Elder of Ziyon Daily News | ![]() |
- Interview with a "sex jihadi" who got pregnant, is infected with AIDS
- 10/24 Links Pt2: 30 Yrs After Beirut Bombing, Simon Cowell Sings Power Rangers for the IDF
- Looks like the burqa doesn't do a good job protecting women
- Today's #BDSFail roundup
- Group claims Jews have drug-fueled orgies in rabbi's tomb in Egypt
- 10/24 Links Pt1: Totten - Saudi-American Rupture, Saudi Arabia Threatens Women Drivers
- Saudi Arabia slams Obama
- Swimming association FINA warns Qatar, UAE over "stupid" anti-Israel actions
- Hamas takes a rhetorical lesson from Jimmy Carter
Interview with a "sex jihadi" who got pregnant, is infected with AIDS Posted: 24 Oct 2013 06:50 PM PDT From Raymond Ibrahim: I was skeptical when these stories first started to spread, and I don't know the reliability of Al Sharouk, but it does look like the phenomenon is real if perhaps not very widespread. (h/t Josh K) |
10/24 Links Pt2: 30 Yrs After Beirut Bombing, Simon Cowell Sings Power Rangers for the IDF Posted: 24 Oct 2013 03:30 PM PDT From Ian: Israel should worry about the Egypt peace treaty Fourthly, it is said by many news outlets that Egypt is looking to Russia for arms after the US aid freeze; and this will put Egypt in the same triangle of Israel's enemies (i.e., Syria, Iran, and Hezbollah) that are supported by Russia.If it flogged criminals, would Israel get a Security Council seat? Much has been said and written about Saudi Arabia's bizarre rebuff of the UN Security Council. What went nearly unnoticed is the fact that Israel announced earlier this month that it is running for a Security Council seat (in 2019). This is Israel's first attempt since its admission to the UN in 1949 to join the organization's most powerful body. Unlike Saudi Arabia, however, Israel stands no chance of being accepted (and declining). The fact that Israel's bid is hopeless provides an opportunity to understand what is wrong with the UN.Daniel Pipes: Is Russia Becoming 'Muslim Russia'? The stabbing death on Oct. 10 of an ethnic Russian, Yegor Shcherbakov, 25, apparently by a Muslim from Azerbaijan, led to anti-migrant disturbances in Moscow, vandalism and assaults, and the arrest of 1,200, and brought a major tension in Russian life to the fore.Protecting the world's monuments from the Taliban, nature by creating digital back-ups Kacyra said the project was born out of the heartbreak of seeing the Taliban pulverize the Afghan Buddha statues in 2001, but Gustavo Araoz, a senior preservationist who's helping CyArk draw up a list of its next 400 sites, says similar destruction is playing out in slow motion across the globe.BBC R4 gives a platform to terrorist Leila Khaled The attempted hijacking of El Al flight 219 from Amsterdam to New York by Leila Khaled and Nicaraguan Patrick Arguello of the PFLP on September 6th 1970 lasted some three minutes and twenty seconds according to a reconstruction later carried out by the Israel Security Agency.Thirty Years After Beirut Bombing, Criticism of Iranian Defense Minister's Role Rouhani's defense minister, Brig. Gen. Hossein Dehghan, is not just closely aligned with Hezbollah but was directly tied to the 1983 barracks bombing. Israeli Brigadier General Shimon Shapira has documented how Dehghan, as Iran's Revolutionary Guard commander in Lebanon, centralized Hezbollah's command infrastructure and led the group out of the Imam Ali barracks. From there Iran "controlled Hizbullah's military force and planned, along with Hizbullah, the terror attacks on the Beirut-based Multinational Force and against IDF forces in Lebanon."Leaks portray a torn White House through Syrian crisis Jordan offered the United States the opportunity to use its land as a base for drone strikes against Syria on multiple occasions, according to an investigative report published on Wednesday.Egypt says not interested in Israeli gas as plans LNG imports "For importing the LNG we are working with companies, not with countries," Taher Abdel Rahim, chairman of state-run Egyptian Natural Gas Holding Company (EGAS), told Reuters.Hungary launches blitz to fight anti-Semitic image Armed with a powerful New York public relations outfit and a pledge to commemorate the mass deportation of Hungarian Jewry, the Hungarian government is preparing to challenge what it says is an inaccurate image of a country lax in confronting home-grown extremism.Former anti-Semitic Hungarian politician embraces his Judaism Csanad Szegedi, who once accused Jews of "buying up" the country, railed about the "Jewishness" of the political elite and claimed Jews were desecrating national symbols, has been studying with local Chabad rabbis, German newspaper Welt am Sonntag reported this week.Turkish university to host Holocaust seminar "This is an initial, although important, step given the significance of Turkish society in the Muslim world," said Yad Vashem chairman Avner Shalev. "At Yad Vashem we are witnessing interest in the Holocaust that traverses countries, religion and language."Ukraine court says seized Torahs belong to Jews A Ukrainian court