Elder of Ziyon Daily News | ![]() |
- The USA-Israel intelligence gap on Arabs
- Egypt sends back 100 Gaza Hajj pilgrims
- 10/03 Links Pt2: The Big Hamas Elephant, EU Funds Right of Return NGO's, BDS Fails in the UK
- Five ways Egypt's closure of Rafah hurts Hamas
- Controversial British Islamic public school closed for health violations
- EoZ, StandWithUs Khaybar petitions delivered to Amnesty, HRW
- 10/03 Links P1: The Arab Springs Big Winner, Egypt Planning Gaza Strikes?, Dalal Mughrabi Ping Pong
- Irish Times columnist shows anti-Jewish-Israeli bigotry (updated)
- "Jewish UN wants to destroy Syria to fulfill Isaiah prophecy, take over world"
- Egyptian paper compares Islamists, unfavorably, with Jews
The USA-Israel intelligence gap on Arabs Posted: 03 Oct 2013 10:00 PM PDT A short but must-read piece from Spengler:
(h/t Herb) | ||||
Egypt sends back 100 Gaza Hajj pilgrims Posted: 03 Oct 2013 05:30 PM PDT Ma'an reports: Egyptian authorities on Wednesday forced over 100 Palestinian pilgrims to return to Gaza after having entered the country to travel to Saudi Arabia for the Hajj pilgrimage.In 2007, under Mubarak, Egypt allowed terrorists to go on Hajj, over Israeli protests - but gave them a hard time before allowing them back into Gaza. There were reports that Hamas members went to Iran for terrorist training and cash after the pilgrimage. In 2008, Hamas itself banned Fatah members from going. In 2010, Egypt banned Hamas leaders from going on Hajj. There is a lot of history there about how Egypt and Hamas have used Hajj for political purposes, rather than it just being the purely religious experience they pretend it is. | ||||
10/03 Links Pt2: The Big Hamas Elephant, EU Funds Right of Return NGO's, BDS Fails in the UK Posted: 03 Oct 2013 03:30 PM PDT From Ian: Danny Danon: Israel must be wary of those lining up to give advice So many today treat "two states for two people," Israel and Palestine, as a sacrosanct mission carved in stone, its outcome inevitable. I challenge these counselors to look around at how much our region has changed and ask themselves, might not fresh approaches be wiser than ritualistically repeating old slogans?'Our margin for error is so small': An exit interview with Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren On Tuesday, Israel's long-serving ambassador to Washington officially stepped down after a term that witnessed the Arab Spring uprisings and most of President Obama's first five years in office. During his tenure, Michael Oren presided over periods of unusual strain between top U.S. and Israeli officials, as well as moments of close cooperation in defense and counterterrorism. In between, the telegenic, U.S.-born historian and author was a faithful spokesman for Israeli interests on op-ed pages, Sunday talk shows and even Comedy Central's "The Colbert Report."The Big Hamas Elephant Should it do so, it will be forced to make some bold and difficult decisions. But these decisions are absolutely necessary for the West to accomplish its professed goals. If the Obama administration and other Western leaders do indeed believe that a final status agreement ending all mutual claims is the solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, then they have only two policies to choose from: Pressure Hamas to recognize Israel, or remove it from power. Whichever path they choose, clarity and honesty about the realities of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict would be infinitely preferable to the West's current policy of self-deception.Alan Dershowitz: Netanyahu's Powerful UN Speech is Being Distorted by the Media I was in the General Assembly when Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered his speech about Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Iran's nuclear program. I heard a very different speech from the one described by The New York Times and other media outlets. Not surprisingly, the Iranians described it as "inflammatory." More surprisingly, the Times described Netanyahu's speech as aggressive, combative, sarcastic, and sabotaging diplomacy, while the only expert it quoted called the speech ineffective and pushing the limits of credibility.Bolton: Rouhani is Playing Obama Monday ends the worst month of the Obama presidency. The Syrian diplomatic and political debacle was bad enough, but last week at the United Nations President Obama embarked on a campaign for "progress" with Iran that will prove much more dangerous for American interests. Just as Vladimir Putin had played him for a fool over Syria, Mr. Obama was initially snubbed by Iranian President Hasan Rouhani despite frantic White House efforts to produce a handshake.Israeli Group Supporting Palestinian 'Right of Return' is Funded Primarily by Europe Jerusalem-based NGO Monitor revealed that a Tel Aviv conference held Sept. 29-30 by Zochrot, an Israeli NGO promoting Palestinian narratives including the "Nakba" ("catastrophe," referring to Israel's victory in the 1948 war) and the "right of return," was funded primarily by European organizations.Britain's failing Israel boycott campaign Ever keen to boycott Israeli goods, even at the expense of the Palestinians they claim to support, Britain's anti-Israel BDS groups planned a nationwide "day of action" against the