Why no investigation into the THIRTEEN journalists killed by US troops in Iraq in only two years?noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 08 Sep 04:42 AM Axio | Axios reports: Israel on Wednesday rejected the U.S. call for it to review the Israel Defense Forces' rules of engagement in the West Bank as part of accountability steps for the killing of Palestinian American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. State Department deputy spokesperson Vedant Patel said on Tuesday that the Biden administration will continue to press Israel "to closely review its policies and practices on rules of engagement" of the IDF in the occupied West Bank. He said this is needed in order "to mitigate the risk of civilian harm, protect journalists and prevent similar tragedies." Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid expressed "sorrow" over Abu Akleh's death on Wednesday but said "no one will dictate our rules of engagement to us, when we are the ones fighting for our lives." Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz said that the "IDF's chief of the general staff, and he alone, determines, and will continue to determine the rules of engagement in accordance with our operational needs and values of the IDF." "These instructions are implemented in a strict manner by soldiers and their commanders. There has not been, and there will not be any political involvement in the matter," Gantz said. Is the US in a position to lecture Israel about rules of engagement and protecting journalists in wartime? Based on statistics from the US occupation of Iraq, not at all. No less than...Read More |
From Ian: Exodus vs. Birth of a Nation: Media Miss Mark on Jewish Self-Determination, Palestinian Nationalism The founding of the modern State of Israel is a perfectly scripted, though by no means flawlessly performed, tale of triumph over extraordinary odds. The confluence of the Jewish people's ancient link to the land, the Zionist movement's monumental efforts to re-establish a state, and a complex array of geopolitical factors are responsible for Israel's creation. And while the horror of the Holocaust may have catalyzed the push for Jewish self-determination, it is quite likely that independence would have happened even had the Final Solution not been perpetrated. The executives behind the production of the Palestinian narrative have from scene 1, act 1 told a very different origin story. Palestinian nationalism exists only in opposition to Jewish nationalism, and was only created in response to the rise of the national liberation movement of the Jewish people to return to their ancestral homeland. Most societies venerate their nation's contributions to humanity — their authors, artists, athletes, and other assorted trailblazers. The plot promoted by the PA and Palestinian terror groups, by contrast, is fixated almost exclusively on glorifying a national culture by encouraging and rewarding the murder of innocent civilians. Another...Read More |
Ned Price, US State Department spokesman, reacting to Israel's report on the Abu Akleh shooting, said that the United States has made it a priority to get involved and try to help when civilians get hurt during military operations: "The United States has made it a priority to mitigate and respond to civilian harm caused by military operations," said Price. That seems to be true in regard to the accidental shooting death of journalist and American citizen Abu Akleh. But it seems that some American citizens are more equal than others. A recent letter from the parents of Sbarro terror victim and American citizen Malki Roth requesting a meeting with President Biden, went unanswered. From the AP(emphasis added): "Something is obviously terribly wrong with how the pursuit of America's most wanted female fugitive is going," the Roths wrote in their letter, sent to Biden through the U.S. Embassy. "We want to explain this to you better in a face-to-face meeting," they added. "We want you to look us in the eyes, Mr. President, and tell us how Jordan's king can be a praiseworthy ally." . . . There was no immediate comment from either the White House or the Jordanian Royal Hashemite Court. Roth's letter was sent days after the family of a Palestinian-American journalist killed while covering an Israeli...Read More |
