known for their friendliness to Jews.

Leaders of the German National Party report that delegations have arrived from all Balkan countries with the object of obtaining information of Hakenkreuzler methods which have proven successful in keeping down the Jews in Austria and Bavaria.

Fascisti organizations are said by the visitors to have been established in their countries, who desire to work together with all Hakenkreuzler bodies abroad. The "National Socialists" announce they are prepared to join the international union of anti-Semites.

Sunnis boycott Shiite products, and the great Arab electricity boycott of 1923

Posted: 29 Oct 2013 12:30 PM PDT

Elaph has an amusing article by a Saudi writer that talks about how Sunni Muslims are publicizing among themselves not to buy this brand of juice or that brand of milk, because the owners of the company are supposedly Shiite.

This is strange, he notes, "because we use products made by Jews and Christians, from the car to the needle as well as mobile phones and technology and tablet devices, but each is manufactured in countries populated mostly of Buddhists or atheists as is the case in the East..." - yet no one boycotts them! Eastern religions are considered idol worship my Muslims, and are far worse theologically than Judaism or Christianity.

This sounds familiar - the people advocating boycotts always choose products that won't really affect their lives, but they will threaten and attack others who dare to sell or buy them. It's been this way since the Arab League started its boycott of Jewish goods in 1946 and even earlier.

Although, I must admit, in 1923 the Arabs even decided to boycott "Jewish electricity."

Arab extremists are waging their fight against things Jewish even to the point of refusing the use of electricity derived from a "Jewish" station.

The Jaffa municipality has decided to stick to the old hand, foot and horse power rather than utilize any of the electrical power derived from the Buttenberg station at the Auja.

Efforts by the government to convince the Arabs that electricity was neutral and knew no politics proved unavailing.

But in 1923, that wasn't much of a sacrifice for them.

Hamas, on the other hand, boycotted Israeli fuel to Gaza for a year or so - until the Egyptian fuel supply dried up. Its lofty standards were only so lofty.

An intriguing idea - Israel should celebrate historic invasions of its land!

Posted: 29 Oct 2013 10:30 AM PDT

It isn't often that I hear a new idea, but this one, from commenter Andrew, has some real brilliance behind it:

All Israel needs to do is pick some date with some historical relevance to the time of the Roman occupation, then make a festival (just celebrate an unsuccessful rebellion of the Jews against Roman rule or something), celebrate the great influence Jews and Romans had on history (this will remove an anti-Italian slant from the festival and allow Christians to celebrate with us), and prepare speeches and texts in both Hebrew and Latin.

In the texts refer to Romans and Jews very very often and use the Latin word "Palestina", the Roman name for the protectorate/province in place of Hebrew "Yisrael".

In fact we can use this method a few more times to reach other goals.

Celebrate the Muslim invasion because it allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem. Invite the Hashemite king to the celebration.

Celebrate the Persian invasion and the Great King.

If our enemies use made-up history against us, just celebrate real history choosing occasions where we celebrate our enemies' ancestors and their stay in our land.

It will be difficult for the Arabs to condemn us for celebrating the Muslim invasion. And as long as we celebrate the invasion they cannot pretend that it wasn't an invasion and say that Jerusalem is Arab, not Jewish.

It will be difficult for the Iranian regime to erase Israel from the map, if Israel celebrates Iranian rulers of the past. They would have to erase those rulers from history as well and lose their past as they want us to lose ours.

And it will be difficult to pretend that "Palestine" was an Arab state that existed before Israel was "founded", if we celebrate the fact that our country was once the Roman province of "Palestina".

So, are we going to start a new holiday at the end of April to celebrate the Muslim conquest of Jerusalem in 637 - which did indeed allow Jews to return to their capital after the Byzantines defeated them a decade earlier? (If anyone can find the actual date, Gregorian or Muslim, I'd appreciate it.)

