Elder of Ziyon Daily News | ![]() |
- Shabbat open thread
- 10/25 Links Pt2: Still bickering over Balfour, Anti-Israel Textbooks in Boston, Sharpton's delusions
- Hamas' "political wing" calls for more terror attacks
- 10/25 Links Pt1: Iran's 'Down With USA' Competition, Saudi Arabia Belongs on the UNHRC
- Egypt hires US lobbying firm; Al Jazeera sees Zionist fingerprints
- Syrian war keeps expanding into Lebanon
- Hamas cell from Hebron planned to send bombs on small UAVs into Israel
Posted: 25 Oct 2013 02:32 PM PDT |
10/25 Links Pt2: Still bickering over Balfour, Anti-Israel Textbooks in Boston, Sharpton's delusions Posted: 25 Oct 2013 01:00 PM PDT From Ian: Dore Gold: Still bickering over Balfour Nabil Shaath wanted his British readers last year to believe that the process that began with the Balfour Declaration in 1917 and ending up with the British Mandate in 1922 created the Jewish claim to a homeland. For him the Jewish homeland was entirely invented by British imperial interests and had no historical roots. In short, it was an illegitimate claim.'Sovereignty' - Israeli Right's Answer to a 'Two State Solution' While speakers at the "One State for One People" conference earlier this month emphasized the need for the immediate annexation and full application of Israeli sovereignty in Judea and Samaria - despite the area's large Arab population - an earlier conference discussed an alternative "Two-State Solution", which involved the empowerment and recognition of Jordan's Palestinian Arab majority.JPost Editorial: The boycott folly Legal experts are split on whether it is illegal for individuals to live in such territory of their own free will, particularly when they displace nobody. Furthermore, the West Bank did not come into Israel's possession as an occupying power, because the land did not belong to any sovereign power. The Jordanian annexation of the area in 1949, which many Palestinians consented to – including those who rejected the 1947 UN Partition Resolution, which would have created a Palestinian state – remained unrecognized by the rest of the world. After its victory in 1967, Israel had as good a claim to the West Bank as anyone, if not a better one, considering that the 1922 League of Nations Mandate for Palestine recognized the Jews' deep ties to Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem.J Street, New Israel Fund slam ADL for Top 10 anti-Israel list Two major left-wing groups issued a stinging denouncement of the Anti-Defamation League's list of "Top 10 Anti-Israel Groups in America" Wednesday, arguing that the lineup "exacerbates unnecessary confrontation" in an increasingly polarized Jewish community and that the choice of organizations cited was "shortsighted and unproductive."Why is the Upper West Side JCC Supporting Israel's Enemies? Extreme behavior like this represents a minuscule percentage among Israelis – or Jews anywhere in the world – but for the JCC to provide them with a forum is really absurd.Mens rea at Ha'aretz Were this the first attempt by Ha'aretz's writers and editors to shoe horn Palestine into a story and some how politicise a totally apolitical event, some of us in "unhinged corners of the Internet" might buy this explanationIndia 'Briefed Israel on Danger to Rajasthan Tourists' Israel was briefed last month about a possible Indian Mujahideen attack against its citizens who visit the Rajasthan region of India, Indian home ministry and Israeli sources told the Hindustan Times Wednesday.Israeli Arab Woman Loses Nazareth Mayoral Bid in Landslide to Christian Incumbent Israeli Arab politician, Haneen Zoabi, lost her bid to become Nazareth's first new mayor in 20 years. Zoabi, who ran against incumbent, Ramiz Jaraisi, who has been the city's mayor for almost two decades, only won 3,812 [10.4%] votes. Jararisi, a Christian, received 43.37 percent of the total.BBC WS programme on women in military combat roles ignores one country The synopsis of a BBC World Service radio programme titled "Women on the Frontline" which was broadcast on October 22nd 2013 informs audiences that its presenter Emma Barnett:Sharpton Compares Himself to Holocaust Survivor Elie Wiesel Only the deeply self-obsessed and delusional Sharpton would compare himself to Wiesel, and his race-baiting to Wiesel's legacy of anti-genocidal activity -- especially given Sharpton's own record of anti-Semitism.Scottish teacher to face disciplinary hearing for praising Hitler A teacher at a private school in Scotland will have a disciplinary hearing for reportedly making anti-Semitic and other inappropriate comments during class.Boston Area Schools Called Out Over Anti-Israel Materials The Boston-based nonprofit Americans for Peace and Tolerance (APT) took out the ads in the Boston