has ruled that hundreds of Torah scrolls that were seized by Soviet authorities nearly 100 years ago belong to the local Jewish community and not the state archives.Google Modifies Autocomplete Function After it is Found to Offer Wildly Anti-Semitic Suggestions (UPDATE) The Anti-Defamation League told The Algemeiner that they were told by Google late Tuesday that the company was "looking into the complaint." By Wednesday afternoon the changes had been made.U.S. Dept of Defense Orders Israeli Made Stair-Climbing Micro-Robots Israeli robot maker Roboteam Ltd. won a fast track deal with the U.S. Department of Defense to supply it with stair-climbing micro-robots, the Pentagon's Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office said, U.S. defense magazine Defense News reported.Jews in Shanghai Exhibition in Chicago An exhibition on the life of European Jewish refugees in Shanghai during World War II opened in Chicago on Monday, Xinhua reported. The exhibition, running from Monday to Friday, features more than 1,000 photos, 200 relics and 2,000 minutes of video interviews with Jewish refugees. New Orcam device turns the world into speech for the blind Liat Negrin is happy to demonstrate a new Israeli technology that "sees" and reads for her. She is visually impaired with coloboma, a birth defect that affects one in 10,000 people globally.Low-key FIDF fundraiser still rakes in the dough That's right: Simon Cowell, critic extraordinaire, is officially a Zionist; and, on his way out of the gala, told me his plans to visit Israel later this year.Simon Cowell Sings 'Go Go Power Rangers'... For $1 MILLION (h/t Yoel) |
Looks like the burqa doesn't do a good job protecting women Posted: 24 Oct 2013 02:00 PM PDT Some Muslims like to say that a woman must be covered up in order to keep her safe from unwanted men's sexual advances. This video shows that it doesn't help. The video was taken in Saudi Arabia, although the women are reportedly from Egypt and Sudan. it is causing quite a stir. The best quote is this one: Former judge and member of the Shura Council Mohammad al-Dahim told Al Arabiya that sexual harassment is not a phenomenon that occurs in Saudi Arabia, even if it appears so on social media.Whew! That's a relief! |
Posted: 24 Oct 2013 12:30 PM PDT A semi-regular feature from Zvi: Another list of reminders of how utterly and completely BDS Fails, featuring Nigeria, Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, the People's Republic of China, Texas, Nevada, Ontario, Turkish companies, Samsung and OrCam. And that is just this week. The impact of even one of Israel's numerous IPOs vastly outweighs the impact of all of the idiotic food coop boycotts in the entire history of the BDS "movement." Only 3 other countries in the middle east have such agreements with Nigeria. The article is about Egypt trying to stop this, but also identifies Nigeria, Ethiopia and Kenya as enthusiastic promoters of Israel's bid. Israeli military sales to Ethiopia, Nigeria and Uganda are also mentioned. Egypt's own membership in the AU was suspended due to the coup. Egyptian paranoia about Israeli influence in Africa is prompting Egypt to oppose Israel as an observer. ... starting with Mantis Vision Inc., which develops a 3-D scanner designed for mobile device installation. Samsung is expanding its seed accelerator. |
Group claims Jews have drug-fueled orgies in rabbi's tomb in Egypt Posted: 24 Oct 2013 10:30 AM PDT The annual pilgrimage of Jews to the tomb of Rabbi Yaakov Abuhatzeira in Damanhour, Egypt which was protected under Hosni Mubarak's rule, was canceled in 2012, as the Muslim Brotherhood-dominated Egyptian government decided that they couldn't protect Jewish visitors because, well, Egyptians hate Jews too much. This year, the Brotherhood is no longer ruling. So will the pilgrimage resume? According to this Egyptian paper, Israel formally requested that 150 Israeli Jews along with 17 rabbis be allowed to visit the tomb this year. The date would be around December 22. Initial reaction in Egypt has been very negative. The "Coalition of Young Journalists" issued a statement denouncing the idea, and they said that they would organize human shields to prevent any Israelis from coming near the shrine. Their spokesman, Mohamed Allam, described the visits as a "desecration" of the land of Egypt, "contrary to the teachings of religion and morals" which "violate sanctities in broad daylight." What exactly do the Jews do at this ceremony? Glad you asked. According to Allam, the Jewish men and women dance together while listening to jazz music. Afterwards, the groups said, the tourists make lots of noise and would bring sheep and goats. They slaughter them from the top of the neck, "contrary to Islamic law." (Kosher slaughter is not done that way.) But that's not all. The meat is eaten together with "all kinds of imported wines next to a cocktail of cigarettes stuffed full of drugs." The, naturally, the Jews turn off the lights and have an orgy, with sex and homosexuality being freely practiced in the tomb itself. Wow. That could