10/29 Links Pt1: Abbas's "Diplomatic Intifada", AI & HRW Whitewash Terror, Egyptian 'Puppy Bombs'

Posted: 29 Oct 2013 09:00 AM PDT

From Ian:

Khaled Abu Toameh: Abbas's "Diplomatic Intifada" Against Israel
The next steps the Palestinian Authority is planning include seeking full membership in the United Nations General Assembly and other international agencies and conventions, especially the International Criminal Court. The Palestinian Authority says it has prepared a list of dozens of Israelis that it hopes to prosecute as "war criminals."
The anti-settlement drive should be seen in the context of the Palestinian Authority's massive efforts to isolate Israel in the international arena. Palestinian Authority leaders are hoping that international pressure will force Israel to its knees and prompt it to accept all of Abbas's demands, first and foremost a withdrawal to the pre-1967 lines.
With such an intifada raging against Israel, it is hard to see how the peace talks could ever result in an agreement between Israelis and Palestinians. Abbas obviously does not believe that the talks will produce an agreement. That is why his strategy these days is, with the help of the international community, to try to impose a solution on Israel.
HRW and Amnesty Int´l Whitewash the PFLP Terror Group
In a press release protesting Israel's alleged "harassing" of members of Palestinian NGO Addameer, Human Rights Watch (HRW) referred to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a terror group responsible for hundreds of horrific attacks against civilians, as a "banned political organization (Israel: Military Harassing Rights Group Staff, October 27, 2013). HRW accuses Israel of "apparent persecution" of Addameer employees because of their supposed human rights work, erasing the clear "security risk" posted by membership in a terrorist organization.
Amnesty International also called the PFLP "an organization which Israel has banned" – ignoring the wide recognition of its terror status (Israel must drop charges against Palestinian human rights lawyer released on bail, October 24, 2013). Amnesty's Middle East Programme Director, Philip Luther, accused Israel of "prosecut[ing] activists because of their peaceful work in defence of human rights" and of "harassment of Palestinian human rights defenders."
'Mail & Guardian' parrots description of Marwan Barghouti as a "political prisoner"
This euphemism of course distorts the clear meaning of a term widely understood as referring narrowly to those imprisoned merely for their political beliefs. In fact, earlier in the year CiF Watch was able to gain corrections at both the Guardian and The Independent after they initially referred to the pre-Oslo Palestinian prisoners (who Israel agreed to release in order to resume peace talks) as "political prisoners."
More recently, while monitoring press coverage of Israel's latest announcement that they will release 26 additional pre-Oslo prisoners, we noted that a major South African newspaper used this distorted term in a story about Desmond Tutu's support for a campaign calling for the release of convicted Palestinian terrorist Marwan Barghouti.
Bereaved Sister: We Are Not a Gesture
Also speaking was Gila Molcho, sister of Ian Feinberg who was murdered in Gaza while working in the European Union building. One of Feinberg's murderers was released in 2011 as part of the Shalit deal, a second murderer was released in the first release of terrorists three months ago. The next release wave will see a third murderer being released.
Molcho said that Israeli and Jewish blood can't "be sold as a gesture."
"We are not a gesture," she said. "There is no peace process at the moment, and we cannot pay the price. Bibi Netanyahu needs to wake up and realize that our youth is getting a terrible message, that their blood is no longer sacred."
Abbas vows to continue efforts to release all Palestinian prisoners
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas vowed on Monday to pursue his efforts to secure the release of more Palestinians from Israeli prisons.
"We won't have comfort until they are all released," Abbas said in reference to the prisoners.
Palestinian minister: Israeli concept of 'life in prison' has collapsed
"The second phase of the prisoner release is a great achievment for the Palestinian leadership, for Abu Mazen [Abbas] and for the Palestinian people because it represents an extra step toward the release of all the prisoners from the Israeli occupation's jails," Karaka stated.
During a visit to the families of prisoners set to be released in Nablus, Karaka said that "the Israeli concept of 'life in prison' has collapsed, because the prisoners who are set to be freed were sent, according to this concept, to be locked up behind bars for the rest of their lives."
The Independent Constructs a "New Settlement"
No wonder an uninformed observer could get the impression that Israeli settlements are multiplying at a rapid pace. Take this paragraph from an article in The Independent about the release of Palestinian terrorists from Israeli jails:
To appease Israelis who oppose the move, which will see detainees involved in killing Israelis freed, the country's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has approved the construction of a new settlement on the West Bank.
CAMERA: Ha'aretz on Prisoners: A Correction, and An Error
As first noted yesterday on our Snapshots blog, the front-page article by Barak Ravid and Jonathan Lis had erroneously reported:
The Prime Minister's Office stated that all of the prisoners slated for release were involved in attacks before the Oslo Accords were signed, and all received sentences of between 17 and 27 years in prison.
All of the prisoners slated to be released tomorrow received sentences longer than 27 years. While prisoners slated to be released served 19 to 28 years, almost all received at least one life term. The exceptions were Mukbal Mahmed Badawi Najach (38 years), Ashur Masabach Khalil Mhamed (30 years), and Karan Azzat Musa Musa (28 years, the shortest sentence).
UN envoy files complaint over Gaza rockets
In the complaint, Ron Prosor accused Hamas of continuing to launch attacks against the Israeli people while Israel attempts to reach a deal with the Palestinians.
"Instead of committing itself to improving the lives of Palestinians, Hamas proves time and time again that its only commitment is to terrorism," said Prosor in the complaint.
"While Israel works to advance peace, Hamas responds by firing on Israeli citizens."
"While Israel brings trucks with construction materials into Gaza," he added, "Hamas uses them to build terror tunnels."
Hamas, circa 2013, is in a lot of trouble
Nevertheless, it's too early to eulogize Hamas. Despite the difficulties it faces in ensuring the transfer of goods, it has succeeded in partially resuming its tunnel activities, especially south of Rafah, on the border with Egypt. The scope of the smuggling has lessened significantly, but several dozen tunnels continue to operate, mostly serving to transfer raw materials for Hamas's military industry. And this industry has undergone a significant upgrade.
Instead of relying on long-range missiles from Iran or Libya, Hamas has opted to locally produce its M-75 rockets, which are capable of reaching Tel Aviv. According to reports, Hamas currently has several dozen of these readied, in case of an escalation with Israel.
10 Hamas Men Arrested in Samaria, Judea
"Ten Hamas operatives were detained overnight across the West Bank," an IDF spokeswoman told AFP, without giving any further details or reasons for the arrests.
'Free Officers Movement' Founded in Gaza
On the "Rebellion" movement's Facebook page the "Free Officers in Gaza" movement posted its first announcement, in which they warn the Hamas government about its attempts to suppress the popular demonstrations by force, demonstrations which according to the announcement are the legitimate right preserved for every nation.
The name chosen by the Free Officers in Gaza appears to be an allusion to the Free Officers' Movement of Egypt, which instigated the 1952 revolution that forced the unpopular King Farouk to abdicate as Egypt's leader in favor of General Gamal Abdel Nasser.
Song glorifies violence at memorial under auspices of Abbas
Sign: "Memorial under the auspices of Mahmoud Abbas, President of Palestine and Chairman of Fatah's Central Committee"

