Let's list the lies in Abbas' UN speech (part 2)noreply@blogger.com (Unknown), 25 Sep 04:45 AM Continuing on exposing Mahmoud Abbas' lies in a singl |  |
Continuing on exposing Mahmoud Abbas' lies in a single speech to the world... Moreover, the Israeli government allowed the formation of racist Jewish terrorist organizations that practice terrorism against our people, and provided them with protection as they attack the Palestinians and call for their expulsion from their homes. At the top of these terrorist organizations are the Hilltop Youth, the price tag groups, Lahava, and the Temple Trustees, and these terrorist organizations are led by members of the Israeli Knesset, and, in this context, we call on the international community to put these terrorist organizations on the lists of global terrorism. Have these groups placed bombs on Arab buses or encouraged their members to kill Arabs? I am unaware of that. However, some of them have done illegal things and they were arrested by the Israeli police. So claiming that Israel supports them is another lie. Abbas is trying to say that Israel is guilty of everything he himself is guilty of. After all, the Al aqsa Martyrs Brigades are part of his Fatah organization and takes credit for terror attacks.Israel has left us nothing of the land to establish our independent state in light of its frenzied settlement attack, so where will our people live in freedom and dignity? Where will we establish our independent state to live in peace with our neighbors? The land situation is virtually the same as it was during the Oslo process. Israel is imposing forged educational curricula in our schools...Read More |
As he does every year, Mahmoud Abbas gave an anti-Israel speech to the UN. And as with every other one on record, it was filled with lies. Here are some of them, based on the official speech (he sometimes ad libs outside the speech, often betraying more antisemitism...) I speak to you on behalf of more than fourteen million Palestinian people, whose parents and grandparents lived through the tragedy of the "Nakba" seventy-four years ago, and they are still living the effects of this "Nakba", which is a disgrace to humanity, especially those who conspired, planned and carried out this heinous crime. The "Nakba" came about because Arabs did not accept the concept of a Jewish state in any boundaries. They chose to fight. They lost. No one "planned" to expel Arabs. It was a war started by the Arabs, not a "heinous crime" started by Jews. Notice that his definition of "Palestinian" is anyone who lived in Palestine in 1947-48. Meaning, anyone who lived there for centuries beforehand and who left is not a Palestinian. Abbas is admitting that the concept of "Palestinian people" is less than a century old. More than five million Palestinians have been suffering under the Israeli military occupation for fifty-four years.There were less than a million Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza after the Six Day War. It has become clear, ladies and gentlemen, that Israel, which disavows the resolutions of international legitimacy, has...Read More |
From Ian: Iran on the Brink The cries of Iranian youth for personal freedom have no doubt worsened the disarray. There are 88 million Iranians. Half of the population is under 32 years old. They are ruled by a grizzled and sclerotic clerisy that funnels resources to its private army, the terrorist Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). Mahsa Amini represented a generation of Iranians who want more than the limited options, cruelty, and state-imposed religion that have been on offer for 43 years. That is why she has become a symbol for all those who disapprove of, and dissent from, the mullahs' hard line. A push from the United States would make all the difference. There is no better time for a change in U.S. strategy. The nuclear deal is going nowhere. Accepting Iran's most radical demands at the negotiating table would make America look weak, foolish, and callous. Give in to Khamenei as he murders his citizenry and supplies Russia with weapons to use against Ukrainians? The stomach churns at the idea. If the current disorder were a test, Biden answered the first question correctly. He has yet to complete the exam. America's two previous chief executives did not pass it. In 2009 President Obama stood mute as students took to the streets in the so-called Green Revolution. In 2019 President Trump delivered mixed messages while Iranians rebelled against government corruption and economic mismanagement. Obama...Read More |
From Ian: Armin Rosen: A Hate Crime a Day Keeps the DOJ Away New York politicians are at least talking about waging a more serious response to the frequent acts of violence and harassment targeting the city's Orthodox Jews. Last week, Democratic Rep. Ritchie Torres, N.Y.-15, called for a federal probe of New York's failure to prosecute suspects in anti-Jewish hate crimes, which have become so routine a feature of life in Orthodox communities that only the most egregious incidents ever become known beyond community media or the Twitter feeds of local politicians. On Monday, Mayor Eric Adams promised that assaults on Jews "won't be tolerated." Attacks on Jews in New York are often treated as a parochial problem, not as a phenomenon with implications for broader civic and social health. Even if that changes, and even if decision-makers and the general public begin treating these incidents as an active civic crisis, the problem elides any easy political fix because it reflects a deeper corrosion. America's most populous city prides itself on being a special place of safety and tolerance for the diverse peoples of the world, but the pace of attacks on visible Jews, along with the general indifference toward this shameful reality, reveal this to be a self-serving myth. New York is increasingly chaotic, violent, and small-minded, and its official and even semipopular fetish for equity...Read More |