Globe, Boston Herald,Newton Tab, Boston Metro, and Jewish Advocate. The ads cover research by concerned parents and students that has revealed the presence of anti-Israel texts in Newton schools including "The Arab World Studies Notebook," which claims that Israeli soldiers murdered hundreds of Palestinian nurses in Israeli prisons; "A Muslim Primer," which claims that astronaut Neil Armstrong converted to Islam, but that the anti-Muslim U.S. government warned him "to keep his new religion to himself or he could be fired" from his government job; "Flashpoints: Guide to World History," which asserts that Tel Aviv, not Jerusalem, is the capital of Israel, and that Jerusalem is the capital of "Palestine"; and other materials.An Open Letter to Jerry Seinfeld and Jon Stewart: Boycott Roger Waters As a fan, it saddens me to have to contact you on such an occasion; however, it recently came to my attention that you will both be performing at the Stand Up For Heroes benefit in New York City next month with Roger Waters.Turning toilet trash into toilet paper In addition to benefiting from the savings on processing, the city also saved money on energy costs because it used the resulting Recyllose as a biofuel to power the treatment plant. In addition, the study showed, the city realized significant environmental benefits, including a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, a reduction in the use of chemicals to treat wastewater, and a drastic decline in noxious odors from the plant.Israel-Canadian Consortium Unveils System to Monitor Reservoirs for Terrorist Poisoning Presented at the WATEC Water Technology and Environmental Control Exhibition and Conference, in Tel Aviv, the system was shown to continuous spectrum analyzers to detect any organic change in water, providing water quality data every two minutes. It uses algorithms to identify the nature of any contamination, chemical, fuel, industrial waste, or paint thinner, for example.Druze to Command Golani Brigade Economics Minister Naftali Bennett, Chairman of the Bayit Yehudi faction, expressed satisfaction Thursday with the planned appointment of Col. Rassan Alian to head the Golani Brigade. Alian will be the first Druze to command the brigade.IDF Blog: 40 Years Since the Yom Kippur War #4: The Ceasefire Surprised by a synchronised attack of two well-equipped and powerful armies, the IDF nevertheless succeeds in 18 days of fighting to take back the initiative. After crossing the Suez Canal, Israeli forces advance in directions of Egypt's main cities. On the Golan front, the IDF turns back the Syrian, Iraqi and Jordanian advance. After two U.N. resolutions, a ceasefire finally holds. Here's how the Yom Kippur War came to an end. |
Hamas' "political wing" calls for more terror attacks Posted: 25 Oct 2013 11:00 AM PDT From Hamas' Qassam Brigades site: Member of Hamas's political bureau Saleh Aruri called on the armed wings of the Palestinian factions in the West Bank for more heroic operations that could inflict painful blows on the Israeli occupation and its lackeys, and torpedo their conspiracies.Hamas seems to be motivated to try to activate terror cells in the West Bank for a few reasons. For one, it is afraid that the peace talks might pan out. Secondly, Hamas is under constant pressure to keep Gazans happy while maintaining its terrorist credibility. For example, yesterday Hamas denied rumors that the Gaza power plant was going to shut down, and it just so happens that an Israeli supplier sold 400,000 liters of diesel for use in the power plant. But Hamas can't be seen as cooperating with Israel even implicitly so it needs to encourage terror in places where it won't have to pay the consequences. Thirdly, Hamas wants the balance of power in the West Bank to swing back in its direction. "Successful" terror attacks have historically been hailed by the Palestinian Arabs across the political spectrum, with very rare exceptions. Both Hamas and Islamic Jihad have claimed that Mohamed Asi, the Tel Aviv bus bomber, was part of their group and that they were responsible for the operation. |