People who claim to be anti-Zionist and not antisemitic offer some reasonable sounding arguments. The reason we know that these arguments are disingenuous is not that the arguments themselves are logically false, but that we have over a century of such arguments - and they morph over time, while keeping the common denominator of always targeting Jews. For example, the Arab boycotts against Jews from the early 20th century through the 1970s are now seen to be obviously antisemitic - even as they insisted in public that they have nothing against Jews. Today's BDS is a refinement of those methods, but again they only target Jews, not Israeli Arab businesses. They keep trying to refine their arguments but when you look at history, you can see that the arguments may change but the underlying antisemitism remains the same. I just saw a neat example of this from a July 12, 1919 article in the Deseret Evening News ("Is 'Zionism' A Threat to World Peace?") where Palestinian Arabs are interviewed about why they are against Zionism. Their anger is against the perception that the British conquered Palestine only to give it to the Jews, who did nothing to deserve it. They actually say that if Jews have the right to Palestine, then Indians have the right to New York - tacitly admitting Jewish indigeneity. Then comes this: You see? The problem is that the Jews didn't earn Palestine, fair and...Read More |
From Ian: The Oslo discord The shooting attack on IDF soldiers on Sunday near the Jordan Valley reinforces the security establishment's assessment that terrorist organizations in Judea and Samaria are getting stronger and may reach a strategic tipping point. The Palestinian Authority has long lost its control over its cities and it is only thanks to the pro-active posture of the IDF and Shin Bet that Jenin and Nablus have not become another Gaza. The new terrorist threat should have Israel rethink its overall rationale guiding its policies since the Oslo Accords have come into effect in 1990s. Almost 30 years since they were supposed to usher in a new era of peace, it is incumbent upon us to undergo a paradigm shift by scrutinizing the flawed assumptions on which they were based. The first rationale was that a separation from the Palestinians was a prerequisite for any resolution of the conflict. The fact of the matter is that in northern Samaria the IDF pulled back from Jenin in 1996. In 2005, several Jewish settlements were uprooted in northern Samaria. In both cases, this only turned the area into terrorist hotbeds that only drew Israel back time and again in order to protect Israelis on the coastal plains. It is also hard to deny that the IDF withdrawal only strengthened the terrorist elements there, much like the Gaza disengagement turned that enclave into an even greater threat to Israel. Thus, terrorist...Read More |
Salfit Governor Abdullah Kamil Palestinian Media Watch recently reported: Remember the signs in Nazi Germany saying "Jews not allowed" at the entrance to some shops? Now Salfit District Governor Abdallah Kamil has "issued a series of important decisions" of which one brings the term "Jews not allowed" to mind. It specifically "forbids" Palestinian businesses to "receive any settler" – i.e., Israelis/Jews. Whoever violates this rule risks closure of his business by the PA Security Forces: It is completely forbidden to have commercial relations with the settlers, according to Law No. 4 of 2010. It is forbidden to receive any settler in our places of business. We have conveyed clear instructions to the relevant [PA] Security Forces to close any store that violates this decision and to put its owners on trial. All signs written in the Hebrew language placed in the various places of business and workshops must be removed within a week at the latest. The required legal procedures will be taken against those who do not fulfill this. We emphasize once more that one must not carry out any action of selling lands, and specifically in Area C , without first receiving security permission from the district." [Official PA daily Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Aug. 28, 2022] These decisions in force in the Salfit district in the northwestern West Bank have been made to hinder any kind of peace building between Palestinians and Israelis/Jews as their goal is "to fight the settlement enterprise...Read More |
According to Sheikh Dr. Bassam Jarrar and his in-depth study of Quranic numerology, Israel was supposed to be destroyed by June of 2022. Even as late as April, a poll showed that a majority of Palestinians believed that it would happen. Well, June has come and gone, which means....it is time for a new prophecy on how Israel will be destroyed. And one such prophecy seems to be coming out of Algeria. There has been some recent interest in an Algerian tribe known as the Adjars, or Djeddars of the Qutubim, or Cotopites, a Punic (Phoenician) tribe which apparently has some remaining members. (Here is a recent YouTube video and book about them.) At Al Watan Voice, a ninth century Jewish grammarian and scholar named Judah ibn Kuraish is quoted about the Djeddars: As for the Ajdar of Tahert, they carry a great grudge against the Jews, which they inherited from their ancestors the Amalekites, the eternal enemies of the Children of Israel who were expelled by Joshua bin Nun from the Holy Land. Tam Ibn Falt is one of the Amalekites who fled to the land of Morocco, and they are the sons of Timna from the people of Canaan...Read More |
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