Top Hezbollah official Ali Damoush gave a sermon today filled with antisemitic rhetoric. He started off with a brief history of how Jews lied to and fought against Mohammed, but he adds that they were aided by Arabs who were on the Jews' side. One of the most dangerous things that the Prophet faced during his journey and his preaching was the movement of hypocrisy that emerged within the Islamic community and which took a hostile position towards Islam no less dangerous than the hostile position taken by external forces, paganism, Judaism and others. These people were pretending to support Islam and patriotism, but in reality they were plotting and conspiring against Muslims and believers, and they disrupted, incited, stirred up strife, struck the unity and cohesion of Muslims, frightened people, discouraged them and paralyzed their will, spread rumors, launched accusations, skepticism, and sabotage from within. Perhaps one of the most prominent actions they have done is to deal with the Jews and support them in their wars and conspiracies against Islam and Muslims. He then predictably draws a line between the Jews and Israel today. But his analogy from the "hypocrites" is a little surprising - it is not the Abraham Accords countries, but people in Lebanon who oppose Hezbollah! Here in Lebanon, we are afflicted with models of hypocrites, tools, and followers of embassies who put their hands in the hands of the enemies and prioritize...Read More |
From Ian: Melanie Phillips: The real reason for the war against Israel and the west The core reason, however, why the West has gone through the looking-glass over all this is its total incomprehension of anti-Semitism. No other prejudice shares the characteristics of anti-Semitism: its driving belief that the Jews control the world; that they are leaders of a conspiracy to harm others to serve their own interests; that they are a supernaturally demonic power. Ultimately, anti-Semitism is a form of lunacy that defies explanation. But the West cannot grasp this, because it believes everything has a rational cause. So, it seeks to explain anti-Semitism as just another form of racism, the result of jealousy towards the Jews' astonishing achievements or something the Jews bring upon themselves by being clannish, keeping themselves separate, looking down on everyone else and other supposed offenses. Similarly, the West tries to explain the Nazi Holocaust not as the result of psychotic anti-Semitism, but rather of Germany's humiliation and bankruptcy after World War I. It holds that the Palestinians are driven to behave as they do by dispossession and despair. The fact that the Islamist war against the West is fundamentally driven by a religious war against the Jews is simply unknown. Israel has never accurately presented the war against itself as an Islamic jihad. When asked, some...Read More |
On Thursday: Eight Israelis were lightly hurt in a suspected terror stabbing attack near the central Israeli city of Modiin on Thursday evening, medics and police said. Officials said the assailant stopped his vehicle at a traffic light, close to the Shilat junction, and began to open car doors and attack people with a knife and pepper spray. According to the Magen David Adom ambulance service, two men in separate cars — aged 39 and 23 — were treated for minor stab wounds to their hands. Another five people — passengers of the two cars — were treated by MDA medics after being maced with pepper spray. The attacker was shot dead by an off-duty Border Police officer who was in the area, police said. For some attacks - especially when done by women, which is not the case here - Palestinian media is split between blaming Israel for killing an innocent person or praising the brave shahid. Here is one of those cases. The family of the attacker denies that he did anything wrong. His cousin was in another car and saw the whole thing! According to the cousin's father, "They were on the way back to the house, and at a red light, Muhammad [the attacker] got out of the vehicle, Raed [his cousin] did not know the reason." There you go! A man left his car at a red light and started walking around for unknown reasons, and people were stabbed and pepper sprayed at the same time, but he is innocent because his cousin didn't see him...Read More |
Hamas is threatening war if any Jew manages to blow a shofar on the Temple Mount. Palestinian media has been obsessed with Jews blowing the shofar for weeks. It began when Yehuda Glick played a recording on his phone of a shofar blast while visiting the Temple Mount, an event that was widely reported in Arab media as if he played the shofar itself. Glick was banned from the Temple Mount as a result - something the Arab media did not report - and he therefore decided to blow the shofar from outside, near the eastern wall. Muslims objected to that as well, and the Israeli police arrested Glick again. But Israeli courts ruled that there is no reason not to blow the shofar outside the Mount. Yet when Jews returned...Read More |
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