Iran 'already past point of no return,' warns ex-IAEA official
Dr. Olli Heinonen, a former deputy director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, warned Monday that Iran's pursuit of military-grade nuclear capability has passed the point of no return.
According to a report in The Tower Magazine, Heinonen has reviewed the latest Institute for Science and International Security report assessing Tehran's nuclear progress, saying that Iran's use of its existing lineup of 19,000 IR-1 centrifuges and its plans to install an additional 3,000 IR-2 centrifuges in its enrichment facilities have reduced its breakout time -- the amount of time that would elapse between a decision to manufacture a nuclear weapon and actually possessing one -- to just a few weeks.
'Grand Day of Death to America' rally planned in Iran
Militant factions in Iran are reportedly planning a sweeping rally titled, "Grand Day of Death to America," to coincide with the 24th anniversary of the storming of the U.S. Embassy there.
According to The National, Brigadier General Masoud Jazayeri is saying the planned Nov. 4 convocation outside the long-shuttered and now-graffiti-covered diplomatic institution in the capitol city of Tehran will be organized by a newly created bureaucratic body called the "Death to the U.S. Committee."
'Syria had 1,230 missiles ready to be loaded with chemical weapons'
The organization estimated, based on Syria's declarations, that the regime actually possesses about 1,000 tons of Category 1 chemical weapons, which do not have peaceful uses, along with 290 tons of Category 2 substances, such as toxins with industrial uses, according to the London Times.
The UN report also suggests that Syrian rebels may have obtained small amounts of chemical weapons. It reveals that "Syrian authorities have reported finding two cylinders not belonging to them, which are believed to contain chemical weapons."
Beleaguered Syrian Christians fear future, increasingly targeted by jihadis
The shelling and recent rebel assaults on predominantly Christian towns have fueled fears among Syria's religious minorities about the growing role of Islamic extremists and foreign fighters among the rebels fighting against President Bashar Assad's rule. Christians believe they are being targeted — in part because of the anti-Christian sentiment among extremists and in part as punishment for what is seen as their support for Assad.
Nasrallah Blames Saudis for Syria's Problems
"Today, political dialogue and the search for a political solution are enjoying international, regional and interior support ... but there is a state in the region which is furious (about the proposed Geneva II peace conference), and its name is Saudi Arabia," Nasrallah charged.
Iran, UN Envoy Agree on Syria Solution
According to the Lebanese Al-Mayadeen television network, an aide to Iran's Foreign Minister on Monday said that Iran and the UN envoy to Syria, Lakhdar Brahimi, have reached an agreement on a political solution to the crisis in Syria based on internationally supervised elections.
Brahimi, who arrived in Damascus Tuesday, has been trying to arrange the "Geneva II" peace conference to deal with the Syrian issue, but until now has not achieved much success.
'Puppy Bombs' Rescued from Egyptian Violence
Two puppies from Egypt were rescued just moments before they were to be used by the Muslim Brotherhood in their protests as "puppy bombs" dipped in gasoline and set on fire.
The revelation about the Brotherhood's cruel tactic used two weeks ago at Tahrir Square during demonstrations against the ouster of President Mohamed Morsi's was made known by Robyn Urman, a pet rescuer in Tenafly, New Jersey, as reported by CBS 2.
What happened when anti-FGM campaigner asked people in the street to sign a petition in favour of mutilating girls
Leyla Hussein, 32, said many were scared to speak out against FGM because they were worried about criticising another culture.
She decided to conduct an experiment to see "how crazy political correctness has become" but was left in tears by the end.