popular Sodastream last Saturday (28 September), to mark a year since the flagship "Ecostream" store opened in Brighton stocking the full range of Sodatream products.Washington Post: Forget Iran, Israeli Nukes are the Issue Having made a false moral equivalence between Iranian and Israeli nuclear weapons, Pincus then goes on to do the same between Syrian chemical weapons and alleged Israeli chemical capabilities.The LA Times' Ongoing Assault on Israel The editorial pages of the Los Angeles Times continues its ongoing assault on the legitimacy of the state of Israel with an Op-Ed yesterday by radical academic Neve Gordon arguing for the replacement of the Jewish state of Israel with a bi-national state ("Rethinking the two-state solution"). The Times has long held that Israel's right to exist is a topic for debate. Earlier pieces arguing for the one-state solution and the dismantlement of the Jewish state include those by Jonathan Kuttab, Saree Makdisi (here and here), Tony Judt, and Ben Ehrenreich.Thousands Gather in Jerusalem, Tell Government to Build Thousands of people gathered on Wednesday evening at the Binyanei HaUma in Jerusalem for the "One State for One Nation" convention. Arutz Sheva was there.Jews Down Under: Knocking out antisemitism on Facebook Elimihate is not your average grassroots movement.Tunisian Activists Blast Government 'Harassment' of Jews A Tunisian rights group on Wednesday accused the police of harassing the tiny Jewish community on the southern island of Djerba, whilst turning a blind eye to anti-Semitism, saying Jews there had come under a string of attacks.Why is the World Silent as Christians Are Persecuted? Yes, it is to the credit of democratic nations that they judge themselves by how they respect minorities. When we fall short, we know we must improve.'Innocence of Muslims' Filmmaker Planning New Film About Islamic Terrorism Mark Basseley Youssef, whose Innocence of Muslims video initially was blamed for riots and the death of four Americans in Benghazi, Libya, is searching for partners to make a new movie and a TV show about the roots of Islamic terrorism. In a wide-ranging interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Yousseff says that the entertainment industry is too timid to honestly explore the issue.Israeli start-up presents an online ulpan One method of learning Hebrew that has had some limited success has been the ulpan, the total immersion language-learning system popular in Israel. But the technique is far from ideal; a recent government study showed that as many as 60 percent of immigrants who go through the system can't read, write, or speak Hebrew very well when they finish.Israel's PointGrab wins innovation prize Israeli company PointGrab has won the 2013 European Technology Innovation Award handed out by the by Frost & Sullivan business consulting firm for its achievements in "gesture recognition for consumer electronics." | ||||
Five ways Egypt's closure of Rafah hurts Hamas Posted: 03 Oct 2013 02:00 PM PDT ![]() 1. Loss of tax revenue. Hamas taxed all the goods coming from the tunnels, but the PA taxes the goods that come in from Israel. Hamas was receiving some $12 million in revenues every month from taxing smuggled goods. As a result of the closure, Hamas has cut paychecks and delayed payments to its 40,000 employees in Gaza. 2. Higher prices. Goods that come from Israel are at market prices, while many of those that come from Egypt are subsidized by the Egyptian government. Construction material in particular have doubled in price and Gaza's Federation of Contractors has called to stop all work for its 60,000 members until prices stabilize. Fuel prices as well have gone up to what Israelis are paying. 3. The end of cash being smuggled to Hamas. Banks refuse to transfer money to Gaza out of fear of running afoul of anti-terrorism laws, and Hamas had received a significant part of its cash from people smuggling cash through the tunnels (from Iran and elsewhere.) This has all but ended. 4. Weapons smuggling has gone way down. Hamas as well as Islamic Jihad depended on the smuggling trade from Sinai jihadists and middlemen to get their weapons and ammunition, and Egypt is not going to look the other way any more. 5. Hamas leaders cannot easily travel any more. Only last year Hamas leaders were touring Arab nations, asking for money and acting like heads of state. That seems to have largely ended. According to the article, Hamas doesn't see any way out of this predicament right now, so it has decided to tolerate it until the political situation changes. But meanwhile Hamas is saying that Fatah no longer wants to talk to them since the hope is that an internal uprising in Gaza is coming soon. | ||||
Controversial British Islamic public school closed for health violations Posted: 03 Oct 2013 12:30 PM PDT From the Derby Telegraph, last week: WOMEN teachers at Al-Madinah School in Derby claim they are being told to cover their heads and shoulders with a hijab – an Islamic scarf – whether or not they are Muslim.The Daily Mail adds: Jane is a good school teacher and proud of it. She lives in a handsome, detached house surrounded by neatly mowed lawns on the outskirts of Derby, with her husband and three pet cats.The webpage for the school says, improbably: The entire idea of a public Islamic school seems odd, but one where even the basic principles of society are spurned is outrageous. Anyway, the school was just closed, at least temporarily, after a health and safety inspection. | ||||