10/25 Links Pt1: Iran's 'Down With USA' Competition, Saudi Arabia Belongs on the UNHRC Posted: 25 Oct 2013 09:00 AM PDT From Ian: Straightening the Dog's Tail Given that Europe is bankrupt, both morally and financially, the United States alone bears the burden of supporting over 22% of the malfunctioning UN and its often-corrupt agencies. Instead, the U.S. should demand that the oil-rich Arab states give citizenship, with attendant rights and privileges, to their Palestinian residents, to enable the UN to focus on rehabilitating the millions of new Arab and Muslim refugees created by the catastrophic Arab Spring. Even as we witness the artificial Arab states, created in 1916 by the Sykes-Picot Agreement, disintegrate, the United States and the West seem to insist on creating a new artificial Arab state called "Palestine," which will soon be a hotbed of extremism, terrorism and bloodshed, exactly like the others.David Ignatius: The U.S.-Saudi crackup reaches a dramatic tipping point The Saudis' pique, in turn, has reinforced the White House's frustration that Riyadh is an ungrateful and sometimes petulant ally. When Secretary of State John Kerry was in the region a few weeks ago, he asked to visit Bandar. The Saudi prince is said to have responded that he was on his way out of the kingdom, but that Kerry could meet him at the airport. This response struck U.S. officials as high-handed.Defense Min.: West Needs to Wake Up Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon (Likud) said Thursday that the West needs to "wake up" from the idea that the Middle East's problems will be solved through democratization.Arab Teens Indicted in Racist Attack on Jewish Family Five Arab teens from Jerusalem, all aged 14-15, have been indicted for an anti-Semitic attack targeting a Jewish family's home in the Old City.Police Tighten Restrictions on Jews at Temple Mount Police have tightened restrictions on Jewish access to the Temple Mount in recent days, according to Jews who ascended to the Mount this week.Ashton Meets Abbas, Urges Reconciliation with Hamas A statement from Ashton's office said she reaffirmed support for the PA's state-building efforts and for the need for the factions to reconcile "as an important element for the unity of a future Palestinian state and for reaching a two-state solution."Bodies of Sbarro bomber and other terrorists set to be released to PA Israel is reportedly to release the bodies of numerous Palestinian terrorists, including those of suicide bombers, to their families early next month.MK Urges PM: Abbas is an Enemy, Not a Peace Partner Yogev's letter came as Israeli leaders plan to release more terrorists, as part of an ongoing raft of "goodwill gestures" by the Israeli government to the Palestinian Authority. Abbas has strongly pushed for all terrorists in Israeli prisons to be freed.New report says Iran can have nuclear bomb in a month The report, by the Washington-based Institute for Science and International Security, claims Iran has significantly shortened the time needed to "break out" to a nuclear bomb with the installation of new centrifuges in the Fordo and Natanz plants, and advanced IR-2 machines at Natanz.Iranians compete for 'Down With USA Great Award' in nationwide essay contest Iran's Revolutionary Guards and its affiliate organizations have set up an international festival under the title of "Down With USA Great Award" to coincide with other events marking the anniversary of the 1979 takeover of the U.S. embassy.Security Insiders: "US Appears To Be Moving to a Containment Strategy" on Iran Instead of halting enrichment, Iranian negotiators have reportedly offered to allow more intrusive inspections of its nuclear facilities.US: No sanctions lifting at front end of Iran nuclear talks The United States is not looking to ease sanctions on Iran "at the front end" of negotiations over the Iranian nuclear program, a senior White House official said on Thursday.Sanctions have Iran in biggest crisis since Iraq war, ex-Mossad head says Dagan, who ran the Mossad from 2002-2010, said Thursday that unemployment in Iranian urban areas was at 30-35 percent and equally high — if more difficult to measure — among Ayatollah Khamenei's base in the more rural areas of the country. "A connection, which didn't used to exist, has been created between the nuclear project and the economic situation," Dagan said.Iran gives Christians 80 lashes for communion wine as UN blasts human rights record The four men were sentenced Oct. 6 after being arrested in a house church last December and charged with consuming alcohol in violation of the theocracy's strict laws, according to Christian Solidarity Worldwide. They were among several Christians punished for their faith in a nation where converting from Islam to Christianity can bring the death penalty. According to a new October UN report by Ahmed Shaheed, UN special rapporteur on human rights in Iran, such persecution is common, despite new President Hasan Rouhani's pledge to be a moderate.Turkey Slams World's Failure in Dealing with Syria Crisis Davutoglu said that Turkey, which has received more than 600,000 Syrian refugees, would keep its border with Syria open to people fleeing the violence but said the world needed to share the humanitarian burden.Analysis: Turkey's Fruitless Quest for Armed Drones Taraf claims the decision came as retaliation from Washington after it