attract a whole new crowd! Allam also said that Abuhatzeira wasn't even a religious figure, just an ordinary Egyptian man. So there is no reason to have the ceremony anyway, and the Egyptian government should stop entertaining the idea that this pilgrimage has any religious significance. He helpfully adds that when Jews were in Egypt in Pharaonic times, they really didn't add anything to Egyptian culture, just living in tents and herding sheep. I'm not sure if they listened to jazz. I did a little searching and see that the same accusations, almost word for word, were used two years ago by this same spokesman but he didn't have a group to represent at the time. Good to know that the "Coalition of Young Journalists" in Egypt found Mohamed Allam to be worthy of speaking on their behalf. The story has been reported in at least four Egyptian news outlets. As always, a search to find if anyone in Egypt is making fun of Allam, or even disagreeing with his accusations, comes up empty. There are no consequences in the Arab world to spouting the most outrageous and insane stories about Jews, so they naturally get more lurid. It will be interesting to see whether Egypt will allow the pilgrims, and, if so, what the Egyptian army does in December to protect the wild partying Jews. |
10/24 Links Pt1: Totten - Saudi-American Rupture, Saudi Arabia Threatens Women Drivers Posted: 24 Oct 2013 09:00 AM PDT From Ian: Michael Totten: The Saudi-American Rupture All the existing Sunni Arab governments moved on from the Arab-Israeli conflict decades ago. Aside from the Palestinian Authority during the Second Intifada, only the Iranian regime and its network of allies and proxies—Syria's Bashar al-Assad, Hezbollah, and Hamas—have fought Israel at any time during the last thirty years or so. The only exception occurred when Saddam Hussein launched a couple of SCUD missiles at Tel Aviv during the first Persian Gulf War in an attempt to fracture the Arab-Western alliance against him.WSJ: Saudi Arabia Scaling Back U.S. Ties Due to Administration's "Syria, Iran and Egypt Policies" Saudi Arabia intends to scale back the degree to which it cooperates with the United States in arming and training Syrian rebels, a decision that comes amid what the Wall Street Journal describes as "a growing dispute between the U.S. and one of its closest Arab allies over Syria, Iran and Egypt policies."Saudi Arabia, the UN and the OIC A stated Islamist goal, to replace Western civilization's liberal democratic order with a Sharia-governed Ummah [community of Muslims], now seems to involve an effort to delegitimize Western international organizations, as seen this week by Saudi Arabia's refusing a seat on the United Nations Security Council. Saudi Arabia's refusal likely reflects its view of itself as helping to establish an alternative international order based on Sharia law. For Islamists, the United Nations, like all secular international organs, lacks legitimacy.Saudi Arabia warns of shift away from U.S. over Syria, Iran Upset at President Barack Obama's policies on Iran and Syria, members of Saudi Arabia's ruling family are threatening a rift with the United States that could take the alliance between Washington and the kingdom to its lowest point in years.Iran through Saudi eyes The Saudis have a point. Those words do not flow easily from my pen. For more than three decades, the Arab royals have spent billions of petrodollars promoting Wahhabism, a poisonously anti-Western interpretation of Islam, of which the most lethal expression is bin Ladenism.For Palestinians, the other enemy is their own leadership Today, the international community, led by the United States, is yet again pushing the Palestinians and Israelis toward a two-state solution. And Washington still has not learned its lessons. The State Department continues to give short shrift to the internal challenges dogging the PA, which is widely seen by the Palestinian street as a seal of approval for the ongoing abuses.Abbas calls on Europe to boycott settlement goods Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas on Wednesday said European companies should boycott Israeli goods manufactured in Judea and Samaria.PMW: PA-associated youth magazine glorifies death The PA-associated educational youth magazine Zayzafuna, whose advisory board include PA Deputy Minister of Education Jihad Zakarneh and the Head of the Media Department of the PA Ministry of Education, Abd Al-Hakim Abu Jamous, has published for the third time a poem glorifying Martyrdom death for Allah - Shahada. It has been published in the issues of January 2012, June 2013, and September 2013. Twice it has been attributed to an 8th grade student and once, as documented by Palestinian Media Watch, to an 11 year-old in 5th grade.BBC terms bus bomb planner claimed as a member by 2 terror groups 'militant' In addition to the PIJ statement claiming Assi as one of its members, Hamas also claimed him as a member of its 'al Qassam' brigades on its website.UN reports widespread human rights abuses in Iran Ahmed Shaheed's report condemned a