EoZ, StandWithUs Khaybar petitions delivered to Amnesty, HRW Posted: 03 Oct 2013 10:30 AM PDT Over the summer I blogged extensively about the antisemitic Arab TV series "Khaybar" that was being broadcast during Ramadan, and I created a petition for Amnesty and HRW to condemn Arab antisemitism. Yesterday and today, my petitions along with those from StandWithUs were delivered to AI and HRW. Here is the press release from StandWithUs:
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 3, 2013 On October 2, 2013, StandWithUs, in partnership with Israel activist blogger Elder of Ziyon, delivered petitions to Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International in London, asking them to support tolerance and human rights by condemning and exposing anti-Semitism in Arab media. The petitions, "Condemn Khaybar"and "End Bigotry and Incitement against Jews on Arab Television," were delivered by Irene Naftalin, Community Director of StandWithUs UK, together with Luke Akehurst, Director, We Believe in Israel. The petitions were delivered to Amnesty International in New York on October 3, by Avi Posnick, Regional Coordinator, New York Chapter, StandWithUs East Coast. They have over 6,000 international signatures. StandWithUs and Elder of Ziyon contacted the two human rights organizations, urging them to use this opportunity to expose, condemn and end anti-Semitic programming in the Arab world. Both organizations have previously pledged to oppose anti-Semitic discrimination. This summer, Human Rights Watch called for an end to religious hate speech in the Arab world. At past conferences, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International condemned all manifestations of anti-Semitism and called for swift and thorough investigations into incidents of anti-Semitic discrimination.
The petitions focused on a Middle Eastern television series, "Khaybar," which promoted hatred and glorified violence against Jews. The show's title alone memorialized the massacre of Jewish people in the city of Khaybar during the time of Mohammed. The program was broadcast to millions of people this summer during Ramadan and also was available to many more outside the Arab world via the web. It is representative of the kind of anti-Semitic broadcasts airing regularly throughout the Arab/Muslim world. "We hope that Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International recognize this opportunity to join the effort to oppose anti-Semitic bigotry," stated Roz Rothstein, CEO of StandWithUs. Elder of Ziyon is one of the world's most popular bloggers. His scoops have been reported in major media worldwide. Visit: elderofziyon.blogspot.com StandWithUs (SWU) is a twelve year-old, international, non-profit Israel education organization that supports people around the world who want to educate their campuses and communities about Israel. Based in Los Angeles, the organization has chapters throughout the U.S., Israel, Toronto and the UK including New York. | ||||
10/03 Links P1: The Arab Springs Big Winner, Egypt Planning Gaza Strikes?, Dalal Mughrabi Ping Pong Posted: 03 Oct 2013 09:00 AM PDT From Ian: The Real Big Winner of the Arab Spring Finally, analysts tend to overlook the most important factor: Israel's overwhelming military superiority. The Arab states have fought four major wars against the Jewish state, all won convincingly by Israel. In the intervening 40 years, the IDF has only gotten stronger while Arab armies have petrified. Israel currently maintains a massive qualitative edge over its potential enemies, honed over decades of battle experience. The Egyptian and Syrian armies, untested since the Yom Kippur War, are not even capable of controlling their own territories, while Jordan has not gone to war since 1967. The Arab states know full well that they would be decimated in any large-scale conflict with the Jewish state.JCPA: After the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Is Hamas in Gaza Next in Line? Indeed, Egypt has finally decided to tackle the security threat from the Sinai Peninsula, a region that was nearly under the control of jihadist organizations with links to al-Qaeda and Hamas. The Egyptian army has massed troops, deployed combat helicopters, dispatched navy patrol boats, and is carrying out coordinated attacks against concentrations of terrorists in Sinai.Egypt drafts plans to launch strikes on Gaza terror targets Military sources told the Palestinian Ma'an news agency that the new Egyptian plans call for attacks on specific targets in the Strip, and that Egyptian unmanned aerial vehicles recently overflew the territory and photographed a number of sites.Soldier's killer still at large 10 days later Nearly two weeks after Kobi's death, however, the shooter remains at large. According to the Maariv daily, the IDF and Shin Bet security service believe the gunman acted on his own — and have no real leads in the case. Among the indicators supporting this theory is the fact that no organization has claimed responsibility for the attack. The