Palestinians consistently align with the worst human rights abusers, and the "human rights" community stays (Unknown), 15 S | One of the biggest ironies in the progressive war against Israel is that Palestinian groups consistently align with the worst violators of human rights in the world - from Hitler to Stalin to Saddam Hussein and Moammar Qaddafi to Osama Bin Laden. Today, Hamas announced a restoral of relations with Syria, which had been ruptured by the Syrian civil war. In an official statement, Hamas expressed its appreciation to the leadership and people of the Syrian Arab Republic, "for their role in standing by the Palestinian people and their just cause," and "expressing its aspirations for Syria to regain its role and position in the Arab and Islamic nations, and we support all sincere efforts for the stability, safety, prosperity and progress of Syria." Hamas politburo leader Ismail Haniyeh also met with Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov senior Russian officials this past weekend. That meeting prompted Ukraine to designate Hamas as a terror group. It isn't only Hamas. On September 9, Mahmoud Abbas issued a press release: President of the State of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas congratulated...Read More |
From Ian: Daniel Greenfield: The ADL's Radical Boss Must Go In August, the ADL announced the fellows for its inaugural Center for Antisemitism Research Fellowship, to identify "new approaches to combating antisemitism in society." One of its fellows, Michael Zanger-Tishler, has called for protesting Birthright Israel to "change Israeli policy toward the Palestinians" and his work has accused Israel of "constructing Palestinian criminality". Another, Sara Yael Hirschhorn, tweeted that, "the Palestinian case shares some common features with South Africa—population transfer/ethnic cleansing", and falsely claimed that Israel is guilty of "daily violations of human rights." Hirschhorn has cultivated a career of bashing Israel with New York Times op-eds like, "Israeli Terrorists, Born in the U.S.A." Her book, "City on a Hilltop", attacking Jews living in their historical homeland in Judea and Samaria, was featured, along with the author, at a Foundation for Middle East Peace event. FMEP, a part of the Arab Lobby, accuses Israel of "apartheid". Her new book, "New Day in Babylon and Jerusalem: Zionism, Jewish Power, and Identity Politics", already being promoted by the ADL, will discuss how "how the Six Day War and its aftermath transformed Zionism from a national liberation movement of the Jewish people to a colonialist enterprise in the Middle East in international eyes". Michael Boxer of Brandeis, has...Read More |
The Jewish city and history of Beitar is remembered by observant Jews each time they break bread, for the fourth blessing of the Grace after Meals commemorates the massacre and the miracle that happened there in that place. The massacre occurred in 135 CE. Hundreds of thousands (some say millions) of Jews were slaughtered by the Romans, and the Jews were not allowed to collect the bodies for burial for many years. Today, there is a thriving Jewish city there of some 59,000 residents, Beitar Illit. But there is also an Arab village with fewer than 5,000 villagers, called Battir. In 2014, Battir was named a protected UNESCO World Heritage Site, and inscribed on the UNESCO website as "Palestine: Land of Olives and Vines — Cultural Landscape of Southern Jerusalem, Battir." Battir lies directly northeast of "Khirbet el-Yahud," Arabic for "Ruin of the Jews," the archaeological site of the ruins of the ancient Jewish city of Beitar. The Arabs named it "Ruin of the Jews" because they know exactly what happened there, and that the city was Jewish. They know it was called "Beitar" and adopted it, corrupting the name to the more Arabic-sounding "Battir." You can be sure that UNESCO knows these things, too. Which is why they were so desperate to rename the village, "Palestine: Land of Olives and Vines — Cultural Landscape of Southern Jerusalem, Battir," a name that erases the Jewish identity, character...Read More |
The Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine (DFLP) is one of those communist terror groups, like the PFLP, that tries to destroy Israel both with bombs and with BDS. And left-wing "human rights" groups love to conveniently overlook the bombing part. Anyway, the DFLP published a list of announcements about BDS for August, whether praising pro-BDS actions or condemning "normalization" with Israel. It turns out the list of things it condemns is a great list of BDS failures. Here is their inadvertant list of good news for Israel in August: The American Sierra Club returns to sponsoring annual trips to Israel, which includes hiking in a variety of nature and wildlife reserves, as well as walking tours in places such as the Old City of Jerusalem, Caesarea and Jaffa. An Israeli delegation of investors, technicians and commercial officials visited Indonesia, with the aim of identifying opportunities for investments, projects, start-ups and social impact initiatives, to complement the Israeli initiatives to normalize with a number of Islamic countries. Israel's El Al Airlines started flying into Saudi airspace. French channel BFMTV edited out an excerpt from the interview with a French journalist denouncing Israel. Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid announced the resumption of diplomatic relations with Turkey. Bahraini hotels began to offer Israeli channels. The UAE is financing the construction of an Israeli sports...Read More |
From Ian: What Happens If Operation Guardian of the Walls Recurs? During the twelve-day conflict between the IDF and Hamas in the spring of last year, Arabs in usually peaceful Israeli cities with multiethnic populations rioted, deeply shaking the country's general sense of safety. Yagil Henkin considers the possibility that, in the event of a larger war between Israel and, for instance, Hizballah, the latter could work with Palestinian groups to foment similar riots within Israel's borders: It is incorrect to regard the May 2021 events as civic disturbances or a series of individual episodes. As in any war, the enemy learns and searches for weaknesses to exploit. As a result, Israel should brace itself for a worst-case scenario in which ethnic and religious tensions are used to incite unrest and riots, disrupt army movements and reserve mobilization, cut off supply routes and access to military bases, inflict damage on military convoys, and use threats, propaganda, and possibly assassinations to force Arab and Muslim soldiers and policemen to leave the military and law enforcement. Following [the 2021 conflict], Hizballah escalated its efforts to transfer weaponry and ammunition to Israeli Arabs for use in a future conflict. Notably, from the perspective of Iran and Hizballah, Israeli Arabs assaulting Jews and the reverse would be welcomed outcomes. Such attacks would force...Read More |
Shehab News Agency last week published video of "Settlers performing Talmudic rituals during their storming of the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque." Turn up your sound to hear how disruptive they are to the sanctity of Al Haram al Sharif: Starting at 0:12, you can hear the birds who are clearly in distress at the desecration they are witnessing. Even worse, here we see the extremist usurping Jewish settlers provoking Muslims by smiling during their storming. * * * * * * Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism today at Amazon! Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. Read all about it here! ...Read More |
From Naharnet:
Saudi police arrested a Yemeni man this week after he advertised on social media his pilgrimage to Mecca, where he paid tribute to the memory of Queen Elizabeth II. The pilgrim, who was not identified by name, had posted footage earlier this week that showed him holding a banner honoring the late queen from inside the courtyard of Mecca's Grand Mosque. The clip quickly spread online, sparking outrage among devout Muslims and leading to the man's arrest on Monday for "violating the regulations and instructions" of the holy site. Security forces referred him to the public prosecutor to face charges. "Umrah for the soul of Queen Elizabeth II, may Allah grant her peace in heaven and accept her among the righteous," the banner read in English and Arabic. It turns out that at least some Muslim authorities say it is against Islamic law to pray for the soul of non-Muslims. Palestinian site Raya asked the question last week as to whether Muslims can pray for mercy for the soul of Queen Elizabeth. It quotes an Islamic fatwa website saying that the clerics ruled "that mercy on the dead of infidels is not permissible, whether they are from The Jews and the Christians, or they were from others." The same question was asked on Palestinian sites after Shireen Abu Akleh was killed, and the...Read More |
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