rise in the number of jailed journalists in Iran over the past decade — including 23 since January — and other restrictions against freedom of expression, including the blocking of up to 5 million websites. He expressed alarm about a law being considered that would allow a custodian to marry his adopted child. And he said minority religious groups are subjected to discrimination in employment and education, and are often arbitrarily arrested and tortured.Iran must prove nuclear program peaceful, Kerry says Before they sat down, Kerry said Iran would have to prove to the world that its nuclear program was not military, seeking to allay Israeli fears ahead of the meeting.PM reportedly unmoved by Kerry's reassurances on Iran Netanyahu and John Kerry held a marathon meeting Wednesday evening in Rome. Before the two sat down, Kerry, apparently seeking to allay Israeli fears,said Iran would have to prove to the world that its nuclear program was not military in nature.Iranian student takes her foreign minister to task over nuke policy A rare public exchange between an Iranian student and her foreign minister over Iran's nuclear program recently offered a unique glimpse into mounting public frustration experienced by Iran's middle class, impoverished by nuclear sanctions.Netanyahu to Kerry: Iran Shouldn't Have Enrichment, Plutonium Heavy Water Capabilities Netanyahu also suggested that the Iranian problem should be addressed similarly to how the U.S. dealt with the recent Syrian chemical weapons crisis.Where's the Coverage? Many Countries Have Nuclear Power but No Enrichment There are many countries that have nuclear power that do not have the capability to enrich their own fuel. They buy it from abroad and that's what Iran could do. And that's what the media are neglecting to tell you.TIME Magazine Flacks for Iran If Iran has "good" reasons not to trust America, then America has great reasons not to trust Iran. And the four above don't even scratch the surface. The Iranian regime has been hiding, lying about and violating international law regarding its nuclear program for decades. That sounds like a pretty darn good reason not to trust the regime as negotiations resume next month in Geneva.Washington Post Columnist Gets Iran Right In the Oct. 17, 2013 print edition of The Washington Post, syndicated columnist Anne Applebaum ("A New Iran? Hardly.") highlights the fundamental issue when it comes to negotiations with Iran over its nuclear programs.Saudi Arabia Threatens to Use Force Against Women Drivers Saudi Arabia's interior ministry has warned against "disturbing social peace" and has threatened to use force against a planned campaign by women to challenge a de facto ban on them driving, Al Arabiya reports. |
Posted: 24 Oct 2013 07:00 AM PDT From The Daily Mail: Upset at President Barack Obama's policies on Iran and Syria, members of Saudi Arabia's ruling family are threatening a rift with the United States that could take the alliance between Washington and the kingdom to its lowest point in years.Now Lebanon adds: But in the Middle East, hope was a far cry from the sentiment of many policy-makers in the region. Alarming reactions came from various Arab states, where the prospect of ending the 35-year-old hostility between the US and Iran is being interpreted as a major geostrategic shuffle in the world order. Saudi Arabia in particular refused to join the United Nations Security Council because it feels threatened by the US' recent diplomatic outreach to its adversarial neighbor, Iran.US diplomacy in the Middle East has been staggeringly incompetent. But notice that even now, with Saudi Arabia and Israel on the same side of the Iran debate, the kingdom can't resist pretending that the situation between Israel and the PLO is still a key component to the region. Arab regimes have known for years that they could get support for their positions by invoking Israel, and old habits die hard. |
Swimming association FINA warns Qatar, UAE over "stupid" anti-Israel actions Posted: 24 Oct 2013 05:00 AM PDT A followup to this story, from AP: Swimming's governing body has formally warned officials in Qatar and the United Arab Emirates for disrespecting Israeli swimmers at World Cup events.FINA seems to have been silent about the other flag controversy that Israellycool highlighted, where the Israeli flag outside the stadium was removed following complaints. |
Hamas takes a rhetorical lesson from Jimmy Carter Posted: 24 Oct 2013 02:10 AM PDT ![]() Terrorists learn a lot from people like Carter. Yesterday: UN Under Secretary-General Jeffrey Feltman said in a statement that digging underground tunnels from Gaza into Israel " is a violation to the ceasefire" agreement, brokered by Egypt in 2012 between Hamas and Israel.Hamas' reaction? They just swiped Jimmy's argument. As a Hamas spokesman stated: [The tunnel] is a way to protect the Palestinian people from attacks and crimes of the Israeli occupation. It does not make sense to deprive Palestinians from protecting themselves. |
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