fact that the killer likely acted alone has made it harder to gather intelligence and crack the case, unnamed sources told the paper.Jerusalem Councillor: Time to Stop Illegal Mosque Noise Despite their many protests, residents of the Pisgat Ze'ev neighborhood of Jerusalem have still found no relief from the ongoing din made by mosque muezzins who issue the call to Muslim prayer at all hours of the day – and the night. Especially at issue is the first call to prayer of the morning that is made – very loudly – at dawn.Arab Witness 'Lied' Over Cemetery Vandalism; Suspects Released The four argued that they had been in the area only because they were walking to the mikvah (ritual bath), and that they had no connection to the vandalism.PLO Flag Flies over Homesh Palestinian Authority resident Arabs took over the town of Homesh on Thursday morning, just two weeks after a government order supported turning the Jewish community over to PA hands.PMW: Terrorist Dalal Mughrabi glorified in ping pong tournament sponsored by Palestinian official Jibril Rajoub On the same day that Palestinian Authority Chairman Abbas spoke about the Palestinians' desire to live in peace with Israel and their "rejection of terrorism in all its forms," Fatah Central Committee member Jibril Rajoub, who also heads the Palestinian Olympic Committee, glorified terrorist Dalal Mughrabi.Top minister: Makes sense for Israel, Arabs to cooperate on Iran Israel has held a series of meetings with prominent figures from a number of Gulf and other Arab states in recent weeks in an attempt to muster a new alliance capable of blocking Iran's drive toward nuclear weapons, Israel's Channel 2 reported Wednesday. An Israeli minister said Thursday that it made sense for Israel and worried Arab states to work together, though he did not confirm the specifics of the report.Israel no longer certain Obama would ever use force against Iran, Likud MK indicates Speaking to The Times of Israel in New York in the wake of Netanyahu's speech to the UN General Assembly on Tuesday, Hanegbi said "the most dramatic part" of the prime minister's address was the passage in which he warned, "Israel will not allow Iran to get nuclear weapons. If Israel is forced to stand alone, Israel will stand alone."Netanyahu: Ayatollah Khamenei 'heads a cult' Netanyahu dismissed the notion that Rouhani was freely elected, saying Iranians would topple the regime if they could.New sanctions likely despite thaw in US-Iran ties In July, the House approved tough new sanctions on Iran's oil sector and other industries. The bill blacklists any business in Iran's mining and construction sectors and commits the United States to the goal of ending all Iranian oil sales worldwide by 2015. It also builds on US penalties that went into effect last year that have cut Iran's petroleum exports in half and left its economy in tatters. China, India and several other Asian nations continue to buy billions of dollars of Iranian oil each month, providing Tehran with much of the money it spends on its weapons and nuclear programs.Video: Testimony on Prison Conditions in Iran In her first, full-length witness interview since her escape from Iran, former political prisoner Zaynab Bayazidi--a Kurdish women's rights and children's rights activist--describes her multiple arrests, interrogations and imprisonment in exile in Maragheh Prison in Iran. In her statement, Bayazidi explains in careful detail the substandard health and sanitation conditions in prison, sexually coercive practices in interrogation, suicide attempts of inmates, the treatment of children in prison, sexual abuse of female inmates, violence in prison and other prison circumstances and practices that she herself experienced or to which she was a first-hand witness.Egypt Cancels all Flights, Tourism Ties with Iran The announcement came Tuesday, with Egypt stating it has ordered an end to all tourism activities with Iran. These had increased considerably during the yearlong rule of Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood.Egypt's Liberals Can't Get a Break. Will They Ever? I came looking for the country's beleaguered secular liberals, hoping to find out what they think about the difficult situation in which they and the people of Egypt now find themselves: Two years after the Egyptian revolution ended President Hosni Mubarak's 30 years in power, the country's liberals, who bitterly opposed Mubarak, are now largely aligned with another military-dominated regime.John Greyson and Tarek Loubani: Egypt considering murder charges against Canadians For the first time, the Star is publishing a detailed list of the intended charges the authorities are pursuing against them. Similar charges are also being sought for 140 Egyptians scooped up during demonstrations in the heart of Cairo that left dozens dead.Islamist Group Tied to Obama Downplays Violence Against Coptic Christians Dalia Moghaed, credited with helping President Obama draft his June 2009 Cairo speech about American relations with the Islamic world, recently downplayed attacks against Egypt's Coptic Christians on a Facebook page.Amnesty International accuses Turkey of gross rights violations "The attempt to smash the Gezi Park protest movement involved a string of human rights violations on a huge scale," Amnesty International's expert on Turkey, Andrew Gardner, said. "They include the wholesale denial of the right to peaceful assembly and violations of the rights to life, liberty and the freedom from torture and ill-treatment."Daniel Pipes: U.S.