Approaching shoppers with the petition supporting FGM, she told them she wanted to protect her "culture, traditions and rights".
In only 30 minutes 19 people signed it with some saying they believed FGM was wrong but because it was part of Ms Hussein's culture they would add their names. Only one person refused to sign.

"Palestine" to add electronic security to its passports

Posted: 29 Oct 2013 07:00 AM PDT

The PA announced that starting in 2014, it will start adding an electronic chip to all "Palestine" passports to reduce fraud.

There is something bizarre about the idea of adding security to passports of a nation that will happily issue those same passports to convicted terrorists and murderers.

Then again, this could make those passports very popular among certain groups. If you want to bomb a plane or an airport - just get a Palestinian passport and you don't have to worry about the hassle of forging one!

It's 100% halal!

Egypt closes Rafah for fourth day, media still mostly silent

Posted: 29 Oct 2013 05:00 AM PDT

Egypt has now closed Rafah for four consecutive days, this time without even informing the Palestinian Authority as they used to do.

An Egyptian source told the German Press agency that the crossing would be closed "indefinitely."

France24, unusually, is calling Egypts actions in Rafah a "blockade." But for the most part the media has been muted in any criticism of Egypt for what would be considered a human rights violation when Israel does it.

Meanwhile, Israel allowed 250 trucks of materials into Gaza today - but the ban on construction materials remains in place.

I have yet to see any Western media outlet note that Egypt, under Morsi, allowed construction materials to be sent through the Rafah crossing less than a year ago. There is nothing physically stopping Egypt from fully supplying its fellow Arabs in Gaza with everything they need.

In related news, YNet reports that Hamas is building a huge arsenal of rockets that could reach Tel Aviv in anticipation of the next conflict.

Egypt's security concerns for closing off Hamas from its territory is essentially unquestioned by the West. Israel, which is Hamas' sworn enemy, gets no such understanding.

Poster: One man's terrorist...

Posted: 29 Oct 2013 02:36 AM PDT

One of the prisoners being released this week, along with one who was released in August 2013, murdered 67-year old Isaac Rotenberg with an axe.

Rotenberg wasn't the oldest victim of the prisoners who made it onto the list Sunday. Fatah member Ra'ai Ibrahim Salam Ali was jailed in 1994 for the murder of 79-year-old Moris Eisenstatt. Eisenstatt was killed with ax blows to the head while he sat on a public Kfar Saba bench reading a book.

Another prisoner, Salah Ibrahim Ahmad Mugdad, also of Fatah, was imprisoned in 1993 for killing 72-year-old Sirens Hotel security guard Israel Tenenbaum by beating him in the head with a steel rod.
By the way, this very photo of Abbas partying with released murderers is featured on Mahmoud Abbas' Facebook page.

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