was reported that Ankara revealed information about Israeli spies who were operating in Iran, identifying them to Tehran. It may be true that the spy issue, leaked to the Washington Post last week, is now being used to explain the U.S. decision, but a closer reading of local media reports shows a long and fruitless Turkish search for armed UAVs indicating that their request was simply one that the U.S. never intended on granting.Saudi Arabia belongs on the U.N. Human Rights Council As for Mr. Neuer's analogy, it has to be kept in mind that we're not talking about a typical fire department. We're talking about a fire department of the Fahrenheit 451 variety. We're talking about firemen who start fires. We can get upset about what one U.S. diplomat described as its "pathological obsession with Israel." Or we can accept the UNHRC for what it has become: a joke that hasn't yet realized that it is a joke. |
Egypt hires US lobbying firm; Al Jazeera sees Zionist fingerprints Posted: 25 Oct 2013 07:00 AM PDT Last week, In The Capital reported: It's no secret that foreign governments are some of the biggest clients on K Street. A government, whether friendly or dictatorial has a lot to gain by having a lobbying presence on Capitol Hill. Even Syrian President Bashar Assad used D.C. based firm BLJ Worldwide to help his public image in Washington. So then it should come as no surprise that over the weekend the nation of Egypt hired one of Washington's most well known strategic communications firms to represent it to members of Congress.The contract goes for $250,000 a month, which is considered very high. The Glover Park group has also represented Colombia and South Korea. All of this makes sense. However, Israel haters (and shills for the Muslim Brotherhood) need to find a Zionist angle, and they always can. The bizarre Middle East Monitor site notes: The Glover Park Group is no stranger to Israel. The group's managing director, Arik Ben-Zvi, is an Israeli citizen who served in the Israeli army and consulted on Israel's elections. In addition, one senior executive previously served as the National Deputy Political Director of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, also known as AIPAC, the most powerful arm of the Israel Lobby in the US, while another senior executive served in its legislative department.Al Jazeera picks up the story, without really adding anything (but not giving credit to MEM.) To put in a little context, Glover Park lists 45 people in its leadership team. The haters found one of them was born in Israel and another used to work for AIPAC. Even though GPG has hired Muslim-majority countries in the past, the conspiracy theorists among the Arabs pretend that Israel is somehow behind this contract in order to embarrass Egypt. |
Syrian war keeps expanding into Lebanon Posted: 25 Oct 2013 05:00 AM PDT From Ya Libnan: Clashes between gunmen of rival Lebanese sects in the northern city of Tripoli have killed seven people since clashes flared earlier this week, security officials said Thursday.Judging from the ICRC paper about the laws of occupation, I think a serious argument can be made that Lebanon is occupied, today, by Syria/Iran under international law. The definition of occupation in that paper allowed occupation by proxy, if the group that runs the occupied territory is a puppet for the occupier. Since Syria did occupy Lebanon from 1976 to 2005, and now Hezbollah (which is an arm of Iran's Revolutionary Guards) effectively controls large parts of Lebanon as well as much of the government, that means that Lebanon is still occupied today, notwithstanding a few years when it was ostensibly free. Syria of course does what Iran wants it to. |
Hamas cell from Hebron planned to send bombs on small UAVs into Israel Posted: 25 Oct 2013 02:37 AM PDT Walla reports that the PA broke up a Hamas cell based out of Hebron that planned to launch terror attacks by outfitting remote control planes with bombs. PA security forces arrested several Hamas university students in Hebron who were preparing to launch small bomb-equipped drones into Israel. Interrogation of the cell members revealed that they previously conducted several test flight tests with the UAVs. Israeli security sources confirmed the report and noted that recent Palestinian security forces posted some impressive achievements in their struggle against the terrorist organizations in the West Bank. Also yesterday: A group of men in Qalandiya refugee camp blocked a main road Thursday to protest the Palestinian Authority's continued detention of a political prisoner, witnesses told Ma'an.The riots snarled traffic for miles on the main road between Jerusalem and Ramallah. |
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