-Turkey Partnership is a Gigantic Blunder A headline declaring "U.S. and Turkey to Create Fund to Stem Extremism" may look like a parody headline but it's the entirely serious title of a New York Times article by Eric Schmitt. Some details: John Kerry and Ahmet Davutoğlu announced recently at a meeting of the Global Counterterrorism ForumFuture says Hezbollah's arms reason behind Lebanese emigration Lebanon's Future bloc said on Tuesday that non-state arms, in reference to Hezbollah's weapons, are why the Lebanese people are emigrating from the country.Hezbollah Withdraws 1,200 Troops from Syria The fighters were sent in to help Assad retake the city of Qusair, near the border with Lebanon, which they did in early June. They were accused of murdering women and children during the fighting, which exacted a heavy toll on both sides. | ||||
Irish Times columnist shows anti-Jewish-Israeli bigotry (updated) Posted: 03 Oct 2013 07:00 AM PDT Here are the first paragraphs of a new column from Eamonn McCann in Irish Times: The late Mary Holland once explained to me why she had changed sides on the Israel-Palestine issue after spending just a few hours in the region. She had arrived as a supporter and admirer of Israel, looking forward to experiencing the ways in which people who had survived one of the most appalling atrocities in all of human history were gathering in their ancestral homeland to envision and create a state of their own."Settlers" in Haifa? It looks like accuracy is not exactly McCann's forte. I wrote in the comments: Funny; I have visited Israel frequently and have not seen any such incidents. Arab schoolgirls walk fearlessly in Jerusalem, giggling amongst themselves like any other kids. Jews and Arabs shop together in the malls, Arab and Jews work together in the hotels and hospitals. (h/t DM) UPDATE: By sheer coincidence, it appears that the late Mary Holland had two children. The father? Eamonn McCann! There's journalistic integrity for you! | ||||
"Jewish UN wants to destroy Syria to fulfill Isaiah prophecy, take over world" Posted: 03 Oct 2013 05:00 AM PDT Here's a new twist on the usual Arab antisemitic conspiracy theories. The official Syrian RTV agency says that Syria is the last obstacle for Jews to finally take over the world. All you need to do is read the Bible, the Talmud, and (of course) the Protocols of the elders of Zion, and it all makes perfect sense. The pre-war on Syria, and the current war on Syria, is World War III. We live the war and pay for it and most of us do not know the reasons for it. ...The real reasons for war are written in the folds of old yellowing books.(Apparently, Aroer is similar sounding to another Syrian city.) The article goes on to claim that other prophecies say that every Jew will have 2300 non-Jewish slaves, and all of the wars in the world are meant to fulfill that promise to enslave a good part of the planet. The reason America went to war in Iraq? Well, there is another [Koranic?] prophecy that Iraq would destroy Israel, so the Zionist puppets in the US moved to destroy Iraq before that could happen. But America is also $15 trillion in debt, and that is how the Zionists plan to take over the US, that is already under their control. Or something like that. In the end, the Jews were behind the destruction of the Soviet Union, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and Syria is the last piece of the massive puzzle before Jews can exert total global domination. Again, this is in official Syrian government media. | ||||
Egyptian paper compares Islamists, unfavorably, with Jews Posted: 03 Oct 2013 02:00 AM PDT An article in al-Mogaz looks at the supposed similarities between Islamists and Israel. After a brief history of how Arabs grabbed Jewish-controlled cities in Arabia ( if I am reading it correctly, he seems to imply that their actions were illegitimate!) he discusses how Israel exists, in his mind, by using religious justification and a feeling of superiority to justify its creation. He then says that the Islamists, like the Muslim Brotherhood, have the exact same mindset of being always right and relying on their interpretation of religion to justify the creation of Islamist states. However, there the comparison ends. Because, he says, Israel is a democracy, with among the best educational system in the world, a leader in information technology and in weapons development, and in agriculture. It is a society that does not interfere with people's faiths, and the State does not impose the lifestyle of "certain ideological members." It is also a free society for its citizens, all equal before the law. The Islamists' idea of nationalism includes none of these. It has really been amusing over the past few months to see how many articles discuss how the authors' ideological enemies are "even worse than the Jews." Here we have one of the biggest backhanded compliments I've ever seen in Arabic media towards Israel. (h/t Ibn Boutros) |
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